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Posts posted by Gilberticus

  1. I'm not promoting this one, I have a question. My friend keeps "blah blah blah Chaosbane blah blah". So, I looked at it, and saw that so little is known about it at this point. We don’t know what type of end-game there will be, how good the loot system will be, or how customizable the classes will be in terms of appearance and more importantly distinct builds. We don't know squat, we haven't even seen all of the classes. And yet, on the Steam page, it has some type of award for something blah blah dungeon crawler of 2018. My question is how can a game that's not even on the market have awards already? Is that how that industry works? Because if so, I darn well better rethink about those awards before I buy games in the future. Personally, I think I'm done with rpgs, arpgs, and dungeon crawlers, I like to build and am patiently waiting to get my hands on Evospace. But dang, to win awards before even published/released.... seems odd. 

  2. Do you have one of those old, familiar vinyls/cds/playlists  that you love, but you don't really listen to it any more to get lost in the music, you listen to it to get lost in yourself? That's what "Everything" is  like for me. I like the game, but I don't play the game for the game, I play the game to get lost in thought, or lost in myself. A friend said "Like Skyrim, right?" Dang, she and I must play Skyrim very differently! In Skyrim, I love myself in my character, while in Everything, I get lost in thought, lost in myself. I forget that I'm swimming as an angelfish, or hopping around as a marmot. Totally different scenarios. 

  3. No demo, sadly. Yes, you can be anything. As far as the growing part, I haven't the foggiest, I haven't come across that yet. I can 1) sing to things, to form a friendship and transform into that thing, 2) Join things of my same type, and 3) With a flock of my same type, I can dance and give birth to more of my type. 

    Now, some customers have said "I've seen you run around Skyrim, Ancaria, Common Wealth, even that game where you build houses n stuff. Why would you choose to float around as a butterfly or swim as an Orca? You don't even get to do anything as them (eat, sleep, etc) besides roam. You roam around as different crap, that's it!" Yep, on the surface, that pretty much sums it up. Others: "No, I get it. But, I can get a simple graphics design program and use the lectures of Alan Watts or anyone else as the soundtrack. This isn't anything that I can't do myself!" Cool, you're better at graphic design and animation than I am :) Others have said "it's like meditation, man, you can do that for free!" People are interesting subjects some times! I understand discussing hobbies, I can even understand going to someone to get an opinion. But what I'll never quite understand is why some think they'll succeed at dissuading you from liking crap you already own. I understand why they try, I'll just never understand why they think they'll succeed. 

  4. Scariest film for me is Autopsy of Jane Doe. The reason: immersion. When I see well-known actors, it kind of breaks immersion for me. "That's Ethan Hawke attaching all of those old film reels together in his attic." What's the best way to describe it? This film didn't feel like I was watching a movie where an actor was playing a mortician, it felt like standing in a real mortician's home as he and his son go about their day. When stuff turned supernatural, it didn't feel like forced Hollywood tropes to me. The actors didn't remain painfully oblivious until the last possible moment, nor were they instantly on board with this supernatural crap that society and common sense dictates isn't real. At least mine. In my neck of the woods, ghosts and goblins and demons ain't real. So, it doesn't feel real when actors on screen instantly accept the existence of aliens, monsters, and etc. The scariest movies for me are the ones where I forget that it's "just a movie". 

  5. Have you ever needed a break from quests and loot? Dude, do I have a game for you! A game without health bars and goals and stats. Well, there is two goals, to discover everything and eventually return to the golden gate. Anyway, I present a game that's not really even a game; it's more of an experience:



    There's not much I can really say about this game; it's an experience that I highly recommend. Some claim that they burst in tears, others talk about transcendental moments. I don't know about that, different strokes for different folks, but I can say that it's the most relaxed experience I've had on my computer. For the next few days (at least in my area) it's 75% off. I can honestly tell you that this is the best $4 I ever spent on a digital experience. A few of my customers have told me about :




    That might a little more your speed. But I didn't want to create and destroy, I wanted a came where being was the only focus. Plus, I don't like buying a lot of games at once. I've got 7 days left until Evospace releases




    Granted, I already have a building game; Rising World. However, I no longer support that game, I'll never play it again, especially around customers. Granted, I'm not exactly losing sleep over this, but I've backed this game on here until recently, so I'm going to to tell you why I no longer support it. It's simple; I have no respect for liars who can't own up to their own mistakes. I'll give you a scenario using myself:


    I sell minerals out of my own home, but I once owned a business. In my business, if you came to me and voiced that I didn't have the variety of other stores, and I both eluded to the fact that I was only a force of one person, and flat-out stated as such, one person means one person. But I wasn't just a one person team. I was the only gemologist, but I had buyers and marketing people, etc. There is only one developer in Rising World, but he's not the only person on the team. There's a person doing artwork, someone else doing something else, I think there's a total of four or five of them. No biggie, except both he and backers of the game use the excuse that he's a solo developer. They release on average, four or five updates a year. Guess what? I know solo developers, one person who handles everything, who release a greater amount of updates per year. In addition, the developer used the excuse that Steam did some nefarious act back in October that's slowed down updates. Granted, I don't know what Steam did or didn't do. But I see other indie studios doing just fine. Anyway, if I sold minerals at just one site, like Etsy.com, and they did something to seriously hamstring me, that very well might slow down my volume and variety of minerals. Even then, though, I wouldn't use them as an excuse, I'd tell my customers "I have a few hiccups I need to iron out, but I'll get this stuff sorted out as soon as I can. Y'all know me, ya can't keep this good ole boy down for long ;)" Anyway, the game isn't just sold on Steam; he's got his own site, there's a crap-ton of Youtube videos, articles, etc. There was even several mentions on some radio broadcast. Even then, guess what? Updates have been scant and scarce for five years before Steam supposedly ham-stringed the sales of the game. Why I've backed the game until now; I thought this was one person, doing the best that they could. Four or five updates per year, for the last five years, so what?! But it's not just one person, and I started to see excuses and blame being tossed around, and as much as I liked the game, the developer as well as the Steam community kind of makes me sick to my butt. So, if you look at that game, decide to buy it, or if you already own the game and love it, more power to you. But the reasons stated above are the reason why you'll never see another statement from me about Rising World.  

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  6. So, Ryan, his wife, and his son are in a house that's not theirs. Ryan and his wife were woken by their son, who seemed to have aged 20-some years overnight (because we don't have NPC children). Upon seeing this, Jenn turned to Ryan and said "the hell have you done this time?", which is exactly what she'd say in the real world. 1) Dear ole Ryan is always suspect #1 any time anything weird happens in our house, and 2) the house I build is a little eccentric, similar to myself, so it looks like something I'd build.

    So, we get up. Jenn makes Connor breakfast, and I step outside to use my electronic cigarette (vape juice or not, I won't smoke it around my son). Upon stepping outside, Ryan sees nothing but nature as far as the eye can see. Being that Jenn is feeding their adult three year old, Ryan explores a little bit (which I'd do in real life). Nothing but nature, with animals running around. However, he does see a few abandoned shacks (which do occur in the game). He goes back to report to his wife, while pulling some cherries off a tree (bc y'all know, if you were in that situation, you darn well bring food or flowers as a peace offering to your wife, if she suspects that you're to blame for them being in that predicament). Back at the house, the first words out of Jenn's mouth where "This house is too much you; fix it". Ryan had experience with carpentry and masonry, but he couldn't just snap his fingers and build a whole house. However, Jenn said otherwise; above the bedroom was a room full of different stations (carpentry, brick-making, etc). All one had to do was approach the stations with ingredients in hand, push a few buttons, and wham; instant object. This was too bizarre; it defied logic. In addition, where the hell was everyone? There were abandoned shacks, but no sign of mishap or disaster or war. Where they dead? Ryan, at this stage of life, had no concrete beliefs of whether or not deities and afterlife and etc existed. However, he saw a few predators running around outside; it didn't fit any concept of afterlife that he'd ever read about.


    One of the reasons why this is fun for me is because it gives me a chance to be introspective. What would I do in this scenario; I'm in a whole new world where my family and I have all of our basic needs met. What I'd do; if my wife and son are there, there might be a chance that other family is there, as well. So, while I may be looking for natives to see if I can find an explanation, my main agenda is family. Ryan does find family; his brother and sister-in-law, Corey and Jenny (yes, both my brother and I have wives named Jennifer, and both those Jennifers are nurses). My brother is a gun rep who loves hunting, so now I have a hunter. As close as my family is, my brother and I would drive each other nuts after living in the same house for more than a week or so. So, how do I house my family and any other survivor/native I can think of? With no town/ civilization in place, I would indeed try to form one. After all, what else is there to do? Hunting and fishing and whatnot are fun, but I'd get bored, and there's only so much euchre one can play. However, the land is so beautiful, it feels bizarre for me just to start plowing and paving over everything. The solution I came up with; subterranean city. My sister in law has her own office and exam rooms on the medical level, a native named Pete is working on the industrial level, I don't currently have any cooks on my galley level, no one's in my armory level, no farmers yet on my agricultural level; these will come when animals and NPCs stop ignoring walls (because they end up trapped between levels, in rock). And then, I remembered that gogo said he liked reading a few of these. So, congratulations, you're the first non-relative/real world friend to be placed in my game. But what to do with Mr. Rommel? At this time, I was working on my Adult zone, which isn't x-rated, it's just a place for adults to go after they put the kids to bed. I have a pool in there that adults can swim without having to keep a watchful eye on their kids, my bar's not established yet, and I have an R-rated theater, which has clips from the the new Robocop and Hot Tub Time Machine on the walls. So, I gave Rommel a suit, and he'll have an option on working anywhere in the adult zone; playing piano in my bar, or working behind the bar itself, or working as a ticketmaster, or...in the other theater, which I should disclose. The other day, some of my fellow former entertainers contacted me; they're trying to get signatures for some...proposition or something like that to end all adult films of that nature. While I'm not exactly proud of that phase in my life, I'm not going to get on some high horse about it. So, to help me come to terms with my own past, I placed an X-rated theater; it's in the Adult Zone, behind a door marked "Midnight Matinee". Because some underage individuals might try to slip in, the outside of the theater looks no different than my other theater. So, Rommil NPC might be offered that position,as well, which is an important role. Because we all know all too well that if underage kids get in that theater, their parents will find out, which means they'll be beating down Ryan's door (once I install homes inside my residential zone.


    So, that's a tiny taste of my roleplaying experience in Rising World. It might be a little lackluster for some, but I personally love it. There's always something new for me to add and dream up. Today, for example, I decided to take the roof off my arboretum and instead install a glass ceiling, for natural lighting. I think perhaps tonight I might add homes to my residential zone, or tend to my crops in Wurm Unlimited, I haven't decided yet. Or, maybe a little bit of both. Or, take a break from both of them and watch a new episode or two from the new season of Punisher. Gotta love options :)

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  7. This one's kind of for gogo, as he said he enjoyed these. This is the story I made featuring myself in a game called Rising World. 


    Ryan was a man no different than any other man. He had a wife and a three year old son. He had a job and was a military veteran, just like many others. In the military, he saw something or some  type of hair-raising, putrid  incidents, which was also common. One doesn't join the military and expect to play tiddlywinks or shoot at people in a game of laser tag. Now, his job, gemology, may or not be common, depending on your interests and circles you run in. So, we have a common, ordinary man, who considered himself no better and no worse than anyone else. Not stronger or weaker than anyone else, no more or less intelligent than anyone else, not more or less handsome than anyone else; he thought of himself as just one of the 7.5 billion people running around earth.


    His day, on December 19th 2018, was also no different, no more or less anything, than any other day. He, his wife, and their three year old son went to a vape store so he could pick up his favorite fluid, seedless freeze (which was a menthol and watermelon flavored fluid. After that, he took them to one of his competitor's store, just so he could say hello to the owner and look at some minerals beyond the ones he sold in his own home. Afterwards, because his son behaved so well in the store (which is hard for a three year old, surrounded by a million bright, shiny rocks), Ryan took his family to his son's (Connor) favorite restaurant.  One might assume that the restaurant would be your typical fast food chain. However, neither Connor nor Ryan could stomach fast food places any more, as Ryan's father had his own farm, so both Ryan and Connor were raised on farm-fresh meat and eggs. So, being that Connor was a total nut for lamb meat, cheese, and tzatziki, Connor's restaurant of choice was a place named Papa Gyro's. The rest of the day was no more or less eventful than any other day. However, that night, because Ryan's wife (Jenn) had worked three 12-hour shifts in a row and had some sleep thing (I think it's called like hyper insomnia), Jenn snored so badly that it sounded like someone trying to shove a chainsaw down a garbage disposal. This happened from time to time, so Ryan had a spare bedroom set up for this exact scenario. He went to bed, and watched a few episodes of Lucifer on Netflix. 


    Now, the next day, the 20th, was far from freaking normal. Ryan woke up next to his wife, which sometimes happens. He wakes up to put his arm around his wife, notices that she's not there, and walks his half-sleeping self back to their bedroom. Hey, some of us have been there, right? So, waking up next to his wife when he didn't go to bed next to her was no big deal. The big deal was that it wasn't his home! He, his wife, and son all had beds in a house that wasn't theirs, a house just as eccentric as his own, but it wasn't his.  It's dinner time for my son, so I'll continue this in a bit, as I really haven't said anything yet. 

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  8. I never thought of Star Wars vs Star Trek, for the simple fact that I don't work that way. Steak vs fish? Why not a little of both? Apple pie vs pumpkin or any other pie? Naw, one of each for this ole boy. Coke vs. Pepsi? I find soda to be like wine; different sodas pair better with different food for me. So, as far as Star Trek vs Star Wars, tbh, neither at the moment. I've had my own passion project for the last 1k hours in a game. The short and skinny on Rising world is it's a reskinned and better-looking version of Minecraft. A game like this doesn't appeal to everyone, and didn't appeal to me, until I got tired of playing in roles that were pre-built for me. Skyrim, for example. You can be a warrior or mage or thief or a little of everything, but I'll never escape being the Dragonborn. What if I didn't want to be a Dragonborn? What if I want to simply be a husband, taking care of his family, with a gem stall/store somewhere? That's the thing with me and most games anymore; I can be anything I want, except me. In Rising World, I can be me. I, in fact am me. So, because you said you liked a few of my write-ups, gogo, I'm going to share my favorite story in my favorite game. I'll start a new thread for Rising World. And, because you said you liked these, when I started this new world on Dec 20th, I named a NPC after you. That's no bs right there, if you'd have Rising World, befriended me, and joined my world, you'd find a Rommel npc. Animals and NPC's sometimes ignore walls, especially when they're placed underground, so he's on the top floor of the home that hides the entrance to my subterranean colony. He's in a suit, due to the job I plan on giving him once I can place him underground. 

  9. I saw that movie. NONE of them have the same feeling that the original three did. I wonder why; is it because I saw episodes 4 through 6 as a child? Do they just not have the same magic and passion as the older ones? No, I was sitting here, looking at a bottle of Re-Nu (there's something I find soothing about the color and shape of the bottle, I know I'm a weird dude at times, lol) and it struck me that I know exactly what I like about the original three. When I get down to brass tacks, I don't really care about lightsabers or how cool Darth Vader's and Boba Fett's armor looks, what hits home is one concept; no matter how dark a man's soul gets, no matter how far he falls down the rabbit hole, the love he has for his son can guide him back into the light. In that final climactic scene with Darth Sidious, Empires vs Rebellions and Jedi vs Sith and all that other crap vanished; all that mattered to Darth Vader was that his son was in trouble, and he wasn't going to let his pride, hate, and vanity immobilize him while some d bag shocked the very life out of his son.


    That hits home a little bit. When I came home from the military, there were dark clouds that never fully lifted, and wounds that never fully healed. But when my son was born, and those big blue eyes looked up at me, all that crap disappeared. In my hands was a new life, that depended on me. He didn't care that I came home and made a few poor choices that disgust me (like being an adult entertainer for a while). He depends on me; not just for base needs, but to learn how to interact with the world and people and how to deal with stuff when it comes up. Fatherhood kind of pulled my head out of my backside with a quickness. And, I hope this doesn't sound selfish, but here's a chance as a dad to react differently than my own father did. My father's a good man, and a good father. But when I came home, I really needed him. I didn't need him to fix things, I just needed him to be there. But because he didn't know how to fix things, he distanced himself because of pride, etc. He let me down when I needed him the most; not because he failed, but because he didn't try. When my son was born, none of that mattered any more, either. But here's a chance for me to learn from my father's mistakes. I will make my own mistakes, of that I have no doubt. But I damn well am not going to let pride distance me from him just because I don't know how to help. Anyway, that's why I like the original three, because Darth Vader manned the hell up and was there for his son when he needed him the most. 


    RimWorld; I still love it. But I've put virtually all games on the back burner for now. The reason; it's never my story, it's me making choices in a pre-defined world.  Like Skyrim, for example. I can choose to be a warrior or a mage or a rogue or a little bit of everything, and that's awesome. But I'll always have to be a Dragonborn, unless I use specific mods. What if I didn't want to be a hero at all? What if I just wanted to be a blacksmith or a miner or a farmer? There are mods that let you do those things, but the main game will always be there, Skyrim isn't designed for you to be just a blacksmith trying to make it in the world. What I was looking for was a blank world. There's grass and veggies and water and all that junk. And maybe there's bears and a few other hostiles running around, but you'll never see a main enemy spring up. And that's what I found in Rising World.  As far as MMOs, (Timo asked in another thread) I've owned Life Is Feudal since 2014. I have that game, the MMO version, Black Death, and Wurm Unlimited. I don't plan on starting/restarting anything at the moment, but I will be doing Wurm Unlimited next month with a friend. 


  10. A few of my assignments fell through, so I'm back home with oodles of time. What I'm looking for is like a Minecraft MMO with better graphics, that's not set in a medieval time period, where I can build things brick by brick instead of placing pre-made structures. I think it's safe to assume that this is more of an arpg/rpg crowd, but if someone knows of a game like what I described, I'd be happy to buy it and build you a whole blooming city. 

  11. There are a ton of awesome mods for this game. I personally love Prepare Carefully. Unfair? I don't think so, as that mod can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to do things as simple as change a hairstyle or body type, which some might not care about, but I use it when I'm trying to recreate characters from other games. I like it because I like to take out the misogynist trait out of my characters. It's also very convenient when testing new mods, like the Star Wars mod. It's very hard to roll a character who has the 'force sensitive trait", which was fine by me, except that so many people complained about that mod. So, I wanted to start out with a few characters with force sensitive. Then, I saw people complaining about the light sabers, so I used Prepare Carefully to add that equipment. But as far as a cheat, one could use Prepare Carefully in that manner, but the game will strike back, at least mine did. I wanted to see if there was a difference between types of light sabers and crystal colors, so I  added one of everything to the game. Of course, it takes Jedi or Sith to assemble them, so I used Prepare Carefully to add a whole team of Jedi to the game. I didn't touch their stats or even add extra food or building materials, just settlers and weapons. And the game responded by sending a whole army to wipe me out before I had even assembled the sabers. But the game does allow for a little wiggle room. If I stick with the standard number of people, it does not punish me for making one super soldier, one super settler, and one super scientist. That play-through was kind of fun, it gave me a tiny bit of breathing room to test a theory. 


    Well, y'all, I'll be talkin at ya in a few months. I'm off to Michigan to investigate supposed citrine-included Petowski stones. That claim makes no sense to me, but my brother lives in that area, so it gives me an excuse to drop in on my baby brother. Talk to you guys later :)

  12. Alright, I have a new one. I love Fallout 4, but it upsets my son. That little turd.... makes up his own policies. He accidentally got an eyeful of graphic violence in Walking Dead, and laughed, but got upset from Tom and Jerry playing a  game of tug-o-war. That's fine, and I don't need to be playing games around him period. But sometimes, he likes to go and do his own thing, which is good; sometimes ya gotta work on social play, other times ya gotta work on independent play. Parenthood, y'all, it's like a whole thing! :) Anyway, I've looked at non-violent games, and that's a tough category. It was hard finding a non-violent game that encompassed building and exploration but wasn't a nauseating,  "I wuv you, happy cuddle-buddy snuggle smile bubble gum graphics game". I did find one, that might be worth people looking at, called Mercury Fallen. 



    I don't have much to say, tbh, I don't read much when others report on a game; there's YouTube videos on everything these days. All I have to say is one thing; I highly disagree with comments like "after 5-10 hours of the game, I've seen all it has to offer. I treated my colonists like robots instead of people, as I was so excited that I didn't read everything, like stress levels, I didn't provide them with attire to make their jobs easier, like comfortable shoes and back braces. In fact, I did the bare minimum to get them by, because I wanted to see what the surface looked like. In short, I did everything at a rushed pace, and it still took me longer than 10 hours to see everything the game offered. This isn't a fast and furious game,and it's not supposed to be played at a fast and furious pace. The only real enemy in this game is you and impatience. Ya push these guys too fast and hard, and they do get stressed, and injuries will happen. Of course, you could let all of your colonists die and replace them with robots, but I don't know if robots can manipulate the remote controlled surface vehicles. Even if that's possible, that's not the purpose of the game. You're not trying to establish a functioning base at the cost of lives, you're trying to help a crew of explorers thrive. You're not in a rush to help this crew get off some inhospitable planet, you're trying to help these guys establish a new, permanent home. underground water is also an enemy; you can't build over it. Which means you'd better dig out an area properly before you start making plans for new rooms. Between this game and Colony Survival, I've got myself good and hooked to gaming again. 



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  13. Ya know, I was told by a customer that there's less and less of a distinction these days between consoles and computers. I'm told that I can go to places like the nexus and download Vortex and have the same mods for the console that I would for the pc. I can surf the web with a console just as easily with a console as a pc. "You can do virtually everything that you do on your pc, without the worry of updating graphics cards and blah blah blah". Cool, I respect that. But there are still indie developers offering pc exclusive games, which is why I stick to pc. I myself started my lapidary  journey with nothing more than a wing, prayer, smile, a few hopes, a few crates of minerals, and Gemstones of the World tucked under my arm. So, having been there, I try to sponsor indie studios when I can. 

  14. :) I love RimWorld. But that goes on the shelf for now, as I just got Fallout 4. I was hesitant, as I've seen so many nasty Youtube videos. But I got it on impulse, and discovered something: I can build houses and settlements, how absolutely brilliant is that? And I can scrap any structure I see in the game and make my own!!! How is it that none of the videos I've seen show this?! Perhaps not everyone loves building like I do. 

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  15. I piffed a customer off real bad while making new characters today. I landed on a colonist with the wildest hair I've ever seen, must be from a mod. So, I named him Pseudo "Ufo-Nerd" Scientist. A customer was almost in tears; "how dare you make fun of Giorgio Tsoukalos!! What if someone did that with you:)" Sorry, I guess :( You could do that with me, hell, I'd be honored. You'd take a burly body, shoulder-length hair with a fairly noticeable bald spot on the crown, and an aptitude for mining, and call him something like Ryan "Gem-Dork" Gilberticus. But then, I have the ability to laugh at myself :)

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  16. As far as how much love the game is still getting, it's a good game in it's own right, but that's not why I play it. Games like Kenshi,  Rimworld, and Subsistence are the second stage for my Light characters. I see T-Energy as the magical lifeblood of Ancaria. By destroying it, you destroy the magic and lifeblood of Ancaria. I don't picture the peaceful valley in the end video for the Light path, I picture a world that was just stripped of magic and life. And not only is the land like that, but my characters are like that, too. My Seraphim, for example, are no longer angelic bad-asses able to summon energy shields and bfg's and swirling attacks; they become mere mortals. No magic, no special skills; they now have to worry about hunger, hygiene concerns, old age, illness. Rimworld, Subsistence, and Kenshi are perfect for this; very ordinary human beings struggling with sheer survival. 


    And my Dark path characters; by getting zapped by T-Energy, they become gods, as the video suggests. However, my Inquisitors can't handle that type of power. In their power lust and narrow-minded hatred, they destroy everyone and everything, to the point that they're just sitting there, floating in an empty void. However, they discover that number 1 really is the loneliest number, and use their power to create instead of destroy. So, my Inquisitors each get their own world in Rising World, which is kind of like a Minecraft clone with better graphics. 


    Alright, I just put my son to bed,so I'll finish this up for now. 

  17. Yes, it's very much like Tommyknockers. However, I don't think I'll be using that mod for this playthrough; something tells me that my Jedi wouldn't be thrilled with liquefying the problem-colonists. I did try it with a methadone addict that had a mental break and started trashing my geothermal generator, and my colonists were bummed by that. However, the same guy that made the Star Wars mod also made a series of Lovecraftian mods, too. In one of them, you play as the Elder Things; those are the guys I see liquefying people for biofuel.  Maybe I'll look for a mod that lets you try to calm colonists having a mental break instead of liquefying them. I wonder if the mind trick power could calm a freaked-out colonist? I'll have to try that. 

  18. I just found a delightfully disturbing mod; BioReactor. If I understand it right, I can put my prisoners in there and turn them into living batteries. That's going to take me a while to play around with, as I have a brand new colony, and it requires Biofuel refining to be unlocked. But how awesome is that! I take a lot of prisoners in this game. I also have a lot of people who like to set fires when they have mental breaks from drug and alcohol dependencies. I always wondered what to do with those colonists. Now I know; turn them into human batteries. Awesome!

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  19. Alright, I've played long enough to understand how to tend to my colonists needs and desires, as well as what to research first. But one thing I'm NOT good at yet is efficient base building. I have all of my rooms as separate little buildings; a food hall, a recreation lounge, etc, and I've learned that my designs aren't efficient at all. All of those separate buildings need their own heat , air conditioning, lighting. So, now I'm experimenting with base layouts. And that's what I love about this game; it's never become mundane or tedious for me, there's always something new that I'm learning. I'm just wondering if I can salvage my current base, or if I should scrap it or even start a new game. I have a good crew that I'd hate to lose, but that's part of the fun. 

  20. I can totally understand people having different levels of income. I'm not criticizing those who use laptops, I'm criticizing myself for not being smarter about it. In 2010, my Xbox broke, which meant I had to go without Sacred for a bit. While researching where to ship my console, an ad popped up: "Get the greatest gaming laptop of all-time, for just $3,200. Never need another laptop again!" I knew nothing about laptops beyond the fact that my little Acer couldn't handle sacred 2. So, wow, thirty-two hundred bucks, I can have this fancy Alienware, and never have to worry about upgrading or getting another laptop ever again (snort, a sucker is born every minute!!!!) That Alienware m15, straight from the factory, stuttered with anything fancier than Minesweeper. Last year, my wife bought me a desktop for two hundred bucks. It has an i5-2400 core and a GeForce GTX 1050, and I think about 8GB of ram. So, she spent $200 for a machine that can do what the machine I spent $3200.00 on can't. Of course someone told me that they could get me a desktop that would blow that stupid Dell out of the water, for a quarter of the price, but I was too stupid and impatient to listen. $3k lesson to learn that just maybe, sometimes, some people know what the hell they're talking about, and that when it comes to computer, I am vastly out of my league. 

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