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Everything posted by FlyingFox89

  1. Tried lower case.. No use.. Thanks again. Motify me as soon as you figure something out. Thanks again.
  2. Ok this is Levin Array in Spells.txt: mgr.defineSpell( "in_po_faecherblitz", { eiStateName = "cSpellCast", fxTypeCast = "FX_INQ_FAECHERBLITZ_C", fxTypeSpell = "FX_INQ_FAECHERBLITZ", fxTypeCastSpecial = "FX_INQ_CAST_M", duration = 1.000000, animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM12", animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID", animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID", animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM05-SPECIAL", causesSpellDamage = 1, tokens = { entry0 = {"et_maxangle_cone", 90, 0, 0, 8 }, entry1 = {"et_duration_sec", 495, 5, 0, 8 }, entry2 = {"et_dotdamage_magic", 560, 280, 0, 42 }, entry3 = {"et_range_area", 1250, 0, 0, 4 }, entry4 = {"et_spelldamage_magic", 560, 280, 0, 133 }, entry5 = {"et_maxangle_cone", 45, 0, 1, 8 }, entry6 = {"et_range_area", 250, 0, 2, 4 }, entry7 = {"et_debuff_movespeed", 500, 5, 3, 42 }, entry8 = {"et_debuff_attackspeed", 198, 2, 4, 42 }, entry9 = {"et_life_leech", 33, 7, 5, 9 }, entry10 = {"et_chance_criticalhit", 198, 2, 6, 5 }, }, fightDistance = 300.000000, aspect = "EA_SE_CELESTIALMAGIC", ----- Changed from ----- aspect = "EA_IN_POWER", cooldown = 0.000000, soundProfile = 0, cost_level = 275, cost_base = 550, focus_skill_name = "skill_SE_celestialmagic_focus", ----- Changed from ----- focus_skill_name = "skill_IN_power_focus", lore_skill_name = "skill_SE_celestialmagic_lore", ----- Changed from ----- lore_skill_name = "skill_IN_power_lore", spellClass = "cSpellInqFaecherblitz", spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_effect_attack", sorting_rank = 1, This is Seraphim in creatures.txt: mgr.createCreature { id = 1, itemtype_id = 1, name = "SC_Seraphim", behaviour = "Invalid", dangerclass = 7, groupmaxcount = 1, elite_creature_id = 1, probabilityforelite = 0.000000, rank = 999, tenergy_creature_id = 1, livesremaining = 0, unconscioustime = 5, palettebits = "1111111111111111", monstertype = 0, faction_id = 1, equipset_id = 2, modelscale = 1.000000, rise_from_ground = 0, has_corpse = 1, has_soul = 1, can_strafe = 0, spells = { entry0 = { "se_co_schlaghagel" }, entry1 = { "se_co_wirbelsprung" }, entry2 = { "se_co_seelenhammer" }, entry3 = { "se_co_befluegeln" }, entry4 = { "se_co_kampfhaltung" }, entry5 = { "se_cm_lichtsaeule" }, entry6 = { "se_cm_lichtaura" }, entry7 = { "se_cm_bekehrung" }, entry8 = { "in_po_Faecherblitz" }, ----- Changed from ----- { "se_cm_blitz" }, entry9 = { "se_cm_heilen" }, entry10 = { "se_te_energieschild" }, entry11 = { "se_te_beeeffgee" }, entry12 = { "se_te_notschild" }, entry13 = { "se_te_schwertfeuer" }, entry14 = { "se_te_schockwelle" }, }, This is The Levin Array Rune in blueprint.txt: newBlueprint = { id = 809, name = "rune_in_po_Faecherblitz", palettebits = "1111111111111111", dmgvariation = 0, minconstraints = {1,9,0}, lvljump = 0, usability = 0, allotment_pmfpi = {1000,0,0,0,0}, uniquename = "rune", specialuseonly = 0, bonusgroup0 = {781,1000,1,5,0}, bonusgroup1 = {427,1000,1,5,0}, itemtypes = {6459,}, wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_INQUISITOR','WEARGROUP_SERAPHIM',}, ----- Changed from ----- {'WEARGROUP_INQUISITOR',} } mgr.createBlueprint(809, newBlueprint); Changed a few other things like animations, but those aren't related to my problems. Thanks
  3. Changing the rune weargroup did not work.. I did it exactly the way you example shows, and tried various other methods aswell. Any idea where I might have gone wrong? I still can't read Levin Array, even after I add the "WEARGROUP_SERAPHIM" line... ALSO: Is it possible to edit the god powers? If yes, where do I find them? Sorry for all the questions.. I need your help!
  4. Captain Icemember I need your help once again.. I started expermimenting with your methods, and here's what I did: I Replaced the Seraphim's Lightning Bolt with the Inquisitor Levin Array, and managed to set the focus and lore settings, as well as the animation type to run smoothly. It all worked out perfect. Thank you. BUT.. When I Switch Levin Array's aspect to Celestial Magic, I cannot read the Combat Art runes. My Seraphim does the whole "I can't use this" thing. The good thing about this is that I already had one level of Levin Array ons my Seraphim, and saw that the points I added to Celestial Magic worked fine on the combat art upgrades. And vice versa: When I Switch Levin Array's aspect to Astute Supremacy, I can read the runes, but points in Celestial Magic don't count to Levin Array's upgrades. Or any of the other Celestial Magic Aspect Upgrades for that matter. So in short, If I do It one way, the spell is able to increase in level via runes, but not upgradable or (I think) gains any damage/cast speed from Celestial Magic. If I do it the other way, The Spell works fully as intended, but I can't Increase it's level. Please oh please great master of the hex, help a fellow gamer..
  5. Oh thanks a million dude.. Time zone is a little crooked, I just got at work, so I'll only be able to give it a try in 8 or so hours. Seeing as I can change Combat arts now, is it possible to change skills? If I am to replace Celestial Magic(CM) with Astute Supremacy(AS) Combat arts like I mentioned above, Could I also Remove CM Focus and lore, and replace them with AS Focus and Lore? Thanks again, you are my knight in white haha!
  6. Holy Crap you are like my saviour... I REALLY want to remove the entire celestial magic and replace it with Inquisitor's Astute Supremacy.. Or even pick and choose the spells I want one by one. PLEASE OH PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR WAYS GREAT AND WISE ONE!! I will be in your debt forever! Even better scenario, use part Inquisitor, part Seraphim skills, on one of those above shown Inquisitor ladies skins as a playable character.. Hehe, on step at a time I guess.. I'M on my knees...
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