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Posts posted by FrostElfGuard

  1. So. Now I have a wall of text to post to the wiki, but can't find a general gameplay type area to post it too.


    Also, I must admit, I'm formatting-challenged.


    The info is just in this form right now:




















    I'm also challenged on the idea of the screen caps, and whether I should bother to include them. The important thing for me is the information.



  2. Life Leech % weapons (like Schot mentioned) are the most important. Even if you hit for a tiny amount of damage with the weapon, the % life leech works off the boss's (or opponent's) total life. So, 1.2% (the smallest life leech % I've seen) is a huge amount of unresisted damage when talking about a boss. Sure, it will take about 83 hits to kill it... (that was calculated by life leech damage alone... there will be damage from your weapon and combat arts as well), but at least the life total will be going down!


    As mentioned as well: see what damage the boss does in melee, and set the relics for that. If the boss is going to do a 'spell'--you might want to F9, F10, F11 or F12 to switch the relic set (that is for PC, I don't know how console users switch relics) during the combat to have the proper resistance maxed for a specific attack type.


    Good luck!

  3. Acute Mind: Getting into the swing of AM. Have take Nature Focus and modded AM.

    Ancient Bark: Now that I've got Nature Focus: I built a +16.x Ancient Bark Suit to wear for starting the buff... and I'm no longer in danger of dying all the time (when mobbed). Just suit up, cast the buff, store the suit in the common part of the chest (in case she dies).

    Darting Assault: I have a set piece, some shoulders that add +2 to all CAs and +2 to Darting Assault, plus one staff has +3 to DA... so my poison damage is cutting a huge swath through the kobolds of Ancaria! (Sad and weak, but you got to start somewhere! wink wink)

    RpH: I improved my RpH from my bargainer that is a few levels higher than my 'real' Dryad. So, if there are enough targets I have instant regen (if I score a hit that is! Attack rating is probably my next target for upgrade.)


    Thanks for the encouragement and help!


    Kobolds beware! StickChick3 is coming for you! :heart:

  4. I searched the wiki for Givyrm (island) and could not find it.






    ontopic: 4.9% mitigation for you per hireling to start... and you can get Ambul and some of the other immortal hirelings to really give you a boost? Wow. This is so awesome. I haven't tried an Inquisitor, but this sounds just amazing!

  5. You can also control whether your minons attack the same target (regularly) or each is free roaming. I had 4 NA skellies and it was like the 3 stooges (each falling over each other and getting in each other's way trying to get to the target).


    You can also limit how far they range for targets (near, medium, far).


    These are covered on a tool tip splash screen... which hit me like a wall of text--and then vanished before I could read it! I've got a screen cap of it now (at home). More later (hopefully will post the screen cap on flickr or similar and link it in).


    At a guess, I think # is one of the controls and I think the others have been mentioned already. Don't know if it works on the console version.

  6. Re: Dyes in Guild Wars. I dabbled in Guild Wars... and was very taken aback at some of the most expensive and difficult items in the game: dyes. A means of staining your clothes so that your toon didn't look like a beginner. A way to look different. Then along came the ideas of Guilds... Guilds that each had a different cape. Each Guild designed their own cape... so you could tell who was who based on their cape affiliation.


    In a world of clones, looking different matters a lot.


    Clearly, Sacred, (at least in SP mode) --clothes don't make the man. :superman:


    I do like in D3 that each character can be male or female. Wish they'd done that in Sacred...but it would've doubled the modeling work, doubled animations for combat arts, etc. Huge cost for little gain. Glad they spent the money elsewhere.



  7. I'm on my 7th or so Staff Dryad on the pc. Thanks to Dobster, locolagarto and Furian67, they make it into their twenties.


    What I'm finding is my damage numbers get woefully low.


    I survived this long because someone would come by and drop some niob smithed items on me to boost my damage. (Which works until the equipment needs

    to be replaced... which isn't a big deal if it is gloves and boots and belt...but a big deal when it's body armor. I'm smarter now... I'll ask for those parts to be

    upgraded in future (live and learn).


    Without bargaining, my new Dryad is limited to something like 69 max damage on the staff. I have tactics lore at level, but still have a hard time. My RpH is 0.2--which means when I hit I generally completely regen right away--since I only want to hit groups. Staying until this group is killed slows me down... and gets me hit. Since I'm using fire or poison, have damage lore, and socketed chance for poison, I just run away to the next mob.


    My Darting Assault is modded for Damage, DoT, and Rotate (360 degree hits). But I've kept it at level 1 for regen. I suspect is should be level 5 by now... like the tooltip says that CAs should be kept at 1/4 character level to be effective. (I haven't taken Capricious Hunter skill yet... I got stupid and took Voodoo Lore for Moribund Animous... which is a bad choice since Nature Lore would boost damage on Acute Mind {which I'm also not using yet}).


    Did I break her by avoiding Nature skills so far? Do I need to increase Darting Assault by merchanting (buying at the vendors---without bargain skill) and/or socketing DA runes?


    How do I get my damage up with a ranged character? I'm already pumping Tactics Lore to the max.


    I'm a novice here. Please help!

  8. I had 'partially impacted' wisdom teeth removed when I was 22. That meant the teeth weren't coming out right... not enough room in the jaw for all those teeth!


    Now, I wish I'd had my regular teeth removed back there, and then let the wisdom teeth come out.. and then get them put in proper place. They'd've been healthy and not full of cavities (filled now with metal).


    So: root canal. Strange that they didn't find that on the xrays... unless, they don't go xrays in Austria. Here, they xray your teeth once every 2 years.


    Be glad you didn't have what happened to my Mom: When our 'new and greedy' dentist re-did all our (kids) fillings... he also re-did all Mom's. Mom really needed it. Really. He uncovered rot under her fillings... which were real old. Old fillings were always "temporary" 5 to 15 years. She'd had hers for like, 20 or 30. Imagine your dentist drilling and then suddenly your mouth is full of horrible rotten smell... and it's you!




    So: sympathy on the root canal. My metal teeth got replaced with Caps. 3 teeth...3 caps. Very painful when they put the new 'cap' on... it is done without anaesthetic. Yeow! Still, I've been told: Caps are less painful than root canals!

  9. Question about Advancing the Campaign with the Final Switch.


    When you advance the campaign (and automatically close the server), the character that is advancing the campaign has never done it before? And if so, that character can no longer be used as a campaign runner?


    If the character can be reused... do you start the campaign all over again... and the progress all the way through again to almost the end... and then wait to advance the campaign as a camp runner for another toon?

  10. the LL% only comes as a bonus from having full (or nearly full) sets of gear on the seraphim, TG, or dryad. or from a few select weapons. ( 2-H swords, Pole arms, throwing stars). these weapons can be shopped for.


    I've noted that polearms with lifeleech% show up at levels 25 to 35 as drops.


    When can you shop for LL% items? What level character, what level of bargaining is necessary? My level 36 dryad shopper has run out of steam. +12 to bargain doesn't pump the bargain level enough to show higher level merchant items. She's just not classy enough! :) She only occasionally sees a rare now. (Got +3 Bargain shoes from the Niob level 2 Elf Trader)


    I'm discouraged enough that I'm using EP with other toons hoping for better loot.

  11. I'm thinking of compiling the test from the splash screens that come up when a character loads a game/teleports.


    Most of these are common knowledge... but a few, like minion control are so long and complicated that it takes longer than the part second you have to read it.


    I plan on grouping the tips into general groups like:




    Combat Arts

    Character Specific Tips

    Interface Tips




    Any other suggestions for grouping?


    I was also thinking of including a screen cap of at least one of each of the different backgrounds. Some of them are quite beautiful.


    Any thoughts?

  12. The quest markers are a bit gibbled sometimes. So, yeah, the best thing to do is look the quest up on the wiki and see if there is a piece missing... or some other quest is interfering with the report of the current one. Often, I find, quests that want you to kill x or collect x of something get in the way of other quests or are not reporting well with the grey circle markers on the map.

  13. I'm sure this isn't news to people. When you complete a quest, you have a chance of a an item drop... sometimes.


    The more quests you complete in a session (if freeplay) then the higher the small chance of getting a drop.


    Many times I've have dropped "Circle of Life" at low character levels. Woo hoo. An unique that gives +1 Vitality and +1 to something else (Constitution maybe?). Worth about 428 gp at the Trader's. I first got very excited about the name... and then looked at the stats. Unique, but nothing to write home about.


    I'm sure this isn't news to people. When you complete a quest, you have a chance of a an item drop... sometimes.


    The more quests you complete in a session (if freeplay) then the higher the small chance of getting a drop.


    Many times I've have dropped "Circle of Life" at low character levels. Woo hoo. An unique that gives +1 Vitality and +1 to something else (Constitution maybe?). Worth about 428 gp at the Trader's. I first got very excited about the name... and then looked at the stats. Unique, but nothing to write home about.

  14. One of the classes of cards that gets players really really excited is the big creatures.


    This big creature comes with tons and tons of special abilities that makes it amazing to play.


    However, if the set is not structured for quick mana, then such cards may never hit the table.


    I played here in my province with fellows who were serious--they intended to win at provincials, hope to win nationals, and then go to the Pro Tour. Me. Well. I was, though experienced, a n00b.


    My eye in drafting cards was always drawn to the big hulking monster that cost 6 or 8 mana. Such guys never hit the table since all of these guys played Sligh. Sligh means you play the mana curve... you play so that every turn (including all important turn 1) you can cast a spell. There is no dead time where you have no land to play and no spell/summon to play.


    Look at the math: Turn 1 they cast a 1/1, I'm at 20.

    Turn two they cast another 1/1, attack for 1, I'm at 19.

    Turn 3 they cast a 2/1 or 2/2, attack for 2, I'm at 17.

    Turn 4 they cast a 2/1 or 2/2, attack for 4, I'm at 13.

    Turn 5 they cast a 1/1 (they're out of 2 powered monsters), attack for 6, I'm at 7.

    I cast a big monster, a 4/4, they nuke it with a creature killing card before combat... or during combat if it's a weak nuke. They attack 4 gets through (I blocked, they were unlucky and had a weak nuke). I'm at 3.

    I cast another big 4/4, they cast another 1/1, They attack with remaining 4 creatures... even though I block and kill, I (the player) am dead.


    So, about 6, maybe 7 turns, and you're dead. Without accelerated mana, a 10 casting cost item won't make it out until turn 10.

    So. Not so broken probably... providing there are enough 1 casting cost creatures, and 2s.


    In Sligh, you play with a min sized deck (to cut down on bad randomization of cards), 17/45 are land (exactly---to mathematically maximize the chance of 1 land in your first 7 cards, so you don't have to redeal with 1 less card), Of the remaining cards 12 are creatures and 10 are removal. You want to silence their threats with the removal cards--but make sure you use them on the real threats.


    A 2/2 flyer you can get out on turn 2 usually does about 10 damage before it can be blocked... so it is a very serious threat. If you can draft several of these cards you're going to be way ahead of the player who goes for the big strong cards (they call that fat).


    A sligh deck allows for 1, maybe 2 fat cards. That's all. In Sligh you plan to use all your mana every turn. You swarm the opponent to death.



    ---The opposing kind of deck is called a Control Deck. It seeks to stall until it's big cards and creatures can come out. Usually such a hand includes some draw mechanism to get more cards. Traditionally red is sligh and blue is control... but every set is different... they try to add new twists to keep the game fresh. (And to keep retail of new cards valuable, and to keep the value of old cards low.)


    --Can you tell I'm a closet magic the gathering players? :Just_Cuz_21:

  15. As an expert on dying in lower levels... I'll guess some of the causes for you


    1) Armour not at your level

    2) Weapon not at your level

    3) CA: either not enough... or too much read (light damage+quick regen, or high damage and waaaay tooo looong regen)

    4) Poison relics not active

    5) Poison relics too low a level

    6) Moving too fast (thus aggro-ing too many enemies who run after you and mob you when you stop)


    Any of this sound familiar?


    The scorpions deal damage over time poison... so drinking green potions help you survive in the desert... as well as the red potions! (health)


    Hope that helps!

  16. The ingame tooltip screen (comes when teleporting) mentions that the value of Ancient Magic is that you'll be able to damage opponents who would otherwise be immune. Hands down, Ancient Magic would be my choice... since Magic Coup is more melee mage oriented, which I've never been comfortable with.


    Gogo's ice elf --I would be leaning toward Ancient Magic so that his heavy damage has a chance of getting through... but hey: why not export the character and try it out on a test character?


    Ancient Magic pays off in later difficulties... it is a late life payoff for characters. Recall, spells don't have multipliers like the ranged/melee combat arts!

  17. Massively great idea people! :) Way to go! I'm now very thankful for the power outage.





    Couldn't the same kind of thinking apply to combos? :D


    Build a suit for each part of the combo... modify the combo part by part to maximize the levels of all CAs in the combos... and you have one super powerful combo! Or... is everybody doing this already... and I'm a bit late to the party?

  18. Happy Birthday from almost flood Manisnowba! :thumpsup: We celebrated by bailing our basements! :dance2:


    May you have many more years of happiness, joy, and map making!


    PS I used your map yesterday to navigate that durned Seraphim Island Cave complex. It's still being used, and still a great help!


    Go Schot! Go Schot! It's your birthday! ;)

  19. Well. What's in a name?


    Hmmm. The highest compliment I was paid at university (long before the Tolkein blockbuster movies) was that I was elvish.


    I live in a very cold part of the world. So. Frost Elf Guard isn't a far stretch. I'm not a leader, but I'm not a follower either. I fight some battles, but I'm not in every one of them.


    So. There you go.


    I came up with the name for the Sacred Official Forum a looong time ago. Much to my chagrin, the Frost Elf in Sacred 2 is a girl. :P

    1. Local Musicians&Bands
      especially originating from/living in your own town or country you're from or currently resident.
      These ones are really local
      Nathan Rogers http://www.nathanrogers.ca/home.html
      Dandelion Wine (my housemate and one of my 3 landlords Dave Clement is the principle of this band) http://www.dandelionwine.ca/
      Decadent Dave Clement (Vocals, guitar, Irish Whistle, etc...) http://www.dandelionwine.ca/
      Sam Baardman (vocals and guitar) http://www.sambaardman.com/
      Susan Israel (violin) (also teaches)
      This one is from Nova Scotia (same country, only about 2000 miles away)
      Loreena McKennitt (a very successful Canadian folk musician) Her website: http://www.quinlanroad.com/ (She did everything herself. Managing/Marketing/Sales. No record company to crush her spirit, take most of the money she generated)
      Charlie A'Court (Christian Country) from Nova Scotia also. He's not as commerically successful yet as Loreena. http://www.charlieacourt.com/
    2. Most anticipated:
      Songs+Lyrics written and performed in your native language (non-english)
      Nathan has a throat singing song. That is: He learned from the Inuit (means the people, not to be confused with Eskimo that means "Eaters of Raw Meat").
      He is the son of the great Canadian songwriter Stan Rogers.
    3. Also welcome:
      Songs+Lyrics using local dialect/slang or old/ancient versions of your language (also english)
      Dave Clement sings Barret's Privateers... a song that music historians thought was an ancient (or old at least, being a few hundred years old) sea shanty.
      It's not. Stan Rogers wrote it.
    4. Specific styles or genres:
      specialty in your area / or country (exotic instruments, traditions, etc)
      One of my other landlords is living in China right now... learning the erhu--the Chinese violin.
      I was taking Irish Whistle lessons for a while from the superb Susan Hammer. She's local to Winnipeg, though she did take some time to travel to Ireland to learn directly from the Irish.
    5. Background info about:

      1. how's the situation for the local music scene around you?
        We host house concerts... about 4 to 8 a year. So. I don't even have to leave the house. We seat 30 to 52, depending on the popularity and chaotic factors of life.
      2. what kind of contests/support/subsidies etc are there?
        Not sure about that. Though one of my friends works for the government... her program she runs is: Artists in the Schools. Pays about $10/hour for artists to teach kids about music, history, art (painting, sculpture, etc...)
        Comhaltas (pronounced Col-tas) has a local chapter in Winnipeg that supports Irish music and language teaching. There are usually 2 festivals of learning a year, which include a big concert.
        Sam Baardman ran MARIA (Manitoba Recording Industry Association) for years... it is a group that somehow is supposed to help develop music in Manitoba. Dave Clement believes it did a lot of good for local music. I... well... I think it did a lot of arm waving. Dave wasn't able to quantify how it did him (Dave himself) any good... so I remain pretty negative about it's effectiveness. Sam got to travel a lot to a lot of conferences is all I know about it.
        I googled Maria Manitoba music... and got this:
        The main performer
      3. are there many popular artists in your country that many people would know of?
        Canadian artists have a very hard time connecting with audiences. When you have to travel thousands of miles to get to a gig... it kinda puts the dampers on things.
        Nathan Rogers is traveling right now to a place north of Calgary... 1325 km (15 hours driving) to do a concert this weekend.
      4. how would you describe chances for newcomers to get hold of any (major label) deals?
        Why would anyone need these? Youtube yourself... if people find you... you're in. Then go to a bank with your youtube hits and demand a loan. Buy a web monkey
        to make a downloadable sale site... sell downloads of your songs and mail out cds. Take 90% of the profit from sales yourself... see Loreena McKennitt (above) and link here again http://www.quinlanroad.com/
      5. are there local TV or Radio stations also broadcasting new not so well known newcomers / 'alternative' music(+artists= ?
        CBC has some kind of program on radio for this. Escapes my mind what it is called.
      6. what other interesting things would you like to tell us about music in your local area?
        WestEnd Cultural Centre was created to bring music to a depressed part of town. High, violent crime rate part of town. They occasionally give tickets away to the people who live within a few blocks... but, in my mind, they aren't very successful in pulling people up out of the mire of depresssion/unemployment/despair. But they are trying!

  20. Someone posted the value of dual wielding Boneslicers outweighed other weapons... more slots since the given attributes don't need to be slotted... and that the Boneslicers were reliably attainable by doing the Undead Legion Quest Chain... so you need not wait for the 'chance' of getting them as drops...

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