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Sacred 2 "Dark Elf" Mod 1.0.2

1 Screenshot

About This File

This mod will make your High Elf especially evil looking. This mod was designed to help players of the High Elf in the Shadow Path Campaign have a player character which truly suits the part. Of course it will work for the Light Path Campaign as well. The base model is wearing only black undergarments, but armor of your own choosing may be added. This mod is incompatible with the unclothed female characters mod. The skin and hair color may be altered, yet the hair may be rendered jet black during character creation. The skin will have a light to medium grey look rather than what it usually would look like when the skin is selected while creating the character to be a lighter shade. 

>>>>> UPDATE: Thanks to its creator, Hucheir, there is a mod at Nexus Mods (Evil Elf Skin for Sacred II) which alters the skins for the High Elf's armors making this mod work well and look better with her armor. Now, one may have fun being "naughty" and look shockingly evil while doing so! <<<<<<



What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


The Dark Elf now has glowing red eyes!

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