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Posts posted by Huntiro

  1. Just finished a playthrough in Gold with Dragon Mage and collected a few debug log errors.

    Did Ascaron check the debug.log/debug_srv.log before they released it?


    22:00:25.306 - cTypeMgr::getFxTypeFromChar() fxType [fx_golem_handfog_l] not found!
    01:14:11.902 - cTypeMgr::getFxTypeFromChar() fxType [fx_job01] not found!

    22:00:26.787 - cGrannyMgr: WARNING! fxType [529] not found!



    01:52:29.696 - could not load pixmap for savegame thumb: savegamethumbs/1024449700.tga                 -Artamark
    01:31:27.409 - could not load pixmap for savegame thumb: savegamethumbs/1032921522.tga                 -Scorpion Temple



    21:50:32.137 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell Throw_generic.
    18:22:34.315 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/human/male/v_hu-m_attacka_thr2.gr2' streamed in 0.067000s

    23:38:07.199 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell dm_co_zerstoerer.
    18:14:48.964 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/heroes/dragonmage/h_dmage-body_sm09_1h.gr2' streamed in 0.062000s

    02:47:06.538 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_ghost_schock_1.
    18:28:32.066 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/monsters/skelett-mage/v_skelett-mage_magica_st.gr2' streamed in 0.034000s
    02:47:39.649 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_root.
    03:21:03.276 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/monsters/skelett-mage/v_skelett-mage_magica_st.gr2' streamed in 0.034000s

    04:35:12.783 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/dryades/blooddryads/h_blooddryade_magica_bh.gr2' streamed in 0.034000s
    04:35:11.418 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_pain_bloodrush.



    23:35:23.606 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=66) modelname='models/npc/monsters/drache-drachenform/v_drache@v1.gr2' missing bone
    00:26:43.100 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=34) modelname='models/npc/monsters/riesenspinne/v_riesenspinne@te.gr2' missing bone
    02:37:15.446 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=43) modelname='models/npc/wildanimals/beetle/c_beetle.gr2' missing bone
    04:46:27.404 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=35) modelname='models/addon/crystalregion/crystal/crystals/standard-dest/t_crystal-standard-state5-big1-dest.gr2' missing bone
    04:50:17.649 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=43) modelname='models/objects/traps/z_armor-standard.gr2' missing bone
    04:51:52.870 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=34) modelname='models/npc/wildanimals/wolf/v_wolf@flayed.gr2' missing bone
    01:17:31.214 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=34) modelname='models/npc/monsters/orc-officer/v_ork-offizier-v1@leader.gr2' missing bone
    01:14:09.278 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=10) modelname='models/objects/traps/j_trap-gas-v1.gr2' missing bone
    01:14:20.413 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=21) modelname='models/npc/monsters/riesenskorpion/v_riesenskorpion-v1@std.gr2' missing bone
    01:35:29.980 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=10) modelname='models/npc/monsters/riesenskorpion/v_riesenskorpion-v1@te.gr2' missing bone
    01:34:00.744 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=21) modelname='models/npc/monsters/kingscorpion/v_kingscorpion-v1.gr2' missing bone
    02:15:36.944 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=43) modelname='models/npc/monsters/flugdaemon/v_flugdaemon-v1.gr2' missing bone
    02:28:50.030 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=21) modelname='models/npc/monsters/jagdspinne/v_jagdspinne@std.gr2' missing bone



    21:50:52.724 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/blacksmith/h_blacksmith-bellow.gr2)!
    21:41:48.535 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/dungeon/dulybuild/passages/l_ogtc1dungeon.gr2)!
    23:47:26.379 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_SITWRITE] [_ZW] not found (granny=models/objects/jobitems/t_job-writer-sitwrite-book.gr2)!
    17:31:53.235 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_SITIDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/objects/jobitems/t_job-writer-sitwrite-book.gr2)!
    17:31:53.269 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_SITUP] [_BH] not found (granny=models/objects/jobitems/t_job-writer-sitwrite-book.gr2)!
    00:25:59.468 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/krypt/l_kryurne-c1.gr2)!
    00:35:03.080 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/krypt/l_kryurne-d1.gr2)!
    01:58:13.459 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/questitems/t_ballthrower.gr2)!
    02:45:09.400 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/dungeon/big_machine/objects/pipes/mg_bimrohr-e1.gr2)!
    16:30:30.974 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/questitems/t_scifi-switch.gr2)!
    00:55:05.886 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/animated/j_fish-mak-dead.gr2)!
    01:01:28.322 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-1a.gr2)!
    01:01:28.415 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-2a.gr2)!
    01:01:28.816 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-4a.gr2)!
    01:53:03.308 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-3b.gr2)!
    03:22:53.941 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/statues/lizards/mg_lizstatue-a1.gr2)!
    03:28:30.349 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/storage/lizards/l_lizkaefig-b3.gr2)!
    04:56:42.977 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_DEATH] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/ridingcreatures/schlachtross/v_schlachtross-r2-v1-tail.gr2)!
    00:21:37.693 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/chestcreature/h_chestcreature.gr2)!
    01:48:11.469 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm04.gr2)!
    01:48:11.469 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm01.gr2)!
    01:48:11.470 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm03.gr2)!
    01:48:11.470 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm02.gr2)!
    01:25:43.318 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/kobold-rider/v_kobold-wolfsreiter.gr2)!
    01:25:43.318 - No timestamps found for itemtype=5152, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1764692186)
    04:08:13.265 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/sandpeople/rider/v_sandpeople-rider.gr2)!
    00:45:27.422 - No timestamps found for itemtype=6978, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1533315431)
    02:27:09.791 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/goblin-rider/v_goblin-wildschweinreiter.gr2)!
    02:27:09.791 - No timestamps found for itemtype=5151, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1290563078)

    01:56:30.370 - No timestamps found for itemtype=6520, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1160057973)



    04:45:38.760 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_electricity_shock with itemtype 11941 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    04:45:38.760 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error!
    04:45:38.760 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_electricity_shock.


    04:46:03.994 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_gen_lightning with itemtype 11940 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    04:46:03.994 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error!
    04:46:03.994 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_gen_lightning.


    04:49:58.019 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_trap_heal with itemtype 12655 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    04:49:58.019 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error!
    04:49:58.019 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_trap_heal.


    02:19:31.230 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_flyer_aufladen with itemtype 9998 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    02:19:31.230 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error!
    02:19:31.230 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell boss_flyer_aufladen.


    21:54:38.457 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_whit_harterschlag with itemtype 3320 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    21:41:53.590 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_poison_fountain with itemtype 5714 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    22:02:11.024 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell dm_form_brsrk_blutrausch with itemtype 12484 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    04:04:57.091 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_cone_poisoncloud with itemtype 12196 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    04:04:57.394 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_cone_poisoncloud with itemtype 12195 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    03:21:18.613 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_cone_poisoncloud with itemtype 6473 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    04:06:32.092 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_aura_energyleech with itemtype 12934 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    00:20:22.555 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_teleportCC with itemtype 5714 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    02:37:08.317 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 9600 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    02:37:17.159 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 9599 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    02:39:17.317 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 6977 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    02:40:01.836 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 9607 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    04:08:25.556 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 4585 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    05:11:48.302 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_whit_verlangsamen with itemtype 1701 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    05:16:02.452 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_area_meteor with itemtype 8696 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    23:00:37.886 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_fog_hurricane with itemtype 8824 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    23:00:46.937 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_fog_spruehnebel with itemtype 8824 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    16:25:42.832 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell in_po_vergeltung with itemtype 6666 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!
    20:29:48.133 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_gen_chainlightning with itemtype 11754 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all!



    23:35:19.736 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue_IDLE_BH.gr2'
    23:35:20.956 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue_IDLEB_BH.gr2'
    23:35:51.017 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue-red_IDLE_BH.gr2'
    23:35:51.019 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue-red_IDLEB_BH.gr2'
    17:16:53.357 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/energienetz/c_fx-tw-energienetz_IDLE_BH.gr2'

  2. On 6/9/2019 at 10:36 AM, Flix said:

    Yeah it's too broad a topic for me to cover, I do better with specific questions.

    General advice:

    • Make a backup copy of your entire scripts folder before you start making changes
    • You don't have to repack the models and textures in the graphics.zip files (though it's recommended to save space if there is a lot). You can put them in the "paK" folder loose, if you maintain the folder structures.
    • Use a proper text editor for editing scripts, like Notepad++ or SublimeText.  Blueprint.txt in particular needs to retain its encoding and plain old Notepad is known to break the file.


    • Sacred 2 Reader/Writer: Encodes and decodes the global.res file, used for most of the game text. Some text is also stored in csv files you can just edit in Excel.  I also use this tool to get the right ID's needed to link voices to quests.
    • Sacred 2 Sector Editor: Can be used to hand place enemies/NPC's on the map, also useful for learning/checking the coordinates often used in quest.txt and other scripts. 
    • GIMP 2.8 + DDS Plugin: It's a free texture-editing alternative to Photoshop, which I couldn't be bothered to buy, pirate, or learn.  I haven't had any challenge I couldn't figure out with it.
    • GRNReader: Tool that can convert the gr2 models into files that you can import into 3dsMax. 
    • GrannyViewer: Very useful for viewing models and animations quickly.  Can't render the model with textures or do any kind of editing.


    Thank you for the detailed list.


    One question:

    About the Sector Editor,

    When I run it,  it says "Sacred 2 is not installed. Sacred 2 Sector Editor needs Sacred 2 files, but without a valid license you're not allowed to use them."

    And the "readme.txt" file also says "...the game simply has to be installed correctly (with SecuROM licence)."


    I think the SecuROM protection is removed in GOG(or Steam) installment. So is there a way to open this tool?

  3. This bug causes some annoyed visual glitches.

    Here is the fix.


    open "spell.txt"


    mgr.defineSpell( "dm_co_windstoss", {
        eiStateName = "cSpellCast",
        fxTypeCast = "FX_DM_WINDSTOSS_C",
        fxTypeSpell = "FX_DM_WINDSTOSS",
                                                                    ---missing:    fxTypeCastSpecial = "FX_DM_WINDSTOSS_C"
        duration = 0.000000,
        animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM06",
        animTypeApproach = "",
        animTypeRide = "",
        animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM06-SPECIAL",




    • Like! 1
  4. On 7/4/2020 at 5:32 AM, Androdion said:

    Spell Resistance (stat) and Spell Resistance (skill) are two different things. The skill works like a reverse Ancient Magic and the stat is based on your Willpower value, so when you equip +%SR it ads to the stat.

    Thanks for the reply.

    But I'm still not convinced, will do a test later.

    • Like! 1
  5. 22 hours ago, Huntiro said:

    GOG version 2.65.1 with CM patch 160

    1.The Boss Kobold Chieftain Gahanka can not be hurt. The health bar remains full.

    2.When in caves,  the minimap displays icons like monolith/storge chest and circles of other side quests which should appears only outside the caves. Maybe misleading sometimes.


    I'm new here. The CM patch solves my intermittent crash/freezing issue and it is so amazing!  Thanks so much for you CM patch team.



    1.The Boss Kobold Chieftain Gahanka can not be hurt. The health bar remains full. (I'm sorry. The boss regenerates very fast so it's my mistake.)

    2.When in caves,  the minimap displays icons like monolith/storge chest and circles of other side quests which should appears only outside the caves. Maybe misleading sometimes.

    3.High elf can't cast Grand Invigoration(can cast other buffs) while on horses.

  6. GOG version 2.65.1 with CM patch 160

    1.The Boss Kobold Chieftain Gahanka can not be hurt. The health bar remains full.

    2.When in caves,  the minimap displays icons like monolith/storge chest and circles of other side quests which should appears only outside the caves. Maybe misleading sometimes.


    I'm new here. The CM patch solves my intermittent crash/freezing issue and it is so amazing!  Thanks so much for you CM patch team.


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