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Posts posted by ninjaofni

  1. I've been trying to get my Xbox 360 controller to work with Sacred Gold, but it doesn't seem to respond. I've tried running Joy2Key in the background and have created what feels like the best configuration I can come up with for playing Sacred, but for some reason when I start Sacred, Joy2Key doesn't seem to work as it stops responding to my use of the controller. Has anyone here been able to successfully play Sacred using an Xbox 360 controller? If so, could you let me know how you got it to work and if it was worth doing?

  2. Try this build. My brother is building it. current level 77 on platinum and kicking butt. http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=12525


    That does look similar to the idea I had for playing this character. I still haven't played too much into Sacred 2, but I have decided from playing a little bit of everything that my favorite classes are High Elf and Dryad. Obviously, I need more time to try out some classes fully so I'm still very much in the process of deciding on what I really want to play. I have a fair amount of experience playing other rpg's, but am still trying to get a handle on the mechanincs of this game. Normally I prefer to play a summoner build, but I'm not thinking of that as a good possibility for Sacred 2 based on the somewhat poor A.I. I've seen from the creatures.

  3. I can never seem to beat the Kobold Chieftan because his health regens faster than I can damage him. I'm playing a High Elf at level 10 (will be 11 by the next time I reach him) on Silver. Is this a boss that you need a group of people to take out or does anyone know of a way that I can beat him solo with a High Elf?


    If I need a group, is it possible to get others in on my game if I already set it as an offline game? Or if I need to wait until a higher level, what level and skills would I need?

  4. Thanks for the reply. I've had some concerns about using too many runes and having an underpowered character as a result. I hadn't heard prior to this whether or not this mechanic was part of Sacred 2, but now that I can fairly safely say that it is not, this isn't a concern for me.

  5. At first, I kind of wrote this game off as a Fallout clone... but then I saw a preview for this game on Xplay. From what I saw, I can honestly say I was impressed. I will definitely research it more and maybe see how it gets reviewed, but if it looks any good, it could very well be the next game I buy for my 360.

  6. I was wondering in Sacred 2 if I need to keep the types of runes I learned to a select few I plan to use with a character build. I remember in the first game that every time you used a rune to learn/improve a combat art, the chances of finding more runes from enemy drops decreased. I would like to know this as it will affect how I play my characters significantly.

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