Good call. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Ok lets rethink this.
Your solo, no support or resources, that means to me EP Mastery. The Death Warrior and Malevolent focus will at this time remain low level so your mod points will come from Tactics Lore. I like Armor Lore to be at a high level for this build for the Regeneration times. Shadow Warriors have huge armor pieces giving them fairly bad regen values. But if you take the Armor Lore to 21 points, then pump Sword Weapon that should get real close to mastery at 75.
To recap from level 1
Once Blacksmith 5 points, EP and Tactics Lore are at level, put 21 points into Armor Lore then get Sword Weapons to level. Once that is accomplished finish Armor Lore to mastery then work on Spell Resistance.
Do your best to get a buff suit made for Grim Resilience, this will last you fair amount of levels until you get concentration and the second buff of RE.
Thanks, Furian. So for low level I should focus more on getting and using a buff suit made for Grim Resilience? Any faster way to earn gold? Buying from npc and forge is quite expansive.