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Posts posted by Stormwing

  1. Nice one, chat. :)


    Weather's been kinda meh. Was in Stocholm yesterday. I guess it was around +1C or something. Slush everywhere and more snow raining. We returned Helsinki last night and today was same there, even worse. More snow, more slush... And back home, showeling that same wonderfull white substance. I think I'll pass. Shoveling will have to wait for tomorrow. The cruise took it's toll. :P

  2. Ahh, brings back sooo much memories. :D And it's been quite a lot of time since I've played it, so prolly everything after the tutorial house is "new" to me too. Few bits and pieces here and there I can remember, but it'll surely be a nice refresh.

    Should also add Baldur's Gate: Enchanted Edition to play-queue. I never got into it back in the day and the discs I later bought just collected dust on the shelf. I blame my console for getting me used to all that fancy stuff. :P

  3. This game looks like it'll be fun: Diablo 2 + Titan Quest all wrapped up in one (2 of my favorite games). The class customization looks like it'll be great on Grim Dawn, as well.


    I liked the options in Titan Quest too. Clocked quite many hours in search of better gear and incredients for artifacts and such.

  4. If only... I've become aspiring Tales-fan after completing Graces f, and delving a bit into 3DS-incarnation of Abyss.

    They are really abundant games with rich caste of characters, places and lots of other things.

    I admit while what we know of Sacred 3 is quite little, it seems to me awfully more limited than the afforementioned


    Like I've said in many times before, I'd pretty much hope that I have to eat my words in that regard.

    Now I've gotten the inpression that S3 would be quite dumbed down and streamlined compated to the predecessors..

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  5. Gogo: I think chattius and Wolfie covered all the pointers in there. And the gloves thing; deffo not marketing. I have far too many, too warm memories of handling chiles...

    And yeah, there are animals which can eat those monsters just fine. Birds for example. They miss the receptors which cause all that misery to us. >_<

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  6. Yeah. Me three, Mr. Gogo, sir!

    Actually, just for the record, I thought of reinstalling it on SSD, where my OS now resides. Gotta see how it whirls from there, as I always noticed some lagging when running from normal HDD...

    Loading times should not be an issue this time along.

    Might actually put a couple others there as well, since free space ain't an issue now. ^^

  7. Gotta agree with that, Wolfie. Though I've been taste testing simiilar sauces, teaspoon at a time. If one has the tolerance, it's not that bad. :P That's when the stale effect is most obvious.

    Not anything I would receommend to anyone, but I've noticed that we Finnish chileheads are notoriously known of most stupidest feats around.

    Reminds me of friend's experiment with Naga Morich and Habanero flavoured 80% vodka. That was pure gasoline, I tell you...


    Oh, and a link for local forum English thread about certain sauce, spiced up with 6.4m SHU extract. That is quite nasty stuff, especially if one's on the more amateurish side of the hot stuff. >_<

  8. Wolfie: Wonder why they used extract into that when such heat level is attainable with the chiles I mentioned. Mind you pure extract will bring somewhat cartoon-boxy, stale flavour... That has always been the problem for those extremely hot sauces and such... Although, truth to be told, at those levels not many care about the flavour, but still. :P

    You should try to get your hands some 3 A.M or the likes, it's about thrice as hot as that Habanero stuff. If for nothing else, than curiosity.

  9. Forget about GP, Naga, or the like, AFAIK this babe is even nastier. Though truth to be told. it really doesn't matter after the first million Scovilles. :P

    Few years back I did do such a thing, with a burger, also comely named as, Death burger. And man, that was a true fight. I doubt I could do that again. Haven't been eating really hot food recently. Guess I should try a similar thing, if it's still going on Gringos Locos, a local mexican food chain here. But I think I would need a serious training to tame the beast, whatever it might be.

    Gotta admit, though, Gogo, that The Four Horsemen seems to be a little tougher, being 20 mins instead of 30, as with the Death Burger, or previous Grincos contest, where the time limit was one hour.

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  10. Hmm, I'm kinda biased when it comes into Sacred 2, pc vs. consoles, since I've only ever played the pc version, so in my books it owns.

    And well, considering, it has Ice & Blood and CM-patch, which consoles don't and on the latter, I think, would never even get. I'm sure expansion would've happened, if not bankrupt, etc. But that's beside the point.

    From pics I've seen, pc version beats in the graphical section too. Though, need to admit, that you'd need more resources to run it in full settings.


    Also, I can't personally delve into controllers, but as "born" pc-gamer mouse and keyb seems to fit into ARPGs better. Again, biased, but I've tried few titles on ps3 and noticed I can't really get into the controller feel. Namely Mass Effect 3, Saint's Row 3, and so on. But that's just my personal input, mind you. :)


    Just thought of throwing my two cents into the fray. Scott can surely give more precise inputs.


    Oh, and considering Steam, it really is quite nifty system nowadays. Too bad there's probably no way to get any Workshop contents into games like Sacred 2, but that section is a big plus in general. Would use that for Skyrim for example, if I wasn't using so many big mods, which simply can't fit into the constraints of Workshops.

    Tad offtopic, sorry, but just thought of saying that. :sweating:

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  11. Well, looking for a nice community, you really hit the right place, I'm sure. DM has been the most friendliest and forthcoming community I've personally found. And there has been quite a few of 'em. (Must be partly 'cause of Gogo's borderline legendary mediator skills. :D)

    So, a warm welcome aboard, Thorin. :) Hope you'll enjoy your stay.

    Been immersed into Skyrim too. I'm quite sure it'll be one of the best bang for the bucks- games for me. Has it's own quirks, but then again, so did Oblivion and not to mention Sacreds too.

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