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Everything posted by Consolex

  1. We had a good discussion about this, I believe it is in the Inquisitor section of the Genereal Discussion forum. Let me track it down and link it. http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15697 is the one. I think it was split out of another topic we were discussing and that discussion got side-tracked into the invincible companion conversation. Some info is missing. LOL @ powerful allies. IMO, I don't think the escorts are that good, and most of the invincible ones are children (they don't fight). Thanks heaps for linking that Hmmm whats the quest with the 3 warewolfs as a companion? If I remember right I did a quest and got two ogre champions that kept respawning after I reloaded the game with the quest unfinished. The problem was though their level was capped. When I got further in the main quest they would get one hit KO'd by spiders/Rats. I want to look for skele companions or creatures rather than children. Reason is I like having an army for my SW. Looks cool
  2. Hey everyone. Just a question for someone thats knows this. I'm looking for the quests that recruit invincible allies that I can grab and keep in my party until I finish their quests. I have the blind guardian guy so far Does anyone know of anymore? Especially powerful allies. Thanks in advance.
  3. Sweet I added you as a friend. I will be on tonight my time. which is in the next couple of hours or so I will message you. Yeah just the armor by itself is fine. IF you choose trade further thats fine too cheers
  4. What does the SW get for the class quest? is it the same everytime?
  5. you can buy experience bonus rings? Would you know what the % is per level?
  6. I have a level 75 Lucretis Revalation. add me: PSN: Consolex Will trade for xp bonus rings/amulets or the Armantin version of the chest plate. Just arrange a time for a meet.
  7. Yeah it always does that. Especially when your over networkplay. Lots of enemies + that combat art mentioned. It kind of sucks because I have around a 1s regen time and I can't benefit from it.
  8. looking for other players who still play this game on the ps3. I'm level 66 atm. PSNID:Consolex Thanks!
  9. I tried the Ogre Shaman Champion method. It didn't work out to well. The Shaman spawns the spirit far away out of sight and speed of the spirit respawn is really slow. It could be a console issue. I'm on the ps3. Hmm are there any good quest experience rings or amulets that can be found in this game without farming? I have my item pickup set to only 3* plus for equipment items. I have never picked up an xp+ item in the last 15 levels I have gained. The last drop I found was a 1* item with like 4.5% bonus.
  10. Hi Guys new here. Thought it would be a cool idea to have Shadow Veil as a buff and camp somewhere with skeletons to earn xp while afk. Is there such a place where monsters spawn constantly without having to leave the area? Or at least an area where when cleared Monsters eventually will return? Thanks
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