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Posts posted by Nephilim

  1. Thanks for the positive feedback Spunky and Gogoblender! I am sure that we will link up on servers sooner or later.


    I just got done with another gaming session and I thought of a couple more things I left out.


    The mini-map that you can bring up with the TAB button is absent in the console version. After discovering this minimap feature I now use it quite a bit to maneuver around towns, fences, trees it's great.


    How inventory is handled is quite different between the two platforms. The PC version uses a grid system which is familiar to anyone who has played pretty much any other action rpg, it is familiar and functional. On consoles the inventory is list based with tab for weapons, armor, potions, mounts, relics, and misc (runes, elemental damage converters, and books). Both systems work but the console version requires a lot of scrolling and when your hero chest is full there is noticable lag as you scroll down the list.


    Another change (or I have not figured out how to do this on PC) is that you can have six relics equipped at a time (3 max in a single element resistance) whereas on PC you can only have 3 relics equipped but it is easier to switch between them.


    Will update if I realize anything else.




    While my experience has been a bit less of a switch, simply from US softcore to UK hardcore, it has been fun. I've caught games with ang both nights, and am trying to catch up to the guy. Haven't seen many else on, but then again it's my first char on these servers so I'm playing quite defensively and slowly. Trying to get the little guy to niobium so I have a shopper/smither for future chars.'


    I realize the expansion changes this, but a bonus for console was the ability to warp to past stones and such, from anywhere. PC requires a portal thingy sadly.

  2. Well then, let's get this started! Hi, I'm a sacred - a - holic and obviously need therapy .. wait..! Humor aside, it looks like I found a site with tons of friendly people who share the same enjoyment of the game as I.


    I'm 26, living on the East Coast with a Computer Science degree. Much love for it, less love for being on the apparent wrong coast with it haha.. I've been an avid gamer since I was 5, starting with a nintendo and RC Proam and working my way through time and systems. I love games and the fantasy associated with them. Having been a sacred 1 fan, this game naturally appealed as do most RPG style games.


    I have been on the US servers for months. Given the playerbase there is small and for the most part prefer locked games always, I decided to switch to across the pond, and dance the dance of hardcore as well! Should be quite the experience. I've always been a lurker on the boards, only recently registering. I hope to eventually play with many of the people here, as I learned tons of game info and build ideas from them. Much respect to many.

  3. Thanks for the warm welcome and replies!


    I got my game downloaded last night and will probably be starting today around 430 EST. My schedule varies all over so I'm certain I'll cross most of you. Be quite a new experience as I had been playing softcore with family over on the US servers, and I get to restart from scratch AND hardcore. Looking forward to it though. Seems like many enjoy the hardcore thrills here, so I can find some company.


    The mod bar was in chrona's dragon mage pics, but I found the thread. Anything though is better than the current one, just am not completely fond of it lol.


    I'll be on later to begin the rampage, hope to see many of you as well!

  4. Well hello there. Been a long time lurker! I have some general questions and what not and since I've always seen people so friendly and willing to answer, I thought I would ask!


    1) I'm going to snag to UK version of the game, granted I'm in the US. Do most of the members around this forum already have the expansion, or are simply waiting for it? ( I don't suspect a US release of it. )

    2) Given I'll be on the EU servers, I'll be playing hardcore. Is there many of you all on throughout the day or do most of you play within a certain timeframe? (The reason I ask is because there is quite a few people here I would enjoy playing with, and playing alone all the time would certainly get disheartening!)

    3) I've seen that people prefer the damage X-X rings, is there any specific reason as to why?

    4) On another note, is there any real advantage to rushing a level 1 character to niobium? (I'm more curious as to why than anything)

    5) I saw some mods related to the game. One that changes the hp bar and a couple others I believe. They did work in closed multi, so far as I know. Where or how would I find them, as they were indeed quite useful. (Mainly after UI changes or helpful things, no cheating garbage.)


    That's simply what crossed my mind now. I'm very much looking forward to playing with many of you who I've come to respect. I hope to eventually play with many of you online, and perhaps come within your ranks eventually. Much thanks for any help given!

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