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Sacred 2 CM Patch Team
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Posts posted by desm

  1. Ok, thank you Dragon Brother,


    I've had a confirmation on a french forum too (someone looted 5 of them in 6 hours of game...).


    I din't doubt about Czevak's investigations either but I found it really strange so that's what I call no luck at all.


    Thanks again, bye.


    Edit: pff, I've just looted one, disgusted... classic aha

    At least it reassures me.


    Thanks bye

  2. Hi,


    I have a terrible question:

    Is someone dropping the Warden Energy rune for the Seraphim ?


    After reaching level 35, I don't have loot a single one of these and I find it really strange (on 100 runes looted maybe).

    I asked a dev of the CM patch to check (he gently checked, thanks Czevak :) ) and apparently they actually can be looted so I would greatly appreciate a confirmation.


    Did some of you actually looted this rune or don't you find a single one too ?


    Thanks you very much.

  3. Hi Marcus, here is the French translation to the latest additions:


    1137288468 CM Solo

    0021065750 CM Multijoueur

    1537370057 Pas de Multi "Réseau privé" avec CM


    2680086405 Pâques est venue


    2341573648 Noël retardé


    It should be complete for the French version.


    Concerning the issue #309 at MantisBT, we already have it translated in set #1 or #2. If you could retake it from there it would be cool, I had a hard time understanding and translating these phrases. (Edit: found it, should be:

    Oui, qu'est-ce-que c'est?<br><br>C'est Floyd qui vous envoie? Oh, je sais ce qu'il me veux. Chaque année c'est la même histoire.<br><br>Aprés tout ça, je dois toujours faire face à Nodo Ping, l'arbitre chamane, alors que Floyd ne sait rien! Bien sûr! Amnésie de Nargutz, vous connaissez? Devinez d'où il tient son surnom, "Dumbutz"!


    Thanks, see you.

  4. it was just an idea I had but thinking everyone could use the Heavy metal even if it was an axe.

    but apparently it would only benefit to the Shadow warrior and changing certain classes so that they can wield a double-axe is maybe too much for not very much.



    At first I was like Essjayehm: I didn't understand why there was no double-axe or double-hammer in the reward of the Blind guardian quest.

    And Heavy metal looks like an axe so I thought the devs wanted to make it an axe in fact but now I understand better why it's classified as a sword.


    Or maybe we could add a new item as reward which would be a double-axe or a double-hammer but it may be too much work to make it.


    So ok, for now we change nothing.


    see you

  5. hmm yes, I see what you mean Spunky.

    I think I don't know the game well enough, I would have think that at least the Seraphim could handle a two-handed axe too.

    If there is only the Shadow warrior, the interest is limited indeed. :(


    and there are 2 votes to change nothing, we can't ignore them :)


    let's wait a little more to see if there are some other opinions but for now it may be better to not change it indeed so that everyone can use them.

  6. Hi,

    I find that getting two two-handed swords as rewards for the Blind Guardian quest is somewhere bugged.

    I think the "Heavy Metal" two-handed sword "should" be a two-handed axe.


    What do you think of that ?


    Or you prefer to change into a two-handed axe the other two-handed sword we get ? (forgot the name)


    IMO, Heavy Metal would better fit as an axe.


    If the answer is Yes or Yes for the other sword, the changes will be made in a future version of the CM Patch.


    Thanks for participating!

  7. here could be the French translation:


    Failitias Seeker : Chercheur de Failitia

    Failitias Warrior: Guerrière de Failitia

    Failitias Guard: Guarde de Failitia


    1559058121 The easter bunny told me he has hidden something for me! ...

    1559058121 Le lapin de Pâques m'a dit qu'il a caché quelque chose pour moi! ...


    1570601877 I have missed the easter bunny. What a pity.

    1570601877 J'ai loupé le lapin de Pâques. Quel dommage.


    2392250756 Something is wrong with Christmas. ...

    2392250756 Quelque chose ne tourne pas rond avec Noël. ...



    If a french people wants to add/modify something, go on.

  8. Hi Marcus,


    just wanted to let you know that I'm currently on the translation of the CM patch for the French version (as nobody else seems to be interested in doing it).

    I have the 2 sets of phrases.


    At MantisBt, issue 0000268, Tag 2044159632, the translation is correct ("Et bien, quelle route, terrien?").

    For issue 0000259, tag 1551148002, the translation would be more:

    Oui, qu'est-ce-que c'est?<br><br>C'est Floyd qui vous envoie? Oh, je sais ce qu'il me veux. Chaque année c'est la même histoire.<br><br>Aprés tout ça, je dois toujours faire face à Nodo Ping, l'arbitre chamane, alors que Floyd ne sait rien! Bien sûr! Amnésie de Nargutz, vous connaissez? Devinez d'où il tient son surnom, "Dumbutz"!

    (logically I already have them translated in one txt file from set 1)


    And by the way, there is an issue too with "Lieutenant Riccah" (if I remember well) in Thylysium (Shadow path campaign). I don't know if you have already fixed it.

    In fact you must take her with you to do few quests, but if she dies, the quest is well marked "failed" but Riccah will revive indefinitely till the end of the current campaign.

    It's very annoying, can you do something please ? or maybe you already did ?


    thanks, bye

  9. questgiver = {

    taskcreature = 7182,

    ispersistent = 0,

    isproactive = 0,

    isrefusable = 1,

    position = { 59,25,0 , 1527.950,863.602,-1584.710, 193.000 },



    groupchanges = {

    { 7182,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 },

    { 7184,7,0,"Invalid",0 },

    { 7185,7,0,"Invalid",0 },

    { 7186,7,0,"Invalid",0 },

    { 7182,9,2,"questCreatures",1 },




    questCollect = {

    drop0 = {

    taskitem = 1128,

    amount = 3,

    dropper0 = {

    creature = 182,

    dropchance = 100,



    drop1 = {

    taskitem = 1129,

    amount = 3,

    dropper0 = {

    creature = 182,

    dropchance = 100,



    drop2 = {

    taskitem = 1130,

    amount = 3,

    dropper0 = {

    creature = 182,

    dropchance = 100,









    drop2 = {

    taskitem = 1130,

    amount = 3,

    dropper0 = {

    creature = 182,

    dropchance = 100,




    there's 3 instances of creature 182(id=182, itemtype_id=7367. If creature and id are the same then that is one of the hydras.), dropping a different item for each instance.

    There is one small problem though. The first and last in this:

    groupchanges = {
    { 7182,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 },
    { 7184,7,0,"Invalid",0 },
    { 7185,7,0,"Invalid",0 },
    { 7186,7,0,"Invalid",0 },
    { 7182,9,2,"questCreatures",1 },

    aren't hydras, but are

    mgr.createCreature {
    id = 228,
    itemtype_id = 4584,
    name = "Monst_werewolf_fem_elite",

    And the others are called invalid, and yet they're the hydras.

    If this was a working quest(I have no idea), and the hydras are a working part of it, then perhaps changing the amount = 3 to amount = "your favourite number" might be enough.

    I think I'll leave this here for the moment, it is pretty late.

    If anyone wants to check these, by all means, be my guest. I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to do so myself.


    Great investigations Malachor, thanks :bounce:

    So I took the second possible solution and increased the "amount" number in the quest.txt. My current character is justly in the swamps, I will see if I see some differences.


    See you.

  10. Hi Malachor, thanks for the reply, excuse-me for the time I put to answer.


    so I effectively found the entries in the creatures.txt, I searched in the spawn.txt but couldn't find something referring to Hydras or their id.

    so I don't know how to do and I think I will give up with that.


    if I find how to do I will post it.



  11. I modified the creatures.txt file: I increased "groupmaxcount", tried, but I didn't find one single Hydra :D

    (I don't know exactly where they are though, it's only my second character, I searched in south-east of swamps)


    I think this value is to increase the number of Hydras in one group but I think it doesn't increase the number of groups themselves and that's what I would like.


    Anyway, thank you guys and especially you Malachor for the suggestion.

    I will try to search more in the swamps to see if effectively the number of Hydras in one group has increased.


    See you

  12. Hi Gogoblender, yes me too they are one of my favorites but not because of their rarity and I would like to see them more often, not a lot but a little bit more often :)

    They remind me a little of the "Giant Spiders" in Sacred 1 in the swamps too. Same "charism" I find.


    so, if someone could help, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

  13. Hello to all, I'm new to the forum and I have one question:


    is there a way to make more Hydras to spawn in the swamps ?

    I've looked into the spawn.txt file but couldn't find any "hydra" or something.

    so, can anyone please tell me the thing to do to increase Hydras spawn ?


    I play in singleplayer offline.

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