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Posts posted by Silver_fox

  1. Assuming this is a trick question...


    In Sacred 1, there's I believe 5 quests for the big lug.


    In Sacred 2, he makes a guest appearance in two class quests - the Seraphim as you mentioned, and IIRC, the Shadow Warrior...

    You've got the trick, Wolfie. You're of course right about Sacred 2 quests, but I'm not all that sure about Sacred 1. When I try to count these Sacred 1 quests, I get either 4 or 6 as a result (the whole story about the princess plays as 3 quests but is logged as 1). Well, I'll list the quests I remember and we'll see if I remember one quest more or one quest less than Wolfie. Let's go:


    In Sacred 1 Loromir takes part in:

    1. "The Female Dragonslayer" quest, which includes

    - Finding the princess by Loromir's request and battling her.

    - Then she asks you to escort her to the dragon.

    - Then you have to defeat the two from the dragonslayers.

    2. "Toothpick for a Dragon" quest, in which you make Loromir a new toothpick (eating dragonslayers' armor is dangerous for dragon's health)

    3. "Brother of the Dragon" quest, in which you gather some knights who want to train under Loromir's command

    4. The nameless and logless "Dragon Egg" quest, in which you buy a dragon's egg from a travelling merchant. One of the things you can do with the said egg is bringing it to Loromir (the dragon and his princess are very happy when you bring them a child they can raise).


    BTW.. You forgot one friendly dragon that you can communicate with. The Temple Guardian's Light Class quest, when you get to the jungle area, and cross a bridge, you're joined by a small dragon for a time as you delve into the area in search of answers to your origins...

    I didn't want to list the dragons who are hostile under some circumstances. This dragon from TG's quest is friendly for the Light TG and hostile for the Shadow one. I'm not sure whether or not this creature can be considered completely friendly in general.

  2. The best way to write the quest that was changed with CM depends on how much was changed. If they simply merged two quests together, it'd be enough to add a note on the first quest page saying something like 'In CM-patch this quest also includes the events of <name of the second quest>. You can read about them here:' and put a link to the original page of the second quest (which became a second part). If the events themselves weren't changed and their order is the same, there's no need to double the description of these events. But if the quest became significatly different, it'd be better to create a separate page for a CM version.


    On a side note, I'm done with the Memories of the Trees set. Now I'm planning to gather more info about a new Sigil feature and write something about these items.

  3. After a long time of discussion and waiting, the blowpipe set for the Dryad finally made its way to the game. Even though the final version of the stats is far from the first idea, a new "Memories of the Trees" set still can be an interesting option for a ranged Dryad.




    By the way, is it just me, or the final version of this set seems to be a suitable weapon choice for a mass-killing ranged Dryad?

  4. Long time no see, guys. But now I'm back and I'm going to stay.


    It's nice to see that all of you are still active and the wiki still grows.


    Since I happened to appear right when the new CM was issued, I'm going to gather some info about its new content. I already noticed an article about a new boss (that was really fast), so this new feature is described (by the way, are you sure that this new quest is a replacement of the old one? It was meant to be an addition... looks like this quest needs more testing). Now I'm gathering some info about various new items that appeared in this new patch.


    I just made a page for a new Dual Wielding set Remnants of Drizzt. The next page would be for the blowpipe based set called 'Memories of the Trees' (I've got the pictures already, now I need to process them and put them on a page). Hopefully, this page will be up tomorrow.


    By the way, when I saw a new page for LOTR easter eggs, I remembered a discussion we had in The Second Ring Download thread some time ago. Maybe it can be an addition to the newly created easter egg page.

  5. The relic holder actually recognizes all 12 equipped relics. You can get relic bonuses only from the upper 3, but all other 9 would count towards set bonuses too. That means that you don't lose the set bonus from sigil sets even when you switch from sigils to usual relics.

  6. This switch inside the cave takes part in the Corn Circles quest that can be found in a place called Benny's Corn Circles. It's a small farm south of that 'Old Dwarven Pass'. As for what the switch does, it summons an enemy you need to kill during the quest completion. This enemy appears only after the quest leads you to the cave. If you haven't accepted the quest before going to the cave, the switch does nothing.

  7. If you quicksave with F7 in multiplayer, on mp island, you can load that char in singleplayer - with your char still standing on mp island. Now you can use the Alt key and pause to identify the animals, take screenshots etc.

    I have to try this. Every previous time I used F7 (well, I moved the quicksave to F9 because I got too used to the Fallen Angel hot keys, but it doesn't matter) in multiplayer, the game refused to save the place and when I loaded this game in singleplayer, the character was standing near the active monolith. Have you changed something recently?

  8. Only thing I have to add is that the hitpoint bonus from Constitution is based on a static value, not percentage.

    I wasn't sure about it when I was writing my reply yesterday, so I checked the wiki. Its article about Constitution lists a hitpoint % bonus. Maybe the wiki is wrong, but from what I remember, Constitution adds more than 4 hitpoints on the first skill level.


    I know that there was a very good description of Flaring Nova made by Ryan several posts above, but I'll write my opinion too. Flaring Nova can be used as primary damage dealer (very effective against usual mobs, though champions usually remain alive after it), but in this case you should pay a lot of attention (and put points into) the Revered skills. If you are going to actually fight with Nova, it'd be better to keep RevTech Focus at level until 75 and then try to master the RevTech Lore (or vice versa, whatever you prefer). If you don't plan investing many points into revered and prefer to pay attntion to other skills, it'd be better to use Nova as utility CA because it will lack damage.


    As for mods, the second is obviously Stun (because it is useful and its alternative is broken). If you plan to use Nova against bosses, the first mod definitely should be Impulse (more damage + double chance to stun). For the utulity CA I prefer Impulse either because of the same double chance. For the main damage dealer, the first mod is debatable and actually depends on your preferred playstyle: Impulse provides better damage total, but affects significantly less mobs, so you'd have to keep the Nova spammable in order to get rid of a bigger crowds. This means that you have to watch the regen and not read too many runes. If Expand is chosen, the Nova affects more enemies at the same time and you can clear the area with less Novas. In this case you can afford a bit longer regen (because you'd have to spend some time gathering the next crowd around you) and boost damage by reading a couple more runes. The third mod is Flux for the damage and Laggard for the utility CA.


    Thank you for the heads-up! That makes it easier to chart my path here. But,this leads to another question:I was planning on working both Combat Reflexes AND Toughness into my current Seph but if Toughness requires both high-levels AND good gear,would I be better off going just Combat Reflexes and skipping Toughness altogether?

    What are your other skills this far? How many defensive skills do you plan to include. I'm especially interested in Warding Energy Lore. Also, are you planning to use the Warding Energy buff or to buff-up Divine Protection? You can skip Toughness if your character would have a good energy shield, but you'd better take this skill if Warding Energy Lore isn't included in your build.

  9. A question (since I was also planning on taking Toughness before Constitution)-why is this better? Con gives more health/regen but Toughness reduces the amount of damage you take,right?

    Toughness is a great skill, but its effect is more significant for high-level character than for a low-level one. Toughness adds some damage mitigation, but the amount of mitigation added isn't very big. Usually, the effect of Toughness can be noticed only if you have both this skill and some decent gear that adds some percents to Damage Mitigation. When you don't have such gear, this skill can't be a life savior. At lower character levels, the item levels are also low, and the amount of mitigation these items may add is not great either.


    On low skill levels Toughness adds less than 1% of mitigation (0.3% on level 1). The enemies that level 35 seraphim can encounter don't do great damage (number-wise), so 1% mitigation would be barely noticeable. At the same time, Constitution adds some % to hitpoints (4% on skill level 1), which even for level 35 seraphim can result in significant numbers. So on low levels the effect of Constitution is more noticeable. As I said, it changes as the character grows in levels and gets access to better items (and stronger enemies).

  10. The defence looks OK, this would be survivable the way it is now. Combat Reflexes is nice skill, but it's not the main source of defence. However, if you're going for melee as your play style and exalted as primary aspect, you can swap RevTech Lore for Combat Reflexes as you won't get a lot of damage from revered CAs anyway.


    As for Flaring Nova, the mods can be either Expand-Stun-Flux if you're going to use it as main attacking CA, or Impulse-Stun-Laggard if you're going to use it only as a support CA (in order not to deal big damage, but to weaken the opponents before attack). Impulse doubles the chance to stun, so it's a good choice for a close combat fighter.


    Also, it may be better to take Constitution at level 35 and Toughness at level 65, because Constitution is more beneficial for low-level characters and Toughness comes into play on higher levels.

  11. The CM patch does sound interesting, does it stop me from using the online closed servers? Is it possible to toggle it or do I need 2 installations? I often play in closed due to my character being on the servers and game crashes not running the risk of losing progress or downright corrupting my save. How stable is Ice & Blood with the CM patch?


    Ice and Blood is more stable with the CM patch than without it. The patch does a lot of troubleshooting, mostly with side quests, but not limited to them. The patch works only in singleplayer and LAN/Open Net, because it never was installed to the Closed servers. But if you want to play Closed, it's quite easy to uninstall the patch using the disable tool that is provided with it (and then install it again). The only limitation here is to remember not to load a singleplayer character when the patch is disabled (it won't corrupt the savegame, but the character would lose all CM content, like CM-only items or info about CM-only quests).

  12. I've been waiting for this game since it was announced, because I liked the original Torchlight but really missed co-op. All trailers look good, so I'll definitely pick the game as soon as it'd be released. The question is whether or not they finally announced a release date. They keep telling about 'July 2011', but I saw nothing more precise this far. I start to suspect that the release might be delayed.

  13. Long story short: yes, his offer would help quite a bit to catch back up with the farming.

    I uploaded the chest with versions I have at the moment. That's level 30 version from Silver (with level 35 sword) and level 90 version from Gold (with level 80 sword). Normally, all items drop every 15 levels, but the sword somewhy adjusts its level to the level of a character who gets it.

    Anyway, here is the link to the chest for Frostyman and others who want the set right now:

    Download here

    (Sorry, I'm not uploading it to DM because I think it'd be better not to multiply the uploads of this set. It'd be wonderful if any of you could merge this chest with level 15 one that is already uploaded)

  14. Is this the case for all uniques or set items that have this mod? That the skill EP has to be picked for it to be active? I'd forgotten about that, and in fact think it's an excellent note to add, which I could do.

    Definitely not for all of them. There are two ways to identify the items that do require EP skill to activate the modifier:

    1. If Chance to find valuables is a yellow modifier (example - Mormorin's Sash) is does not require EP. If it's a blue modifier (like on the Well-worn Hat), it usually does require EP.

    2. Check the item modifying skill, which is listed under the item level. If this line says Modifier: "Armor Lore", than no bonuses on this item require EP. But if it says Modifier: "Enhanced Perception", than this item is our client.


    The same applies to Experience per kill, by the way - it can be a yellow modifier, or a blue modifier that requires EP.


    I have a doubt about Witching About quest though: the quest enemies here are "Goblin" and "Kobold". They are not created in the Bestiary with those names (note their portrait are goblin archers, see images), and doubt if they should. Also see they have ZERO for their armor and damage stats! I never saw that before.

    If they appear specially for the quest and their names are different from the usual name of their enemy type, or their stats are specific, than they should have bestiary pages. In this case, they should have them. Usually these enemies are called 'Goblin Archer', not 'Goblin' or 'Kobold', and their stats are totally specific. By the way, ZERO damage and/or armour is quite a common thing for quest enemies (which never occures for non-quest enemies). For Example:




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