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Posts posted by Synnworld




    The logo represent 2 dragon head and 2 seraphin wings.

    So basically the seraphim and dragons got together to have a baby named "Dragon Mage."



    New head connon activated.

    Er. That makes little sense.... If you read the book that came from Sacred 1 - The Book of the Seraphim, And I quote..


    "Memorandum from Urisa'N TachYon regarding the use of cloned warriors: The first test run in the defense matrix GT-AS 565 went entirely satisfactory. The DNA morphing of Dragon Battle Lizards with female Elifa slaves produced effective fighting amazons in a very short time. These warriors can be used in combat against the three-dimensional giant Worgarians as a replenishable battlefield resource.


    Fiber-reinforced bone constructions and organic reflex amplifiers permit efficient close combat techniques to be employed. Fitted with transmitters to send enquiries from geostationary transfer satellites, these warriors prove to be very efficient terminators, since they are able to call energy bundles from orbit by vocal command or energized protective shields.


    The plans exist to carry out training routines to turn these clone fighters into efficient pilots for our space attack forces. The spacecraft of the Paladin Class seem to me to be a suitable basis for this.


    So what we've got here - the Creator and his kind - used genetic engineering to create the Seraphim from Dragons and Elves. Add to that a bit of the sort of thing that made Wolverine (from the X-Men - the "Fiber-reinforced bone constructions" and you can see what makes a Seraphim quite the bad arse warrior.


    Now then, the phrase "replenishable battlefield resource"... This sounds an awful lot like Seraphim are manufactured - grown, rapidly. Much like the clones from Star Wars episodes 1-3 and given that there are more Seraphim in Sacred 2 than there are in Sacred 1, it would seem they aren't capable of reproduction... Besides there don't seem to be any male Seraphim about.


    While Seraphim and Dragons are apparently related, it would be seriously doubtful they could make babies together - not with the level of technologies available in modern Ancaria. And by that, I mean the Sacred 2 era.

    Dont you attack my head cannon!



    so Seraphim NEVER appear as a enemy in the game? I ask 'cause I never played the ShadowPath by far...

    There's only one, at the very end in the Great Machine (shadow path only).


    There's also a possible Seraphim fight with the CM Patch, but that is basically fan content, not anything the developers made.

    Which leads me to another question, do all characters follow the same story path in light and shadow stories, or do they branch off after a certain point? I want to know if I beat the game with my light DM, is there a point in doing the main storyline again with my light high elf or seraphim; or should I just run off and do their own stories while committing vast genocide.



    there's no separate classification for Seraphim, probably because they're not an enemy in the game, so the Seraphim are humans in the scripts.

    so Seraphim NEVER appear as a enemy in the game? I ask 'cause I never played the ShadowPath by far...
    I just started a hardcore inquisitor, goi g to try a full mage build, but I would assume he'd have to fight at least 1 of them.
  4. This was more of a comparison of mounts vs the forms when it came to evploration. I probably should've made that more clear. I'm still trying to figure out if I want yo waste money on a horse on my DM, I have more then enough to spare since the only vthing I ever spend money on are the runes.


    I bought a horse on my HE because it felt needed, but it doesn't fill so required on DM, heck more places feel accessed to me due to dragon form.

  5. Its me again lol, so here is abother question for the people who still frequent the boards.


    Forms Vs Mounts, which is better per say? Now I know in the long run it is mounts because they don't have a time limit attached them. Has anyone tried modding away the time limit for the forms? I just want to run around in dragon form some times and those limits make it hard to roleplay as a territorial dragon. I guess its all for the best, I haven't found a princess to kidnap anyways >.>



    Are mounts faster the DB or DF?

    Are their any mounts that handle terrain obstacles on the same level as the DF? (Literally I was on ground level trying to jump over a fence and cut a few seconds off my trip, but instead I flew up to the second floor balcony where the quest giver was standing; giving me more reason to love the forms.)

  6. It was more for the "Artist" reasons, and some roleplaying reasons. I tend to have a habit od putting myself in RPG skyrim (redguard destruction wizards represent!) Shadowrun (Human Mage/shaman) and in sacred it would only be the dragon mage or SW, I really don't like elves that much. I don't hate them, but they aren't my favorite race.


    Also I've been having the urge to do some fan art, and depending on whether or not I added dialogue, I needed to know the DM race.

    • Like! 1
  7. So, something crossedmy mind for the first time while playing, what racebis the dragon mage? For the most part, the races seem obvious, high elf, dryadld, and inquisitor are elves, TG is a android, SW a human,and seraphim a celestial. Do what are Dragon mages, human? Elf? Mixture of whoever can press dragons?


    This question crossed my mind after just receiving a quest to capture some fun away slaves. Despite the fact I'm walking the path of light (I hope there is a option to free them, I've barely ran into any quest with choices.) I originally assumed DM was human due to the lack of pointy ears, and asking a human to enslave another in a world were humans isn't the dominant ruling class, yea like I'm going to do that.


    Edit, DM also lack the facial structure of SW which I simply wrote off as lack of physical training.

    • Like! 1
  8. Sorry for the double,


    OK so here od some new information, my campaign progress continues to say chapter 1 part 1 A when at this point I should be in Part 1 D. So the game isn't registering my progress... Even though I'm continuing to progress through the story with no problem.

  9. I've seen this complaint once before, and not too long ago. I think it might be connected to the new CM Patch, which made sweeping universal changes to the way quest scripts are written and handled. This may be a after-effect. It may not be connected at all. No solution comes to mind.


    If you're swtiching a character between mods and vanilla game it may be connected to that as well.

    I don't see how, thistarted the second I reinstalled the game, switch the very first character I wanted to play to silver. I didn't get cm patch until yesterday, a day after this started. I also don't understand how something that affect the game universally, only does it yo that one character. I redid everything on another character and didn't get this bug.


    Thanks for your response.

  10. Never heard of one quite like this though I have heard of progress bugs.


    Have you tried to do a simple side quest with your DM while in Silver? I stopped playing when the servers went off-line so it's been a while for me. Maybe someone will remember this particular issue. But I would try either completing a side quest or two, or maybe the first couple steps of the main quest and see what happens

    Before I made this post, I did quite a few quests. That's what I meant by "all I had done is still there." Everything works fine, its just every time I log into that specific character on silver, it always loads at the beginner area and I have to fast travel to where ever. And its only that character it seems. I played my high elf until my laptop overheated to see if I could recreate the problem, but no luck. Even the HE still loaded at the last place I saved. And it only affects that character on silver difficulty, it also doesn't appear to be mod related.
  11. Are there any mods out there that actually scale BOTH dragon form and berserker instead of scaling one and completely removing the other, or changing their models? I always viewed berserker as the boss killer and dragon form as the chief at the barbeque who roast groups of mods. Not trying to downplay anyone's hard work on the current balance mods, but the two great ones I've found here removes one of the forms, and one of them even changes the model. So is there one that just messes with the scaling of MD?

    Thanks for the help in advanced.

    • Like! 1
  12. So, I wasn't sure if this was/is a bug but I can't find anything about. Yesterday I reinstalled the game and decided to switch my DM over to solve from bronze. Everything was cool until my labtop overheated and went into cool down (yes its broken.) When I loaded back into game, I loaded into the beginning area. All I had done from my last save was still there, but every time I want to pick up where I left off, I load back into the starter area.


    Do I switch him back to bronze and he loads where I last saved him at, and I switched my HE to silver, rush to the first monolith, save, leave and load, she loads right there. So I'm going to assume this is a bug.

  13. Thanks for the reply, I was hoping to see if anyone came up with a in etestibg way of using Dragon Magic I planned on almost completely ignoring mentaliism, except for the buff. I'm more concern with the forms and finding a way to make them more playable. Which is why I started running mentalism, which I got bored of.


    I've even been switching between vanilla and a spell enhance mod. (Mostly because I miss dragon form.)


    I gave the ice HE a try, I really like her; much more then pyro yo say the least. Also I need to know where this area you speak of is so I can avoid it. I refuse to slay any dragons unless I'm forced to >.>

    The two I remember were the Light quest dragon under the Seraphim Isle and the Grunwald Dragon.

    Ok, I have no interest in playing her so yay, thats one bullet dodged

    Edit and with the above link my heart is broken, why do games do this to me XD?

  15. I was never able to get into the DM. His voice and dialogue were too much for me.


    I always like the TG, but he never liked me back. I guess the same could be said of the ice HE. I thought she was my friend, but she kept feeding herself to dragons just to spite me. :cry:

    I gave the ice HE a try, I really like her; much more then pyro yo say the least. Also I need to know where this area you speak of is so I can avoid it. I refuse to slay any dragons unless I'm forced to >.>

    • Like! 1
  16. Dragon mage wins my vote hands do, with high elf in second place. I'm a mage payer before any other playing style so high elf was the only chareacter I really liked playing with shadow warrior in second just because I can go all summmoner mode with him. Yet, dragon mage allows me to be my all time favorite thing, a dragon so it wasnt even a competition who wins.

    Add ontop of the fact its a mage and not a warrior, you just doubled my love for it! Dragon form above all else!!!!

    • Like! 1

    Yet I have not found any topics (through google) where anyone one has tried to fix or find ways around these problems via modding/file editting.


    Enhanced Spells Mod


    If you don't want the whole mod there is a way to edit the Dragon Berserk Form yourself by just copying the changes I made into your spells.txt file (in <installation folder>/scripts/shared). Use a good text editor like Notepad++. Search for the name of the spell and replace the entry with my new one. Back up the file first to be able to revert.


    mgr.defineSpell( "dm_dm_berserkerform", {
        eiStateName = "cSpellCast",
        fxTypeCast = "FX_DM_MORPH_BERSERKER_C",
        fxTypeSpell = "FX_DM_MORPH_BERSERKER",
        fxTypeCastSpecial = "",
        duration = 10.000000,
        animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM17",
        animTypeApproach = "",
        animTypeRide = "",
        animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM17-SPECIAL",
        causesSpellDamage = 1,
        tokens = {
            entry0 = {"et_self_shapeshift", 1000, 2996, 0, 41 },
            entry1 = {"et_duration_sec", 2000, 10, 0, 8 },
            entry2 = {"et_life_leech", 75, 30, 0, 9 },
            entry3 = {"et_AWVW_rel", 0, 400, 0, 5 },
            entry4 = {"et_charge_shapeshift", 25, 3, 0, 5 },
            entry5 = {"et_weapondamage_physical", 0, 100, 0, 9 },
            entry6 = {"et_base_armor_phy", 100, 10, 0, 41 },
            entry7 = {"et_base_armor_fir", 100, 10, 0, 41 },
            entry8 = {"et_armor_any_rel", 0, 75, 0, 41 },
            entry9 = {"et_life_buff", 125, 325, 0, 9 },
            entry10 = {"et_damping_any", 15, 5, 0, 41 }, 
            entry11 = {"et_physical_to_magic", 250, 0, 0, 5 },
    	entry12 = {"et_damage_any_rel", 0, 75, 0, 5 },
            entry13 = {"et_armor_any_rel", 0, 75, 1, 41 },
            entry14 = {"et_addAttackspeed", 250, 5, 2, 41 },
            entry15 = {"et_chance_surehit", 300, 2, 3, 5 },
            entry16 = {"et_life_leech", 40, 15, 4, 9 },
            entry17 = {"et_damage_any_rel", 0, 75, 5, 5 },
            entry18 = {"et_addspell_blutrausch", 1000, 0, 6, 5 },
        fightDistance = 0.000000,
        aspect = "EA_DM_DRAGONMAGIC",
        cooldown = 60.000000,
        soundProfile = 0,
        cost_level = 250,
        cost_base = 500,
        focus_skill_name = "skill_DM_dragonmagic_focus",
        lore_skill_name = "skill_DM_dragonmagic_lore",
        spellClass = "cSpellDmMorph",
        spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_b_boost_self",
        sorting_rank = 1,


    mgr.defineSpell( "dm_form_brsrk_blutrausch", {
        eiStateName = "cSpellCast",
        fxTypeCast = "",
        fxTypeSpell = "FX_GEN_BERSERKER",
        fxTypeCastSpecial = "",
        duration = 0.000000,
        animType = "ANIM_TYPE_MAGICA",
        animTypeApproach = "",
        animTypeRide = "",
        animTypeSpecial = "",
        causesSpellDamage = 1,
        tokens = {
            entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 1285, 15, 0, 8 },
            entry1 = {"et_wounded_thold", 650, 0, 0, 37 },
            entry2 = {"et_wounded_rage", 1000, 50, 0, 37 },
            entry3 = {"et_addAttackspeed", 495, 5, 0, 41 },
    	entry4 = {"et_chance_bypass_armor", 100, 5, 0, 5 },
    	entry5 = {"et_chance_reflect_CC", 100, 8, 0, 41 },
        fightDistance = 0.000000,
        aspect = "EA_DM_DRAGONMAGIC",
        cooldown = 30.000000,
        soundProfile = 0,
        cost_level = 100,
        cost_base = 200,
        focus_skill_name = "skill_DM_dragonmagic_focus",
        lore_skill_name = "skill_DM_dragonmagic_lore",
        spellClass = "cSpellGenericBoost",
        spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_b_boost_self",
        sorting_rank = 0,


    mgr.defineSpell( "dm_form_brsrk_zerfetzen", {
        eiStateName = "cSMZealhit",
        fxTypeCast = "fx_berserker_zerfetzen_c",
        fxTypeSpell = "",
    	fxTypeCastSpecial = "",
        duration = 0.000000,
        animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM01",
        animTypeApproach = "",
        animTypeRide = "",
        animTypeSpecial = "",
        causesSpellDamage = 0,
        tokens = {
            entry0 = {"et_life_leech_rel", 15, 2, 0, 9 },
            entry1 = {"et_mult_weapondamage", 800, 5, 0, 9 },
            entry2 = {"et_baseAW", 200, 500, 0, 5 },
            entry3 = {"et_chance_bleeding", 300, 20, 0, 5 },
            entry4 = {"et_damage_any_rel", 100, 150, 0, 5 },
            entry5 = {"et_chance_deepwound", 80, 5, 0, 5 },
            entry6 = {"et_chance_doublehit", 95, 5, 0, 5 },
    	entry7 = {"et_damage_areasplash", 745, 5, 0, 9 },
    	entry8 = {"et_chance_stun", 97, 3, 0, 133 },
        fightDistance = 45.000000,
        aspect = "EA_DM_DRAGONMAGIC",
        cooldown = 0.000000,
        soundProfile = 0,
        cost_level = 200,
        cost_base = 400,
        focus_skill_name = "skill_DM_dragonmagic_focus",
        lore_skill_name = "skill_DM_dragonmagic_lore",
        spellClass = "cSpellSMove",
        spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_weapon_attack",
        sorting_rank = 0,


    I gave up on the Dragon Form and made it a summon instead for the Enhanced Spells Mod.


    Another user talks about modding Dragon Berserk in this thread: Dragon Berserk Tweaks

    Thanks for the reply, but what do I need to do to keep dragon form, I'd rather be the dragon then just summon one. Plus...thats actuallly the one I like best out of the two.


    edit; nvm, beggers cant be choosersm I just installed the mod anyways.

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