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Posts posted by Epox

  1. first to answere gogo's:

    the reason with I choose the combination of CB and DS is that DS lowers the phy res on monster and cb does Only phy damage so it passes right through, also it's the weap tech with the fast regen of em all and the fastets animation of them all so thats why I choose this over motar and flame builds it fast to kill it knock back enemies and it can kill fast.


    for myles qusiton:

    your thinking about Motar it's has a slower animationthan CB but motar does 50% fire damage and 50% phy its a combination of damages betwen cb and FT. flame has the slowests animation of all the weap techs for dwarfs next is moatr and then the fastets is CB wish makes it a real killer machine.


    to sum up on the 3 weap tech I recommend this on the following

    Flame THrower good for most damage butworst in speed - mfing close range

    Motar Grenade good in damage because of 50% fire 50% phy - mfing and long range

    Cannon Blast does as much damage as motar just fully phy damage and combined with Dwarven steel % to lower enemyes phy res its a ultimate killer machine - both good at long and close atking and mfing/rune hunting

  2. okay this build here is all you want, its fun, its rpg style, its the best (hehe) so here I give you the Master of Fatness, the Master Boomness I give ypu "Oswald Fiddelbender" (the name of my buccaneer dwarf :4rofl:)


    Skills & Attributes


    lvl1: Weapon lore ( for damage on Cannon Blast)

    -> 1 ( Because when you hit gold or plat you can easy max it out with items)


    lvl1: Dwarven lore ( for lower regen )

    -> 100 ( you need this on very much)


    lvl3: Weapon Technology (for even lower regen and atk speed)

    -> 100 ( yeah this is also needed)


    lvl6: Armor (for defence )

    -> 50 (no more is needed)


    lvl12: Constitution (to get a better life)

    -> 100-140 ( its your choice here I recommend 100 because your cannon does the work)


    lvl20: Parry ( for more defence and you use a shield)

    -> 50 ( no more is needed)


    lvl30: Trade ( for shopping and better prices)

    -> max ( always good to have it)


    lvl50: Agility/Axe Lore/Sword lore/Range combat/Forge ( you choose)

    -> you choose ( your choice to level this)



    all points to goes to Phy Regen so you can fire like crazy with yea Cannon!




    Combat Arts:

    Cannon Blast

    Dwarven Steel



    the equipment posted here is what you should focus on getting when yea hit gold mostly plat because at lower lvls the items you find or buy (with a trade, if you have one) are for more superior than sets.



    Ridget's Stumel's Coif ( for WL, far sight and end boost +Combat Arts)



    Kabelrint's Unwavering Armor ( for Dwarven lore boost)



    Ridget's Stumel's Girdle of Repose ( for phy regen, rsm and + skill)



    Some with high Wl boost + rsm and + ca ( thier are not dwarf sets boost worthy for this build.



    Kabelrint's Unyielding Shoulder (for str boost, dwarven lore boost and + skills)



    Dwarfs can't wear anything here



    Goilomn Gilisfon's Gauntlets of glory ( for +ca and crit )

    Alternative is Thar Eross Gloves (for ll boost)



    Ornate Axe of Resting( for rsm, Phy damage % based Phy regen, ll and xp gained per kill)

    Alternative is Thains Axe ( for wl boost and widd)



    Ancient Defender ( for + ca and + skill)



    same as arms dwarf can't were anything here



    Kabelrints Blazing Howler



    Goilomn Gilisfon's Broch of Diligence x2 ( Wl and xp gain per kill)

    I usually use + skill rings can't find any good ones ( but look out of wl plus rings and leech to socket into gear)


    Gameplay Advices

    this dude can handle any situation, the key to getting him a good start, is to trade for stuff for him rsm, wl ll, ca + and + skills to get the best out of him then and ca+ amus ll into your gear and your set. also if a pack of monsters are after you, shoot after the own who is furthers behind you will kill all in 1 straight line if ya do so. other than that stay alive and remeber to trade for items or ya have a hard time. also remember to have dwarven steel up running all the time it shines with Cannon blast because cannon blast is all about Phy damage.




    level your Dwarven Steel until ja have around 42% it enough, but only put 1 point into CB because ya don't need more, the stuff you find on high difficulties will help youboost it.


    mine is level 22 doing 2k damage with cannon level 1 got + 2 cannon blast stuff and + 7 ca + 9 skills and over 300% rsm and + much in Wl because it's only one so you need to boost through items.


    again my superior guide skill has shown no match for my gamma and high intellect is supreme ( hehe)


    The Weapon Tech + Ca combinations Advices:


    okay here I will post what I find is best to make combination's.


    Cannon Blast + Dwarven steel ( for high damage and penetrate phy res.)

    Flame Thrower + War cry + Greed ( most effective Mfing Dwarf imo)

    Motar + War cry + Dwarven steel ( good for long range pack killing and again Ds for penetrate the phy res, good for higher diffs)

    Flame trower + Greed + Entrench ( for mfing and dragon close range killing


    Special thx to Thorin Oakshield for the Facts on the level 1 Wl

  3. Here she is the X-bow we, she can run she kill and she can surly play the string, I am proud to show here to you all :3lmao: and thx to Schot their is a Tribute movie included :)



    Skills & Attributes


    lvl1: Weapon Lore (for Damage)

    -> 100 Points here is enough

    lvl1: Concentration (for its Regeneration)

    -> 140 Points here.

    lvl3: Agility (for atk and def to hit better and have better chance later on)

    -> 50 Points here.

    lvl6: Trading or Moon Magic(for better prices and items and/or for some lvls in quick as flash)

    -> at only 1 Point if trade here/ if Moon Magic 30-50. ( later on you can do what ever is suitable for you)

    lvl12: Range combat

    -> 10 max because it's all you need ( more details under weapons )

    lvl20: Armour (for more Resistance)

    -> At least 50 Points here.

    lvl30: Constitution (for more life)

    -> 100-140

    lvl50: Parry or Moon Magic (for more defence again)

    -> as many points you want I would say 50-100/ and if moon again 30-50 ( your choice)



    All points goes to str because normally all would boost dex for more damage, but it's a waist of points because

    the % of damage given on dex pumping is so low that's the build will not even benefit from it.


    Note: if you use bow use phy regen




    Combat Arts


    Multiplied Shot (max level 18 for 6 arrows what is max)

    we need this skill to gain most damage and effect out of the x-bow


    Explosive arrow

    only take 1 level here because through the equipment I have posted lower down you get so much ea boots that's it's a waist to level it higher



    Lloraneth's Circlet (for EA,WL, + to all combat Combat Arts,)



    Araelfi's pure Misery ( for rsm,speed,EA,and WL )



    Octanion's Belt ( for str, phy regen, range combat )



    Polemid's Study Footwear ( for Speed, End, Consti and LL )



    Here you should look for ( wl, ca+, rsm)



    Lloraneth's Tanned braces (for +% to atk, Atk speed, WL)



    Tadriel's Leather Gloves ( for Range combat boost, atk speed, and because there aren't any better gloves for a we)



    Elven bow of Tyr-hadar ( for ea boost and high ll )

    Or Egils full set if ya wanna go x-bow like I did with here (rsm, ll)



    Octanion's Legs ( for str,speed,Range combat)



    Amulet of water ( huge str bonus)

    Esarah's Bejewled Amulet of the sun ( for Range combat boost and EA boost)

    Chrysopras of the moon (ring) ( big boost to Multiplied shot)

    Gold ring of str ( for atk speed and high str boost)

    Raging ring of the restless ( for atk speed, speed, regen rsm, agility boost)

    Silasas's Great ring fo Concentration ( for end boost and + to all combat Combat Arts)


    Game play Advices


    for enemies like dragons make a 4xEa combo because they do more damage as 1 arrow that spread arrows and for pack of enemies do MS and fire like crazy.

    the damage type for ea I'm not quiet sure about think it's a mix between fire and phy so best places to run if vot is to hard is dessert (khorad nur or dark elf place or Mystdal ( cave were their is lots of undead's )

    Bow vs X-bow:

    well I have to admit after playing this build to level 74 with x-bow the build started to lag in damage but it was still powerful and playable, found out that the bows will do around 5k more damage than the crossbow and that is much , so it will have some trouble's in Platin and Niob, the bow is 50% faster than x-bow, does more damage and with the right weapon ( listed in equipment) you can have as much leech like full egils + you get a massive ea boost wish would make my we (if she were alive) do almost 100k damage or even more at level 74


    you can go every place in the game


    just though I would add in something more to make it more bla bla bla hehe.


    Well x-bow maybe lag in damage higher lvls but they can still give a good beating


    bow is supreme but x-bow is also good if ya have lots of str


    and as I said earlier up I'm not very good at writing guides so be good to me hehe 2biggrin.gif


    hope ya enjoy it

  4. just wanted to tell all that my probation time is over now, and my 1 month none-gaming is over now because I did a good job at home, with the cleaning and other housely things (and foot massagese) hehe well just wanted ya all to know that EPOX is back in bussiness. but im not home atm im a strange place were people who has no jobs are sent to find a job, well the state pays me for it but it's not to much hehe well but enough.

  5. Head

    Proud Helmet of Recundis ( for wolf boost, sword lore boost parry boost and str boost)



    E`sal Hy-lef's armor of Trepidation ( for tiv bonus and vamp boost)



    find one with rsm and other good stuff ( can't help here thier ant any belts for a vamp thats best)



    Proud Shoes of Recundis ( for speed and end boost)



    E`sal Hy-lef's Shoulder of Anguish ( for str boost,tiv boost and + Combat Arts)



    Thorwyns Blood-shade braces ( for atk speed, vamprism boost, tiv boost and LL)



    Lady Magory's Gaunleths of Health ( for atk speed)



    Bloodlust Longsword (for Vamprism, wolf call, WL)



    Toothed Shield of Bloodlust (for atk speed, RSM, armor boost)



    E`sal Hy-lef's Greaves of Terror ( for Awaken dead boost)



    Chrysopras of Blood Moons x 2( for wolf, WL, Vamprisme) (ring)

    Chrysopras of Dark Lleaders x 1 (for atk speed, vamprisem and WL)

    Arhles T`Gaw´s Hoop x 2 ( for wl )

    Glimering Amulet of luck ( end boost)


    + tiv runes and wolf runes mostly but ripping claw and awaken dead is also okay

  6. yeah something like that xbow is not meant for WE it for Gladiator cuzz more str more speed and We are kind a low in str department so im gonna chnage gide to an WE EA bower and poost the items neede for that one


    and yes I nned runes so seeya in bronze

  7. buhu now my we is dead well I found out some good stuff about xbow we and bad stuff.


    the good stuff:



    bad stuff

    damage is to low

    the low speed can kill ya hehe

    ca is lower wish make your damageeven lower



    STICK TO THE BOW!! hehe

  8. The Beast Within


    Aribeth a young and noble knight who served the King of Arcania and swore to protect him and the the royal families in all of the towns of his kingdom.

    one day when the Young Knight was on patrol in the nearby woods of Bellavue, she discovered an old abandon mansion, she knew that it never had been here before, but still something inside here said that she should not the Mysterious Mansion, and she did not for now....

    but she had the night shift today and she ventured into the dark and cloudy woods again only to see the light that was coming from the mansion. she thought it might be the hideout for a local necromantic cult that had turned some of the villagers into Mindless undead. she quickly jumped on here horse and like a swift wind she arrived at the mansion, the door was open she went of here horse and entered the mansion. their was only the sound of the wind and the wooden

    floors that were squeaking in the dark hall. she followed the light from the other side of the corridor only to get to a staircase, she pulled out here sword and shield and silently went up the stairs , when she came to the top of the stairs she opened it slowly, she could see a cloudy form but was not sure what it was, she kicked the door up and stormed into the room only to see ashes on the floor and a old ancient book between to candle's. But before she could take a good look on the book, a voice inside her said "thank you for saving me from my prison", she did not know how the voice came to be inside here. but she left the mansion, but only to faint out...


    she awoke next morning in the quarters, but she had been chained up, and she saw the Executioner, and he saw here and said "finally we got you beast

    you will not murder more innocent villagers" she cried and said "I'm not the beast your looking for, I have done nothing to deserve this horrible end, I'm

    a proud Knight of the king and I swore to protect you and the royal families, and this is how you repay me!" then she felt something awoke inside here it went out in here body and transformed here she was stronger than ever and she broke the chains and jumped long than possible for a human and she vanished into the woods.


    at night time the knight woke up and saw here self in the mirror and saw what she feared the most, she had become a shifter of the night, a necromantic fiend of evil, yet still she felt here knightly soul in here heart. she knew that she could still keep the lands of Arcania safe and with "the Beast within" here the evil's

    in the lands would be no match for here. so she strapped up here horse took on here armor and went out into the night to kill the evil of this land...




    Skills & Attributes


    lvl1: Vamperisem ( for lower regen time on vamp Combat Arts when ya in vamp form)

    -> 140 ( you really need this)


    lvl1: Weapon Lore ( for damage )

    -> 1-100 ( you can choose either way both works out good)


    lvl3: Blood lust (for even lower regen and atk speed)

    -> 140 ( yeah this is also needed)


    lvl6: Parry (for defence )

    -> 50 (no more is needed)


    lvl12: Constitution (to get a better life)

    -> 100-140 ( its your choice here I recommend 100 because your not the one fighting)


    lvl20: Agility ( you are fighting a little so more atk and defence is always good)

    -> 50 ( no more is needed)


    lvl30: Sword Lore ( more info in weapon area)

    -> 10 ( rest you get from items and such)


    lvl50: Trading ( for lowered prices and shiny merchandise)

    -> 1 or max ( your choice to level this)



    all points to Phy regen because it's casual that you summon your wolf for backup and phy regen helps here to thrower faster, and also decreases regen time on ripping claw.




    Combat Arts

    TIV ( Turn into Vampire)

    Ripping Claws

    Wolf Call

    Awaken Dead





    Proud Helmet of Recundis ( for wolf boost, sword lore boost parry boost and str boost)



    E`sal Hy-lef's armor of Trepidation ( for tiv bonus and vamp boost)



    find one with rsm and other good stuff ( can't help here their ant any belts for a vamp thats best)



    Proud Shoes of Recundis ( for speed and end boost)



    E`sal Hy-lef's Shoulder of Anguish ( for str boost,tiv boost and + Combat Arts)



    Thorwyns Blood-shade braces ( for atk speed, vamperisem boost, tiv boost and LL)



    Lady Magory's Gauntlets of Health ( for atk speed)



    Blood lust Longsword (for Vamprism, wolf call, WL)



    Lucky Kite Shield (for atk speed, rsm , wl, mf)



    E`sal Hy-lef's Greaves of Terror (for awaken dead)



    Chrysopras of Blood Moons x 2( for wolf, WL, Vamprisme) (ring)

    Chrysopras of Dark Lleaders x 1 (for atk speed, vamprisem and WL)

    Arhles T`Gaw´s Hoop x 2 ( for wl )

    Glimering Amulet of luck ( end boost)


    Game play Advices


    well to play here you have to summon your Puppy at first (at night it increases with 10 level's) and tiv up yourself and go bonzai with your dog and rip em to pieces...



    this build here is amassing never thought it would last for a second but it did last for a second :whistle:, well I lvled here from level 1-31 without using any pots or life leech because when ya wolf ca is high lvled you can practically stand and watch it go banzai. my wolf is whopping vot alone


    keep your TiV level 1 and make a combo suite instead because the more lvls you put I not it the more damage ya take if it's level 1 as ca you take less damage but gain the benefits from the + ya got to it.


    again my superior guide skill has shown no match for my gramma :ninja:

  9. what have the sacred team done dropped the server I ´n the toilet or somethng


    well I got this post from The German moderators


    the ascaron crew is allready informed about the problem - but there is no timetable available atm when it's fixed. sorry for no better news.


    Best regards


    -German Moderation Team-


    so they know the problem but no idear to when ni gooes back up :whistle:

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