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Everything posted by Elwynn

  1. Thanks! Haha, I guess that means I don't need to worry about pacifism. But the SW from earlier today walked up and started hacking away at me, which is why I asked. Luckily I had him fairly easily, but was wondering about future encounters. Looks like bargaining then, maybe combat discipline.
  2. Yeah, years ago when we played we only stuck to campaign and didn't realize the massive amount of loot and bosses. Was quite a shock to realize xp isn't shared, but not a huge deal. It lets us focus on getting her to 50 for next skill point so she can get EP. EP is really hard to afford on the skill list for HE. Sounds good, I'm Elwynn_84. Do you usually do free world or pvp free world? And just wondering, but does anyone on console bother with pacifism as a skill? Don't know if pvp gets the focus of the community or just free world boss runs and such. I have one skill slot I don't know what to do with yet, was thinking bargaining, but I'm not sure yet.
  3. Thanks guys. This game has always reminded me a little of an mmo, except my wife and I can play couch co-op, which makes it all the better! So much gameplay for your money, if you can learn to avoid the equipment freezes and crashes. Wish there were more ARPG like this out there. I guess Saaa is a little confusing in the title, sorry. That was the character name of the SW that joined my free world pvp, I forgot to write down the screen name. It was the end of my play session and had to run pretty quick. Unfortunately, as far as characters go, just started a new one. HE and she is up to 36 right now, but I'm taking her all the way to 200. Not sure what happened to the rest of my characters. I don't think the file corrupted or anything because my wife's Seraphim was still there, but she started a new SW to play along with me. I must have deleted them sometime, which isn't so bad. None were too high of a level and HE is the only character I absolutely LOVE. Makes me insanely jealous that pc got the dragon mage in I & B, I've been dying to play that guy. But we only have one gaming pc so I wouldn't be able with my wife, and all we do is dungeon crawlers and couch coop rpg's. We jump into free world to run some bosses and do some xp, but mainly we are doing campaign right now to get up to niob. If you ever see me online and I jump off real quick, it's probably just to plug in my headphones/mic, so check for me again in a couple minutes. I've loved this site for a while, all the builds and endgame skill info for niob is very helpful (never thought to go shield and shield lore with HE, but it is awesome!). So are the boss maps!! Great to finally find them all. Oh, and I hate Bloodclaw with a passion, that dude destroys me. lol edit: spaced it out some.
  4. First time I've been on sacred online in forever, was awesome to see someone the first time! Forgot to catch the user ID, had to leave for appt. pretty quick. Sorry about leaving the first time, wanted to hook up my headphones in case you were trying to chat. I love this game, hope to see any of you still playing around!
  5. Hi. I just started playing sacred 2 online again and know I have a daerwins, and maybe a detheyas. Problem is they are only level 35 or so. I never played the dryad much, sorry. If you're still looking let me know. I usually wander around in pvp free world too if you want to look for me.
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