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Posts posted by vagnerhammer

  1. On 9/14/2015 at 11:23 PM, Flix said:

    If you want to decode global.res, then s2rw needs to be in the same folder, so inside the locale folder for your language. For decoding you can just run the program and go from there.


    For encoding, it needs to be in the Sacred 2 system folder (so I have two copies of s2rw sitting in my Sacred 2 folder). For encoding you have to use command prompt. Direct it to start in the /system folder and enter the command:


    S2rw.v.1.7exe globalEn_texts.txt En+


    That's for English. For Italian it would look like:


    S2rw.v.1.7.exe globalIt_texts.txt It+


    The language abbreviations are "De", "En, "Fr", "Ru", "Cz", "Pl", "It", "Hu", and "Sp".


    This also assuming you didn't rename the decoded text file to something else.

    Guy... whenever I do this from "access denied"
    Help me!!!:Just_Cuz_21:

  2. On 1/12/2018 at 5:17 PM, ThirstOfBlood said:

    EDIT: Managed to solve the global.res problem after checking all the posts about it again. I didnt run the encoding from the system folder. 



    How do I "run the encoding from the system folder"
    Also I am not able to execute by "pront comand"


    P.S: In the pront always this message appears ... "is not recognized as an internal or external command, an operable program or a batch file."

  3. The problem of the text disappearing I was able to solve ... Now I can not generate a "global.res" that has the modifications that I made ...


    The "S2rw" has accused that it is missing some files ... I made fictitious files and worked out except for the "plugin_win32platform.dll" ... Although "S2rw" says that the file is missing ... when I paste the fictitious in the "System" folder says that such a file already exists. If I replace the error set soon in the input ...

    Another observation I made is that he detects that the game is in Russian, but he is in Spanish


    In the end ... I really want to create a translation for the Portuguese of Sacred 2 ... If any of the brothers can give me a force on this procedure.


    P.S: If someone could indicate some "step by step" tutorial would be great

  4. On 6/2/2017 at 7:30 PM, Flix said:


    You can use S2rw to encode the text file after you made changes. Check this topic where I describe how to use it. If you have trouble, you can also send it to me after you made your changes and I'll encode it for you. :)

    Flix ... Could you help me :) Whenever I try to change some text it happens ...


    What am I doing wrong:)

    P.S: When this does not happen, it simply does not change anything

    P.S.S: As much as I generate a new "global.res" nothing is modified when I rename and put the game to run.

  5. I'm already banging my head on the wall with "S2rw.v1.7" lololol

    Portuguese and Spanish are similar and easy to translate. My difficulty is not so much the size of the text but rather find and know how to open the files in the game.
    There are some differences between pt / br and pt / pt ... They are mostly found in oral communication ... Already in writing are almost identical. The last orthographic reform in Brazil brought the two languages even closer ...

  6. It would be interesting to launch a "patch vanilla cm".
    Particularly I would continue using CM 1.6. The impression I have is that Sacred 2 has been hurriedly launched. So, come up with the pach that not only bug fixes but finalizes the project. I see CM 1.6 and EE.2.1 as updates ... However, considering that we should respect and value the "different ways of thinking and experiencing Ancaria" .... lololol A "patch vanilla cm" would make the community richer yet. ..


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  7. 21 hours ago, Lussbhel said:

    "For the maker!"... I missed adding that bro. As soon as I have some time, I'll do a tutorial on that. You can write to me in Spanish by private any other doubt.


    You only have to add two more groups. I think the maximum is 6, if you put more, the game is iced when you open the blacksmith.


    I had time to test today ... It works perfect !!!:yay::yay:
    I can not wait to see this tutorial ready ...:D

    Thank you!!!
    (Google translate)
    ORIGINAL (Português / br)

    Tive tempo para testar hoje... Funciona perfeitamente!!!
    Não vejo a hora de ver esse tutorial pronto...


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  8. 2 hours ago, Dragon Brother said:

    Refer to the above for guidance from Lussbhel on how he's used the Sacred 2 Item Editor to modify the items you see on the Shadow Warrior in the pictures with the download.

    Curious ... Whenever I try to make some change in this direction, besides not working, the armatures are without a slot ...

    Could you show me an example?

    This is the "Stalworth Safeguard" shield. It has only one gold slot.





    How would you add three more gold slot?

  9. On 4/2/2010 at 6:40 AM, lifestopper said:

    Does anyone know how to turn off the anoying camera auto zoom on Npc's?, it can get bugged sometimes, it starts jumping like crazy and it never get gets back to your previous position.

    Maybe editing some line in options.txt ?

    With me it happens the same ... I'm looking for ways to remove this "Auto Zoom". It's just like the stubbie talks.
    When my problem occurs, "the screen jumping" just press the pause of the game (Letter P on the pc) and wait ... In less than 15 secodes to ...

    Reviving this forum ... Does anyone know how to turn off the "Automatic zoom" that is done when going to pick up a quest or tinker in the chest?

  10. 6 hours ago, gogoblender said:

    Ahhh. Friday... sit down down time and a chance to read and dig into the posts :superman: I get to mirror and get some acknowledgement from other postings in this topic.. Sacred it was, first and foremost, and thats where it will always be! Only reason I got into it was because parents got me a computer, and at the time, getting downloads from online sites was the big thing... dunno how many games I went through, but after seeing Sacred in game and getting to launch a bow and arrow from a horse that was fully mobile, took my breath away.  Not only did that moment change the world I saw through the screen, but sacred also came with an online community and... Hard Core!.  I remember seeing that instead of just playing single person, it was possible to meet up with others...but open just meant everytime I died I could just press reset and I would just come back to life... I got bored of this after a few weeks and during that time the Sacred Forum sucked me in full time...just could not get getting over reading posts and quickly found myself as breathless as how I was the first time I was playing the demo... course one day I saw a pic of a super high level Seraphim with the words Hard Core on it... we found that well-hidden strangely placed skull, its eyes lit up and the world of Hard Core emerged.

    World's never been the same since




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  11. 1 hour ago, Veracious said:

    I'm not sure what people consider rpg but I go back to zelda on NES. Then wolfenstein on pc. Then bloodrayne on ps2. My ex introduced me to diablo 2 back in 2003 then I went looking for more like it and discovered sacred. Now I've played sacred 2 and diablo 3 and I'm currently on path of exile.

    Speaking of Zelda ... It is said that "Zelda -Breath of the Wild" is excellent. Have you played?

  12. What level of difficulty were you playing? Are you wearing any mod?


    19 hours ago, Hooyaah said:

    Having fun to me is successfully defeating a boss monster such as the Narmul. Expulse Magic and Shadow Step help a significant amount. You will be better prepared after you master the aforementioned skills, Pyromancer Lore and Focus. Skill Resistance and Constitution will be very helpful when mastered, yet if you do not slay his four crystals and then him quickly defensive skills may not serve you long enough to survive. Surviving and fighting yet another day is fun as well. You may enjoy this video, presented as indisputable proof that the High Elf can handily defeat this terrible foe, even without Grand Invigoration:



  13. I really do not even know what to say ... lolol

    The feeling I have today is that I have gained a second life in Ancaria. No matter how absurd this seems to be ... It's contagious! The game map, both the first (Sacred 1) and the sengundo (Fallen Angel) are magnificent. Exploring this world is receiving a new life.

    It is unfortunate that the companies responsible for the project do not insist on updates based on these communities that form around the game. And thus arises the enormous desire to make their own contribution.
    It really is not easy Androdion. In Ancaria, everything is very vast. lololol I say this without mentioning the technical difficulty. I for example ... I can barely change some values in the "balance.txt" .... I tried a few weeks ago change the slot number in an armature ... If it were not the backups, I would have to installation the game again because I ended up getting no slot in all the armors .. lololo

    I ended up being content to try to learn a little of the logic of programming with "RPG Maker MV". What apparently has nothing to do with the techniques used of Sacred ... lolol
    On the other hand ... The union makes the force! It is to share and to make the family of Ancaria grow more and more. lolol

    Gratitude Androdion and gogoblender ... Talking with people who have ten years of history in the sacred to tell is a privilege. May we present the world of Ancaria to more and more people ... It is a masterpiece in my opinion.


    (google translate)


    Realmente nem sei o que dizer... lolol
    A sensação que tenho hoje é que ganhei uma segunda vida em Ancaria. Por mais absurdo que isso pareça ser... É contagiante! O mapa do jogo, tanto o primeiro (Sacred 1) tanto o sengundo (Fallen Angel) são magnificos. Explorar esse mundo é receber uma nova vida. 
    É lamentável que as empresas responsaveis pelo projeto não insistam com atualizações com base nessas comunidades que se forma em volta do jogo. E assim surge o enorme desejo de fazer a propria contribuição.
    Realmente não é facil Androdion. Em Ancaria tudo é muito vasto. lololol Falo isso sem mencionar a dificuldade tecnica. Eu por exemplo... Mal consigo alterar alguns valores no "balance.txt".... Tentei a algumas semanas atras mudar o numero de slot em uma armadura... Se não fosse os backup, teria que reistalar o jogo porque acabei ficando sem slot em todas as armaduras do jogo.. lololo Acabei por me contentar em tentar apreender um poco da logica de progamação com o "RPG Maker MV". O que pelo visto não tem nada haver com as tecnicas usadas do Sacred...lolol
    Por outro lado... A união faz a força! É compartilhar e fazer a familia de Ancaria crescer mais e mais. lolol

    Gratidão Androdion e gogoblender... Conversar com pessoas que estão com dez anos de historia no sacred pra contar é um privilêgio. Que possamos apresentar o mundo de Ancaria a mais e mais pessoas... É uma obra prima na minha opnião.




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  14. Olá Amigos...

    Estou buscando pessoas que moram no Brasil ou que falam português para compartilhar ideias e até mesmo jogar em grupo esse game fabuloso... O Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel
    Adoraria fazer parcerias e trabalhar em uma tradução para o português do Sacred 2

    Tenho apenas um personagem no nível 80 sendo jogado na dificuldade prata. É um Dragon Mage  na campanha da luz voltado para magias e artes de combate. Depois que desbloqueei as 10 habilidades habituais, consegui desbloquear mais 6 usando "Sacred2CharacterEditor"... Usei mais essas habilidades extras para liberar habilidades como negociação, ferreiro, alquimia, percepção aumentada... Tenho pensado seriamente em desenvolver habilidades de espada ou de ataque a distância já que os cajados  possuem suas limitações.
    Gosto de jogar de forma exploratória... Quero descobrir todos os lugares do mapa e fazer todas as quest secundárias.


    Adoro o mod "Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition" que com elegância transforma vários quesitos do jogo lhe dando um novo equilíbrio, novas magias  e jogabilidade imersiva. Quando usamos esse mod com o "modo desafio" e o "SuperSpawn" contido como mods opcionais do mesmo, o jogo fica mais incrível ainda lembrando bastante o Sacred1. O Dragon Mage fica ótimo com esse mod pois ele ganha um "aliado dragão" (Buff) que é impossível de não se apegar a ele. Já virou o meu mascote em Ancaria... hehehe O meu sonho é que o criador desse mod (Flix) resolva trocar o Buff "protetor" por uma bela Dryad aliada só pra ver ela correr rebolando ao meu lado nas insanas batalhas que encontramos pelo mapa. Não sei porque mas acabo me apegando a esses aliados... Fiquei puto quando o Wilbur morreu no Sacred 1... hehehe
    Estou no capitulo 2 e acabei de vencer o Gar Colossu em uma árdua batalha pois bastava eu levar uma pedrada que morria... Depois de muitas tentativas e quase uma semana de luta, consegui uma vitoria inglória me aproveitando de um pequeno bug que aconteceu... hehehe


    O meu personagem está vivendo um momento crucial...  Só depois que conclui umas 300 missões e praticamente detonar Artamark é que percebi um bug chato no Dragon Mage... Depois que você fabrica um combo com mais de duas magias, você não consegue mais deletar esse combo sentenciando ele a ter sempre três magias. Alem disso percebo alguns bugs nas missões e por ai vai... Acabei descobrindo que tudo isso é corrigido quando a gente faz um novo personagem com  Community Patch 1.60. Apesar de já usar esse patch genial, a minha memoria foi criada sem ele fazendo os bugs corrigidos se manterem... Em fim... Ou começo um novo personagem do zero, ou faço um clone do meu personagem com o  Sacred2CharacterEditor encarando o nível de dificuldade ouro. Entretanto as 180 horas do Dragon Mage estão perdidas juntamente com as missões concluídas... hehehe  E para piorar, depois de apanhar miseravelmente para o Gar Colossu desconfio  seriamente que meu personagem não aguenta o nível ouro com o "modo desafio"... hehehe


    Em fim... Já tem uns 6 meses de jogatina insana nesse jogo. E como qualquer viciado nesse game, brotam ideias na minha mente, vontade de criar modificações e deslumbrar os vários tipos de estrategias que podemos montar. É um jogo de infinitas possibilidades.  Eu Realmente não entendo porque ele é tão pouco conhecido entre os brasileiros. O Sacred 1 é mais conhecido e também existe uma tradução pra ele. Já o Fallen Angel, além de desconhecido, a unica opção para quem não sabe inglês é encarar o espanhol... Pensando nisso compartilho com vocês aqui um pouco de como está sendo minha experiência nesse jogo, marcando e atraindo a presença brasileira e promovendo a troca de ideias... Porem... Principalmente tenho a intenção conhecer novos amigos para vivenciar isso juntos... Então... Vamos para Ancaria:)






    Hello friends...

    I'm looking for people who live in Brazil or who speak Portuguese to share ideas and even play in group this fabulous game ... The Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel
    I would love to partner with and work on a Portuguese translation of Sacred 2

    I only have one character at level 80 being played on the silver difficulty. It is a Dragon Mage in the light campaign geared towards spells and combat arts. After I unlocked the 10 usual abilities, I was able to unlock 6 more using Sacred2CharacterEditor ... I used those extra skills to unlock abilities such as trading, blacksmithing, alchemy, increased perception ... I have seriously considered developing sword or attack abilities the distance since the staffs have their limitations.
    I like to play exploratory ... I want to discover all the places on the map and do all the secondary quests.


    I love the "Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition" mod that elegantly transforms various game quests giving you a new balance, new spells and immersive gameplay. When we use this mod with the "challenge mode" and the "SuperSpawn" contained as optional mods of the same, the game becomes more incredible still remembering enough the Sacred1. Dragon Mage looks great with this mod as he gains an "ally dragon" (Buff) that is impossible not to cling to. I have already turned my mascot into Ancaria ... lololol My dream is that the creator of this mod (Flix) resolve to change the Buff "protector" for a beautiful Dryad allied just to see her running around next to me in the insane battles we encounter map. I do not know why but I end up getting attached to these allies ... I got piffed when Wilbur died in Sacred 1 ... lolololol
    I'm in Chapter 2 and I just beat Gar Colossu in an arduous battle because I only had to take a stone that died ... After many attempts and almost a week of fighting, I got an inglorious victory by taking advantage of a small bug that happened. .. lolololol


    My character is experiencing a crucial moment ... Only after completing 300 missions and practically detonating Artamark did I notice a boring bug in Dragon Mage ... After you make a combo with more than two spells, you can not get more. delete this combo sentence to always have three spells. Also I notice some bugs in the missions and so it goes ... I ended up finding out that all this is corrected when we make a new character with Community Patch 1.60. Although I already use this genius patch, my memory was created without it making the bugs fixed if they keep ... In the end ... Or start a new character from scratch, or I make a clone of my character with Sacred2CharacterEditor facing the level of gold difficulty. However, the 180 hours of the Dragon Mage are lost along with completed missions ... lololol And to make matters worse, after picking up miserably for Gar Colossu I seriously suspect that my character can not stand the gold level with the "challenge mode" ... lololololol


    In the end ... There are already 6 months of crazy game in this game. And like any addict in this game, ideas pop in my mind, a desire to create modifications and dazzle the various types of strategies that we can put together. It is a game of infinite possibilities. I really do not understand why he is so little known among Brazilians. Sacred 1 is best known and there is also a translation for it. Fallen Angel, as well as unknown, the only option for those who do not know English is to face Spanish ... Thinking about it I share with you here a little of how my experience in this game is, marking and attracting the Brazilian presence and promoting the exchange of ideas ... But ... I mainly intend to meet new friends to experience this together ... So ... Let's go to Ancaria :) lololol



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