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Posts posted by Helscry

  1. Here's a tip for that portion of the campaign:


    There are basically 2 linear paths through to the Elder Dragon guy. One is for the Light campaign other is for Shadow and they first branch off at the first Teleport pad after you arrive in the underground. If you're finding it impossible to get at the orange pointer then go back to that porter and find the other route. Shadow campaign path is left of the cage prison things.


    I got lost in there pretty bad once too.


    As a side note, anyone ever find that dragon that's on the wiki map in that underground? Every time I've been through there it's just been a room packed with champs and there are 2 Dragon-style chests to loot but there's never been a dragon there.

  2. Only time I'd take DW AND a modifier skill would be to base a char around DWing Boneslicers. Doubt I'll ever get the time to set that up though. Having a pair for every level range would be a lot of work. Or just one and the char could get his own 2nd when he needs it. :)


    It's the only Rare+ sword I've come across so far that is pretty much worthless if you DONT have Sword Lore.

  3. I just got 2 of these beauties. One level 90 the other 95. What do you guys typically socket em with? I've been whetting all my weapons thus far but these seem more designed to speed things up or just use em for jacking bargaining skill since I can DW em. So use em like normal with tons of +dam/+atk or toss a ton of +skills into it or a ton of +experience per kill? I'd rather stack 1 of something instead of spread it around. That way I can make specific weapon sets for different situations.

  4. Down to my last handful of achievements to complete for this game. Anyone know if you have to visit all 20 temples or all 42 towns in 1 campaign run or will it carry over like your map explored %% does? Same for visiting 100 tombs, I hope I don't have to go do them all in 1 play-through. If so I'll be waiting till Niob.

  5. Wasn't there a post somewhere saying that "Opponent's chance to (Magic-type proc)" mod is bugged so that it lowers YOUR chance to proc secondary damage?


    I haven't leveled my HE up much but I would expect the best shield in the game to have some sort of Shield Lore modifier so that it would get better as your Shield Lore got higher.


    Very sexy graphic though!

  6. Did you try not accepting the class quest untill your in a position to just accept it and port in to finish:)


    Suppose I can try that this time on my Plat play-through. Was hoping there was someone else curious enough to have pioneered this already though :hugs:



    Anyone know a good reason why to break your back trying to keep Shirka Alana alive at the end of the class quest after you get your Ker's Hand? She's one of those extremely annoying henchmen at that point that runs off screen to die and she doesn't even come with any gear. I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something by not chugging potions to keep her alive all the way to the guardians.

  8. Moved over to console forum....I think it has something to do with mapping both to same button but will wait for an xbox user to explain as I only have pc version


    That is accurate. If you want to use a 1handed weapon + shield or if you pick up the Dual Wield skill you just slot them both to the same button. Button used for weapon sets also acts as your normal melee attack button so I have my main weapons set to A and my backups set to left trigger somewhere.

  9. I had my special mount and didn't take bargaining so never found a single thing worth buying and I got the Scrooge achievement on my first char. Accessing your chest has no bearing on the achievement either. As for the other ones, you're gonna have to focus on them with a new char.


    I was surprised how little room you had to play with to get the <20% map explored one. Can't do your class quests, have to stick to the straight and narrow path to each orange marker.

  10. game is freezing now a couple times in swamp. Once trying to open the map and 2nd time just now doing nothing out of the ordinary, just melee'ing some rats. Going to try one more time to blitz through the zone and save frequently. Sucks if it is just the zone and it's weather effects that's crashing the game. I planned to do a bunch of levelling up in here... :Just_Cuz_21:

  11. Ah crap Sil.... That scorpion killed my level 80 dryad with his reflect damage. He's deff one of the hardest in game.



    I see alot of things about R.I.P. do u decide to kill off a toon after 1 death? thats hardcore if u do lmao



    ChromE that is what we all play online on the pc. It's called Hard Core Mode. If you die...you are dead....you cannot use the character anymore even if u wanted to..... you loose all your items and gold in the characters inventory also. O.o


    Unfortunately HC mode is not available on the consoles if thats what you are playing on. :(



    While HC mode isn't available on the Console, the Leaderboards do show a deathcount and I am finding myself obsessing over it. My 55 Inquisitor was full on offense minded and he went and got 2 shotted by Nimoniul because I got impatient and wanted to try Gold. Pretty much stopped playing him because of it. Got another Inquisitor now at 31 who's my new main. I've gotten most of the achievements in the game done now except for unlocking plat and niob so I'm finally taking my time and seeing all there is to see. Done nearly all of the quests in elf-land on Silver. Will do the same in Human territory. Interested to see if I can still hit the level cap of enemies in my questing area by taking my time like this and skipping bronze.


    Guess I've self-imposed HC mode on myself. :)

  12. I'm actually hoping that my Inquisitor somehow gets to the point where he runs faster than the spider mount simply due to the fact that his Dual Wield Callous Execution does not hit twice when used on his mount like it would if he was on foot. :D But yea, spider bites and swipes with front 2 legs when using melee CAs.

  13. Just level up. I'm new to the game too but I already learned that eating runes is counter-productive. You jack up your damage much better by maxing out your offensive skills. Eating runes makes the regen times unbearable. I have 1 char at 55 and a few in the 30s and my Misc tab at the hero chest already takes about 5 seconds to load because I'm so overloaded on runes. Gonna have to clean that out in a bit to trade em all in for runes that you DO want to eat as many of as you can. The buffs that give %% reflect, Acute Mind, Grand Invigoration, Ancient Bark to name a few.


    Hopefully when I get to higher levels I'll see more reason to start eating runes. Maybe when the regen times finally drop under 2 seconds.

  14. There are a lot of quests in the game that require you to stand on a certain spot in order to progress it. The really annoying ones are the kind that want you to exit a dungeon normally and that exit is the magic spot to trigger the next step. I find myself finishing a dungeon quest and porting to town only to find I have to run back to the cave entrance to trigger it.


    Then there are the quests that show a circle on your mini-map but standing on it does nothing. The answer I found for these was to open quest log and track that quest manually, only then will it trigger the next step.

  15. Not sure if this holds any significance or if it's old news or what not. But I found a tombstone with Schot on it in the graveyard in Elf territory where you track down some guys prize chicken.


    Went back to look for it and they came up empty... Hmmm guess they pull gravestone titles from a random cache? Anyways if that was really a reference to you then that's pretty badass. :D

  16. I noticed this too on the console. If you "Continue Campaign" on a difficulty you already beat, or if you just activated the very last monolith it saves you in a pretty bad spot. Load the game with 4 temple guardians right next to you so you have to be on your toes as soon as the game screen comes up.


    I'd say get the achievement with a ranged character. It's so easy to run away in this game. Melee really get chewed up by bosses. I haven't found the right balance for defense yet on any of mine. They're always crying about needing more physical protection or something. ><

  17. After playing the game much more last night with the new patch, I'm both excited and relieved. :D


    The single-console co-op trading works beautifully (*does a happy-dance of joy!*), the only issue is that occasionally if you are standing right next to your playing partner and hit LB to pick up loot from the ground, it will now open a trade window. ;) A very minor issue, and definitely worth it to be able to trade!


    Also, apparently the RB radial menu works a bit differently than I'd initially thought. From what I can tell, the menu is DESIGNED ("feature"...hee hee!) to work as follows: Hold RB to bring up the radial menu, then press the left stick in the direction of the menu you want, hold the stick in that position for a second or two, and....voila, menu screen. Prior to the patch, you could press the A button to skip the 1-2 second delay of holding the stick in the desired position, and open the selected menu screen instantly. After the patch, the A button no longer does this, so the ONLY option to open the screens is holding the stick for a second or two.


    To be honest, I didn't even realize that you COULD open the menus by just holding the left stick in position....I'd always pressed A and gone on with my gaming. So from the perspective of someone who hadn't used the A button "quick" option, there is no change in how the radial menu works. It's just us impatient A-button-pressing types who feel like things have gotten slower. :)


    Apologies if I mislead anyone, and apologies specifically to Unaki if I was a bit snappish in my response to him/her. :D



    I've never used the A button or held the RB until a menu came up since I bought the game. Didn't even know about these features. I just hit RB, get the light to show up on the menu selection that I want and then release RB and that gets me where I need to go. You really sit there and wait for it to pop up?

  18. I accidentally scrapped the only lightsaber I've found so far... :) But when I get more I will be testing this game freezing thing.


    I've already determined that the Paralyzing Dread CA freezes my game as of the patch that came out 2 days ago. Haven't had any black screens or anything that the game was plagued with at the start, now we get to find game freeze bugs.... /sigh Personally I preferred the black screens because then I could just drop to dashboard. These lock-ups make me have to get up off the couch to hard reboot. ><

  19. Try zooming out more, and hit the button that gives everything in the area a label. Or drop that lightbeam attack seraphim's have. That way it'll damage everything in the area and you'll at least be able to find the health bars floating around on the screen so you know where they are.


    Watch out for geyser type ground spawns. Think it was one of those that 1shotted my seraphim. Have to be extra careful now with my Inquisitor for that 0 death achievement. (I have xbox version of game)

  20. so im pretty new to sacred2 and I picked it up for the ps3.

    now I got a quest with a helper and he says that he can use sword or bow but I can't figure out how to make him change weapons.

    also is there anywhere to hire others afterwards:)

    any help is appreciated.



    That's one of the very first quests you can get in the game and it's probably one of the first you'll fail too. On Bronze difficulty the guy is a total wimp. Quest is worded poorly too. When you talk to the guy and he says he'll use a sword or bow, hit cancel to make him use a bow. Otherwise he'll run off and attack anything that moves and get himself killed. I'm not sure but so far it seems like to me that the escort quests are easier on the harder difficulties because your escortees are tougher along with the mobs

  21. So let's just ignore this entire thread... :s I have to press left or right to get access to non character specific skills .... *sigh*


    Sorry :s


    Judging from this statement I think it's safe to say he's playing the 360 version. I imagine the PC version has 2 rows of skills, needing 5 points in 1 side to unlock the other side? On the 360 there's just 1 list of skills per tab. The ones that require 5 points are simply greyed out until the requirement is met.

  22. Also one more tiny complaint I have while I'm here. Alchemy skill and potions in general.


    As far as I can tell there is no way to see if the effects of a potion are still on you unless you have an eagle eye and can see the sparklies around your character. There needs to be a buff icon and have it slowly blink out or something. Also the Trophy items that you can only use if you've taken up the alchemy skill only last 30 seconds and YOU CAN'T HOTKEY THEM! What a huge pain it would be to open up your inventory, scroll over to Misc tab and find the trophy's you want to use before running into a pack of mobs... Hope that gets patched as well.

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