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Posts posted by chrenus

  1. Hi guys,


    I am deeply sorry for this stupid question, but what hotkeys are used to switch weapons and which ones to switch special abilities. I tried to search but I was not succesful so far. Thanks for your advices.




    use the numbers 1 to 5 are weapons 6 to 0 are skills


    not particularly efficient... but one can get used to it


    wouldn it be better if lets say qwert weapon, asdfg skills and underneat the potions... you wouldnt have to fly your hand all over the keyboard...


    tell this to ascaron please. :devil:

  2. Just an idea for a fun event..


    one seraphim with a char name of "cheerleader" and the rest of the players are glads with the hockey mask and machette named "michael"....


    could even make it an xmas event... "michael"mas *g* ....


    Can make it PVP, if the cheerleader kills a "michael" then the michael becomes a cheerleader and the cheerleader gets to be a michael....


    Winner is the highest level toon at the end.


    niiiiice. I want a good internet conection.... :devil:

  3. Hey Chrenus!


    I've always wanted to run a crossbow Daemon. The rate of fire they get with the weapon is akin to a machine gun. I've seen a very unique crossbows that I've used a few times. With daemons, I've always found it easy to change forms at almost no cost to the build...you don't need to many runes to switch to a flyer, and then flipping on a crossbow makes for a very fast moving, strafing toon... very fun to play, and as peeps here have posted, when combined with tentacles, quite fun. The Daemon uses a lot of fire, and the synergy with Infernal Power is almost outrageous. Finding a Cross bow that uses Fire based damage can really amp the damage.






    I already started the DE. its level 20 and cant use bows now. too little damage. I am using the multi hit (I'll try out other skills too) but it only deals three hits or so, hope it will get better when I rise the skill. right now melee (spelling...) is far more efficient. I guess at level 50 it will start to work out. Need to invest heavily into testosteron. I have seen a nice ranged glad somewhere on the forum and that inspired me.


    My main idea about this char is that

    - it wont have to approach enemies (hmm maybe I`ll use the fog skill)

    - one hit kill - due to high testosteron, being foged and using WIDD strategy hmmm

    - and I`ll try open wound. I guess it wouldnt have to go into big numbers with open wound because the poison effect will tick-it-in (isn tick a nasty blood sucking bug?)


    You made me want to start the deamoness right away. And that is a niiice crossbow.

  4. yes yes


    thank you very much. I know what overiding is. when I dont have proper mastery I dont get full bonus from sets? hmmm this is new to me. well started the toon already. the multi hit is working but currently the hit-ratio and damage sucks... well he is level 10 or something :D


    see you when DE is around 50

  5. I thought about doing a ranged DE but I never get myself to do it, and Deamons are great archers, extreme speed on shoting while flying and extreme damage in attack form and with the ''attack attack''


    I was just playing pool with friend and I won, which means I attacked him witn my powerful "beerslaughter" attack, irresistable damege... I will first try out DE and than propably deamoness, will report on the events. And if I understand properly, using the physical assail form (or what...) the "attack attack" form is with bow I guess, and that should be nice damege? (hope you understande this sentence structure). But when flying and using crossbow would be interesting. With tentacles or something. uh. I'll try and report later.


    c y

  6. Hello everybody


    I was thinking to make a ranged DE. Using the umm testosterone (or adrenalin) to boost poison damage and then multi hit. DE has a special multihit, and I am wondering whether it will work. Using egils... if that is the poison (cross)bow


    Also I noticed that deamones shoots faaast from a crossbow when she is in the air. If one hit kill could be managed that would be cool...


    Anyone tried this kind of builds?

  7. I tried this with dwarf.


    I left the game runnig while I was sleeping. Seven hours maybe - got 70%. It was low level dwarf and these 70% percent are perfectly helping him to run silver smoothly. the damage boost is just enough to take out enemies by one blow of flamethrower.


    Schot - its ok, now I can sleep peacfully :D

  8. Hello everybody


    This will be a multi purpose ass smacker :P.


    This is not very innovative build but my main points is to open a disscusion on some topics


    Skills - I have no toon over level 80 so what I write here is from what I read on other posts


    1.Weapon lore - 1 or 100 (depends on whether character is experienced or not :D - I hope you cathch my devious drift)

    2.Concentration - 100 - 140

    3.Dual wielding - 1

    4.Magil lore - I would like to make it 80 - 120

    5.Meditation - I would like to make it 80 - 120

    6.Armor - 100

    7.Constitution - 100 - 140 (thats what I read)

    8.Anything - anything :)


    Weapon lore concentration - obvious - elemental deamon forms and damage


    Dual wielding - well in the start having two weapons is nice. Also I noticed that having two weapons in slot alway gives me more poison damage then having one twohanded weapon. Other wise maybe agility would be nice here. I`ll disscuss it later.


    Magic lore and Meditaion - I want this to make infernal power and tentacles really going. And here is my first question. Some people do chose Hell Power instead of Meditation. Why? From my point of view I see meditaion lot more efficient. Hell Power comes when one uses spheres/discs or choir, I guess. But with meditation you can achieve a lot higher level of each "magic" deamon skills. Also I noticed that having this skill at level 50 gives you aprox. 100% to speed and 100% to regen. compared to "godly" 300%regen of meditation. What is the boost at level 100? I only see a sense in combining these two for best effect.


    Armor and constitution - obvious - for bigger bunnies and less blue motorcycles :wub:


    8. Anything - here I have several questions

    1. Hell power - as I said. No use to my character cause it will be poison/soaring deamon, not disc/spere/choir

    2. Parrying - I dont understand this skill much. Shouldnt this be only efficient only with shield? My guess is that it never reaches or goes over 100%. Am I right? I understand it as percentage of possibility that shield will do a complete block (before counting in the rest arm./def.) I am clueless so please correct me.

    3. Agility - I often read that 50 is enough and mainly for defence purposes. Well with deamones attack rating is not a big deal(infernal power/poison ring) Is the bonus for defence really worth? I know that the higher you get the skill the lower bonus you get but anyway wouldnt points in armor compensate for it? Is it a paltinum/niob musthave?

    4. Trading - and this is my main problem. I wanted this skill but I do not see it (level 50...). Can deamoness choose it or not? I like this skill so much. It was so nicely described in other forums.



    CA skills

    Soaring deamon/Poison deamon


    Right now at level 50 I have well developed poison deamon for mass killing

    You can easily (not particularly fast...) kill dragons on silver and even ranged enemies arent dangerous while the radius of ring is enough, just come to them and when they run away they will stop in the radius of poison ring


    Soaring deamon is a backup. Traveling and when I fight undead in combination with infernal power. That is while poison is not particularly effective (now). Another question here. Does the attack radius grow larger with higher level?


    Infernal power - fire damage + nice attack rating - use it with fire weapons


    Tentacles - right now just against undead. I noticed in single player that sometimes you dont get experience from skelies - it is maybe because they shouldnt be dead so early...


    CoD - oh well... level 36 is max. efficiency (I read this)


    With this build you can choose any CA. If you choose hell power then you can be proficient even with spheres and discs. Another question here. Chosing every CA would propably ruin rune drop rate. Is that correct? How do mages cope with this issues. I wouldnt be that worried if I knew how to mule in single player (my internet connection is baaad... I cant do internet multiplayer ;) )


    one more question


    what are the boosts for skill at level 100 150 200 - I will try to find this somewhere ( or do you have some good link?)

    weapon lore (magic lore)

    concentration (meditation)



    hellpower (heavenly magic, elemental magic moon magic and associated) (would say that agility follows simmiliar path)




    All this bring to me an idea making a general description for skill and suitability for toons. Such an topic would be like ummm hint to any build.


    Thank you. I hope I chalenged someone.


    Merry Christmas (soon)

  9. heh ty csaszar and schoth


    csaszar - hmmm somehow I think schoth is right. Now imagine that programers are developing a game and something like what you described would work. well I am not a developer but the thing that schoth described seems to be more realistic while the over normal difference in toon level and SB. In the view of schots oppinion your idea of getting increased drop every time the SB changes does not somehow make sense (to me - because it is a small relative chance compared to what schoth said). anyway I am a begginer and I realy do not know much about the game (no toon above 90lvl).


    schoth - com on ma n I m Chrenus not Chrenos... schoth :Just_Cuz_21::(. hmm I`ll try that dwarf if I manage to make it work ( I am not good with PC stuff ) :lol:


    and have a nice december :)

  10. oh yeah


    interesting I allways wondered what that is. by the way I noticed it also improves damage. at least I think. I ll try it out on single player.


    ty. and explain fast :whistle:


    P.S. I just visited wiki and the damage is mentioned there :). I leave the upper part unedited so others see that it is important to look there first :unsure:

  11. Full Health(Approx: 39653) damage was 1162

    Half Health(Approx: 19500) damage was 4112

    Low Health(Approx: 500) damage was 6830


    ok I made a approximation


    100% 40000 - 1000 damage

    50% 20000 - 4000 damage

    0-1% 500 - 6500 - 7000 damage


    using my previous formula


    500% widd


    base damge + (base damege x widd%xhealth status%)

    health status- 0health -> 100%widd effect

    half health 500%/2 = 250% -> 2.5 multiplier so 1000+(1000x2.5)= 3500

    0-1 health full widd efficiency -> 5 multiplier so 1000+(1000x5)= 6000


    the differenc is due to aproximation and propably I am missing something - in the first I miss 500 in the second 1000

    the misstake is bit strange while full widd is two times more efficient then half widd (according to my "formula") and the mistake has the same ratio


    to gogo -> I checked the link on sacred wikki and couldn find any formula - did I miss something? :unsure:


    somehow it seems it works. buts its the same with ones own jokes. allways the most funny around :whistle:

  12. hmmmm


    I`ll take a minute to think about it or maybe two :D


    but what I wrote was based on fact that I had 40% widd on my deamon and my life was realy close to 1%. Normaly I did around 400damage and in that situation I did 600. I`ll test it again. what I am sure of is that if it worked as you said I would have dealt lot more damage. but I am truly a begginer, wouldnt trust me :)

  13. Well couldn't find any info, so here is my guess.


    the WIDD percentage equals damage added (multiplied from original) when you have near to 0 hitpoints - worse then quantum theory :(


    this means


    you deal 100 damage


    300% WIDD and 50% hitpoints means 100+150(WIDD)=250


    is it a good guess?

  14. Hello guys, I learned a lot from this site.


    But I am still wondering why there are different coloured sockets? Did you ever experiment with that?


    I am a begginer (no toon over 70) and I was trying to experiment with it but could not find anything new. For example moving the same ring around the different sockets. I did not notice any changes, but that may be because I have small modifiers on rings (low level) so maybe you could try it out.


    Thank you


    have a nice time

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