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Posts posted by gogoblender

  1. 11 hours ago, pevil said:

    Lexy! I forgot about dear Lexy. Ah so many memories. If I could go back to those times for a day I'd be so happy, and I'd spend the entire day on the SIF.

    I used to be scared of the spiders in Sacred. I'm a big arachnophobe, but mostly film and game spiders don't bother me. The little flat, hairy ones in Sacred though... ugh. I had to overcome my fear because the tarantulas in the desert were the place to farm set drops. Most of my hardcore play was spent there, and I'd invite people to join me, hoovering up any non-set items and leeching experience from me. Good times. I used to see Knight of the Rose online quite a lot, and of course my Descendants of Ancaria peeps. I miss those guys a lot, I was gutted when the website finally went down. And dear Lady P, I hope she's smiling down on us.

    I didn't realise Schot was also a beta tester, mind you we didn't have much time for talking. I remember Thorin being a tester I think. I suspect the devs and Carolyn probably have graves in both games. That is something to research perhaps.

    My grave is in Twinbrook Cemetary I believe. I don't have one in Underworld, but I'm credited as a tester in the booklet, as Pevil as I was too late getting my real name to them for printing. I know my Sacred 2 grave is on the wiki page. Says something about "Pevil learned that a wet mattress is not a defense against dragon breath", in reference to my custom mod title on the forums, which was something like "Keeper of the Wet Mattress". Which was itself an in-joke from Mirko.

    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...the sacred underworld booklet! really? 

    *gasp* :cow: I NEVER knew that beta testers got credit anywhere...thats awesome! omgod, im gonna go dig mine out now... I have EU version..is that the one yer in?

    Yer a Legacy Girl!



    ps and i hereby yeeks yer arachnophobia.. yah , did Sacred ever get those right! I had the serious willy jillys with spider for years.. I guess just lately i got lazy :4rofl: 

    And yah..isnt that great trivia... whos in BOTH graveyards of the game?

    oooh :cool:


  2. 17 hours ago, bhj said:

    hehe Yeah I saw the post moved And here I was trying to be sneaky :ninja:

    Let see if I recognize any name's then :agreed:

    As for eve online its been free to play for some time now (2016) And in general its a good thing More ppl = a better game
    and I do still play :lujate: You all invited to join me ofc :woot:


    omgod, BHJ, STILL ... :bounce: You must own mega stellar corporations by now!

    Whats the name of your company or clan?

    Are you still playing with all the norwegian group? oh man, havent seen the gang in years!



  3. 10 hours ago, Dax said:

    Get "Audacity", it is freeware.
    Choose a jingle of your choice, open it with Audacity

    -press ctrl+a
    -click "effect"
    -click "volume & compression"
    -click "enhance"
    -reduce the decibels by max possible
    -save it over and over again until all jingles have been replaced with blancs.

    Did not try, but I assume it works.

    Try following playlists as well:

    thank you

    Thanks for the detailed answer Dax... as usual on game



  4. 11 hours ago, OlivierGamba said:


    Sorry if it's not the right place to ask that, but I'm wondering of it's possible, like in sacred 2, to remove the annoying combat music and still have ambient sounds and the very nice little town musics ? Thanks.

    Deeeeelighted to make acquaintance friend! You have just won THE best registration sign up EVER for this site in 20 years...

    "why do I want to sign DarkMatters"

    I love you



    happy to have you here on the boards and welcome to DarkMatters!




  5. On 1/26/2025 at 7:27 AM, pevil said:

    I think the water bottle glitch is how I found SiF; me and bf were happily playing then one or both of us got hit by it. Off we went to search for the solution and bam, there was SiF. He posted a few times then stopped bothering, but we all know I got addicted to that place. I remember chatting to you on MSN Gogo! I miss MSN. I met so many wonderful people on there, and wasted so many hours a day chatting on it.

    Little secret, I never finished Underworld or 2. Beta testing does that to you. To be fair, Underworld I didn't test much; I came in at the end of the testing. And that's when I was also more of a HC player so I couldn't ever quite bring myself to 'waste' my precious Sacred time in playing offline when I could be having fun chatting with you guys in-game. I spent far too much time on my Dwarf who was focused on trading, running between "Bravemart".

    2, I definitely burnt out on. Testing Shadow Warrior over and over and over, restarting it daily, never getting further than a certain point because new builds would come out and we'd need a fresh save... everyone has this dream view of beta testing something, but truly doing it, not just playing early access 'beta', it's not fun. Rewarding, yes, but definitely not fun. Actual professional QA testers are a special breed! I've tried many times but never got much past the first area. I usually make it to buying my first horse then drift away from it. It didn't have the same charm to me as the original though. I do visit my grave every time I boot it up however!

    LOl, water bottle glitch... You know Pev I had not idea what "glitches" meant in those days... but I  kept seeing it everywhere , and people were taking on that phrase into almost everyone else's posts and topics! :4rofl:  Carolin, lexy and that avatar lady with the cat face were trying to stomp out threads everywhere until they patched it...what a glorious memory and initiation to the game, and what a glorious way to remember your plus one ... attached  to Sacred :lol: 

    lol... i get your game priorities as well.. I just .. could never understand why anyone in their right mind would ever want to do a quest when... there was the killer hit SIF and HardCor Core servers where all my friends where...its like we said hi and hello to everone in the forum... and then we turned on Sacred .. and eveyrone became their Avatar'sin the game... it was always cool seeing our SIF names from the community come alive... like scenes from Ready Player One!  Course some of the deeper players knew these quests, and they had more magically powers... knew were sets where, knew that certain quests could give points, mega experience... so in the great balance.. it came to be a grand gift :lol: 

    And regarding doing beta testing... Me and Schot never did Underworld, we hadnt arrived in time, but Schot did a lot of beta testing for Sacred 2 with a lot of the gang from here, and ...well he's Schot so he loves everything all of us normally have make us go crazy :oooo: 

    Dang, Pevil your grave!! Yes you have one! In Underworld or Sacred 2, or both? Actually..is there anyone that has graves in both games?

    That's a cool trivia question

    Do you know where you grave is, what's it say?




  6. On 2/9/2025 at 2:48 PM, chattius said:

    Montreal must be big, probably more than 131 people.

    just a weeeeeeeeeeee bit! :D ... I do love the homeniess of your part of the world...and I cant imagine the onus or burden it must place upon a small number to have to fend with massive dumps of the white stuff... right now outside my window, its pretty awful... I was supposed to visit Ammamma last night, but i'm not sure i can make it unless I can find some fishing waders



  7. 3 minutes ago, alfchaval said:

    Now, the page with the easter eggs is complete: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:Easter_Eggs

    There are some easter eggs that I'm not sure where in the game they appear, I've added them to the wiki, but it would be nice to add some context when it is known.

    World's largest collection of Easter Eggs... in one place and you do you have context  :bounce: I saw your other topic looking for places for the texts.. I'm sure there will be people coming along that will be able to help out.

    Thanks Alf



  8. Booyah...and updated!  If you got your own fan site or clan site with history to Sacred..come on down have yee some fun!



    @PowerPyxel  I just saw your RAND Banner... sweeeet! I am cleaning up the direct link to everyones pages .. from like 20 years ago :4rofl: Power, do you have any kind of link you'd like me to put up or do you still have wiki access? Theres a complete page for your history and journey if you guys want to add more 



    @pevil wooots! i found your community link as well plus your sweet banner! is there anything you'd like to add to your page as well? Sacred's full of people's journeys and this page is great adventure journaling :heart:

    @Patroclo Picchiaduro woots i found yours as well...LOVED that western style clan device! :resp: 





    @Mare  Amazing seeing you back! :hugs: We got this official page for Fan Sites, if your site, Sacred Tribute is interested, you can bring in info or pix, links or stories to create your own webpage in SacredWiki!

    Do you still have Wiki access? If not, please tell me and I'll add you as an editor.

    Woot... Sacred's fan sites are SHINY!



  9. I've been working on Sacred Fan and Clan site page  page on and off this weekend, a lot of the links are dead so I'm trying to find a way to improve the aesthetic and tidy up the info, and remove expired links.

    Sacred 2 Fan and Clan Sites

    I'll probably resize all the pix on the page to match, will be more eye pleasing...and its especially fun to read what Fan site Reps from Sacred Fan sites have written about their sites.. theres a lot of nostalgia here, you can hear their voices chatting excitedly about this game, the clans, and their history.. close to 20 years go!!!  ...

    I've also rewritten the tone of the original intro to be a bit more excited :bounce: 



    🎉 Calling all Sacred Fan Sites! 🎉

    Get ready to celebrate the amazing Sacred community! This is the place to showcase your awesome fan sites and connect with fellow players from all corners of the world. We're creating a central hub where everyone can easily discover and explore the incredible resources and communities dedicated to Sacred.

    Let your creativity shine! Whether your site is in English, German, Spanish, or any other language, we want to hear from you. We're excited to see the diverse ways fans are celebrating Sacred.

    Create your own page right here on Sacredwiki and tell us all about your community!

    Here's what to share:

    Your Site's Name: Let everyone know what your amazing community is called!

    Speak Your Language: Tell us what language(s) your site uses.

    What's Your Specialty?: What makes your site unique? Are you the go-to place for expert guides, incredible builds, detailed maps, thriving clans, or just a fun place to hang out and share a virtual brew? Tell us everything! (And yes, "beer" is a perfectly valid specialty!)

    Link It Up!: Don't forget to include a button, link, or banner so everyone can easily visit your fantastic site!

    Let's build an epic network of Sacred fan sites together, the more, the merrier!

    Join the party and share your passion for Sacred!





  10. 11 hours ago, alfchaval said:

    As I suspected, the limit wasn't really for the page, but for the form content.

    So my workaround has been to create multiple categories and then edit the categories separately instead of the entire page.

    The bad thing is that if I wanted to create a new category I would have to delete content, add the category and then add the deleted content again.

    Its a good work around... also each heading title on that page can be turned into a link and then content on that first page can be swept into the new links' created page... sacred 2 Easter egg page




  11. 8 minutes ago, alfchaval said:

    I think I've done it, I think I've exceeded the maximum number of characters per article and I can't add the last easter eggs. Is there a prize?

    I did some tests, I edited other pages without problems, and I could edit the easter egg page to delete a sentence, but if I try to submit the text with all the easter eggs, it returns an error 403.

     I was just looking at that!  Just told Schot... we didnt even know there was a limit! :lol:

    You possibly truncate by creating links to each title to make the article go a level deeper




    ps yah well definitely find something for you :heart: 


    dang, youve been busy!

  12. 6 hours ago, chattius said:

    If this is winter, where do you live in summer?

    Air conditioning?  

    Here we are digital for centuries. Binary system: o=Open and 1=closed

    The wiki picture of a window shutter would be the summer shutter: allows for air circulation if window open and shutter closed.

    We have one shutter like the from wiki and one massive shutter for winter and storms. The rear part is build into the hill. So the rooms at the back of the house need light but have nearly constant temperature.



    Sunny, ground and flooded field still frozen. Counted 134 persons skating. Hope we have enough in the field kitchen. At sun set some chains of cranes...

    ah haaaa!! Chattius at my my grand p;arents house in Trincomalee they have those windows! I was looking at them a year later... holes in the walls and just t let air flor through.. you can see the holes in this pic when I went to visit with my mom a few years ago:




    thats my mom on the right and my aunt (Dads sister) second from left You can see the circulation holes behind them on the right

    and in this pic here you can see from the outside alley beside the house the holes going in from the outside :eek: 








    ps when my grandad came from overseas after ww2 merchant marines he bought property built houses on central street with my dad...

    mom says dad hated every moment of it



  13. On 2/8/2025 at 2:45 PM, Hooyaah said:

    @gogoblender Rommel, you really need to be in Texas. Right now, the temperature is 28°C and truly "balmy." We have the air conditioning on to remain comfortable.


    lol, Steve I read this early in the morning... what a evol you are! I do love hearing about all our different communities global.. the sense of perspective is such a gift... this community is beautiful



    • Appreciation 1
  14. 23 minutes ago, alfchaval said:

    Added more easter eggs, mostly the section about mythology.

    I also discovered three more easter eggs about The Lord of the Rings, and there are surely a few more undiscovered.

    I still have some easter eggs to add, I will do when I discover where are they located.

    "Sacred:Meg An-Enid's Blizzard" should be moved to "Sacred:M'eg An-Enid's Blizzard"

    sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! everyone loves a good egg :heart:  specially lotr and star wars... the devs were F A N S 

     can you please direct link me here to page you want me to move? I'll do it right away




  15. and thats it .. Wntertyde is heere ye over... though not really :lol:   We have reverted back to Titan, and hoping it can handle the php upgrades that Schot has been steadfastly working on

    ..if you see broken links please come here and post ... :hugs: 



    Big thanks and sincere love to all the fans who keep coming back, sharing guides, your time on the wiki, sacreds extraordinary collection of world-class mods, and the SacredWiki team's  @Sethi22  @alfchaval dwarf armies  to help us keep Sacred's kindness alive

    Till next year..

    A bien tots



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