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Posts posted by FrostElfGuard

  1. I decided to log quest reward items for my Icon search... and so far just doing these quests I've gotten 3 or 4 set items... which surprised me. I thought set items (regular) wouldn't drop at the outset. But they do.


    Thanks masteff for the linky. I'd forgotten about where those German downloads were. (And, yes, I was looking at GSF earlier in the week). Thanks masteff, you've resolved my frustration at finding the DL links. :)

  2. I'm thinking the way of quest rewards involves a random factor.

    That is: do a quest, and a random number is generated. If that number is > threshold, then boom! You get an item drop.

    Then, what level of item are you going to get? (8 / 1000 chance of a set item if normal rules are used, that is= 0 MF).


    Tooltips in Sacred 2 say that more quests increase your chance of a set item drop. Now, is that because more quests is more chances for 8/1000? Or, does it keep track of how many quests you've done and give you a bump for every, say, 8 quests completed? (Just picked the number 8 out of my head) If so, on your 8th, 16th, 24th quest you'll have a better chance.


    I vaguely recall chatting in-game (with Obsession IIRC) and he said that he tried the Vampiress thing... and just kept going at it. He would've been doing it online.

    IIRC online, I was often very pleased when new people joined the server... because it seemed (and this is emotional memory here, so very subjective!) that new players=higher chances of sets and uniques! (for a short while).

    Obsession was/is a focused player--with his eye on the prize--and someone who could limit his wandering eye and "Get 'er done!". By that, I mean he could stay focused on the icon set hunt until finished.


    My focus isn't so good... so, after 16 hours or so I stopped. I seem to recall that he took a week to find the icon set.


    My only other known source of success for this method is Rotluchs. His online seraphim got killed in hc, and he needed an icon set to create his super fast leveling Magic seraphim, and I gave him 2 or 3 pieces. He hunted online for the rest and met his goal of making a super leveling seraphim while the servers were still up...




    I just did a hunt through my archives. Found that imertoh (Remi from France) also suggested Csazar's method. He recommended keeping char level under 10. imertoh built a Trade Dwarf, shopped with him for charisma rings, gave the rings to a Wood Elf (highest start charisma) (socketing). {The WE's charisma was about 100 at char level 20. Which is confusing, since he mentioned keeping the char level under 10.} His character ran the non-combat quests in Bellevue, Porto Vallum, Mascarell and Braverock. 5 times through all those quests yielded a full set.






    I used Prism's Guide to SP starts as a basis, combined with my exported accounts from the servers (when Sacred1 was still hosted online by some company paid by Ascaron)... I cobbled together a WE with level 1 armor, and 178 speed. At that 'walking' speed in Bellevue you can avoid most combats by out running your pursuers.


    I started with the Seraphim Statue.


    I did a series of escort quests (mostly in Bellevue to keep the xp gain down) in LAN Hack 'n Slash games.


    Pay Book,

    Sheepless in Bellevue,

    Arogarn the Forest Ranger,

    Angling without Bait,

    Missing Son,

    The Absent-Minded Sister


    I found the Dark Elf Statue after about and hour of questing.


    Then I remembered I had more Icons from the online accounts, and discovered 2 more: Shell and Royal Statue. Just need the Grail now.


    Escort Quests with 0 MF, a WE (highest start charisma). One Icon found in the evening, 1 to go. I'm on my way! ;)

  3. A few years ago I tried this method (young vampiress full of MF) and did quests and quests and quests in Bellevue area.

    When the vampiress reached about 10, I would consider sepaku (suicide) and start a new one.


    I believe after a few days (~16 hours) of play I had 2 icon set pieces.




    Is this the dedication required to get this set?


    I've resurrected my Sacred1 (UW) install on XP, and am considering another run at the icon set. Any suggestions anyone?

  4. Besides searing the meat to seal in the flavours... if you sprinkle it with salt and sugar before searing... you will get a carmalized seal which will produce a moisture barrier (keeping moisture in), and prevent burning the meat.


    I saw this on a cooking show... where the cook was searing the meat... then eating it 'blue'. (That is: primarily uncooked). I suggest thorough cooking though!

  5. What I'm about to say does not apply to all men... but it is a general indication of what I've observed about the human courtship practices and stages of people's lives.


    At ages under 12, usually life is all about the person (boy or girl) themselves.

    At the teen years, the ability to think about others and the ability to treat others as you would have yourself treated begins. Also at that time, girls begin to have adult interests in getting a significant other. A little later, boys get hammered with hormones. And I mean HAMMERED.


    In the teen years it is very hard for boys to deal with those they wish to have relations (sex, making out, relationships)... because the hormones keep getting in the way... also the inexperience hurts their chances too.


    Once legal drinking age is reached, many young men hit the bars with as much cash as they can manage. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, and they make asses of themselves. Some, retreat into blind drinking to deal with their shyness.


    With more age and experience, they tend to moderate their drinking, and their self-confidence increases.



    --now given all that... it sounds like far too many men you meet are reacting hormonally to you. That is: You're the bomb. The blonde bombshell that takes everyone's attention. The one girl every guy in the bar wants to be with... So. You could try to dress less attractively... not saying don't be attractive, just tone it down.


    As others have mentioned, try other places to meet men. When I went to Spanish night classes at university, I met some women who were actually looking for intelligent men. One redhead dated all the single men in the class, over time. So. Pick your hunting grounds differently as others have mentioned.


    Try the gym. (Lots of men there. Some single.) Try dance clases. Try language classes, cooking classes. One of my friends from High School used the city Chess Club to find her first husband. (She wanted tall, slim, and smart in her future husband. So she chose the chess club to be a starting place. {and she was a wild party-er.} Oh. She also tried church.)


    Good luck!

  6. You could 419 it.


    That is, contact the person and string him/her along. Pretend to be in love with a stranger you've never met, nor seen. Just drag it out, and waste their time... as they constantly try to get your bank account information, or try to get you to send money by wire transfer (which cannot be reversed).


    If you do send them a picture... make sure it isn't really you in the photo!


    Google 419 to find out what others have done with the Nigerian scam.

  7. Wow. Our habits really do add up when we stop and think about it, (pile the bottles, or other evidence), don't they?!


    Re: sleeping better. I find that what helps me get a better night sleep is exercise. When I was hitting the gym regularly, I slept like a log. Options for the non-gym-ready (which is me right now) is simply walking in place while watching tv. After a bit, ( a week), you could then jog in place for 100 steps, then walk in place... just make sure the change is managable, and realistic. Setting too high a goal is discouraging, and setting too low a goal doesn't do much...


    Congrats on the 8 months cig-free!

  8. I love the cave for experience, on every playthrough I usually farm the orcs for at least 2 levels, sometimes 3. For drops, recently the kobolds in the starting region have been giving me a lot of items. What I do is teleport to where the White Griffin is, kill him then go south all the way down to the beach killing kobolds. Doind this I usually get at least 2 unique/set items per run, not including items from the griffin.


    Drop quality is influenced by monster level (based on char level + SB boost + area min/max) + EP/Magic find level (which increases with char level too) and level of difficulty of play. The higher up you go, the better the drops.


    So... what char level, what level of difficulty do you find the Kobolds give you good drop rate? What is your MF... for me to make sense of your statements I need to know the context.

  9. I tend to only want to play magic-based characters... so I would vote for a Voodoo Dryad without Alchemy.


    Alchemy (unused by most, but used extensively by your family) fills in the holes in any build. Now, my argument is beginning to turn to adding it in... for that very reason.



    I would like to see a hybrid character (minimum 2 aspects) for each class that does not use ranged nor melee attacks. At all. Ever. Even against bosses. Goodbye rph. Goodbye life leech. Hello challenge!

  10. Ground up fibre is still left handed starch... left handed means you can't digest it.... unless you take cellulase in a digestive enzyme capsule.


    btw left handed sugar is sucralose (IIRC). Tastes sweet, but can't be digested by humans... though, again, I wonder if you take a multi-spectrum enzyme capsule if maybe that becomes untrue.



    The problem with prepared juices is the loss of natural components through processing... using a blender on real fruit is not likely to destroy Vitamin C or anything else. It's the cooking they have to do, and the straining, (and freezing or heating, or drying) that makes juice less valuable. (Plus they add sugar to juices to fix the flavour, or enhance it--It's all about how much you crave it after you drink it, BABY!)


    So: My vote is: if it makes you ingest your daily limit of fruit/veg... go for it! :)

  11. Has anyone noted the grave in the old ruins that are part of the "Old Friends" quest? It is west of the corn circles and northwest of the small cemetery where you go get the cat for the girl at the corn circles. The stone reads: Squirrels and a nut allergy don't go together. There is also a grave at the end of the cave due north of Twainbrook with an inscription.


    Squirrels... any time I read about squirrels I think of Lexchicky, a former moderator from the SIF. There were squirrel wars back then... perhaps this refers to her, or to one of the squirrel wars participants? Only old SIFers will know (back from S1's early days).

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