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Posts posted by hylin

  1. yeah, I don't have any +x-x/all skills, I usually just look for +x-x with +damage%, RpH, deathblow, or limit opponent evade. Shopping is fun if only for a little while, any longer it becomes work, and who wants to "work" while playing games, lol


    I didn't realize that RpH combined with -regen is overkill, I always feel a combination of two bonuses with synergy is better than one, I'm probably dead wrong though. I'm not the type of player that tries to figure out the math stuff, I usually just go with it :) ok, whew! all those great info has given me a lot to think about (I hate "thinking" when I'm relaxing and playing games haha), now to put all those good ideas into practice...

  2. I kept my concentration at 1 (~30 with all skills), my 2 focus skills are around 60ish (with all skills/ca, my ca level without penalty is 52). I've saved some points to dump into my 10th skill (whenever I pick it). My regen (with both buff on) is currently ~4s for FR (~15 to 20 runes iirc) and slightly lower regen for DB (~35 to 40 runes). I was planning to take both focus to mastery first, but I think I might start to pump more into concentration as the regen bonus is much better per level and it reduces both aspects for the skill points spent. I'm just not sure which skill is better for rune eating/CA level at my level so I just went with mastering focus first.


    Thanks for the replies, both of you guys gave me some great ideas (and also got me to think about some stuff that you didn't even write in your posts lol). One final question, I've found items with -regen penalty from buff (orange color mod), are these better than -regen% rings/-regen smith stones?

  3. chattius:

    No, I don't have the CM patch, mainly because it took me some time just to get I&B working and stable enough to play. For CA's, I tend to use +all skills/+CA items to boost CA levels, I do use a bit RpH, but not much. I try to mix eating runes combined with +all skills/ca and maintain regen of around 4~5s. So combined with combat discipline and the couple of RpH items I have, my combos are fairly spammable.


    Good call! How can I forget about the deadly LL% (maybe because as a melee SW, I don't see that modifier much). I'll have to go hunt for some. As for the CA and RpH, isn't 2s~2.5s kind of low if you socket RpH rings? I mean, can I just eat runes where my CA regen is 7~8s and socket 3~4 RpH rings? My chance to hit is pretty high because I've socketed items to limit enemy evade, so recharging with RpH shouldn't be a problem.


    My problem is that I hit fast, don't miss much, and CA recharge quick enough to spam (while FR is landing those multiple hits), but I would like to boost my damage more, especially against bosses. I would like to raise my CA levels too, but I'm still working to put points into the 2 aspect focus skills so I can eat more runes. Ideally, purely from a char level standpoint (lv110), what number of runes and CA levels should I be at for my Frenzied Rampage and Demonic Blow and my 2 buff CA's? From reading both of your replies, I get a sense that I'm lower than average.

  4. I didn't notice it too much at lower levels, but now that I'm higher level and in Platinum, I'm starting to feel the "nerf" to strengh/attack that I've read about, my pc sw compare to my ps3 sw is 20+ levels higher, and has better skill/mod choices, yet he feels weaker, especially against bosses.


    It seems SW is more of a tank character now, still uber defense, but much nerfed offense. So how do people maximize attack/damage for Ice and Blood Shadow Warriors? Some of the things I've thought of:


    1) More +x-x, +x% damage, +deathblow in sockets and less +all skills and +CA

    2) Take Tactics Lore to 200 instead of just 124 for mod points

    3) Use weapons with the "+Direct Damage" bonus

    4) Take Damage Lore as my last skill, not sure how much this will help (I've left 10th skill open)

    5) Socket +x% elemental damage for more DoT (combined with Damage Lore)


    In regards to #3, what's the best modifier for a dual-wield SW? I usually look for +all skills, +chance to disregard armor, -opponent's evade/+chance opponent cannot evade, +chance to double-hit/critical hit, but I'm not sure if they are better. I figured 2 weapons with direct damage sloted with +x-x/+x% dmg and +deathblow rings "should" be the best weapons, right?


    So what do you guys think? Thanks in advance for any input.

  5. He's on ps3 so probably don't have cursed forest, which is sad...since like you said, those construct soldiers drop a lot of rings and amulets and no weapons/armors that overload your inventory


    For rings and amulets, your best bet (fighting wise) is still the orc cave, at least 4 champions per run that you can grind repeatedly. But that get boring quickly, so you also find a boss really close to a save point, like Wild Boar (lower char level), Dragon end boss in the Seraphim Island cave (mid level), or the 4 Guardians final boss, then farm them repeatedly while modifying your weapons/gears towards that particular boss(s) for the most damage possible.


    However, I have found that uniques don't usually offer the best modifiers since they are the same each time you get them, only their item level changes. Unless you are grinding for a specific unique, like artamark's star, I think you will be better off to use bargain shoppers to buy rings/amulets you need, like +x-x rings, +all skill rings, etc.

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  6. I came across this old thread while googling Shadow Warrior guides, and since the last post is dated Dec. 2010, I'm not sure if my question will even be answered.


    Anyway, I downloaded this character and noticed he had some insanely high modifiers bonuses for lv2/lv3 gears, like 7.5% chance to find pendant and +3 enhanced perception relics. Having 28% chance to find on a level 3 Ceremonial Might is just crazy! I made a lv2 shopper to buy stuff for my other characters, but even at 10 bargaining (5x my char level), I have never seen "chance to find" greater than 5.x% for lv2/lv3 gears or more than +1 skill bonus for rings/amulets/relics. How was this achieved?


    The map revealed and survival bonus I can understand because it just takes time, but these bonuses greatly puzzles me.

  7. thanks everyone, I'll go with those then.


    I'll create a backup save at level 50 and use the last 2 slots to test out skills I might like, but I probably won't see significant difference until mastery, like Damage Lore. It's ok tho, after all, isn't playing and tweaking builds part of the fun of Sacred 2? :P

  8. If I leave out both Toughness and Spell Resistance and go for Combat Discipline and Damage Lore, will I be too weak for bosses and champion mobs in Niob?


    I think Constitution and Combat Reflex go well together and for my build, since I'm going for offense, I will most likely look for a lot of offensive bonuses and modifiers in my weapons and gears. Will my defense hold up with just those 2 defensive skills (I will also try to buff up my Grim Resilience and Reflective Emanation through gears)? I really hope I don't have to make up for the lack of dmg mitigation/spell resistance by having to get them on gears bonuses/sockets, because then it would totally defeat the purpose of getting the offensive skills.

  9. I enjoy playing the high dps, high evade type of melee characters in most rpg's, and normally in other games, the character is made physically weaker to compensate for their overpower. But for Sacred 2, it's awesome that Shadow Warriors can do the assassin-type build but also make him very, very durable.


    I'm building this guy to be evasive, so GR I modded him Rejuvenate-Discipline-Safeguard, while RE I modded Tough-Antimagic-Reposte. So in this regard, I think I'll keep Constitution and Combat Reflex, I'll evade as much as I can, and when I do get hit, my high hp and hp regen can tank it out.


    I took Toughness on my PS3 SW and found it was a bit overkill, that's why I was thinking of going for more offense. But Damage Lore doesn't seem to benefit SW that much since his Combat Arts are all physical and I also won't be modding any poison effects in Demonic Blow and Frenzied Rampage. So does that mean I will only benefit from Damage Lore if I have gears with status effects or socket them with it?


    For Combat Discipline, I'm mainly taking it for the -10%/-20% regen, but it's one of the last skills I will master so I still has to think about it. I never took Combat Discipline on PS3 but almost all the SW builds/guides here calls for it, so I thought it was good on PC. Also, from what you guys are saying, it seems that if I can only take either Toughness or Spell Resistance, Toughness is still better for Niob?

  10. I apologize for making a new topic on builds, but I've read several guides as well as some of the threads below and I still didn't find my answer. I'm playing on Ice & Blood PC right now (but I'm more familiar with PS3 version).


    My build is the dual wield so the first six skills is pretty cookie cutter, Tactics Lore, Armor Lore, Dual Wield, DW Focus, Concentration, and MC Focus. But the last 4 I'm going back and forth on since Ice and Blood changed some things versus console. My original plan was the following:


    25 - Constitution

    35 - Combat Reflex

    50 - Combat Discipline

    65 - Spell Resistance


    I read that Ice and Blood has some strong casters, hence the Spell Resistance instead of Toughness. But I've also read that Damage Lore was much improved on Ice and Blood. Is Damage Lore worth taking for my build or would the secondary effects boosts not matter that much for SW? I plan to run on fully modded Grim Resilience and Reflective Emanation, so my defense should be good, but all 4 of those skills seems essential to me.


    Also, I saw that Furian's Ultimate Warrior guide did not take Constitution, and Constitution benefited my SW alot on console. What's the reason for it? Was Constitution nerfed?

  11. wow really? that sucks, I made some godly low level equips on PS3. Socketing +10 all skills and multi bonus rings/amulets into lv2 gears was just awesome.


    I also noticed the inventory/storage is much smaller, due to items using images and taking up grids instead of just a weight limit, I was able to stock up a lot of sets and uniques for various classes just by using storage alone on PS3, not so with PC. Probably have to make a lot of mule toons. The PC version is also a lot more glitchy. I spent hours trying to get it to run smoothly (Win7), but some ingame stuff is still bugged, like loading screen images not loading correctly.


    But the best thing about the PC version I would have to say are the mods. I won't be doing too much with it since it will totally break the game. But some tweaks are just too good to pass up, like the ones that shrink inventory to 1x1 to make storage bigger and character saves uploaded by generous members of Darkmatters, so I can test out builds (I spent countless hours on PS3 remaking characters because they took the wrong skills/CA mods or overate runes, etc...


    I think I'm beginning to dig the PC version more after looking past the glitches and other stuff, just comparing it side by side with the PS3 gameplay wise doesn't do it justice. And on top of that, Dragon Mage! Rawr!

  12. yea, I can't wait to play the Dragon Mage and see those new bosses and items! I think I will mainly miss the extra CA slots, it's just so much easier to use the L1/R1 rotation & 4 buttons combo instead of the keyboard hotkeys. I plan to make a Shadow Warrior to start because I'm most familiar with that character. I plan to play around with him to figure out PC gameplay and get him to high level to fund my other toons.


    I saw a number of older threads complaining about the +all skills nerf and the rune eating nerf too. Probably won't make much difference as I never made it to that high level on PS3. I wish the readme files that came with updated versions listed these gameplay changes in addition to the general add-ons. Anyway, thanks for replaying, those that you guys mentioned were probably the big ones, I'll just play on to figure out the rest. I enjoy the game research part almost as much as playing the game lol

  13. I played Sacred 2 Fallen Angel on the PS3 and enjoyed it very much. After getting disappointed at Diablo 3 but don't want to start/learn a new game in Path of Exile, I decided to give Sacred 2 PC a go. My question is with the Ice & Blood expansion 2.64.


    It seems that PS3 version is on par with PC's 2.40, mostly. But are there threads that summarizes what the Ice & Blood expansion added/removed and enhanced/nerfed? Like changes in skills such as Blacksmith, Spell Resistance, and Damage Lore, or nerf of melee attack, which from reading some threads here, seemed to merit build changes. I didn't find such info in Sacred Wiki and here, those infos seems to be scattered here and there within individual guides. So my question is - is there a post out there that discussed all these changes in one giant thread or maybe some gurus here summarized these changes somewhere? I mainly play Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, and High Elf if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance!

  14. Thanks for clearing that up, lujate, it's hard to distinguish between console and pc here,

    and it seems most of the players writing guides are using Ice & Blood and pc as standard.

    Like I almost took blacksmith for my dual-wield shadow warrior until I read about the

    blacksmith bug. blacksmith and ep would have made my shadow warrior more fun to play.


    And Graitful, you are absolutely right about the boredom. I'm grinding my shadow warrior

    in platinum right now to fund my low level characters and also test my luck with drops

    (which is pretty non-existent). Boredom is actually what caused me to start this BFG seraphim.


    Now that I've actually played the BFG seraphim more, I think I can afford to drop RT Lore and WE

    Lore for both bargaining and EP. Bargaining is so useful, but I just don't how I'm going to

    keep the goodies coming w/o +all-skill socket items. Other than BFG and DP, I don't use RT

    combat arts at all, except maybe FN for mob control, so RT Lore now seems more like a luxury

    I don't need.


    Thanks for all the help guys, you were all very, VERY helpful!


    ps. I need to start putting more time actually PLAYING the game instead of reading sutff on

    Sacred Wiki and here on the forum :)

  15. so I took EP and not bargaining for my seraphim, through playing other characters, I found

    bargaining hard to keep up its benefits w/o sacrificing points which boosts other

    essential skills. I think it's easier to take bargaining w/ a single aspect char, like

    the pyro HE, so I'll probably make that guy into a shopper.


    RT Lore gives dmg boosts, since I like as much offense as possible, it seems logical to.

    But after reading Graitful's comments, I'm now wondering about toughness. I've read a number

    of guides here, for seraphim as well as some other classes, it seems toughness is often passed

    up in people's builds, both melee and ranged characters, unless it's a defensive-heavy

    character. Is it not that good? I have not taken a character high enough where I have its

    mastery, since it's always like my 6th or 7th mastery priority.


    Would it be better if I hang on to WE Lore and get Concentration to 75 for 3 buffs to be

    able to use WE and a stronger DP? What works better for BFG, 2 strong shields (WE+DP) or

    the so called all-channel damage mitigation (toughness)?

  16. Thanks for the quick reply! I love Dark Matters, there are so much useful information here.


    I've decided I will take EP like you said, since Bargaining takes a lot of investment and I

    did not know you need EP to unlock. I'm probably going to make another seraphim or a High Elf as

    a full shopper character instead. You've answered most of my concerns and thank you very much

    for that.


    One additional thing though, I'm keeping RT Lore and ditching WEL, but how will that affect

    my Divine Protection? Since DP is not a buff, I plan to eat a lot of runes in it, will this character

    be "just surviving" in Niob, or actually be good in terms of overall defense? I guess my question

    is, how essential really is WE and WEL to Dobri's build? I'm not seasoned enough to tweak builds

    and know how it will affect the char w/o actually playing it.


    PS. I think games like these should have reset stats/rest skills once your character's level

    is high enough. It sucks to sink some 100 game hours into a character only to find out you "messed up"

    your build. It won't be the first time that's happened to me tho.

  17. I read Dobri's guide on BFG seraphim and decided it would be fun to make one.

    I want to make my BFG strong and self-sustaining, but have a few issues

    which I haven't quite work out yet and need some expert help.

    Here are my skills:


    Tactics Lore

    Ranged Weapons (leaving at 1)

    Armor Lore

    Concentration (not sure 1 or 75 for 3 buffs)

    Rev Tech Focus

    Ex Warrior Focus

    Rev Tech Lore



    Ward Energy Lore


    I use Battle Stance and BFG as buffs, trying to get chain-castable Battle Alacirty/Divine Protection,

    and mainly uses the Soul Hammer+Pelting Strike as my main CA combo, Flaring Nova for crowd control.

    Don't really use Archangel's Wrath, seems weaker and less useful than SH and PS.


    1) Which affects BFG dmg more, Tactics Lore or Rev Tech Lore? I am not sure which skill

    I should try to keep to char level in order to maximize BFG dmg. My char is still fairly low in level

    and Combat Arts regen penalty is more noticeable, so I don't want to overeat BFG runes


    2) I'm want to get a general skill, but can't decide Bargaining or Enhanced Perception. I read that

    Bargaining is useful, but requires a lot of points to work well, and not as good when you are higher

    leveled (need insane amt of points to get good items in shop). I plan to to take this char to 150+,

    hopefully 200. Also I plan to do a lot of boss farming and questing, so EP seems like a better idea.

    If I could only take one of these 2 skills, which do you recommend in order to complete that "end-game"

    set faster and easier?


    3) I need to drop a skill from my list to take the general skill, I read Warding Energy is not as

    good on console and I do have shield from DP, so I'm thinking of dropping WE Lore and not using

    WE at all. Would I be ok in Niob w/o WE and Ward Energy Lore? Or is there another skill that I

    should drop? I saw a BFG build that dropped both WE Lore and Rev Tech Lore in order to take

    Bargaining and EP, won't dropping RT Lore lower your BFG dmg by a lot?


    4) Assuming I drop WE Lore and don't use WE at all, is it still worthwhile to take Concentration

    to mastery? Or leave at 1 and lower BFG penalty with Rev Tech Focus?


    Thanks in advance for any reply.

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