Yes, air conditioning is essential in Texas, as our state has doubled in population over the past four years; our energy demands have increased. There are plenty of opportunities for employment and people also like the way that the state government is managed. Many folks appreciate the fact that Texas has few bitterly cold Winters and deep snowfalls which restrict transportation.
Texas is huge. Germany, not a small country, is just under 53% of Texas' size. I mention that, because there are very significant temperature variations from far north Texas to far south when measured at the same time. Perhaps, such differences in temps from north to south aren't so different in Germany. Is there often a large disparity in climatological data between northern Germany compared to its south on the same day? Nevertheless, northern-dwelling Texans (like Amarillo) see bitterly cold weather much more often than those in the south (like Brownsville.) That having been mentioned, interestingly, Houstonians were treated to about 5" (12 Centimeters) of snow, falling over about one day recently. That was an event which might happen once in fifty years, or even less often.