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Sacred Guide: Seraphim Reference Thread

Guest gogoblender

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Guest gogoblender

This thread has links to all of the other great reference threads in the SIF. It took me ferever to hunt down everyone else's great posts about damage, but with all my friends' work that they had done (Thanks to KNight of the Rose (KOTR), Planet Guardian, Shai...so many others!) the thread practically wrote itself.


Thanks guys!







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  • 11 months later...
Guest gogoblender

This is the original post regarding how to checklist yer seraphim against some concepts to see if she's doin her high kick nice and proper.

Have fun with the babe.





Want more damage? Faster killing speed? A checklist.

If you've got your own ideas..please post em.


There's a lotta new players here and I figger a good ole back to basics course could be useful. If you've got any questions please ask




1- Right kind of damage from the right kind of weapon slot...Check!

2- Right kind of damage for the right kind of resistance...Check!

3- Proper CA management...Check!

4- Landing blows successfully...Check!

5- The importance of Critical hits...Check!

6- Why multiple Celstial Lights with low regen are better than a big fat one...Check!

7- What is Indirect Damage, and why it's important...Check!

8- Racial mods...at high levels these puppies rock...Check!

9- Big Blow v.s. little blows...Check!

10-WIDD...be afraid...be very afraid...Check!



1-The right damage from the right weapon slot:


seraphim's are great at doin lotsa stuff...so when yer in melee combat...make sher yer using a good melee damage weapon slot. And when yer casting spells make sher yer casting from a weapon slot that has, let's say Rotating Blades of Light on items that increase the level of the spell.

Casting from this slot allows you to cast at that higher level, and then switching to yer melee weapon slot in battle makes the regen times on yer rbol drop by a lot cuz yer not regenning at that same high CA level.

Fer more detailed info on how to boost Combat Arts, speed or magical regeneration of your spells...

Refer to this thread here:




2-The Right kind of damage fer the right kind of resistance:


Damage always depends on the kind of resistance that a monster has. Make sure you're using the kind of damage that a monster has the least resistance to. For example: When taking out your seraphim against evil nasties in the desert...make sher she's dealing out fire and magical damage because the undead have very little resistance to fire and magic. YOu can easily find rings with this type of damage when you're shopping. Look for the rings that have damage with blue and/or red writing on it. I never really look for the highest damage first...I always look first for rings with both fire and magic damage and THEN look at the total damage number on the ring. Be greedy and look for both damage types and total damage number.


3-Manage your Combat Arts properly:


Refer to this thread here:





4-Make sure you're landing blows:




STrength of Faith, I"ve just gotten to love it thanks to Planet Guardian. Remember...let's say that you're doing six hits with yer ATtack ca of 10 each...that gives you a potential of 120 damage.

Missing just two of those blows can rob you of 20 of the damage. At higher levels the amount of damage that you miss becomes staggering. Get used to casting this little gem of a spell, and watch your killing speed increase dramatically. IN fact...I've come to rely so much on SOF that most times I"ll only call the RBOL (rotating blades of light) into play only after using my SOF and seeing that it isn't fast enough. Landing successful blows turns your seraphim into a killing machine, and more successful blows means more damage put out over the course of a defined period of time which translates into faster killing speeds.


5-Get to know Critical:


If you've playing UW there is no reason why you should not have the Prototypes in bronze.

Those prototypes can take a load off of your regen times and have beautiful crit. Crit and the seras fast attacks combined with duel wielding make for substantial damage landed very often. Crit also extends to magical damage. This means that while all your melee blows depending on how high yer chance to crit is have a chance of doing






And this also extends to magical attacks.

I"m not the biggest fan of increasing damage through higher spell levels. I much prefer to bring high damage about through critical and WIDD. Making magical attacks more powerful through WIDD and critical works with the seraphim's ability to dish out really powerful melee attacks. By Gold a seraphim with those two swords should easily be doing close to 40% critical.

How do we get those swords?

Refer to this thead here:




6-Spam yer cls to increase their efficiency:




This means try not to count on one cl doing all the work. Instead...count on two...or if yer good...fifteen. Don't read cl runes. Always use cl casting weapon slots and bonuses from armor. By not reading cl runes your regen will always be at level one, while the casting level can easily reach a hundred or more. This can give you a regen time of 0.5 seconds or less allowing you to spam the cls. Remember...a level 511 celestial light doesn't have as much damage as three or four level 100 celestial lights...but it's incredibly easy to just cast a bunch of lower level ones. And the ability to spam multiple cl's offers great tactical options. Did I say don't read cl runes? Well...read as many cl runes as you can...as long as the regen time runs from .02 to .08.


7-Understand Indirect Damage:


Damage can come from rings, Combat Arts, crit, you name it...and one other way is Indirect Mods.


Knight of the Rose first defined and discussed Indirect Damage here...Please refer to this thread:




These are the mods that you see listed on set armor types for example. The Golden Netting fer seras is a powerful set fer hybrids that gives bonuses to your melee damage based on strength and mental regen. This set gives good strength bonuses as well, increasing yer healthpoints and melee damage output. And by increaseing the number of points you put into mental regen your damage increases two fold:


1-Golden netting will increase your melee damage modded from mental regen

2-All your magical damage will increase because your putting points into mental regen


Another example of Indirect damage would be the ABdiels set. This set is wicked for seraphims against the undead and has sweet bonuses to fire damage based on dex. This means that the more dex you pour points into...the more melee fire damage you get. Indirect damage has proven to be a powerful mod and is probably the equal to damage via CA.


Knight of the Rose makes excellent use of indirect damage with his mounted/archer seraphim build.

Refer to this guide here:




And for a good discussion of Dex builds using Abdiels, AArnum's and fire damage based on Indirect Mods with an Uber Damage Dex build by Lord of the Milk, please refer to Planet Guardian's thread here:





8-Racial mods:


This is damage to certain types of creatures vis a vis mods found on extremely rare ammies and items that give huge bonuses to particular races of enemies.

These mods come into play at the higher levels of the game, and in niobium you can find beautiful ammies that give a substantial increase in damage to, for example, undead.

I'm hoping that Shai Hullud see this thread cuz he's the expert on that one

If you're gonna build a seraphim that only takes out certain types of nasties...then this is probably the way to go.


9-Big blow v.s. a series of smaller ones:


The resistances of monsters in the game is calculated so that a bigger blow has a better chance of procurring higher damage than a series of smaller blows.

Let's say a Hard Hit CA has a chance of getting a 100 damage. And you were to compare it to an ATtack CA of six blows with a chance of getting 100 damage. It's the Hard Hit that would give better damage because a more powerful blow always does more damage than a series of smaller ones. Of course...the Attack CA for a seraphim has huge tactical opportunities, while the Hard Hit is great for taking out Bosses. And the Attack CA just looks more cooler.



10-Go WiDD:


Wounds increase Damage Dealt is the deadliest mod in the game. This means that when I look fer damage rings that are:


1-High in damage

2-Possess the right types of elemental damage


I also, in addition to the two requirements listed above...look fer the WIDD mod on them.

I let all my Attack Combat Arts come from my armor...and it is my rings that do the WiDDing


It's very risky and has a huge chance of killing you if you're not careful. If yer game and have a plat level toon then refer to this thread here:




A low level WIDD RBOL will always kill faster than a high level RBOL

A low level WIDD CL (Celestial Light) will always kill faster than a high level cl


For stats comparisons refer to this thread here:





Something to think about




Good luck and enjoy the damage.







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