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Everything posted by Bondbug

  1. You beat me and my missus by miles (I think she went to sleep) TimoD had physical as well, and you have several the same length. You're the only one to offer sentences so far. Looking at your last list the following springs to mind - 'Calm as a zonal chasm in phylums clasp' ? But apart from breaking the rules, it lacks a certain er...sense. Plenty of words...but comprehensible sentences!! You can see the problem I had! See you inthe bar. :rolleyes:
  2. Poor lass. Your avatar looks tired. Is that a rope round her neck? Pity. She looks canny. P.S. Give Gial a big drink and the Putty Medal next time she looks in. She must be near a breakdown with mental stress and probably lack of sleep
  3. Right. Accepting that nothing will ever equal Carolyn’s fried eggs, and in keen anticipation of Ho-Ho, Ding Dong or Twinkie, let’s get the ball rolling. My personal list includes porridge, oysters, curry, mashed potatoes and perhaps chopsticks. But let’s start with long spaghetti. What I like about long spaghetti is the impossibility of eating it in a tidy manner. There is I believe an acknowledged technique with a fork and desert spoon, which I have never mastered. After close analysis and mature reflection, I have come to the conclusion that spaghetti can only be eaten one strand at a time. There seem to be three techniques for this. You secure one end of the strand of spaghetti on the fork with a cunning twist of the wrist. Then: Method 1. (Gravity Method) You raise the fork high above the head; lean the head back, locate the dangling end of the spaghetti worm into the mouth, and gently lower the fork until the spaghetti is all in the mouth. Snags: a)The spaghetti has a tendency to slip off the fork or curl as it descends. It may drop down the cleavage, become inextricably tangled in the beard, blind you, curl up on the end of your nose – very difficult this last one b) You cannot keep an eye on others of your company and you are in a very vulnerable position c) You may choke d) Your neck may lock and need surgery. Method 2 (The slurp) You place one end of the spaghetti in the mouth, withdraw the fork, and take in the full strand with one mighty suck or slurp, making as much noise as possible to show you enjoy it. Snag: The whiplash effect of the rising spaghetti can cause all sorts of undesirable effects. N.B.This method is only recommended for young children who think that the purpose of eating is to make as much mess as possible. Method 3 (RECOMMENDED) This is an advanced technique and needs some practice but is highly recommended as clean and sensible and not too unsightly. Place one end of the spaghetti in the mouth, withdraw the fork.. Hold the spaghetti in place with the tongue. DO NOT on any account bite it or you will lose it. DO NOT slouch unbecomingly over the plate, do not push the head forward on the neck, but incline the head elegantly forward so that the spaghetti hangs about an inch in front of the chin. It is then a question of coordinating the action of lips and tongue so that the spaghetti is pulled smoothly up into the mouth before chewing it. The lip action is something like that of a horse. While holding the spaghetti with the tongue, extend the parted lips forward, gently grasp the spaghetti and with an action a bit like a tight-lipped smile (but not too tight) draw the spaghetti into the mouth. Secure it once again with the tongue and repeat the lips and tongue action until the strand of spaghetti is entirely drawn into the mouth. Beginners should manage to draw in about half an inch at a time, but with practice this will improve. You can practice the lip movements in quiet moments, lips open, forward (like a horse or fish), close, and draw back into a tight-lipped smile. Repeat at least ten times. Or you could do it to music, solo or in groups. Excuse the literary style. I have been re-reading Jane Austen.
  4. Thanks Erialc - any of the six from Islay (but not the one Tim used for cleaning his keyboard) PS if its Scotch please leave out the 'e'. Tut tut. An energy drink mixed with whisky. Struth!
  5. Confused Yeah I know its my natural state but...Lagavulin..new:) Its been around for ever. Is this a new whisky Lagavulin have produced? It was always good stuff. Please clarify (the info not the whisky). Don't forget I am shut away in rural France. Dont watch tv, dont listen to radio (cant understand either of them and anyway I'm too busy with Sacred and Morrowind and...... ) .....and, dare I say it, what is redbull with the soaring ads? Us old gadgees get out of touch dead quick.
  6. Sorry, just noticed this one. Gotta try this when the wife is away later in the year. Sounds good. BUT be kind to a foreigner. and explain: a) 'Flour tortilla'? b) 'Bell' pepper? Also, unfortunately, I have hardly eaten chicken since I was taken to see a 'battery' chicken installation when they were the latest thing, some 40 odd years ago. Horrific. But we get good farm chickens locally and this one sounds good.
  7. After Carolyn's incredible efforts with eggs, which I for one have not yet completely mastered, I thought we might widen the subject of eating techniques. Gogo may be contemplating a DM Cookbook. We could expand that a bit to include table manners - but not in the snooty old way. After Mrs Beaton, the DM Table Techniques Guide. What to do with the Upstairs Maid. That sort of thing.. Do you have artichokes over there? Paella? Both good for getting the hands involved. Oysters? Mussels. How do you eat these ****** things? (that's a knife and fork there but who needs them) I suspect Carolyn could make a 'coup de théatre' out of eating a single chip
  8. quite good having 's' and 'z' in there - you can have American and English spellings (cozy, cosy). The 'z' that I was brought up with and that the Americans use has been most often replaced by 's' now in GB sphinx The list is getting too long! I haven't managed to check mine out against yours yet. My longest so far is 'physical' But, as you say, sentences are difficult. That's why I could not communicate clearly. Couldn't even say 'what's yours' or 'pints all round'
  9. "But mostly I like forums for easy getting and giving information." Spot on. Most are not easy, but this one certainly is.
  10. Impressive. I make that 63 excluding plurals, though these should count. Zinc, pink, mink, link, sink.....keep going.....
  11. Sorry. Not a practical joke. Just a keyboard problem. I tried to clean it but made the mistake of opening it up to check for muck inside. Must have been too rough. When I put it back together only half the keys worked. I was trying to communicate!! Not an attempt at a foreign language input. Fortunately I managed to keep Sacred going by devious means with such keys as worked. New keyboards are incredibly cheap. Couldnt believe it. Anyway I have put a new thread in explaining the first trashed effort. Forgive me _ drinks all round...
  12. OK. New keyboard. Now I can explain what I was trying to do. NOT asking for help with the keyboard I knacked(sorry Myles and others), but trying to find what could be said given the imposed limitations, in the best English I could manage!! Obviously not understood. For Scrabble and word game addicts.... Given that only the following letters are available: z y u I o p s h a j k l m x n c How many words, minimum three letters, can you make? What is the longest word you can make? What is the best sentence you can create using each consonant only once?
  13. Salt? We have just had a big festival along the river Loire. The old traditional river boats bringing up sea salt from the salt pans at Guérande. Took at least a month, with a two or three day fête at each town on the way. Don't know if it was profitable, but they sure had a good time.
  14. I think the farmer's wife where we get our eggs is going to be surprised by the sudden explosion in egg eating here.
  15. Sànx. No plo.lèm! I çàn àlso sày Mylès OK! àll èlsè noo xçèp kèyplànk....so:) nàoo màk poèm plèàsè
  16. sànx Sçho àny ? …. I çàn sày yès..no àn I çàn sày çonnoissèu…àlmos **!! Pç`s PS Ziss kèyplànk is phun
  17. ? çàn you sày iph only kèys: çhjklmnpsxyz + àèiou + 1234567890 + )=°+¨$£%µ<>,?;.:/!§@]}\~| àh ok ? èxàmplè: My kèyplànk is 0 .. nàhpoo I no hà nioo kèyplànk!! Hoo çàn màkè yè mos OK poèm?
  18. OK I hà only 16 kèys ok çommuniçà no èàsy I çàn only àsk somè humus àn çhips + çup o slops plèàsé hopè you àll ok likè sày hi àh SS si poss
  19. So you did know after all! I wasted all that sympathy on you Go on, be a devil. Tell us how you eat them. Didn't know there were lots of different techniques. Lets widen the subject to including eating them. I like to break the yolk and dip everything in it. Works great with all breakfast bits, bacon, blackpud, sausages, kidneys(!) and with chips. (can't find that drooling smiley) But ketchup? Not bad but an artistic disaster. Whoops the 'enter' key is sticking - just returned from 10 pages further on. Gotta strip and clean the keyboard.
  20. Why not! Good for you, but if you don't like it take it off with a wire brush.
  21. Must be one of the new avatars for Sacred 2.
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