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Sacred Guide: The Uriel's Build

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The Uriel's build:


There are two approaches to this -- one basic, and one VERY advanced.


What the builds have in commom: They are poison melee based, and heavy on a good mix of melee and magic (Hybrid). The main CAs to manage are Attack, and RBOL. Secondary CAs are Light, CL, HH, and (maybe) SoF.


Common Strategies: Keeping Weapon lore and magic lore high. Collecting LOTS of gold :) Targeting monsters that are weak against poison. Running RBoL 24/7. Maintaining a decent AR, good defense, and between 10%-15% leech.


Common tactics: Magic will be accounting for about 20%-50% of your total damage output. The higher range is when you are dealing with mobs; the RBoL will be chewing up (and leeching HPs from) the other monsters surrounding you while you melee the monster in front of you. You also get additonal protection from the "Gold for Health" (Damage Received Reduces Gold) mod -- one reason that you want to snag gold along the way.


Basic Build: take in this order: Concentration, Parry, Constitution, Meditation, Agility (or Sword Lore), Armour. Keep Concentration maxed, keep magic lore and weapon lore as high as possible. Split any remainder between Parry and Constitution until level 30, then split them between Agility (or sword lore) and Constitution. Meditation will take care of itself for the most part with the set item bonuses. Armour is for late game adds when you hit the ROI on your other skills.


Attributes will be mostly Phys Regen to help with your attack CA. If you want to push the magic side though, then you can put points into Mental Regen (and Meditation on the skills side).


This is a solid all around build for a seraphim, becuase it boosts many of the critical stats. This helps mitigate the lack of sockets available, which is the main downside of this build.


Advanced Build: take in this order: Concentration, Parry, Constitution, Meditation, Armour, Trade. Keep Concentration maxed, keep magic lore and weapon lore as high as possible. Split any remainder between Parry and Constitution. Meditation will take care of itself for the most part with the set item bonuses. Armour is for mid game to boost your overland speed as needed. Trade is ulta-late game (Niobium).


Attributes are 100% Charisma. This for for 2 main purposes: 1) Charisma boosts yout poison damage (direct and indirect) and 2) the Charisma boost will help long term with trading.


What this build does is sacrifice attack (AR) for a great poison damage output (it also sacrifices AS or Defense, depending upon what you would have gone with instead). It also sets up a long term benefit of utilizing trade once most of the skills have hit the wall on ROI. Trade can be a good Skill dump for all of those excess points: and in Niobium, the bonuses come more from gear, and less from skills/attributes.


My Current seraphim is at level 108 using the advanced build. She is just about to the point where she is maxed out skill-wise, and will begin dumping everything into trade. Her posion melee damage is adequate (Attack CA level 12 at about 10K per hit) and her magic damage via RBoL is about 3K. A side benefit is her 30 million in gold that she will begin spending soon when her Trade increases. Basically she can hold her own in platinum and be a good Trader for herself and for all of the other toons on my account.


This is not my strongest build per se, but it very well could turn out to be if Trading kicks in strong once she hits 140. But it has been a very interesting build so far, close to my 2 Abdiel builds :)

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