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Posts posted by Aurora

  1. Aaargh I hate speed cameras!! ;)


    Do you guys (anyone) have the unspoken rule that if you see a camera you flash on your brights to the oncoming traffic to warn them? I love the satisfaction when someone notices and gives you the thumbs up :thumbsup[1]: ...but of course I would never encourage speeding <_<


    And do you guys get demerit points or just a fine for speeding?

  2. Hey All ;)


    If you are thinking about joining the D.a.r.k. family in Vendetta here is a few things you should know:


    At this stage we are not accepting applications based on points……


    We are looking for peeps that are:

    -active players

    - have a good sense of humour

    - want to be part of the Dark Matters community 

    -and of course have a heap of fun....and a heap of bloodshed…muwahahah….. :devil2[1]:


    If you think D.a.r.k. may suit you write an application in here and we will get back to you ASAP…


    All applications will be considered at this point


    So make us an offer we can't understand before we make you one :gunsmilie[1]:


    In the meantime join us in the bar for a drink or two and we can all get to know each other :bomb:

  3. :rotfl[1]:


    Thats hilarious Lex ;)


    THis was my convo with Oliver, my new friend...


    so whats up?

    I am chatting with clients on the internet.






    Alright then.


    Dark rocks

    Are you scared of the dark?


    no I love it

    I see. So do a lot of other people.





    do you like dark?

    Some people like it. I find my work and my relationships extremely satisfying, which is all that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.


    I guess

    You seem not interested.


    dont be like that

    I was not trying to be a like that.


    ok must be off now

    Oh. See you later.



    I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.

    When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?



  4. WoW! :yay9ux[1]:


    Dark now has 6 members in the top 100:

    K2K @1

    Cyclops @29

    Gint @78

    Gogo @93

    Cthulhu @99



    Then from DaG:



    And from Spawn theres is:





    Following close behind by Master of the nuts, Epithet, locutus, Trauma, and OMG STUFF who will all be in the top 100 soon I am sure :D


    We ROCK! B)

  5. Hey Booner!


    Welcome to Dark Matters and of course to Dark Vendetta :D


    THis is a great place to hang out and have a drink....or three ;)


    Just pop your application in to us over in Vendetta and you will be in ASAP :D


    Looking forward to getting to know u better :)


    Cheerz Aurora

  6. Cthulhu wrote:


    Its going to happen any time now! Good job K2K :dribble[1]:


    Gogoblender wrote:



    He's gonna make it soon....

    gonna have a partay!





    Aurora wrote:






    Known2Kill wrote:


    wooooohoooooooo =)


    I met my goal by being the first to get 1M points and holding #1 fleet :)


    1 * Known2KiLL D.a.r.k. 1002832

    2 * Prototype666 Write message DureX 975930


    I will go under 1M points in a few hours but the ammount of the profit for this next hit.... *drools* oh I'll be back in no time :)


    Bef wrote:


    Congratulations dude :)


    Gogoblender wrote:


    k2k amazing!


    lol, someone's gotta start up a gratz thread fer you in the OOF!

    nicely done dude





    Cyclops wrote:


    way to go k2k!! B)


    Erialc wrote:


    WOW Huge Gratz K2K! ;)


    locutus wrote:


    very very nice, even if I added up the pts in the 2 unis I play id still far wayyyyyyy short.


    Master of the Nuts wrote:


    Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment K2K.


    Cthulhu wrote:


    Very nice job! Glad that you broke the 1 million barrier before the big crash went through ;)


    Indy13 wrote:


    Simply amazing... :shok[1]:

    You did well indeed.


    P.s. You're now in the top 250 .org players. :)

  7. Gogoblender wrote:


    I think it's coming....

    the poll is showing huge favor for it...

    so we should start gettin ready

    I like Aurora's take on this..that clan members that are geographically close can combine fleets easier cuz of easy deut costs.

    how bout moons...can we build fleet depots on moons?

    if others put their fleets on my moon...will they benefit from others NOT being able to phalanx that moon?

    Are there any other tricks we can think of?








    indeed. I better start reading up. Can your ships and other alliance ships stay at the alliance depot? Is it like a moon where it's about 3 mins away from the planet or is it just a building on the planet? That having been said can people target a depot like they can a planet or moon? Hmm. I read the tutorial but it's still a little unclear.


    Gogoblender wrote:


    I"m going to ask Cass and Wraith02 (head admins over from ogame.org) over to see if they wouldn't mind answering some of these questions here on our forum as a complimentary discussion to threads running in ogame official forum






    Aurora wrote:


    That would be very cool Gogo :)

    I have read the tutorial thingy too but it is a bit vague in parts....


    I have heapz of questions... :unsure:



    Masterof the Nuts wrote:


    Does anyone know when they would implement this if they decide to go through with it?


    locutus wrote:


    I pm'ed cavalier-the go, and he said he didnt know when they'd be implementing the acs if it was voted in favor.....so I guees they're keeping it under wraps.


    Gogoblender wrote:


    hey guys!

    yeah I've got tons of questions as well...

    I've pmed wrath02 and Cassandra Vandales and hope they have a moment to show up ...heh, they're pretty busy these days ;)

    I"M wondering...could anyone here please post the link to that info thread on acs that you guys mentionned in the above posts here in this thread?






    Cassandra Vandales wrote:




    That one.. ;)


    I will see what can be answered. :)



    Gogoblender wrote:


    hey Cassandra, welcome back to Dark Matters!

    as you can see we're all interested in ACS

    I"ve got a question regarding moons....

    The talk is that they become more valuable.

    Can you please tell us why?







    Gogoblender wrote:


    btw, this thread is open to all members of the forum that can see this thread.

    I encourage everone to post all questions of interest pertaining to ACS

    This includes clan, allies and visitors from the official ogame forum as well.







    locutus wrote:

    My question is about the depot itself. Is it a building on theplanet or does it hover like a moon/df. For instance can someone attack/target a depot where a fleet is or is it simply a meeting point. Would the homefleet from the homeplanet be on the planet or at the depot of the planet...sorry tried to make that make sense.



    Cassandra Vandales wrote:


    The alliance depot is a normal building on the planet, an addition to the existing ones.


    And the moon has still the same value IMO, the only thing ACS does is that ppl can combine fleets and thus they will grow way bigger than ever before.



    Gogoblender wrote:


    hey cass!


    so with acs...we can build a depot on the moon?

    And will the players launching an attack from there be protected from a phalanx as well?





    Cassandra Vandales wrote:

    Not on the moons, on the planet.:)

  8. Erialc wrote:


    I've been thinking about this for a while...I'll compare it to Ogame...I know it's not ...but...How can it become that bit more exciting?..Ok I'll start my ramble...In Ogame you have that edge the raiding, the hoff's, the chance for moons...well it gets the pulse going a tad....


    In Vendetta...I can map out areas...I can raid...and that is sooo much fun...but it is slow...hell how much time does the person being attacked need to hide their goodies...assuming they are online.....and I can build up my points...assuming you want to play for points...I don't really honestly care for points...but I must admit to being very suprised as to how fast I have gotten them...anyway..I am building a little army and hopefully one day soon I'll have a great defense...but I am in the Mafia...I am a Gangstah...I wanna Raid ...have I got this game all wrong?


    I am really enjoying it don't get me wrong In fact I am loving it but it is slow...and I want to do more...Is there a way?


    Any Ideas?


    Aurora wrote:




    I agree with you! I keep comparing Vendetta to Ogame which might be my first mistake....


    Vendetta is great but it really is missing something...


    I cant suggest anything to make any difference tho, everything I know I have learnt from you ;)


    Maybe its still early dayz...I dunno :unsure:


    Schot wrote:


    Hi girls! :wub[1]:


    Well if I were to guess maybe its a bit early still. In ogame it took a long time for many players to reach a level where the action became hot.


    I guess this could be said about most any game. You start off small and for a while its a painfully slow crawl uphill.


    Have faith erialc. You'll hit your stride soon I'm sure. :)

  9. Timof Doom wrote:


    Oh no I remember reading that :D


    You killed Pevil and LadyP :cry_smile[1]: evil murderer! :)


    *sniffle* poor pevil and lady P




    Great story GoGo :oooo: been nice to re-read it


    Gogoblender wrote:


    heh, yeah the story was fun...


    lol, anyone else wanna finish it?


    Don't know if I ever wanna get that sick again and bouncing off codeine...






    Erialc wrote:


    Couldn't we just give you the codine? ;)


    Gogoblender wrote:








    Cyclops wrote:


    ok havn't read the story yet but this line caught my attention


    written by Diane Warren and sung by Russell Watson


    My surname is Warren and my fiancee's first name is Diane B)


    Gogoblender wrote:


    That's karma fer you man.

    That song is a wicked tune

    it's the theme song for the series Enterprise

    it's the only song that they've ever made that has lyrics in it for a star trek franchise.

    I hated it when I first heard it...

    but totally fell in love with it after just a few plays




  10. Llama8 wrote:


    Hey guys, would you like to guys who's just been made a Mod on the SIF?


    Be afraid. Be very afraid…


    Erialc wrote:


    Hahaha Gratz Llama...Good Choice!


    psst Afraid?...We always were ;)


    Celebrimbor wrote:


    Llama, couldn't have happened to nicer guy, well done. You've always been a great asset to the SIF.




    Gogoblender wrote:


    llama, tha'ts so awesome dude!


    And as I posted in the sif without a SINGLE spelling error...


    A most well desrved appointment my friend.


    Good luck...and make em get that game out faster!






    Halenthal wrote:


    Good luck...and make em get that game out faster!


    Ha, wait til you find out how little power mods or even admins actually have as far as the game is concerned :oooo: (if you're curious, on the forum itself, mods have quite a bit of power over threads, admins have total power over users, threads, and board settings, EXCEPT for being able to change Mirko's title. I tried.) The people with the most influence over the game development, apart from the devs obviously, are the beta testers, and the German beta testers have by far the most input. Note that I'm not saying Ascaron doesn't listen to the international beta testers, they do, but by the time the game is ready for an international beta test, it's almost finished (localization is one of the last stages before release) so there's not much international beta testers can do about basic things in the game.


    But to be somewhat on topic at least, yes, it's good to have you as a mod-and though it may make your head swell even more than it already is, I don't believe Lexy submitted your name for being a mod and I know I didn't, so it's quite possible you were handpicked by Mirko himself. And usually we have a discussion with Mirko about who may or may not be a mod, by we I mean the administrators (me, Lexy, Raisor and Striker), but for you there wasn't a discussion. Mirko probably felt that it wasn't needed, and I quite agree.


    (yep, I registered here just to post in this thread, and unfortunately I don't have time to check this forum regularly as well, but I'll try to stop in from time to time)


    Schot wrote:


    Oh wow... Handpicked by the mastah himself?! Now I'm really afraid! lol ;)

    Great news Llama! Gratz to you mah friend!:D


    Cyclops wrote:


    congrats llama B)


    Llama8 wrote:


    :) Hey Hal!


    and the German beta testers have by far the most input.

    That & they speak the same language as the devs...


    and though it may make your head swell even more than it already is

    I don't know what you're talking about Hal!


    Schot wrote:


    *Points at Llama's avatar*


    Look Hal! He's makin faces at you. Are you gonna stand for that?


    *Stands back and watchs the "SIFs" go at it.*




    Gogoblender wrote:


    ahhh. coooooool..welcome to DarkMatters Hal!

    And yeah llama was a natural fer the sif position

    yay llama!

    I was wondering why llama's leering lecherousy tongue sticky outtey thingy that works here on this avatar doesn't work on the SIF....

    It's a gif isn't it?

    And have a drink at the bar dude...

    It's amazing seeing you here hal...







    Llama8 wrote:


    I'm currently wondering why I can't get onto the SIF...


    Gogoblender wrote:


    im' there right now doin my early mornin spam

    maybe it's yer browser?

    Bad link?

    try this link and see if you can get into it this way








    Erialc wrote:


    They have sacked you already :o....shouldn't have wiggled your Llama tongue at Hal! j/k


    And Hal woooo great to see you here....hope you do pop back from time to time biggrin.gif


    Llama8 wrote:


    Nah, it's my ISP (no idea why). I need to find out what their proxy is.


    Edit: Have proxy will post! :)


    Edited by Aurora: I had to leave out some of the emoticons cos apparently there was too many in the one thread :)

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