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Everything posted by Trilkin

  1. I've been playing Sacred since vanilla, pre-Plus Sacred 1, as is probably visible on how old my Sacred2.com forums account is (April 2004.) Sacred 2 is just a natural progression along the theme, although for some reason, it doesn't capture the same sort of... magic that Sacred 1 did. Instead, I theorycraft out characters without ever even playing them, because for some reason it's more enjoyable for me to plan out a character from level one to max level than it is to actually play it. Beyond ARPGs, I play... basically anything. Gaming is my main hobby, so if it has buttons and goes 'bleep bloop,' I've probably played it before. Yes, that includes every MMO you've heard of... and haven't heard of. You name it, I've probably tried it for at least five minutes. BTW, don't play Aion. If you want to play Aion, just play WoW on a PvP server instead. If you want to be Elyos, start a blood elf and pretend he has wings. If you want to be Asmodian, start a draenai and pretend he has wings. Seriously. You're not missing anything. Some things you might not know about me: I can almost five-star Expert Groundhog in DJ Hero. I really, REALLY like Dr Pepper. Super Metroid is my favorite game of all time. I'm a vicious, backstabbing Barsteward in most RTS games.
  2. I usually don't use it for that reason. the FPS goes up down a lot. takes a pretty hot rig to run and speed with the PhysX on. I have a i5 quad running at 3.8Ghz and GTX260 GPU and it is still unstable. Your right though, it is beautiful! I don't mean FPS instability. My PC runs it fine, plus I have an 8800GTS acting as my PhysX card along with a GTX260. Also have an i7 920 running at 4.2ghz. Sacred 2 gives me many more random crashes when PhysX is on. I could try sys purging more often to prevent it, but meh. Before you say it's because I've overclocked, UT3 runs extremely stable even when using the special PhysX maps. No crashes, although FPS drops do happen during really intense scenes. Crysis is a solid 60fps for me at all times. interesting! I have plenty of crashes, but so do a lot of people and we all run different gear. interesting about PhysX making it worse. has anything changed as far as crashes since installing I & B. I don't mean cuz of the work around but the new expansion itself Not that I noticed (provided you install the 2.65.1 patch if you're using Windows 7.) It's as stable as it always was, but since I just built this machine, I decided to try turning everything on and that's when I noticed the crashes. It's a shame - The Dragon Mage has a tornado spell that looks absolutely amazing with the PhysX particles on, since it tosses pebbles, leaves, dust, etc all over the place. REALLY great looking.
  3. I usually don't use it for that reason. the FPS goes up down a lot. takes a pretty hot rig to run and speed with the PhysX on. I have a i5 quad running at 3.8Ghz and GTX260 GPU and it is still unstable. Your right though, it is beautiful! I don't mean FPS instability. My PC runs it fine, plus I have an 8800GTS acting as my PhysX card along with a GTX260. Also have an i7 920 running at 4.2ghz. Sacred 2 gives me many more random crashes when PhysX is on. I could try sys purging more often to prevent it, but meh. Before you say it's because I've overclocked, UT3 runs extremely stable even when using the special PhysX maps. No crashes, although FPS drops do happen during really intense scenes. Crysis is a solid 60fps for me at all times.
  4. I notice when I have the extra PhysX effects enabled, the game is a LOT less stable, despite it being absolute gorgeous. Use any sort of spell with a lot of fancy effects, and you'll see what I mean. Does anyone else have this issue?
  5. I have no idea where to put this, so I'll put it here. Basically, I see fine guides that I'd love to follow, but alt-tabbing because I forgot which skill to take next is a bit of a pain in the ass, so, well, I print the guides I like... except all of those pictures takes a lot of ink and trying to cut and paste directly from forums makes printing a bit of a problem. In short, it just looks ugly on paper, so I thought I'd undertake this project of taking guides I like that aren't readily printable and, uh, making them printable! All guides will be published on Google Documents for easy of editing in the case of a guide update. I'm going to start with a single guide for the time being to see how everyone feels about the project before I start converting more. My 'conversion' of ScoobyDouche's Seraphim guide is precisely what I'm aiming for. Note that these printable guides are -NOT- meant to replace the original posts, as some of the posts have images that demonstrate certain aspects of the game better than words can. They are simply for people who wish to read the guide offline, or wish to have it easily accessible when they're playing the game. My goal for the guide is to make it as clean as possible, and thus, easy to read, which may mean layout changes on my part to make it more accessible for print. For the most part, all of the actual text of the guide will be copy-pasted into the printable version to ensure that the writer's intended 'message' and personal sense of humor is retained. The things that will be omitted are: pictures (obviously,) colored text of all sorts, font changes (all guides will be in Arial,) and item lists (note this doesn't mean item MODIFIER lists that are useful to the build - only specific items like uniques since most of them tend to be displayed in images anyway.) Oh, and obviously none of the guides are written by me unless otherwise noted. Without further whatever, here we go: Seraphim ScoobyDouche's Pure Caster Guide - [Original Post]
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