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Posts posted by FrostElfGuard

  1. When playing a Dryad character you have the option of equipping a shrunken head.

    The shrunken head gives you a bonus (damage?, attack?, defense value against?).


    I've noted that all the characters have differing values of bonus versus different categories of opponents.


    Does anyone have a handle on how these values show up? Or is this just something partially exposed to us in the interface?

  2. Nice to see you Tharkane. I'm sorry to hear that S2IB doesn't work for you. I know the painful time after S2FA was released turned a lot of people off the game... but the patches did come out. It's not perfect, but, to me at least, it's gorgeous!


    Wishing you well, as always, your co-writer Frost/Dave

  3. Your daughter is showing great spirit and intelligence. Chip off the old block? (wink)


    Thank you for enlarging my knowledge about the getting stronger quote.


    I seem to recall another quote that is a tough person's quote that might fit... Pain is weakness leaving the body. It is in English, but sounds German to my ears.


    Wishing all your family the best,



  4. I would just like to say that I've been reading this thread with interest, but don't have the experience to be able to make intelligent comments.


    So, I want to help, but... well. You know how it goes. :) I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this.

  5. Necro-ing this thread since I now have a Windows 7 box... and I know that Dobs has ongoing ctd issues.


    I put in UK Sacred2 tried to patch it to 2.40 UK version...


    The patch tells me I don't have any Sacred2 installed. I'm using x64 Windows 7... and it installed Sacred2 in "Program Files x86".


    Was going to leave Sacred 2 in that mode until I tried a VD Dryad... but the ctds stopped me. (though I wasn't yet running in XP compatiblity mode, nor running as Administrator yet).


    Will try the suggestions others have posted here... but what gets me is the patch is telling me I don't have Sacred 2 installed at all.



  6. I was digging a bit through the class specific quests in the wiki.... and found that it was not always obvious which class the quest was for.


    I was thinking we should add a line in the top to say:


    Seraphim class only quest




    Class Specific Quest: Seraphim only


    or some such.


    Also, I would like to have the links to class specific quests say


    Children and Demons (Seraphim Class Quest)

    a-b-c (Shadow Warrior Class Quest)


    so that people who are looking up their character's quests can quickly uncover them... the way it is now, that is difficult.




    What do people think?


    I'm quite willing to poke at this if the consenous is to move ahead with it, given a little bit of guidance. :crazy:

  7. Weeeeeelllll! I'm just brave enough to watch the video... but no where near brave enough to climb like that!


    Wow! Just wow.


    I suppose one could acclimitize oneself to doing this, but it would take me a loong time to get to that point (read months of daily incremental attempts). If I did climb, it would be the slow, always safety lined way. My imagination is far too active.




    Oh... and as an added thought: I work as computer support. :)

  8. I had read about Dobri's Guide to the Orc Cave here at FDM, and decided to try it out with a Shadow Veiled Shadow Warrior. (as suggested by Dobri).


    I had decided to try out r00ster's suggestion that SW do not need to take Creep (bronze mod) since their hiding ability will naturally be boosted by Astral Lord Lore, so Avoidance (less DoT) would be a good choice for a dedicated Astral Lord type build.




    Collision of ideas.


    Dobri is quite right that it is a great place for a SW to level.


    However, that depends on not being noticed by the Orc Champions. At character level 22, with 16 runes read into SV, my SW was occasionally becoming unveiled. A quick 6 (toggle buff 1) would re-cloak him. If there was only one orc left, then I could afford to duke it out with him, no problem. I was careful in positioning my SF and my SW so that I had time to react if my SW became uncloaked.


    However, the trouble came when I got careless and became visible when there were still 4 orc champions still alive. They caught me using SH on one of them. They turned as one and headed for my SW. I quickly pressed 6 to cloak (as I had done countless times in the past). And... cloaked and uncloaked. Wham! They hit. Cloak and Uncloak. Wham! Wham! Flash! Dead!


    Things end so quickly in Sacred. I was playing in Silver, figuring that I would upgrade my armour when something good dropped. Which... well it didn't. 55 physical resist in the body armour.


    I had thought I would be fairly untouchable with an 82% chance to cast without uncloaking... but missing the proximity boost to cloaking (which I'm used to)... was fatal.


    One of these days I will get it right.


    So. I thought recapping some of the ways my chars have died might help others avoid the same:


    1) Don't use NA around Dragons, Octagolamus, spitting spiders, or other Area of Effect opponents.

    2) Don't de-cloak unless you have to... (eg, you have to trigger the guardians)

    3) If you're going to test something, don't test it online with your HC character. Export, go to SP, and test there. (A gold level Nimonuil level 62 against a level 42 SW is not going to end well)

    4) Take "Creep" bronze mod for SV for added unnoticibility. You'll need it if you stand next to your opponents at any point in the lower character levels.

  9. A mounted character should be able to dismount while on the walkway above the Gar'Colossus... and magically (by ignoring the laws of physics, laws of physics, laws of phyiscs, Captain!) appear on the bottom level of the open pit mine... right near the Gar'Colossus!


    I've been able to do it in the past... and failed miserably recently (in Ice and Blood).


    I'm also sure that Schot posted the instructions in another thread (topic about something else). (post 11 in this thread).


    I'm pretty sure someone made a video of doing it... which I cannot find now.


    Help! Help! :(

  10. Congrats on the fast 40 levels! :)


    Where did you farm for levels? On the way to bosses, or just ride as quick as possible (veiled) to the bosses for quicker xp?


    Perhaps you get more xp due to being in Europe and playing with other Europeans (mid afternoon in Europe is early morning in North America)?


    I was hoping the contagion mod on Rallied Souls would be like the Vampiress Raise Dead CA... that is: each hit had a small% chance to convert the opponent... regardless of how many life points remained. Sounds like it doesn't. :(

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