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Indium Shaman

Indium Shaman (4/20)



  1. Every time you level up your stats (str, dex, int, etc.) increases. Vitality decreases the regen time penalty of armours which is probably what you have noticed.
  2. From http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Combat_Alert So you will have about 126% (50 +(4*19)) chance to reflect things. There are likely some sort of scaling going on behind the scene so I have no idea how much effect it have. The relevant part from spells.txt is entry7 = {"et_chance_reflect_CC", 500, 40, 3, 41 }, (50% + 4%)for Combat Alert without the "Permanent" modification. If you have the modification it is entry5 = {"et_chance_reflect_CC", 250, 20, 3, 41 }, (25% + 2%) for a total of 63% (25 + (2*19))
  3. You know Zinsho, it feels like we are duplicating each others work a bit. I will start generating the individual bonus pages with information about the valueranges and info like that for now. Oh, and I updated my weapon table suggestion http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/User:Moander
  4. Well, I put up a table of the weapongroups grouped by Weapon lore and governing stat on my wiki user page http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/User:Moander. The ability column is ordered by level, so Extra attack speed while mounted, BONUS_REDUCE_ENEMYS_MISSILEREFLECTION, Decrease ability cost, means that you will find "Extra attack speed while mounted" first then "BONUS_REDUCE_ENEMYS_MISSILEREFLECTION" and "Decrease ability cost" is the mastery ability. There is some new fields in the csv files and a diagram over the data structure relations. The .mwb is a MySQL Workbench file, the content is the same as in the .png file. http://rapidshare.de/files/43382827/Sacred2.zip.html
  5. Good, that would corroborate Antitrusts theory
  6. Good idea, I will check it out tomorrow.
  7. Thanks, New bonus.csv up as requested by Zincho. It have the constraints filled in. http://rapidshare.de/files/42342036/bonus.csv.html Next task is the difficultyvaluerange Edit 1: I am trying to find a host for the files but for now they will be uploaded to rapidshare. I don't know if they have porn advertising but let me know if anyone know of a better host.
  8. The things is that the common abilities table needs to be specific for each instance of each item, while the unlockable abilities are specific for each base item. How about now? Now it fits in a 960 px wide window. Oh, and here is a better weaponTypes.csv file http://rapidshare.de/files/42330442/weapontypes.csv.html EDIT 2: weapontypes with translated names, not all of them are translated yet. If anyone knows what they stand for give me a call. http://rapidshare.de/files/42338139/weapontypes.csv.html
  9. So how should the pages be organized? I would like to know two things. What are the abilities of each weapon class (attack speed, governing stat and unlockable abilities) What equipment are restricted to what class What equipment belongs to which type (club and hatches belongs to the Club type, etc.) My personal opinion is to have it something like this. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/User:Moander This way you can easily see what stat governs what item type and what itemname belongs to what type. We could even skip the entire Type column if we wanted. Besides, that should be pretty easy to autogenerate. So what do you guys/girls/beings of indescribable gender think?
  10. There are references to brassknuckels so we might get some hot pugilist action in a addon.
  11. I have a ranged based minion SW, I just gather up a crowd of monsters, drop a standard and starts firing with scything sweep with pushback modifications. By the time anyone gets close my skeletons have arrived on the scene. Add a skeleton fortification firing two arrows to my three arrows and it looks like it raining arrows.
  12. The zip contains csv files of the following Bonuses Bonus groups Weapon classifications Weapon Typifications (overlaps with Weapon classifications) http://rapidshare.de/files/42266334/Sacred...aFiles.zip.html
  13. Here is a csv file with the weapon classifications and their bonusgroup id. Paste into a openoffice Calc document and you will be able to sort it. "Classification","Bonus","Stat","Id" "CLF_2H_AXE",109,"STAT_STR",6 "CLF_2H_HAMMER",110,"STAT_STR",7 "CLF_2H_SWORD",91,"STAT_STR",8 "CLF_AXE",104,"STAT_STR",11 "CLF_BarstewardSWORD",90,"STAT_STR",12 "CLF_BATTERY_ENERGY",250,"STAT_DEX",146 "CLF_BATTERY_TECHNICS",249,"STAT_DEX",145 "CLF_BLOWGUN",159,"STAT_DEX",156 "CLF_CLUB",106,"STAT_STR",22 "CLF_DAGGER",69,"STAT_DEX",26 "CLF_ENERGY_PISTOL",157,"STAT_DEX",27 "CLF_ENERGY_WEAPON",158,"STAT_DEX",28 "CLF_FISTWEAPON",127,"STAT_STR",29 "CLF_FISTWEAPON_BLADE",129,"STAT_STR",83 "CLF_FISTWEAPON_SPIKE",128,"STAT_STR",82 "CLF_HALBERD",72,"STAT_STR",33 "CLF_HAMMER",105,"STAT_STR",34 "CLF_HORSEBOW",155,"STAT_DEX",85 "CLF_JAVELIN",116,"STAT_STR",37 "CLF_LONGBOW",147,"STAT_DEX",42 "CLF_MAGESTAFF",164,"STAT_INT",43 "CLF_MAGESTAFF_2H",166,"STAT_INT",154 "CLF_MAGESTAFF_2H_R",167,"STAT_INT",155 "CLF_MAGESTAFF_R",165,"STAT_INT",153 "CLF_POLE",115,"STAT_DEX",5 "CLF_RECURVEBOW",149,"STAT_DEX",84 "CLF_SABER",88,"STAT_STR",58 "CLF_SHORTBOW",154,"STAT_DEX",62 "CLF_SHORTSWORD",87,"STAT_DEX",64 "CLF_SWORD",89,"STAT_STR",4 "CLF_THROW_DAGGER",151,"STAT_DEX",65 "CLF_THROW_DRINK",143,"STAT_DEX",66 "CLF_THROW_STAR",145,"STAT_DEX",67 "CLF_THROW_STONE",151,"STAT_DEX",220 "CLF_THROW_STONE_BIG",145,"STAT_STR",224 "CLF_WHIP",107,"STAT_DEX",74 If anyone want to get the data in some specific format just let me know.
  14. I am going to test my theory about the files on the cudgels. The part that will be important in the next step is highlighted with ** **, the part that connect this step to the one before will be highlighted with -- -- itemname.csv **NGCLF_CLUB**;Club,1;Bludgeon,1;Cudgel,1 Typification.txt newTypification = { id = 22, name = --"CLF_CLUB"--, stat = "STAT_STR", modreal = 1000, modfocus = 0, modbasepoints = 960, bonusgroupID = **106**, weapondamagespread = 150, fightdistance = 35.000000, } mgr.createTypification(22, newTypification); Blueprint.txt newBonusgroup = { id = **106**, name = "Ybg_hafted_club ", bonuslist = --{ 74,78,82,}--, } mgr.createBonusgroup(**106**, newBonusgroup); blueprint.txt newBonus = { -- name = "wb_hftl_attackspeed", rating = 11, basedonskill = "skill_hafted_weapon_lore", type = "BONUS_SPEED", spez = "SPEED_ATTACK", spez2 = "", usagebits = 65535, minconstraints = {1,1,0}, difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,50,100}, difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,65,130}, difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,80,160}, difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,100,200}, difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,125,250}, } mgr.createBonus(--74--, newBonus); newBonus = { -- name = "wb_hftl_undead_damfir_rel", rating = 2, basedonskill = "skill_hafted_weapon_lore", type = "BONUS_WEAPONDAMAGE_REL", spez = "DMG_FIRE", spez2 = "SUBFAM_LIFE_UNDEAD", usagebits = 65535, minconstraints = {25,5,0}, difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,100,600}, difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,130,800}, difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,160,1000}, difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,200,1200}, difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,250,1500}, } mgr.createBonus(--78--, newBonus); newBonus = { -- name = "wb_hftm_stunchance", rating = 12, basedonskill = "skill_hafted_weapon_mastery", type = "BONUS_STUN", spez = "", spez2 = "", usagebits = 65535, minconstraints = {70,1,1}, difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,44,55}, difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,50,68}, difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,55,82}, difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,60,96}, difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,66,110}, } mgr.createBonus(--82--, newBonus); Note the mincontraints of each bonus. Have you been able to find cudgels or clubs with increased attack speed as a unlockable ability?
  15. Long post incoming. If you look in "sacred 2\locale\en_US\Itemnames.csv" there is only one reference to "energistic" NGCLF_ENERGY_WEAPON;Energy Weapon,1;Energiser,1;Energistic Weapon,1 In "typification.txt" there is a "CLF_ENERGY_WEAPON" type. The problem is that most lines in "itemnames.csv" does not have corresponding entry in any of the scripts, some of the names looks like the ones in typification. they seem to go trough some sort of internal naming process that I haven't been able to find any trace of yet. In typification we have newTypification = { id = 28, name = "CLF_ENERGY_WEAPON", stat = "STAT_DEX", modreal = 1000, modfocus = 0, modbasepoints = 1180, bonusgroupID = 158, weapondamagespread = 160, fightdistance = 525.000000, } mgr.createTypification(28, newTypification); In itemtype.txt there 4 itemtypes of that classification, 4977 - 4980. If you want to see them search for "mgr.typeCreate(4977". In blueprint.txt you can find the real item blueprints by going after things with a "itemtypes" tag newBlueprint = { id = 957, name = "energy_staff_magic", palettebits = "1111111111111111", dmgvariation = 160, minconstraints = {8,5,0}, lvljump = 1, usability = 0, allotment_pmfpi = {1000,0,0,0,0}, uniquename = "", specialuseonly = 0, bonusgroup0 = {583,1500,1,9,0}, bonusgroup1 = {582,1500,1,5,0}, bonusgroup2 = {581,1500,1,2,0}, itemtypes = {4977,4979,4980,}, wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_DEFAULT',}, } Notice the bonusgrup tags? The material had bonusgroupid 158 (BONUS_AREASPLASH with minconstraints = {1,1,0}, BONUS_IGNORE_ARMOR with minconstraints = {25,5,0}, BONUS_EXTRAEFFECTCHANCE with minconstraints = {70,1,1} AND basedonskill = "skill_distance_weapon_mastery") which matches the unlockable ability. The blueprints bonusgroup seems to decide the normal abilities. Bonusgroup 583 looks like this bonuslist = { 37,67,69,382,392,393,643,647,649,651,652,659,662,680,682,684,686,688,690,692,694 ,696,698,700,702,704,706,708,}, 37 is BONUS_DIRECTDAMAGE, 69 is BONUS_DEBUFF_ARMOR_POTENTIAL. So it looks like the material decides the ability unlocks but it looks like it is limited by the level of the character. The bonusgroup on the blueprint decides all available random generated abilities. Have anyone found a Energistic weapon with BONUS_IGNORE_ARMOR below level 25? Could anyone check that the Energistic weapons really are influenced by Dexterity? So far I haven't been able to find out were damage is assigned but in material.txt we have things that looks promising. I am preparing a little api/file guide for each of the script files for the guys over in the modding forum.
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