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DarkMatters - Moderator
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Hooyaah last won the day on July 26

Hooyaah had the most liked content!


About Hooyaah

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Republic of Texas
  • Interests
    Gaming (Especially Sacred 2) Writing, Painting, Drawing, Ceramics Sculpting, and Ranching.

Previous Fields

  • Favorite pizza topping
    ground beef
  • Why do you want to join DarkMatters?
    It's a haven for those who love Sacred 2!
  • All time best video game ever played
    Sacred 2
  • Real Name
  • Country
    United States

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Hooyaah's Achievements

Vector Sigma Prime

Vector Sigma Prime (19/20)



  1. sassafras => Aerosmith (that word's mentioned in the first 50 seconds of this song (below).
  2. Well, Rommel, I don't think you'd like to bathe in my pond. There are a few alligator snapping turtles hanging around in there. You don't really want to dive in there do you? The front porch is always relaxing on a cool Texas night. It's much closer to the amenities too. (like the necessary room and the refrigerator, for starters)
  3. Rommel, Please slide a rum over my way... make it neat (no coke and no ice). I best holster my barker before I wet my lips. Y'all hankering to play a friendly round of cards? I got a fistful of silver ladies in my pocket that wanna talk business.
  4. Six Million Dollar Man => Steve (I think he was from Austin).
  5. You must go to: C:\Sacred 2 Gold\scripts\server and open the file "Balance." Search for the line: RangePickupLoot and set the value to 1800.
  6. UFO => Bigfoot There are many sightings in this part of Texas.
  7. Doc, from what I can infer, your bio-diverse aquarium is very stable and simple to maintain. Have you incorporated any hardy aquatic plants? If not, you might find that adding some species which are not attractive as food to your residents, would make a nice addition. Incorporating flora, one piece at a time, after providing a full-spectrum of florescent light, could prove to be efficacious and beautifying.
  8. Doc, the pictures should size to fit the forum. When a member clicks on them they will get a larger image so that they can explore them in greater detail. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Sacred Underworld => YouTube I've never seen such a thing; there's nothing on YouTube with such a "Sacred" expression.
  10. understanding => peace A lack of understanding is often a catalyst for war. Before we get our undershorts in a bunch, let's have a good long chat and talk it out. Here's a drink for everyone; whoever is the first to volunteer a solution or conciliation may have the first guzzle.
  11. authority => respect One who exercises authority properly is deserving of respect.
  12. Pike => Christopher Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701 (before James Tiberius Kirk)
  13. omelet => bacon (a proper omelet must have bacon, of course)
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