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Posts posted by Graeystone

  1. Got into Torchlight 2 Beta. . .and what a game even if it still in development mode. If you think TL2 is going to be easy like TL1, guess again. Runic said Torchlight 2's Normal Mode will be like Torchlight 1's Hard Mode and they weren't kidding. A lot of things that made TL1 too easy like combining gems into better ones are (so far) not in TL2.

    TL2 offers Offline Single Play, LAN/Multiplayer Co-op up to six players. Areas with a session can be flagged for PvP. There are still a lot of balancing issues that need to fixed. The Outlander and Embermage are way too much like Glass in the higher difficulties(veteran/elite). For 2H Weapon Fans, the Engineer is made for it while Dual Wielding is for the Beserker. The Outlander is Range and Embermage is Magic. All maps are randomized with each New Game.

    The Skills are unique and a lot are unheard of in ARPG games.


    Pre-Ordering - If you pre-order through Perfect World, you can get access to their closed beta for Neverwinter. There's still time to try to get into TL2's Beta by following these instructions-


    Right now Beta is limited to Multiplayer Co-op but a person can still solo play.


    Level Cap is at 21 for Beta. 100 Level cap for when the game ships. However with modding someone will no doubt make the cap much higher. There's mod for TL1 that makes the level cap 999.

  2. I was so looking forward to D3, but then I heard about this foolishness. It also requires an active inter-webs connection just to play the single player part. But wait, there ISN'T a single player part. All your stuff is stored on their servers and well, here's the dev feedback on that:

    Blizzard Responds to Diablo III Online Requirements Feedback


    A LOT of folks were upset over that mess and they guy actually had the nerve to be surprised. Go figure.

    Hackers are going to love that!


    Stormwing - I agree especially on the Torchlight 2.

  3. I think the Sacred 2 seraphim' was awesome. A massive improvement on the original S1 version..........IMHO.

    I think that may have been part of the overall plot - In Sacred 2 the Seraphim were at the height of their fighting power. But after the events of the Light Campaign in Sacred 2 and a thousand years(or however long it was between games) later in S1, the Seraphim lost a lot of their old power. A big example is that in S1 the BFG and Energy Shield are time limited while in Sacred 2 they are not.

    • Like! 1
  4. You're welcome. On top of picking gender, there is also this(Bold Italic Part)-

    Players will create and customize a character from one of four brand new classes. Each class can be played as either male or female, with customized cosmetic features and looks to make each individual character stand out. All new skills and loot give loads of opportunity for unique character builds.

    Guessing face, skin, and hopefully height and weight?

  5. Class information!

    Outlander(Glaive looks awesome!)









    Embermage(Why one word and not a compound word - Ember Mage?)


  6. What are 'AH' farmers?


    Those would be auction house farmers. With the new auction house in Diablo 3 making it able to sell items found in game for real money I am expecting a lot of farmers.

    From what I've read on other forums about the auction house and 'real money trading' is a concern about Chinese Farmers. In a way it can be a concern - a less than friendly government that is hungry for cash could have people be AHF and rack up money.


    Just on regular principle I'm against this kind of trading. I get the feeling there is going to be a lot of successful scams right out of the gate before Blizzard takes care of the problems.

  7. What would I change for thr Inquisitor? I would enable him to work for the Light as well as the Dark side! Don't think that this would be a huge difference? Well think about it.

    Think Star Wars for a minute and imagine Darth Vader deciding to work for the Rebellion, he doesn't have to become an angelic person, he can still be a nasty piece of work. Think also of DC comic style heroes, how many of them are nice guys and how many are "dark heroes"?


    Me, I fancy being a dark hero in the batman style and using tactics designed to scare the **** out of the bad guys and the Inquisitor fits the bill perfectly, so let me use him on the side of Light. Oh, go on, pretty please with sugar on top?



    I dunno. . .there are plenty of 'Do It For The Children Side Quests' to make the Inquisitor kind of look good. There's some kind of irony in having a Shadow Aligned Character help little kids.

  8. BT does seem to be wonky. In 2.43 there were times I would use it on what I thought was a flat terrain only to have two piddly flames shoot out in front of the HE. Don't know if it was a glitch or what. Still have yet to try HE in the community patch.

    Is the wonky and questionable BT somewhat fixed in the Community Patch?

  9. On 'using skills to improve their level', it worked for Secret of Mana for the SNES. Spells and weapons could be 'leveled up'. It would also look if the graphics/effect improve as the CA is leveled up - for example, a High Elf's fireball will start out simple like in Sacred 2. By leveling up the fireball, various affects can be added through specific trees-

    Choosing between a multi-fireball at once route or one large fireball makes a single target wish it never existed.

  10. Why don't they just call it a DLC and be done with it?


    Llama8 - I agree with you about the 'curse'. First Flagship Studio thinks the bank(s) won't want their loans back and now whatever mess this will turn into.

    If I'm understanding this new version correctly then there is no Single Player. . .OUCH!

  11. Won't touch this one until there is keyboard+mouse customization or the ability to use other controllers besides the X-Box 360.


    DaveO - I re-downloaded the demo earlier to try and find a workaround the gamepad issue. There was no corrupted files.

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