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Posts posted by Scleameth

  1. I love the test skin and the floating av boxes...but my only niggle with it is that overall it's very wide! If you change from ogame skin to the skinningtests you'll see what I mean.


    Hey Schot, just thought I'll give you somethin' to put in yer pipe.... after I did a quick edit on one of my posts, the post got 'wide'...

    Where's the 'tests' skin gone to ? /cry

  2. are those tears in my eyes :) /cry

    When the announcement of Sacred 2 was just made, I got 'oh so excited' !

    When the screenshots and E3 trailer was released, I got 'oh so very, very excited' !

    When I heard that I won a signed copy of Sacred 2, I got 'oh so overwhelmed with joy' !!

    Then... the excitement kinda' dropped a bit with no additional news.

    This site (in English) has got me 'oh so excited' all over again !

  3. p.s. regarding backgrounds ayup...greg martin's awesome,...Schot, yer gainin on him man...soon ...soooooon


    Heh, Schot you're gainin' for sure ! No wonder I thought it might be yer work !




    I eat beanz...... HUMAN BEANZ !! *phoooaaar* /sick

  4. @Katran : Thanks for your inputs on Baldurs Gate ! I guess I'm the type of gamer that focus more on the action than on the story line... Of course if a good combination of both exist in a game, I find the game better than one with just good gameplay... I guess the day will come when I'll sit down and play Baldurs Gate from start to end; and I might just find out what all the hype is about ?


    Aaaargh I hate my pc ! I installed Rise of Legends on my brother in law's new pc and realized I'm missing out on sooooo many graphics !! He's now gonna buy the game and I'm now gonna start saving for a new pc.... *those darn famous last words again !*

  5. Here are some screenies of my latest adventures :


    Started act 3 (with my improved walker !) 20


    Seeing my new baby fire for the first time ! 21, 22


    I like the new cities ! 23


    Facing the enemy : 24

    same screen as above, just panned - one of my special abilities is to make copies of myself... evidently so is the enemy hero's ... 25


    It followed me home... can I keep it ? 26


    This is the situation of my current save game... I HAD TO GO EAT DINNER THAT VERY SECOND OR ELSE !! 27

  6. *gets the crowd roaring...*


    WE want a new background...We want a new background...We want a new background!


    *stomps foot*


    *throws icecream*


    *eats a can of beans*





    WE want a new background...We want a new background...*phooaaaar* We want a new background! *eats more beans*

  7. as promised, here are some of the screens I managed to remember to capture....


    These first 2 was after my first really big battle - I harrassed the pc with air strikes and that's why I have so much spare resources... 1,2


    These 2 was when I got to controll the giant spider - I tried to capture the scale of the thing, but unfortunately one can't move units around after a scenario is complete.... 3, 4


    Some sand dragons : 5,6,7


    Some group fotos with a golem : 8,9, 10


    I just got Damanhur as a hero : 11, 12, 13


    Crossing a bridge with some nice Afreet action : 14, 15, 16


    I'll post some more of the new campaign as soon as I have to stop working late..... again.....

  8. Ah cool. You got Rise of Legends Scleameth?! I tried out the demo. Man that was a lot of fun. :D


    I recently upgraded my sys so I think I'll take a few more spins with Legends. The last time I tried the demo I eventually got this mammoth robo spider thing that shot out missiles galore as well as some huge chopper thing. That was a great deal of fun! Smashed everything in sight mwahaha!


    We needs cool screenshots of your game play Scleameth. /lol


    That spider is huuuuuge ! Although you only get to controll one in the second act....


    I'll have to capture some additional screenies.... I tend to forget in the heat of battle and when some hard fought missions are done.... THEN I remember... hehe it's a shame really, 'cause there's some nice maps. I tend to pan the camera when marching a big army over some insanely huge bridge, but .... FORGET TO TAKE SCREEN SHOTS !! I started the 3rd and final chapter yesterday and the game just gets better !

    Have I mentioned the great intro ? /whistle


    I think there's a bug in the version I have. *ties string to finger to remember to search for patches* In the world map, you build 3 types of sections to your captured cities. 1 will create +1 to army every turn, 1 creates +1 to Wealth and 1 creates +1 to research. Now it seems that only once I have enough Weatlh points to upgrade to city-level that I start gathering points for army and research... bummer, since you might only start upgrading unit attacks and defence later on in the campaign - as expected, but that leads to you not being able to upgrade every type. In the second act, one genie kept attacking my one region while I was on the other side of the world map conquering regions. To resist the attack you have to have a Barracks in your city. This barracks is destroyed, but the region survives. The lead to me spending a lot of Wealth points on rebuilding the barracks and not being able to upgrade to city status in other regions.

    Hero abilities are upgraded by completing quests and side-quests.




    The first chapter starts off with this Clockwork technology - very cool. These are basically soldiers with guns, clockwork men - very big robot-type guys, tanks, etc... you might say it leans more towards C&C. I got this one hero that, when upgraded enough, will take out a small city with one shot !


    The second chapter is more focussed on magic and desert-type units. There are some dragon-type units that are absolutely amazing in gfx and animation ! There's this one dragon type that will destroy a defence tower in one pass ! The one heroin you get at the start of this chapter has this special ability to create a fire explosion - since you face water-crystal-like apponents, this fire is a very potent attack !... and it's so biiiiig !


    The third chapter started with me facing some sun god - This guy was really, really big, but I'll have to fight him again with my improved walker !! Seems like the units in this chapter can be compared to Stargate.


    I'll post some screenies tomorrow...

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