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Posts posted by Scleameth

  1. Never played Torment - I'll keep an eye open. I agree that Knights of the old Repuplic was an excellent game !

    I guess you're right that Spellforce leans more towards the RTS side, but I still enjoyed the RPG factor.

    I guess I have to choose my words carefully since there seems to be quite a few people out there that don't like to compare Diablo and Sacred to 'Real RPGs'. In my mind they're both RPGs, just not as complex - focussing more on the character level and abilities than the user 'guiding' the story-line.


    I guess I was a bit harsh on Bladurs Gate, I know there's millions out there that think it's an awsome game. I just like to get home sometimes and only play for an hour - Baldurs Gate does not allow for that because in an hour, nothing much happens. It's just that I never 'saw' the game before I bought it, I bought it plainely on word of mouth. Maybe I'm just too impatient, maybe I'm just an idiot. I think that sooner or later I will play BG2 from start to finish, but I've got 3 new games now and BG2 has to move to the back of the que.


    Horses for courses I guess, sorry if I insulted BG, but I'm sure there's people out there saying : 'Why is idiot so hyped about Rise of Lgends'... :D

  2. Thanks again Schot ! I tried some of those links, but my PS v6 is not up to the task... anyhow, I did gain some useful tips and I guess that's the idea !


    Well, I messed it up good this time.... but it was fun ! *expression of todler with paint on fingers next to 'newly' painted dining room wall*



  3. prey rocks!

    are you already playin on line?

    Schot has it here and I think we can both get online with the game...or maybe I'll just go and get a copy if you wanna hook up

    And...robosapien two?

    is that some kind of cybo dog?

    Sounds like yer havin a great time on yer bday dude.






    Well, my problem is that I don't have internet connection at home.. I don't wanna spend money on phone lines just yet and GPRS connection is just to damn slow for gaming..

    I played Prey a little at a friend of mine and convinced my wife to 'get me it' ! I had to come to work today so I haven't installed it yet.... From what I've heard it's the next best thing after HL2. Doom3 and Q4 sucked a bit (let's just say I expected more) and I just did not have enough time/patience to finish Farcry.


    Robosapien V2 : Vids Must be great to pass the salt with this guy !! Still would prefer QRIO, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of money.... /sad

    Already working on my second million... my first was a total disaster !!

  4. Thanks for the advice Schot !


    On the avy this was the origiinal : avy.gif


    This is after some hue changes : avy2.gif


    I'll hang on to the latter.... for now....


    I didn't save the psd file of my sig, so I can't really make the motto more prominent. But I intended for people to focus a little on it with the current sig. I'll spend some real time sooner or later on a new sig and surely use your tips !


    ps. I had googled and realized that I'm up for a bit of studying !


    "It looks like you may have put some layers on a difference setting." :) Dunno, I just exploid all layers options and try not to mess the pic up to much... :)

  5. I did some work with Rise of Legends screens and concept art... I know the animated sig is a bit big and appologize, but I just could not make it any smaller.






    oh, and this would make a great avy



  6. Very nice ! Just a bit slow on my side... buffering, buffering, buffering *pa parapa* buffering, buffering *too toottoo pa parapa* buffering, buffering....


    technology can be cruel somtimes :D

  7. So, last Saturday I returned from a business trip and thought that this would be the ideal time to start a new game. I still play Sacred, but I only on a pop-in basis. So I had 4 games in my hand an seeing my wife's glare I had to decide to buy only 1... /devil I bought the Baldurs Gate game pack, since I never palyed it and was always curious. Got home installed it, played a bit and realized early on that this game might not be what I hoped. So I played and played... and played, never really getting the impression that what I was doing was right or wrong, just scouting about, gaining no significant experience to level up to try new skills... I stopped right there and installed Bladurs Gate 2, seeing as I would obviously need to read the complete 146 page manual to make any headway, I thought I might as well play the game with better graphics and take it from there.... still no real attraction towards the game.


    So yesterday I bought a gaming magazine and read the reviews of Rise of Legends and Spellforce 2. Both of these games were part of my initial 4-game selections (the other was Neverwinter Nights - also not played yet). I never got round to downloading the Spellforce 2 demo, but read that it was a system hog and reasoned that my perrefin-power-pc won't be able to handle the graphix. The review was not great, but the review of Rise of Legends was.


    On my way home last night I bought Rise of Legends. Installed it as soon as I got home (and deleted some old mp3s to open enough space) and only got to bed at 2 this morning ! I watched the intro about 4 times ! The gameplay is also very nice and not as focused on many diffirent resources as some RTS games of late. I used to play Area of Effect back in the day and prided myself on 'Bronzing in 13', then there was Starcraft and nothing really got close to beating the gameplay. I played AoE2 & 3 a little, but.... not the same. C & C 1st 2 was nice, but Tiberian Sun was a downer. I never really liked Warcraft, but finished the single player WC3 and expansion with some good time and some bad times, I can't comment much on multiplayer there, since none of my lan buddies liked WC3. I played Rise of Nations a bit, but never really got stuck into the single player mode.


    Rise of Legends : Simple, Great looking, Very Original !! Although I have to replace parifin with jet-fuel to get my pc running the game and still it brings up a message box informing me about the lack of pc-power, I still manage to suck out a good amount of grafix at 1024X768. It's been a while since I looked forward to a whole weekend of gaming !


    I'll leave Spellforce 2 on the shelves and take Rise of Legends if you like RTS..... I'd leave Baldurs Gate on the Shelves and take Spellforce 2 if you like RPG (that's if you don't already own Sacred).

  8. Up to now I've been too skimpy to buy a DVD rom !! I always wanted to play Neverwinter Nights and\or Baldurs Gate, so I saw Baldurs Gate 4Pack at the shops for a good price and bought it.... never paid attention to the label on the cover that reads : DVD ROM... needles to say, I'm now the proud owner a DVD rom.


    I also have the 'Next year' thing in mind to seriously upgrade my PC, but it seems that's now been famous last words of mine for the past 2 years /blush














    next year I will have 4 GFX CARDS !!

  9. Well, the gravity gun sure is my current fav !


    One of the most imressive guns is the 50mm Calliber in Ghost Recon - boy the frag satisfaction is unmatched... well getting one with the Gauntlet in Quake3 is also a good reason to light up a smoke - especially if the other player was maxed with armour and had fitted with Quad damage ! Absolutely the sweetest "thud" in gaming history !

  10. Spare a thought then for me... my previous flat was infested with power surges (and no, my 'special' adapters did not stop it). These surges left me with 2 corrupted 80G hard drives of which one was fubar. The other is crammed with mp3s. I made a backup of it all and thought :'Yeah, now I've can clean up again'... WRONG, my car got stolen with all my CDs and those pretty new mp3 discs ! The surges also made the smoke escape from my cpu and I had to replace the power supply twice, which left me with zero funds available for a UPS (heaven knows how I would swear had the surges messed up my UPS... had I bought one). I also lost 512 memory (what a beautiful moment that was ! my lungs ached for a week with all the sigarettes used just to 'remain calm') a DVD player, Microwave and, believe it or not, a toaster !


    So I got this old 8G hard drive from a friend "just for an OS"... I have windows XP on there and sacred, the other drive is still filled with mp3s although I deleted a lot of music I don't actually listen to anymore, to make room for TQ demo !! 8Gig is pittyful.


    I remember the days when 20Meg was a HUUUUUGE drive :P

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