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Everything posted by 2Lemurs

  1. I hope you're still playing, and that you've mastered Niobium. Best regards
  2. As you can clearly see, I'm not nearly done with the regular map, though of course I've explored every cave I've come across when I found it. Hitting >100% will be a snap.
  3. For reference, here's my current status, I'll drop two pics of my actual map below.
  4. And this will happen occasionally- you'll find a soft boundary, where there is a visible line between two different areas. Jumping from the ocean to them often, but not always, results in becoming either irrevocably stuck, or not stuck but limited to a small area. Only thing to do (after exploring as much as you can) is to teleport back and either try again or move on.
  5. Note that I'm not currently wearing my visibility gear, so I'm not trying to expose as much as I'm trying to find the hard boundaries. For example, this is a hard corner in the upper right, for anyone curious about what they look like
  6. No problem, and thank you for your kind words. I'm including an update, as well as this information- this glitch seems to be reliably duplicated when you teleport to a port, and much more often when there's a portal right next to it. I am also inclined to believe that moving your joystick while teleporting can help produce the desired effect. Attached is a new image of where I'm currently exploring.
  7. This part only occurs after teleporting to the Dryad port, and I've only seen it if you do it mounted.
  8. So, after finding myself in the ocean (image included), I also stumbled across this bridge in the jungle that you can jump off of and head downstream. I'm sure I'm not the first one, but wanted to post it for anyone else still playing on console.
  9. This wasn't intended for this sub-thread at all- not sure how I messed this up :-(
  10. Also, there's nothing cool at either boat :-(
  11. So, I've found myself in the ocean. I'm sure I can't be the first one to have this happen to them, but- anyway, sometimes the game will glitch and land you (if you are mounted on a tiger, has never happened to me when I'm not) in the ocean- happens most frequently at the Wastelands port and the Dryad port. It's the only opportunity you'll get to reveal that part of the map, and you'll need assailing somersault or another leap ability to do it (can't walk in the ocean). I've attached a picture for reference.
  12. Hi folks, and the community at large! Just recently picked up a used 360 for the sole purpose of playing Sacred 2, a game I've loved since I first played it about a decade ago. Just figured I should pop in and say hello, as well as offer a heartfelt thank you to the community, as it has been of invaluable benefit to me over the years. So, yep, those things!
  13. Wow, what a journey! We are well met!
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