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Posts posted by Rotluchs

  1. I remember I have once seen a few 'sneak peek' pics of the new weapons that will be implemented..



    but I forgot what they looked like, and I also can't remember where that thread or HP was :Just_Cuz_21:


    could someone help me out with a hint, where to find them?


    (the different types of fist-weapons, throwing potions, etc..)




    btw.. what possible item-modifier stats will they have by 'default' ?


    like, the throwing stars which can have % Life Leech on it, in rare cases as a sort of 'unique' modifier..


    what plans are there on how many slots for socketables they should have ?


    will all characters be allowed to wield them?


    what Offensive Skill / Weapon Lore will they be based upon?


    are they 1hand or 2hand weapons?

  2. for the lightsabers, I'd prefer Intelligence over Willpower,


    for hybrid-builds.. like a Seraphim I have in mind.


    since you can't choose it in this poll, I voted for WP, but if you edit in INT, maybe you could change my vote..



    would it be even possible to change some weapon-class restrictions based on charclass?


    if so, are they up for discussion ? that would even more interesting :Just_Cuz_21:

  3. outstanding , ty !


    btw, it is interesting to read how other people made the same observations in the past,


    and most of it has even been officially confirmed in the process :) :

    finale experience  = //Formula: experience = value(CRBONUS_EXPERIENCE) * BonusFac * LvlDiffFac * LvlCapFac * MobFac * LvlDampFac *MultiFac * ( (expTeamBonus / 1000.f) ^ (teamSize-1) * ( ((9+stufe) ^ 2) / teamLevel )



    the 'experience level-factor damping' happens at the observed levels, when reaching level 101, 126, 151, 176 ..:



    I posted the quote from the german thread some time ago,

    in the "Bits of Information from Sacred 2 Developers...?" thread over here..




    unfortunately it is in german and I was afraid of just translating it into english, not sure about the outcome ;)

  4. gogo, I just noticed there's a little blue missing from yer text. How long has it been, did you have to attend BTA (Blue text anonymous)?


    .. someone stole his ink-bottle .


    ..tapp ..tapp.. tapps.. *looks back* oh.. oh..

    *blush* it wasn't me, really (fingers crossed)


    slurp.. taaasty :)



    d... it!


    I really have to start composing my posts offline,


    browser just killed everything I had to say why I don't like most browser games or f2p client games,


    and why this might be fatal for Sacred 3 if it was released as such..

  5. Alien_Swarm_Header.jpg



    Alien Swarm


    is a freetop-down shooter

    and a little bit similar to games like Counter Strike 2D, Shadowgrounds, Greed, or Space Siege..



    as I understand it, development started as a L4D modding project, but the team was hired by valve,

    and their game's now published on steam, for free... or a story something like this. but it's still free :)



    there's several levels,


    main aspect is on MP 4player co-op mode,

    but you can also start a SP training session..


    this game also comes with several tools in it's SDK,

    so you can also start making your own maps, or mod..


    it's a bit tactical,


    there's friendly-fire on, so pay attention where you shoot ;)


    ammo can sometimes be quite limited, so don't waste it in the very first few seconds..


    here's a trailer, more info on steam or it's original HP.. :





  6. oh, and btw, I just saw and remembered your awesome UW patch ! : ..


    would the updated build of the unofficial Sacred Underwold Fan-Patch work for the english/UK version of Sacred UW as well?


    ..meaning ENG/UK 2.28 > 2.29.14 ?

    Oh. No that will not work. The patcher would say "Wrong MD5" or something similar. I would need to change some addresses to get it working for the ENG version.

    There are still people interessted in it? Could change the Gameserver Multicore Fix too, that will also not work with the ENG version.


    if people would knew that this patch basically exists,

    then maybe they'd be interested in the 'localised' version as well, indeed..


    but I'm not sure if the last remaining, very very small rest of the community that stilll plays Underworld still exists..

    recently there were a few more players showing interest in UW, but they come and go.. in the end it's a constantly shrinking number of people.


    it seems even the german MP community is virtually dead or in a coma,


    since the Open Net Servers weren't accessible anymore, until they figured out a way, and access the lobby again-

    which still is up and running (only the old ascaron-URL's were now invalid)


    I'm not sure how the situtation is over here, I've only seen an 'official' announcement of the 'closed' servers that were shut down,


    why and since when exactly the Open Net Servers can't be accessed anymore, I don't know..


    still hoping for a workaround to get back the 'official' ENG/INT Open Net, here as well (our eng keys+accounts dont work on german servers)...


    there're not many people who care for hamachi servers,

    as it seems thats the last alternative remaining for MP sessions atm)



    to get the patcher working with the ENG/UK (INT) version,


    how much work would this cost you or anyone else?

    (aside from sending lots of cookies your way to germany^^) :)


    meaning the time needed one would have to invest into finding and changing the addresses and recompiling the patcher,

    or whatever it's called one has to do :D

  7. Welcome to the Dark Matters Board :)


    iirc, you have to go down the sewage system,


    and quest compass.. well, it's a special thing with sacred, and in dungeons..



    just try to get down to the deepest level, where you should find the NPC's you have to talk to.


    the entrance to the sewage system is located outside the surrounding wall, in the south next to the castle

  8. the beast solution is UP the ram limitation.


    ..I'm not sure if this ever will be possible to use (much) more, from reading the above comments.


    but with your 24Gig Ram, what you could do for a test,


    is installing (or copying) the entire Sacred 2 root folder to a Ram-Disk :D


    there're several tools around, on win x64 you could set up a Ram-Disk big enough to contain the entire Sacred 2 Ice and Blood installation (~17GB)


    even if Sacred 2 would use more Ram for caching,

    it would have to read from&to your HD's or wherever you installed it to..


    loading it into ram completely would still speed things up significantly I guess,

    even tho it would still only use 1,5GB of Ram..




    oh btw :)


    I would really be interested in some benchmarks of your entire system !


    ..especially some benches of your 2x Acard 9010 raid 0 config and the Gigabyte I-Ram, including IOPS and sequ/random read/write tests etc..


    what's the personal main purpose of your system here btw,


    what are you using this monstaah machine for? :)



    I'd go with sacred 2 standard settings and a clean install patched to current version, and see if it still crashes a lot.


    should be possible to play without so many frequent crashes, at least many people are able to...


    I had these problems too, but iirc it was back in Sacred 2 original and one of the older patch versions, without Ice and Blood.


    what are your other settings for Ice and Blood ? I'd try withou the elite texture gfx pack, and with latest patch, don't enable compatibilty mode for the executable as it now should run without, again (you had to change it to win xp sp2/3 compatibilty mode in previous versions)

  9. whoa, I admire your endurance :superman: !



    until now I never felt like I really had to start a diet..


    but recently and as it seems I'm growing older faster than ever before,


    suddenly to my surprise I found myself gaining weight as well, slowly but constantly..






    it is something I never had to pay attention for, so this is a entirely new situation for me, I still have to learn how to deal with this..




    in my younger days, I could always eat as much and as often as I'd like to - and sometimes even had really bad 'binge eating' attacks.. (still have them now, fortunately not so often anymore)




    but no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt even gain one single ounce, not even one gram !


    and now a few years later, suddenly I weigh 85kilo (~187 lbs? ), (my personal max was ~91Kgs.. *shudder*)


    that's really 'deadly' number, seriously ! ( isn't it the police code for murder? ) ^^



    it was hard for me to gain that weight, had to drink a lot of beer and eat lotsa junk to accomplish this^^


    yet, it seems even harder if not impossible to loose that 'floating tire' around my hip and belly again :crazy:



    on the other hand, at least visually it's not that bad yet - since I'm 181cm tall

    .. but that increased and almost absolutely zero sport in the past few years makes me feel like I'm 100 years old or if I'd weigh like 130kilo when I'm climbing up the stairs to my flat, especially now in the hot summer-time..


    if you'd see now, running and sweating now, you wouldn't believe me if I told you how athletic I really was, a (long) time ago.

    then again, me and running would hardly ever be the case, except for catching a bus, or so...


    I hope that the warm weather, swimming in the lake near town and using my bike to get to work will do it..


    but still, it would need some special training, to regain that special 'six-pack' - that I lost by drinking too much 'six-packs' ;)




    currently, there's 'summer sale' in the whole town,

    maybe I will manage to grab me a pair of new running shoes and some orthopaedic shoe inlays which I'm afraid I might need as well..


    going to the gym would only be a waste of money, first of all I doubt I'd be 'consistent'(?) enough to go there on a regular basis then,

    and second there's so many different exercises you could do at home or outdoors in the park.. for free...


    edit: that's some impressive progress in your pic's above, Sil ;)


    atm I wear pants size 38/32 , or so.. maybe I'm down to 36/32 again, depends..

    few years ago, I had 32/32 ... (I believe these are the corresponding US sizes, in inch.. waist/lenght ? ..it might be a 52-56 in EU..)

  10. what's pretty bad is,


    that they don't care for any anti-cheat mechanisms at all it seems :faerie:


    during the chicken run event,


    people were sending in modified (tampered) screen shots they've photoshopped before,

    and the community manager and his team didnt even managed to pick out the fake ones.


    then, there now is also the first speed hack, so there are 'smart' people all over the net destroying the game already.


    anyway, I was able to finish the race as 23rd of ~ 231 race results that were sent in :zipit: WEEEE!


    its not so bad, since I've been only level 13 and I didnt wanted to use the exploits like for the 'perfect start' power up that has been glitched during the entire beta season and never has been fixed yet..


    it's a mess. but, on the other hand - it's gonna be f2p.. hmmm

  11. Thanks! doing the patch now.

    ** any suggestions on making the patch work? It's not finding my game.


    you've probably selected either a wrong patch version, or the wrong language version of that patch..


    there're different versions for each language + region,


    so german, french english etc use a different updater of the same patch-version,


    and further australian, english(uk-int) and english-(USA) have different versions as well..


    if your current patch version is below 1.8 or equal 1.7,


    you'll need the 'full' update ( +130MB) for patch 1.8.x6


    ..if you already have the 'plus' version or installed that update, you only need the 'small' patch (~10MB) for 1.8.x6




    for Underworld, iirc it's less confusing for owners of any english version,

    as there's only one 2.28 update.. (eng_enu)



    also make sure you've made a proper install of the original sacred, with all registry entries intact and the sacred folder in the corresponding root folder you've selected on install,

    before installing the addon, or any other patches

  12. ..over here:





    I came across this thread yesterday, when I was trying to do some background-checks and info-gathering

    what Frogster's acquisition of the european rights for Mythos could mean for all of us in the future,


    and although it may be too early if it will be positive or negative in the end, I was interested in opinions and the general vibe in their forums or games, and frogsters past activities and status amongst gamerz..


    so, they were discussing Mythos and it's past "F2P micro/payment" financing budget plan original developer FSS had in mind,


    and whether it could change,

    and what that mean if it was similar to what and how frogster does this in Runes of Magic..

    But in the end, they were searching for other "F2P" hack & slash MMO / ARPG's ,


    and that one person talked about a mysterious digital 'milk and honey' land, said that something like this would already exist,


    but also said it was NOT Diablo II he was talking about. odd.. he doesn't want to tell the name in the forum directly (either because he's afraid or really wanted to start a local 'mini' hype)




    anyway, I found out later, that on Frogster/RoM


    some people really have to be afraid and feel like a small Harry Potter or his friends,


    where it's not allowed to tell the real name of 'that dark evil man who's name shall not be ever spoken out loud'


    the general tenor there is, if you talk about other 'good' games and their features, also including their NAME, you might get just banned, or your posts deleted or the thread closed..



    anyway, to come to a conclusion, and what I meant, in short:




    or any clue what it might be?


    sounds like a small interesting puzzle to me, for real hardcore ARPG / MMO geeks,

    that are soaking up every new title like a sponge


    (hu.. so I guess I'm no spongebob after all ...yet :cry: )

  13. .. just saw that frogster seems to bring their 'europeanized' website soon :gogo:


    the URL I found is




    ..atm its only some sort of 'landing-page'

    where you can register for the newsletter





    edited some of the links in the starting post,


    if the corrsponding url's have changed or seem to be wrong (if not mentioned) ,


    please report the 'broken' or add new ones..

  14. I'm a bit concerned about these type of 'free' to play financing-models for a game..


    how is it in this case, balancing related ?

    • what can you buy for cash,
    • how much does it cost ?
    • are there 'uber' items you can only get for real money?
    • any 'level' / area / feature restrictions?
    • or, can you really get everything if you don't pay for it, just not so easy or fast ?
    • so in the end, is it a pure item-shop, or can you spend your cash on other stuff as well?


    I believe Anitrust already said it pretty well,


    in some these games if you don't want to feel 'left out' or too 'handicapped' after a while and if you got hooked up,


    then maybe you end up having to pay more than if it was 'only' a monthly subscription fee?


    however, I'm not a friend of both versions thenm because even monthly subscription fees are not only more than I'm willing to spend,


    more important it would be also more than I'm able to..



    I don't buy very much new games a year,


    and as I like many different kind of games, it's quite (almost too) much even if I only buy 1-2 per genre..


    usually you see something around ~15 Euros / Month for these 'subscription based' games,


    may it be Eve Online, or WoW, etc.. you name it..


    I can't afford that kind of money. often I stick with games I like for several years. in case of Sacred, it's since 2004..


    that's ~ 6 years, and would be (12*15)*6 = 1080 Euro's for ONE single game?


    even with all those multiple accounts and versions of Sacred that I bought, in total it might be less than ~ 250 €

    (1x S1 and Sacred 2 on release>expensive, rest after some time>'value' packs w. reduced price, perhaps 12accounts total)


    that said, F2P with item shop / other micro-transaction still sounds like an interesting alternative, but it's not always the best one...



    eg. in case of Sacred 2, pay once for the boxed / DL version is pretty nice.. and even if there were no more closed hc servers, or if they'd cost money suddenly,

    I could still play SP or via LAN..



    either way, subscription or F2P or pay-only-once , my personal 'acceptance limit' might be ~5 € per month / single game, if it's over a period of several years.. (2-5)

  15. Hello and welcome to the forum of FDM / DarkMatters,


    home of the Sacred [D.a.r.k] Clan, and crazy people like myself (pssst^^ ..and in the most positive way)


    -Sacred v1.02.20 is consistent of major quests, sub quests, and random quests.


    I have found that certain random quests can be buggy.


    For example, every subsequent time one tries to complete an "Escorts" quest,


    when one reaches the resolution point on the map with the escortee,


    the ! mark fails to resolve, and the quest becomes insoluble.


    I have also stumbled across this a subsequent time when the quest is to kill


    a wyvern, again when the quest appears for the 2nd or more time.


    I can't remember which quests exactly these were, and if there was a workaround or later fix in any of the newer versions..


    early versions had the 'blue' spontaneous/random quests in it,

    they were removed later all together because they were known to be a little bit.. buggy. (and other balancing related issues.. iirc)


    sometimes it helps to open your logbook and click on the corresponding quest to make your compass pointing into the correct direction again, or leaving the actual region via main-portal and then coming back later..


    it also might be, that too much / or all of your hirelings have died on your way across the map,

    or if you move to fast, that they haven't zoned in / respawned yet..

    you might have lost them somewhere on the track, maybe you can find them by travelling back..



    I do not wish to use more up to date official patches on the game,


    as I have tried with without success with this problem, and have simply found


    that NPC combat is too hard for my liking too early in the game.


    I do I finish random/buggy escorts and other quests?



    I still recommend you to update all the way to 1.8.26 if you have the classic/plus version of Sacred..


    a lot of other things have been fixed as well, and they even added a free, small new region,

    with new monsters+quests added (Ice Elf - Region in the NorthWest of Ancaria)


    v1.7 for example also added the ability to cast 'passive' spells or Combat Arts

    on your hirelings or team-members.. this would allow you to 'heal' them for example..


    as for most quest related bug-fixes, you would most likely have to start a completly fresh SP campaign mode,

    as bugged savegames can't be corrected by the patcher automatically..


    but for future new characters / or imported ones, and the same quests started over again in a new campaign, perhaps it would solve your quest problem.



    -My Sacred v1.02.20 character is a battle mage level 21, and has found the phase shift spell.


    The spell only works on screen line of sight, cannot go across


    rivers/cliffs/walls/farm fences, inside buildings to outside, underground etc.


    iirc, to jump across small rivers or a cliff / narrow gap for instance, you had to perform that CA while holding down ctrl (or was it shift) and then right-clicking on your target..


    most Combat Arts had a maximum range, either after a certain level their increase in range was capped, or they had a fixed range right from the start..

    the Dark Elf however for example, could even perform 'jumps' with the destination / landing point outside of actual screen = pretty far ...

    not all Characters could use their 'Jump' spell to travel over small 'no-go' areas, for example iirc the Wood Elf and the Dwarf (addon) wouldnt even have the corresponding CA at all.. :)



    Do higher levels of the spell allow my character to teleport past these obstacles?


    Does any version of the spell allow phase shift to be cast while examining the map,


    across regions of Ancaria?


    you could take a look at the Sacred wiki pages, they are quite informative, thanks to our community that never rests :) :




    according to it, max range is capped @ 200 (PS level 25) , I might still remember this and that but would have to lie if I'd say I didnt had to browse the info on that one myself as well ;)



    btw, with Sacred Gold, you get an almost fully updated version of both Sacred Plus + the addon Underworld, all you need then if needed, is 1 single patch, v2.28 ...


    it's only ~ 4 up to 10 € , if you could find it somewhere..

  16. lol ! how could you possibly do that, how dare you.. ALL of you :)


    I (almost) spilt my bottle of 'elder blossom juice' - or what you call it - all over my monitor while reading this^^



    the thought of the kitty , and the plate right next to it.. for a second there I couldn't help but laugh..



    now, you have to make it up for me, you hear me?


    go, loco & gogo,

    post me some new ideas for a tasty drinks or drinkies now ;)



    hacksaw, it still looks tasty, even with the suspicious 'adult' bag right next to it :) .. pinned you're recipe for tomorrow's breakfast, if I can still find some bacon somewhere..

  17. NEWS: Frogster now owns European Mythos-Rights ?!






    Frogster Interactive purchases the European license for the MMO Game ‘Mythos’ ..


    ..like a english language version, as well as the german

    and a french one, etc..


    more in the link above..


    WHOA! what would this mean for all of us now?


    .. hopefully no Sacred-Scenario, with different lobbies+servers for each publisher's territories :) ?


    .. would be a shame if they'd divide and separate us, after all I've been through with this game (and community) :)



    btw, frogster interactive has to do with Runes of Magic, I assume many have heard about that game as well..

  18. I created some editors for Sacred Underworld, for the Weapon.pak, Creature.pak and balance.bin.

    But they are all in german and none of them is complete. Well the most complete is the one for the creature.pak, there you can change 70% of the values of every monster class and hero.


    Here is the download: http://www.sacredvault.org/forum/index.php...=tpmod;dl=item6



    Hey Thorium,


    how're you?


    nice to see you, it's been a while ! :D


    oh, and btw, I just saw and remembered your awesome UW patch ! : ..


    would the updated build of the unofficial Sacred Underwold Fan-Patch work for the english/UK version of Sacred UW as well?




    ..meaning ENG/UK 2.28 > 2.29.14 ?


    Thx in advance,


    Greetings James

  19. Hornet said that private servers aren't avaliable this time round.



    Well, that is kind of off kilter. Llama, wouldn't they be making money off of someone paying for servers and licensing? I would think Deep Silver would like that?








    or they shut down all servers tomorrow, if they find out someone would actually pay* for it :bye:


    if it means to save closed HC, I'd be willing to help raise funds tho.


    but then again, they might not charge for it because of old contracts, as it is said servers are to be hosted free.. they can shut them down, but not charge for it perhaps?


    who knows, maybe its even somewhere in their old contract files for how long they have to let them run, and after that we're cut off, snip.. just like that in S-HC UW :)


    well because if it wasnt so,


    why the heck didnt they took our money with pleasure back then,

    from some of us that might be willingly to sacrifice some cash for a revival closed hc uw servers... ?

  20. Looks interesting, gives me a little "Most Wanted" feeling.


    yepp, that's also where the graphics engine is from, so I have been told..



    at the moment, I'm trying to level up, and 1 day before beta ends, im gonna rent a highlvl car for one day,

    trying to get a nice time on the 'chicken run' track :)


    pursuits are fun to, but a bit imba.. sometimes, its sooo easy to fool the cops and evade,

    then there're times with a far more lower 'heat' level where it's almost impossible to make your getaway..


    but I'm more into racing anyways, concentrating on the passive skills..



    most powerups are from the offensive sort of stuff,


    and boy, is traffic magnet annoying in the last CB and this open beta !

    almost impossible to evade sometimes they come out of nowhere, and its unfair if you land upside-down like a big fat bug unable to move..


    I'm missing the content and depth of an underground 1 or 2 though.. regarding car-styling and performance upgrades,


    as well as more different race modes..


    at the moment, there's only circuit and sprint races,


    I miss spontaneous 'outruns' you could start from everywhere around the map, as well as 'drift' contests..



    still, it's fun for some time, quite something different and fresh,

    as I mostly have been playing 'real' A-RPG's or source-engine games like HL2 and portal..


    when it comes to Online-Racing :



    currently waiting for Test Drive Unlimited 2 as well...



    oh and there's a F2P online racer that already exists for quite some time:


    it's called Level R , for Europeans..


    in north america, it's called Project Torque .

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