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Posts posted by Sahyan

  1. Hi again, folks. I'm back...with another genuinely stupid question.

    Having finished the game once, I decided to start again, this time using the quest-list that Night Wolfe (again, one of my heroes, she is) provides, to try to cover every quest in the game. Weeelll....I find myself in Mascarell, looking for the Unknown Warrior ("Who *was* that masked man?" People over, say, 35? might get the quote...maybe). I'm trying to get out of town in the direction of the road whereon one finds the fellow in question, and it appears a certain portcullis-gate provides the best (and maybe only?) way to get there. Trouble is, it won't open, dang. So....Is this another bug, or is there something I need to open the thing, or what? First time through the game, I didn't run into the problem - but then, I didn't get this pqrticular quest, either.

    As always, I'd appreciate greatly any help at all, from anyone at all.

    And if Night Wolfe happens to see this....Um, are you *sure* you don't wanna get married? Janett says that, since Sacred 2 is coming up (when, by the way), and we're gonna need your maps and stuff more'n ever, she's cool with it.


    Joe Sahyan

  2. I fervently hope I'm doing this right. Computers hate me...and it's mutual. The only good reason for computers to exist is that it's hard to do a good flight-simulator with paper and pencil. Anyway, this is *supposed* to be a reply to Night Wolfe's reply to my questions about the Valley of Tears and like that. I can but hope this is how/where one is supposed to reply to a reply.<Sigh>

    First of all, let me correct a small but vital misconception. No, Wolfe, I am *not* a sweetheart. I'm a big, mean, tough, nasty gladiator-type. And what's more, outside of Sacred, I'm a *lawyer*; we are not permitted to be sweet, and have no hearts, period.

    Now, umm, about your replay to my post. I'm tempted to begin with "Oh NO!" but I'll restrain myself from that until I get something clear in my mind. You say I need dimensional glyphs to get into the Valley of Tears. But...but....But I don't *have* any such glyphs! I *did*, at certain points, but I used 'em, to get places, and stuff. (I think it was when I was chasing the Elements...I *think*.) Am I *supposed* to have dimensional glyphs? Do I have to go *get* 'em? Or worse - far, far worse - have I somehow blown it already? Do I have to start my guy all over again? (That possibility is what motivated the opening groan.)

    I have no quests open, that could yield such glyphs (except for the *big* quest...Shadar-hunting). So, if I need them, where and how do I get them?

    Reading this over, I recognize how dumb it sounds, and I'm sure I've something or other stupid, but I'm not at all sure what...or what to do about it. (I wish this game were about legal procedure; then *I* could be the guy with the answers, dang.)

    Anyway....You remain among my heroes, Wolfe. (Perhaps I should point out that my other heroes include Oscar Madison, Homer Simpson, Charlie Brown, Opus the Penguin, and the unnamed lawyer who, on cross-examination, asked the witness, "Were you here when you testified this morning?" So....Well, I maintain it's a compliment *anyway*.)

    I'll be deeply grateful for anything you can tell me about the damn glyphs.


    Joe Sahyan

  3. Hello again, folks. Two questions this time, if I may. (You guys must be very, *very* close to out of patience with me by now; I do recognize that I've been asking a lot, and I really am grateful for your good nature.)


    I've arrived at the Book of Wisdom level for the True-Fighter Quest. I visited Wolfe's Lair and looked at the map there. It's great, of course. (Wolfe is my hero, by the way, for all the help she's been, even when she hasn't actually known she was helping.) Thing is....How do I *get* into the Valley of Tears in the first place? Far as I can see, the place is surrounded by cliffs. I'm trying to approach from the east, starting around Pergatori, but I'm not sure how much it matters, since the entire area appears to be walled in. I know it can't be, really, but...sure looks like it,


    And, while I'm at it, there a cave right by the Harduk Village. The cave will let me in, but just inside the entrance, there's a gate that refuses to open. Is there something special I need to get the gate to open for me?


    Once again, thanks, everyone, for your patience and help. I promise to try to keep the questions to a minimum.



    Joe Sahya

  4. First of all, Griffman, thank you very much indeed.; you're help with the Cookie Monster - er, Cookie Quest - just might have saved me from putting my fist through the damned moniter.

    And Schot, you, Sir, are one marvelously demented fellow; and you tell a hell of a story, ace.


    Umm....Now, then. See, thing is, I got this stupid damned (and did I mention stupid?) quest from some anonymous (and annoying) "Girl" in the Dwarven Ruins. The quest to go get her sister *without* stepping on any spider-dens. Weeeeellll, see, there seems to be only one way to *get* to her sister, and that's up the stairs. But every...single...*time* I go up those stairs, the first thing that happens is I discover I've apparently tripped over a spider or something, and "cannot complete this task." Now, I do note that this seems to be the only quest (at least of those I've encountered so far) in which, after failing, I'm offered another chance...and another...and at least a third. This makes me suspect that one is *supposed* to fail, for some strange, sick, deviant game-designer reason, but I'm not sure.


    Am I right? Is there some magic number of tries, maybe? Or should I just decline to repeat after I fail, or what? And if I'm over-thinking it, if there really *is* a way to get around the spiders (which, of course, one cannot *see* until one trips over them), well, if there is a way...for God's sake, *how*?


    Thanks again for the cookies, guys.


    Joe Sahyan

  5. Sorry guys, but I'm back, witth another quite probably annoyingly silly query. This one, though, is about the Underworld Campaign; I'm not sure I've seen anything about that on here, and not sure this is the appropriate place to ask questions about it, but I don't know where else to go.


    My question involves one of the silliest quests I've encountered. Big, bad, monster-killing me gets asked to go buy a plate of cookies, forsooth! The thing is, the only "blue spot" that shows up on the map is over the intended recipient of the sugar-laden goodies, the Marquis. There seems to be no indication where one *gets* the things. Anybody know where the bakery is, in Purgatori? From the way the quest was introduced, it didn't seem one had to go somewhere out of town to get 'em...but what do I know?


    Thanks again, folks, for letting my unsmartness presume on your patience and good nature.


    Joe Sahyan

  6. Do you have the pure water quest active Sahyan? It's been mentioned on the SIF that the pure water quest and the whisky quest do play nice together. :whistle:



    I've finished the Pure Water quest. Don't tell me I have to have that active in order to do the Whiskey Run quest. Damn, I hope not. This could all drive one to...well....You know.


    Seriously, is that part of the problem?

  7. Hi again, folks. I know, I sort of promised that my last question would be...well...my last question. But at least this one isn't about geography. I'm wondering if I've stumbled over another glitch in the game. See, I got the quest to take a barrel of whiskey to the innkeeper at Drakenden. So far, fine. In wandering around the town before setting off on my heroic quest with whiskey I came across an actual barrel of the stuff just sort of sitting there, so...I took it. (As an aside, it's quite amazing how folks in the game keep telling you how honorable and heroic you are, when you're engaged in lifting anything not guarded by at least an ill-tempered rhinocerous.) Anyway, I got to Drakenden, and to the inn. The innkeeper offered me 1000 gold for the barrel I was toting around; sounded fine to me, so, done deal. Now, though, I can't get the game to tell me I've completed the quest. I've left Drakenden and come back, but the innkeeeper just keeps telling me his whiskey is almost out, but the next shipment is due...etc. I thought I *had* the next shipment, but he doesn't seem to see it.

    Now, is this somehow because I sold him the barrel I'd picked up? I did, by the way, try declining his offer, but it made no difference. So, what must I do to get the guy to take his damn whiskey and gimme my quest? Is it possible that I have to decline to pick up the whiskey barrel in the first place? Well, anyway....Once again I'm presuming on everybody's patience and good nature. Sorry, folks, but, well.....<SIGH>

    Thanks, for all the help you guys have given me so far, and for whatever you can tell me about my current predicament.


    Joe Sahyan

  8. Hey Night Wolfe, wanna get married? I've talked to Janett about it, and she says as long as you can provide things like that map, she's OK with it.


    Seriously, thanks, everyone, and...may I ask one last, final - promise (sorta...I guess...at least I'll try to make it the last) thing? Please? OK, so I found the nasty old fire-dragon, croaked him and got the fire-element Along the way, I kinda promised I'd go tell the folks in the mines that - as the old joke has it - the peasants are revolting. Now, umm....I can't find the damned mines. I actually know where my *next* quest is (thanks again to Night Wolfe, my potential new fiancee), but before I go find the last element I need to get those miners out of there. I've been from one end to the other of the Dark Elves' stronghold; I've been out on the plateau to the east, and nothing. Problem is, the place is underground, so nothing shows up on the world-map; and there's nothing on the close-up maps saying "Mines this way, dummy." I realize it's gotta be hard to *say* where the mines are, because there are no landmarks or things of that sort orient with; still, I thought I'd ask.


    Oh, and by the way. (This doesn't count as a real question, because it's just curiosity, not a big deal.) What's with that Dark Elf fella who just sort of stands around doing nothing, and with/to/about whom I seem unable to do anything - can't talk to 'im, can't kill 'im. Boring sort of guy, he seems, so far. (Actually, I get rather like that at parties, betimes, so I'm sympathetic, but still....)


    Be well, all, and thanks, everyone. You're all invited to the wedding.



    Joe Sahyan

  9. Hey Sahyan Head lik your going to Wyvern Pass the same place where you had to go to from ICe Creek Pass like in act 2 of sp like griffman said its the lava land and urkuk is the closest portal to it but if you are taking the long way you have to go through wyvern pass



    I'm confused. I've found Urkuk, and, of course, Wyvern Pass, but Alka-Selzer Land (as it is now officially dubbed - at least in my posts) still eludes me. You - and EvilMale - say that Urkuk is the closest portal to it, but how does that help, since I have no portal at the other end (that is, in Alka-Seltzer itself)? Something somebody - guess it must have been EvilMale - said hinted that the place is on one of the islands. If that's so, how does one get there? For that matter, how does one get there from Urkuk, period, island or not? I know, I'm sounding like an idiot. Thing is, I have no sense whatever of spatial relationships; you oughtta see me in real life, driving around, and, well....Never mind; the image is painful.<S>


    OK, so we've established that I can be notably unsmart; I acknowledge it. But....I'd really appreciate it if you guys could overlook my denseness and point me to the damn place (where, I've every confidence, the dragon will kill me within seconds, anyway).




    Joe Sahyan

  10. Can anybody give me a *clue* where Alkazaba noc Draco is? The only hint one getsfrom the spooky lady is (as you all know), "in the far South". Well, I've *been* as far south as the game'll let me go, and wandered all over the place; found Shadar-Nur. But no Alkazabawhatever. Can't get any farther south, because the whole thing's blocked by what appears to be an endless cliff. Mind you, I chose this element to go after before the "Dark Elf valleys" ones, because I figured, hell, once I get down south, how hard could it be? OK, so that was unsmart. So....Any hints or landmarks? Should I head for Atlanta and turn right, or what?

    Thanks again, folks....Please know that I've already started thinking of some of you as friends, and for that, too, I'm grateful.



    Joe Sahyan

  11. This post is mostly for Carolyn Hacker, in reply to her kind offer. Actually, I did get past the problem with the unopenable gate in the tavern...sort of. See, what happened is, somebody *else* in the tavern opened the gate (probably the guy from whom I got the quest in the first place, I expect) and I just kind of piggy-backed on it, dashing in while the gate was open. But, that said, let me tell you how much I appreciate your offer. The folks on this forum have been uniformly terrific, and I'm grateful to all. Again, thanks.


    Oh, and one other thing on the subject of keys. If, as has been suggested, one has to have a *particular* key for a particular door, then, what the heck is this thing I've been toting around - picked it up from a monster after his sad demise - that says just "key"....Level 1....Price 1"? I've been afraid to get rid of it, thinking I might need it for some door down the line, but....Well....Should I just dump it?


    Joe Sahyan

  12. As far as I know, every door that needs a key just opens if you have the key with you. Nothing special. The cursor should become a hand if you are in the right place. Some doors are picky -- move the cursor around over and near the door until it changes.


    Thanks, gial, but I don't think that's what's going on. I've scrolled in and clicked everywhere on and around the door that showed the "hand" cusor; I'm pretty sure I wasn't clicking in the wrong place, because the gate *did* react - it flashed a little, like certain objects do when one puts the "hand" on `em. Actually, there are two gates in the tavern, leading to the same backroom, but neither will open for me. I'm wondering whether one has to have a *specific* key to open a *particular* gate - or at least a sufficiently high-level key...or some damned thing or other. <SIGH> Frustrating. But again, thanks; and again, I'm compelled to note what a good group of folks you guys are, here.


    Joe Sahyan

  13. Thanks to everyone who offered help with the problem of the scroll quest, You folks are great. But....I'm afraid I still don't understand how one uses a key on a door, when a quest is *not* bugged. I've just found the "secret" room in the Ascaron's Reputation tavern; I have a key, that I've been toting around forever, unsure that I would ever need it, but afraid *not* to have it with me, but I still can't get the gate to open for me. It sort of flashes a little when I click on it, but otherwise pretty much sneers at me. It seems unlikely that *this* quest is bugged too (though from some things I've read here, well...not impossible). So, what does one *do* with a key and a locked gate?


    Oh, and I should acknowledge my appreciation, as well, for the help in choosing among Axe Lore, Weapon Lore and Dual Wield (and for helping my lovely annoy the Medusa critter). Thanks much, Night Wolfe and Moon Reaper, for that. And in return, if you guys ever have any questions about how to do something in the game...umm...better ask each other; I have't the least notion.

  14. Hello folks.


    First, once again, let me start by saying thanks to everyone on whose good nature I've presumed so far, with my ignorance. That said, I'm afraid there are a few more things about which I need to ask...hoping I've not yet used up my ration of goodwill.


    First....What is "Split"? I've found a weapon that includes the special feature "Split +1", but....Are we talking about a dance-move so spectacular the bad guys are stunned, or what?


    Second....How does one *use* a key? I've just gotten the quest that requires me to retrieve a scroll for an orc. OK, so far, that's fine. Found the ruins, made my way to the room with the scroll, but I can't get in. One problem, I *guess*...maybe...perhaps...sorta...might be that I've been carrying the key around for roughly ever. When the orcish Master of Ceremonies gives me the quest, he says something like, "Take this key." Now, I'm wondering whether my getting the key prematurely might have confused the program. Hmmm....Sounds unlikely, even to me, now that I think about it, but, still, I can't get the gate to open. What am I doing wrong, or not doing right? I've looked in the manual, but to no avail.


    Third....An opinion question. I'm playing a gladiator, and my load-out of choice is a pair of axes. Am I best-off putting points into Weapon Lore, Axe Lore, or Dual Wield?


    Thanks again, to all, for anything you can tell me. If nothing else, I guess I can hope to provide, in return, some fodder for laughter at the, um...unsmartness, let us say...of my questions.


    Oh, one final thing (I promise)....My girlfriend, Janett, who is also a member here (calling herself Janetta - for reasons that elude me entirely) has asked me to as whether anybody has any hints on taking on Medusa. She's running a Seraph, at Level 47, and has ceased to exist at least once upon meeting the serpentine-tressed nuisance. On Janett's behalf, thanks again.

  15. First of all, thanks a lot to Night Wolfe for indulging my ignorance, and helping me with the Ancarian Snow quest. I did understand that this was not a game wherein "good" and "evil" mattered a lot; what I was really concerned about was not so much being a "bad guy" as it was that I was afraid I'd wind up outlawed in the town, and have to run from or fight the guard whenever I turned up there. Night Wolfe straightened me out, and I appreciate it. Again, thanks.


    Now, though....Um, I'm about to presume on everyone's patience and good nature again. See, thing is, I've run into the quest involving the Inquisitor and the documents and stuff, and, well....He never seems to *leave*. His men do - sort of - but he just hangs out, and, well...having read "Quest Failed." and restarted the game approximately 4927 times, I find myself compelled to ask, just how the hell does one *succeed* in that quest? My girlfriend - whose computer is some four feet or so from my own - is having the same problem. Neither of us really *wants* to put a fist through the monitor, honest, but....Well, I/we would *greatly* appreciate any solutions/suggestions/clues, etc.


    I apologize for being dense, and I hope I'm not wearing out my welcome with the silly newbie questions.


    Thanks, for any help anybody can be.



    Joe Sahyan

  16. Hi folks.

    I've a newbie-sorta question, with which I hope somebody will be able (and tolerant enough of my ignorance) to help me with. I accepted - perhaps less than wisely - the "Ancarian Snow" quest, which requires me to escort a fella to the Thieves' Guild, and kill any soldiers who get in the way (which, inevitably, they do, of course). Now, I don't want to become a cop-killer, don't want to turn into a bad-guy. but, well, I'm not sure I just want to let the quest fail, either. So....What works best? If I do kill the guardsmen, am I then outlawed in that town - and so unable to return there? Am I better off just letting the quest languish and fail? Or can I do what I said I would do, with impunity (practical, if not moral or psychological impunity, anyway)?

    I'd appreciate anything anybody can tell me.

    Thanks, all.


    Joe Sahyan

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