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Posts posted by MysticOnion

  1. Haha.. very cool, infinite possibilities!


    Unfortunately can't help with the question, but how is it to play?


    Can you show us a picture of him with all his summons?


    Its okay to play I suppose, haven't really put so much time yet. Mainly just an experiment,

    thanks to the poster below you I got started with this kind of modding.




    Hehe very cool stuff Mr Onion. Glad you decided to give it a shot.


    Truth is I'm just as curious as you about that. So if anyone knows the answer, you'd be helping out more than one of us.


    Anything other neat tricks you discovered by the way?



    Another problem I'm having is that the combat art modifications don't work.. I think it's because at first I simply tried to replace the spells in the creature.txt, but then found out that most of the Temple guardians Combat Arts are hardcoded.. So I what I did next was simply copy-pasta the tokens from the spell I wanted :P


    Problem is, the combat art modifications don't apply to the spells that I am currently using, they are the modifications intended for the original Combat Arts.. don't know how to fix this :devil:


    neat tricks? eh.. I replaced the original ca icons with the icons of spells I wanted to use, not sure if that's such a secret though, oh and I think I've found a way for the TG to use two handed weapons.

  2. Combat arts pic

    This is a modification of the temple guardian, I changed all of the combat arts to my own liking. Mainly summoning + attack speed arts.


    Aspect 1;

    Frentic Fervor

    Dashing Alacrity

    Rousing Command

    Battle Extension

    Combat Alert


    Aspect 2;



    Viperish Disease

    Zealous Doppelgange

    Instill Belief


    Aspect 3;

    Expulse Magic

    Soul Reaver

    Inexorable Subjugation

    Rallied Souls

    Nether Allegiance



    Anyways, my question is, How do I change the combat art descriptions?

    For example; I have replaced schoepfungsschlag with eifer, but even so it still gives me the skill description of schoepfungsschlag.

    Not sure if it matters but, I am using Ice&Blood latest version.



    Any help is very much appreciated!

  3. well that sounds nice! :sick:

    Do you know if its possible to create a new character class?

    Also, could you please explain to me how you go about changing spells as you described.


    I'm glad you asked, but I'm not quite sure where to begin, so try and bear with me.


    You could go to Icemember's thread (in the works for Sacred2) for alot of details on this kind of editing. I'll mark anything you'll have to look up there with a "*". But some of the things I've personally experienced:


    First of all you need to edit creatures.txt. Find the hero you want by searching "SC_". This way you'll see a list of some unknown atributes for each class, and most important, the list of spells it has. It's all german, but I don't speak it, and I managed to translate the spell name (Hail google)


    It really is as simple as copying the desired spell (example Faucherblits, the german name for Inquisitor spell Levin array) and overwriting it with Blitz (Seraphim lightning bolt spell).


    NOTE: there are problems. I have not yet, but are determined to find a way around these:

    - It seems only spells from the same aspect number can replace each other. So for example, if you want give a dryad fireball (arrant pyromancer), you have to replace one of the spells from the top aspect (capracious hunter). In other words, top aspect, middle aspect, or bottom aspect.

    If this condition is not met, the new spell will display, but for reasons I have yet to discover, the combat art rune cannot be read.

    - Spells with complex animations, like the combos (pelting striked; frenzied rampage) will not work on a character that does not already have that kind of animation, like the Highelf.

    -Replacing a buff with one from a differant character, seems to add two "0's" to the regeneration time. So instead of adding +45%, it'll add +4500%. Wich I don't think I need to explain why it's a problem. lol. In theory you can replace the tokens (what the spell actually does) of the default buff with the one desired, but this will take personal experimentation, as some of the features of spells seem hard coded.


    You can also go to spells.txt and edit certain attributes of each spell. Once again, "*" to get advanced details about this. Basically you can set the animation number to match the spell (all characters have set defaults, you just need to find an animation you like by casting all the spells that character has, then finding the right spell in spells.txt, and use that animation number on you new spell.

    Also, in Spells.txt, you need to edit what lore and focus skill it uses. And finally, you need to set the spells entry number, like the menu position. 1 2 3 4 5. *

    After that, you can start playing around with the actual values of the spell. what it does in other words.



    -New spells (adited in creature.txt) will ONLY work when starting a new game, with a new character. The spells attributes, aka Spells.txt, can be edited on an already existing campaign. So basically, give your character the all the spell replacements you want before you create that new char. Then, you can start editing those individual spells bit by bit, each time running the game and loading that char to see if the desired effects worked.

    -At the bottom of Spells.txt is a list of all the tokens. Thins like chance to bleed, add attackspeed, and pretty much everything else a spell could do.


    EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT - It's not difficult, and you require no programming knowledge. and the rewards are AWESOME!


    In theory you could create a completely new hero, but it wont be an easy task. First of all, it wont be as making a new slot, as completely replacing a default hero. You need that template, so one of them has to go.

    Just off the top o my head, some of the obsticles one would have to overcome:

    -In spells.txt, all the spells are there. not just hero spells. Monster spells aswell. And technically you could use any of these on your hero. Problem is runes. You can get the spell if there is no way of learning it.

    -Equipment and animations. Self explanatory.

    -Class quest, spell icons and descriptions. All these inds of stuff.


    To be honest, this is very new to me, and I myself am diving deeper and learning more about it every day. Best thing to do (like I did) is backup your game, and edit like the wind. Experiment. Try as much as you like. there are ALOT of possibilities.


    Sorry for my somewhat obscure english, so if anyone is unsure about anything, please ask, I'm glad to try and help. It's ver difficult to explain everything I've done and how I've done it off the top of my head.




    Thank you for putting in the effort to typ this out, this in combination with ice's posts, will help me learn more. I might be tempted to create a new version of this mod someday ;)




    This MOD contained and CHRISTMAS ISLAND?


    No it does not, you can however first install the christmas mod, and then my mod. But do not overwrite the .txt and .xml files.

    Use this method:


    Here's a method that should get it working properly;

    1. Download and install this program WinMerge This file will allow you to merge two scripts file. ( those are the ones with .txt extension and .xml )


    2. Backup your entire gamedirectory


    3. install cm-patch


    4. Download My mod and extract the files inside your gamedirectory, when it asks press yes to overwrite. BUT DO NOT overwrite the .txt (or .xml files, those contain references used by the cm-patch.


    5. Find all the duplicate files, and remember where they are located


    6. Open winmerge and select File>Open, a menu will open requiring you to select two files. Where it says LEFT browse to your gamedirectory (where cm-patch is installed) and select one of the duplicate scripts.


    7. Then where it says RIGHT select the script with the same name from my mod. (you can extract the scripts files from the mod to a temporarly folder)

    Example: Left: Spells.txt Right: Spells.txt


    8. When those two have been opened, find the tool on the top toolbar called; All Left the click it, might take a while if they are big files.

    Doing this will overwrite any possible entries used by cm-patch by also preserves some cm-patch references that will not require overwrite.

    Should it so happen that winmerge states there are no difference between the two files, then no editing is required.


    9. When done simply press X to close, and when asked select to save the file. (which should be the file on the LEFT )


    10. Repeat process with other duplicate scripts. I think you should also be able to do this with .xml files, Best not to overwrite those with the .xml files from my mod As the probably contain references used by the cm-patch.


    Even thought flyingfox89 claims this method does not work for him, it might for you. No harm in trying.. Just be sure to make a backup of your game before you modify anything.



    Here's a method that should get it working properly;

    1. Download and install this program WinMerge This file will allow you to merge two scripts file. ( those are the ones with .txt extension and .xml )


    Tried it exactly as you described, double checked n merged every mergable file. Still no use. Is there a possibility you could make a version of this mod for CM? I'm sure alot of people here use that.


    Thanks again.


    What do you mean with 'Still no use'. Something installed wrongly?



    I tried to get a screenshot, but it doesn't catch the flickering eyes.




    That said, the other version you uploaded works fine for me. :-D


    After some experimentation I've discovered how to do this, it takes two overlapping references used for the same set of eyes, One reference points to a eye texture/file and the other reference point points to a missing file :P Buggy, but funny indeed.


    Let me know if you encounter any other problems.

  4. Well I've been ignoring the graphics mostly (hence why I'm so gratefull for your download), but dabbeling alot with the actual edit of what the spells do. It's always been Sacred's biggest downfall in my personal opinion. Alot of the spells are just way underpowered, and alot even plain boring.


    But thanks mainly to ~icemember~, who showed me how to insert my very own balancing and fun.


    Some of the things I managed are as follow :


    -Exchanging Any spell with any other spell from a differant character

    -Editing animations, visual fx, and all tokens (what the spell actually does)


    Some o the spesific things I've done is give my dryad Astute supremacy (Inquisitor Aspect);

    Edit Sinister Predator (Ranged Combat Buff) to work for all weapons, instead of ranged only;

    Sinister Predator also give a small movement speed boost, instead of projectile piercing (useless on melee)

    Make her multi hit do more hits (Not that imbalanced, seeing as I play melee):

    Multi hit has 100% hknockback instead of 30%


    And a bunch of other small tweaks. It's a fun, yet pretty balanced hero in my opinion now.



    I'm currently working on Making a combat high elf, with some actual melee abilities. Gonna go on with that tonight.


    well that sounds nice! :P

    Do you know if its possible to create a new character class?

    Also, could you please explain to me how you go about changing spells as you described.




    For respawnable Boss and mini boss is not make to respawn many boss I try but don't make to respawn all :(


    Are you saying that some bosses do respawn but some do not, or are you saying that after having used the respawn tweak no bosses or mini-bosses respawn at all?

  5. Do you by any chance no how to change the font colour of the runes for the combat arts in this MysticOnion?


    Unfortunately no, there were two threads about it on others forums that I found. But nobody seemed to be able to get it done.

    If you find a way, please let me know.



    Was able to get the file; thanks for posting it! :-)


    The only prb I encountered was with the Seraphim armor; it made her pelvis vanish if I removed the chest armor. That and her eyes kept flickering, although that was pretty neat.


    I'll try the new file shortly...


    Again, thanks for sharing!


    Flickering eyes you say? make screenie :agreed:

    Let me know if the problem persists.





    At work right now, but will retry asap. Is the Graphics mod compatable with the CM- patch by the way?


    I'm not sure. you can't simply overwrite all the files, because then you would also overwrite scripts that contain references that the cm-patch probably uses.


    Here's a method that should get it working properly;

    1. Download and install this program WinMerge This file will allow you to merge two scripts file. ( those are the ones with .txt extension and .xml )


    2. Backup your entire gamedirectory


    3. install cm-patch


    4. Download My mod and extract the files inside your gamedirectory, when it asks press yes to overwrite. BUT DO NOT overwrite the .txt (or .xml files, those contain references used by the cm-patch.


    5. Find all the duplicate files, and remember where they are located


    6. Open winmerge and select File>Open, a menu will open requiring you to select two files. Where it says LEFT browse to your gamedirectory (where cm-patch is installed) and select one of the duplicate scripts.


    7. Then where it says RIGHT select the script with the same name from my mod. (you can extract the scripts files from the mod to a temporarly folder)

    Example: Left: Spells.txt Right: Spells.txt


    8. When those two have been opened, find the tool on the top toolbar called; All Left the click it, might take a while if they are big files.

    Doing this will overwrite any possible entries used by cm-patch by also preserves some cm-patch references that will not require overwrite.

    Should it so happen that winmerge states there are no difference between the two files, then no editing is required.


    9. When done simply press X to close, and when asked select to save the file. (which should be the file on the LEFT )


    10. Repeat process with other duplicate scripts. I think you should also be able to do this with .xml files, Best not to overwrite those with the .xml files from my mod As the probably contain references used by the cm-patch.



    Should be perfectly fine to overwrite .dds files and such, as those are just graphics.

    Don't worry, its more easier then it sounds. Let me know how it goes :thumbsup:

  6. So what version of the game is this compilation compatible with?


    To be honest, I think this will work with any version of the game, I mean I see no reason why it shouldn't.

    I am playing with the gold edition, and it works fine on that, I have it patched to the lastest version.


    The textures really won't be a problem at all, since they simply replace existing objects.

    Same goes for the coding, as long as you stick to the instructions everything should be fine.

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