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Posts posted by Ostgar

  1. This is a list from people who have posted PSN tags since Feb. If they are still lurking - just PM me or reply and let me know if you have a mic and I'll add that... Also - if you want to start fresh do HC, Light, Dark, etc.


    Ostgar............Mic Yes

    HeavenlyClassic...Mic ?

    H9rnskog..........Mic ?

    ANN1HALATOR.......Mic ?

    tyler-durden23....Mic ?

    tom_kari..........Mic ?

    Ibefish...........Mic ?

    Andrasael.........Mic ?

    Demiourgos30......Mic ?

    twizted_diablo....Mic ?

    SFAvernal.........Mic ?

    Loyal2no1.........Mic Soon

  2. Whatever I don't want to talk about this anymore I'll just uninstall and move on unless someone's got a mod. Good thing Ascaron went bankrupt, makes me feel slightly better.


    I'm sorry about your disappointment with the lack of game slots.


    But we have a great number of members here who are pretty talented with the modding, and perhaps someone here on the boards will be able to help you.


    As well, please take it easy on the crowd here Michael. It's never nice when anyone loses their job. Needing money to pay for bills while feeding your family and out of a job is not pleasant.


    Enjoy your stay here with our community, welcome to DarkMatters






    Love this reply made me laugh out loud = P


    It's like trying to buy a game and GameStop and they try to sell you the magazine and you say "Nah - thanks for the offer" with a reply of "Of course - glad you think it's a great deal - let's just add the few bucks for you to have it."

    "Really man - I don't need it"

    "Of course. I added it for ya"


    HEHEH - I know that goes off on a strange tangent - but I think it at least backs up my real life LOL.


    Already liking gogo from my short time here... stopping the hate with pure love.

  3. Had some gooood times with lujate - killed the Kobold Chief at level 6 or so - we are gonna start doing games around 7 pm CST(us) so if anyone wants to catch us we will be leveling together... apparently we need a HE since that's all that drops.


    Gonna start a Dragon Mage HC to catch up with Gogo and whoever to try that out.


    Love the game but Hardcore makes it SOO much more rewarding.


    P.S. I should mention we are going it by grit alone - no higher level help at all.




    Sooooo.... my Dragon Mage died at level 2... off to PS3 safe land for a bit - gonna try it again tomorrow.

  4. Was digging around on Deep Silvers site - no mention of anything Sacred... wonder if this is being built by one or two folks while they are working on Dead Island and Risen 2 and..... nail'd?


    Wish we could get a little news - around a year after it was announced and nothing...


    OR.... am I missing news somewhere?


    Did find this.



  5. I'm on Ice and Blood - my schedule is... well... I'm a stay at home dad and student (no school for the next few weeks). So besides my writing and family time here and there - I can be on whenever.

    I am on US central time, and during the week, I can normally manage a couple of hours in the evening. I am up for giving it a go. Let me know if that works for you.


    Perfect... I'm central also. Just let me know what time you want to start and I'll be on for it tonight.

  6. 5 in Ice And Blood perhaps but it's 4 in the standard. No it's not enough, no there is no excuse.


    "while there are more keys, there are already things that are being used by them."


    Really cause last time I checked there's at least 20 keys open for more hotkeys. Why in the **** would they think it a good idea to give more hotkey slots to potions over skills. Or more hotkeys on consoles as opposed to PCs. That's just stupid.


    Whatever I don't want to talk about this anymore I'll just uninstall and move on unless someone's got a mod. Good thing Ascaron went bankrupt, makes me feel slightly better.


    It's actually not the keys that are the issue - it's the player the two versions are aimed at. Almost ALL PC games that come out on PC and Console are harder on PC. It's viewed that PC gamers are a more refined strategic bunch, while console gamers need something a bit simpler.


    Plus... it's about 50 times easier to switch out arts with a mouse than it is with a controller.


    Oh... and really... no need to go off on people for doing something you don't agree with. It was a design choice - not a stupidity move. Try to walk on a bit more of a kind road in life - you'll find more people are willing to listen to you. You're lucky you said that in this forum... most others would have flamed you into the ground.


    update: Was just playing PS3 and I noticed you only have 12 total slots for Weapons, buffs and CAs. So it would seem the PC has more slots total. With 5 slots for CAs 5 for Weapons and 3 for buffs (?). That's 13. Granted they are specific to certain things, but regardless - there isn't much of a difference between the two.

    • Like! 1
  7. I would say - if you haven't yet - talk to someone not close to you about this. Get everything out. I haven't had anything as tramatic as what you went through, but when times were tough in life - I would get dreams like this - just letting everything out, purging my system and feelings of it (in a healthy way) seemed to help.


    I was very very close to my grandfather and he died june last year. He was the strong guy in the family and would be the shoulder for the rest of us - so I kind of took up that role at his funeral - think I was the only person with a dry eye there and it tore me up. When I got home and had a few days to process it - I just let it all out to my wife - just said everything I felt, some made no sense, some was profound. After a few days of just clearing all those feelings, getting them out in the open, things got better. The fear and sadness left and all I had was the happy memories and a little bit of missing him.


    I'm far from a person to give advice on these situations, but from personal experience, I thought it may help.

  8. So I'm coming back to Sacred 2 and loving my loot-madness-addiction again.


    I've read this and the wiki a bit and the info for new players is mind boggling. My question and maybe advice from what I've learned so far.


    Best to just go at it and not worry about stuff for a while - then start up fresh with some of the advice given?


    Seems to work better for me - but I don't want to build a character that can't get past level 75 because I broke him too early.




    Also - any interest in a ground floor - no twink/bargaining - straight up hardcore game?

    Starting at level 1 together and only playing at times we are able to be on together - no other characters to back us up - just the dirt in our teeth and blood on... or in our pants as it were?


    We could do this PC or PS3... happy to try it on either.

  9. I just purchased Gold from you two guys after falling back in love with the game on PS3. Decided to go back to PC and give the whole thing a run with the expansion.


    I'll give an update on how it goes here from 'merica.


    Glad I stumbled onto the site today - plan on sneaking into all your forums and asking all kindsa questions.


    Is there still a good chunk of folks that are starting up online games for us soon to be ... re-newbies?


    Welcome to DarkMatters Ostgar! I'm glad you found us, and yeah...there's a few of us in the servers in HC...but if you die once it's over...if yer up for that level of pain, we are always welcoming new players into the online pack









    First - install worked perfectly - no issues at all getting it set using the instructions put in the second post of this thread.


    I want to do HC big time - just need to learn the game a bit. Think I'm overwhelming myself a bit by trying to take in all the info - just gonna make something and play it for a week or so then I may just be down for putting myself through that torture = P


    May not be the place to ask this - but Temple Guard is good stuff for group games? Would that be smart for a HC server with you guys?

  10. Ostgar



    Just started - still deciding on what to play as first - if I can get a constant group to play with I would love to play a support role.

    You could always play one character a day until you try then all.


    Kinda doing that as the kid/wife allow - Trying to get each to level 10 to get a decent feel for the play style and abilities. I enjoy casters so kinda leaning towards HE but gonna look at an Inqy next.

  11. I just purchased Gold from you two guys after falling back in love with the game on PS3. Decided to go back to PC and give the whole thing a run with the expansion.


    I'll give an update on how it goes here from 'merica.


    Glad I stumbled onto the site today - plan on sneaking into all your forums and asking all kindsa questions.


    Is there still a good chunk of folks that are starting up online games for us soon to be ... re-newbies?

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