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DarkMatters - Moderator
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Hooyaah last won the day on January 20

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About Hooyaah

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Republic of Texas
  • Interests
    Gaming (Especially Sacred 2) Writing, Painting, Drawing, Ceramics Sculpting, and Ranching.

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  • Favorite pizza topping
    ground beef
  • Why do you want to join DarkMatters?
    It's the haven for all who love Sacred 2!
  • All time best video game ever played
    Sacred 2
  • Real Name
  • Country
    United States

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Vector Sigma Prime

Vector Sigma Prime (19/20)



  1. Yes, air conditioning is essential in Texas, as our state has doubled in population over the past four years; our energy demands have increased. There are plenty of opportunities for employment and people also like the way that the state government is managed. Many folks appreciate the fact that Texas has few bitterly cold Winters and deep snowfalls which restrict transportation. Texas is huge. Germany, not a small country, is just under 53% of Texas' size. I mention that, because there are very significant temperature variations from far north Texas to far south when measured at the same time. Perhaps, such differences in temps from north to south aren't so different in Germany. Is there often a large disparity in climatological data between northern Germany compared to its south on the same day? Nevertheless, northern-dwelling Texans (like Amarillo) see bitterly cold weather much more often than those in the south (like Brownsville.) That having been mentioned, interestingly, Houstonians were treated to about 5" (12 Centimeters) of snow, falling over about one day recently. That was an event which might happen once in fifty years, or even less often.
  2. @gogoblender Rommel, you really need to be in Texas. Right now, the temperature is 28°C and truly "balmy." We have the air conditioning on to remain comfortable.
  3. kind- hearted => Casper The Friendly Ghost
  4. evil voice = "Devil Made Me Do It!"
  5. ties => grounding Ties are much more than an affectation worn around the neck. Ties are a connection, a way of grounding us and providing us a with feeling of belonging and a sense of purpose. Ties instill within us an important connection to our family, friends, community, and country. Education means very little if we have no purpose, no cause to employ it in a greater service to humanity and for the strengthening of our society. The greatest things we can accomplish in the fleeting life we are given are not found in serving ourselves, but are realized in our service to others and to the ultimate benefit of all mankind.
  6. intellect devourer => fat Middle-aged obesity and a diet rich in sugars and saturated fat are known contributors to cognitive decline. Being overweight is associated with a fatty liver which is less functionally able to prevent amyloid build up and toxins from entering the brain tissue which can cause dementia and Alzheimer's syndrome.
  7. @Flix I've been playing for many hours, perhaps twenty or so, over three days (in Multiplayer) and I'm already up to a Survival Bonus of 70.5% and the Map Revealed is at 51.6%. It seems as if it takes longer to increase the Survival Bonus the higher its level climbs. This is where some "augmentation" would be most efficacious. I was hoping to create a guide on creating a High Level Character, using the Character Editor, one which might quickly attain a high level Survival Bonus. UPDATE: Well, there is no workaround. There are no shortcuts. This is the bitter, odious facticity: One must, from a starting Survival Bonus of zero, remain in combat continuously for twenty four hours every day, for roughly thirty days, in order to attain close to a 100% Survival Bonus.
  8. That's a very well-designed banner! It looks as if it had been officially released with the game originally.
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