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Do We have a Guide on Companions?

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I normally get the Bear from one of the early quest and over time if I don't turn in the quest he, turns from a wimpy bear that is scared of all confrontation, to a full grown beast tank willing to take on all that approach me.


I've heard there are others, but I don't know if they evolve the same way.


But every time I've gotten the quest my bear has evolved, but my son has the quest and he's all the way at the Guardians, and the bear is still a baby bear, hasn't grown for him, what triggers the growth?

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IIRC, the baby bear grows when you cross into Atamark. If you pick up the tutorial relic quest after you finish the quests that take you through the wall, then the bear will not grow.


And, yes, I started a topic on companions a while back. Give me a bit to find it and link it. Ahhhh, yes... this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually the bear Grows right at the area before you get to the teleport, I tried this in the reverse form as well and it worked in the same area, where the flying fairies are.

In reverse = I already had access to that teleport, so I got the bear quest, teleported to that port and started back on the path south towards clearview, and within 10 seconds I get the message about the bear, saying that he's grown and appears to be more aggressive.


Its cool because, this was a feature of the game to be able to have a tank that you had to luck up and find out about, but clearly by design.

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I got the bear with my seraph to test this out. The bear did not evolve upon entering into Atamark. The Seraph is currently at Griffenburough.


IIRC, the baby bear grows when you cross into Atamark. If you pick up the tutorial relic quest after you finish the quests that take you through the wall, then the bear will not grow.


And, yes, I started a topic on companions a while back. Give me a bit to find it and link it. Ahhhh, yes... this one.

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First off -- I did not start the quests after crossing into Atamark but rather before, so that isn't helpful. Second -- the bear did not grow as it should have.


This may be broken on the pc now. If I get the the time and energy I'll try testing with another character and see what happens.

Edited by Ysne58
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Actually, depending on the answer to the next question, what Tybudd found shouldn't be dismissed that easily.

Tybudd: Where were you in the Campaign progress when you ran this test (before or after crossing the wall)?

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No when I ran the test it was before crossing the wall, matter of fact my campaign progress was in the town south of where you get the Boneslicer questline (Thy.......) forgot the name but it has a coliseum in it and the sewers we use for shopping.


The broken on PC thing I can't quite test

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The HE had no trouble completing it. I did discover that the point where the bear changes is just south of Dragonmaw Pass. (I hope I'm remembering that name right.


I was pretty tired when I did the Seraph one, but I think I grabbed the bear after activating that portal. Since I wasn't really sure where the point was, I just went on into Atamark. Which is why it didn't grow. I'm adding a post to my wiki notes to check and see what the wiki actually says. Make sure that it does state that where the bear changes is slightly south of the pass. So it grows up shortly before you leave Tyr Lysia, not when you enter Atamark.

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I did some more testing and it looks like one of the patches might have changed things. I crossed through the tunnel and entered Atamark, got the notification that I had completed Through the Wall.


Then I went back to Sloeford and started Playing With Bears. I got the bear, teleported to Dragonmaw Pass and then walked south to where the bear grows up. It grew up.


Would it be possible for someone else who plays on the PC to test this out?

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I caved in and bought the Steam version, and tested this with just sacred gold, no community patch. I took the bear all the way to Griffenborough and then tp'd back to Dragonmaw pass and went south to where the bear grows up. It grew up.

So either the bear stops growing farther into Atamark, or this was changed when the Ice & Blood expansion got added.

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Before on your testing when you said that you were in the griffen town on your Seraphim, you remember what quest it was that your Main quest line was at? I'll try to stop a main quest line slightly before what ever point you were at so we can try and pinpoint when the quest breakpoint was.

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I had completed through the wall and was headed to the royal honkytonk, light campaign.

Thanks for following up on this Ty.

Edited by Ysne58
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