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DarkMatters - Member
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Polonium Wizard

Polonium Wizard (3/20)



  1. = 2. The Southeast corner of the swamp. Lots of monsters in close quarters to make a circle around the lower right corner of the swamp Are you talking about that southeast werewolf town area? Thanks for the suggestions
  2. Where would you suggest to level up at? I'm doing the orc caves now (Up to level 81) but grinding orcs gets boring and I was looking for a change of pace.
  3. Noooooo! lol your survival bonus does so much for Attribute levels ( which effect everything), you don't want to loose that. But you may need to level a bit before moving into territory that is too dangerous. you can still build a buff suit with Platinum runes. geting a full set full with 16-19 plat runes will boost your grim buff a ton. work on that and see how things go. What level do you suggest I get to before taking the platinum guardians? They are currently still moping the floor with me.
  4. Well haha my survival bonus is 91% should I just die and let it go down?
  5. Thanks a lot for the help! I replaced most of my whet with anneal I figure not being destroyed is a better idea. I'm sitting on +145% chance to evade right now I think I'm set for now for evasion.
  6. Currently I have (All found in Gold Difficulty) Headgear of Graves Level 80 socketed with opponents level for death blow +23.4% Hp Regen +9.6 Plate of the Tomb Level 95 Socketed with Ring 1: Opponents chance to evade -17.8% Chance to fear opponets away +3.2% Ring 2: opponents chance to evade -17.3% Armantin's Boots Level 90 Ring: Damage +19.3% Strength +14 Charon's Greaves Level 80 Ring 1: Regeneration per hit + 0.6s Ring 2: Chance that opponents cannot evade attacks +7% Rousing Command +6 Sholders of Decay Level 65 Platinum whet in slot 1 2 then in slot 3 Amulet Hitpoints +497 Grim Resilience +3 (I definatly could socket this better and will look into it) Armantins Belt Level 60 Slot 1 and 2 Whet Slot 3 Opponents chance to evade -15% (I defiantly can socket this better a lot and will also look into it now that I'm looking at it) Armantin's Battle Gauntlets Level 60 Socketed with whet (Another opportunity to better socket for defense I just realized lol) Denderan's Maneuver Level 90 Socketed with Regeneration per hit +0.8s I can see now looking at them more where I could improve some sockets and perhaps farm up a few higher level set pieces but what would you suggest best to help with my defense?
  7. This is my first character so I don't have anyone in Niobium but I can try to farm up in Platinum and build a buff suit. My buffs currently look like this Grim Resilience is level 36.6 (Memorized runes: 20) Reflective Emanation level 12 (Memorized Runes:10) Should I pursue getting more Defensive value also since its only 287? (Sorry for the late response been caught up with things lately haven't had much time to play)
  8. What is the best way to get my defense value up? I've been following the build and I'm up to level 76 but I just get hit WAY to much. I have a low defense value and I'm not sure why and how to get it up to a reasonable level to not get hit 80+% of the time, should I hunt down damage mitigation or find things that boost my defense value? Currently I have my TL at 75 SW at 75 AL at 75 DWF at 21 Concentration 1 MCF 7 CR 40 SR 1 CD 1 DL 3 (I should mention I'm playing on the Xbox 360 so no ice and blood for us) Right now my Defense value is only at 287 which is really low but I'm not sure the best way to improve this but getting hit 90%+ on platinum guardians is proving to be way to challenging and they decimate me even with my buffs going.
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