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Everything posted by Azuarc

  1. I'm terribly sorry for asking this kind of thread -- I'm a moderator of a very well-known game forum and I hate any topic that contains the word "versus." However, I need some opinions on the difference between PC and console, which is not something I saw anywhere on the wiki or on these forums. Three of my friends (all roommates) got the Xbox version because they're console people. Two are now playing, and one shrugged after a couple days and handed his copy to me. I tend to be more of a PC person, though. It looks like the screenshots I've seen for PC are much nicer, and I'm willing to bet that the user interface is a heck of a lot nicer as well. That's notwithstanding the flexibility PC games have with modding and console commands and such, of course. I've been playing the Xbox version for about a week now. I just restarted since I wasn't thrilled with my first character (which I was also playing on bronze and wondering why I wasn't leveling.) There's at least 8917324 other questions I have about the game that aren't the least bit related to this thread, but I'm wondering...is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush? I'd have to pay for the PC version, and wouldn't have contact with my friends if we actually ever did any MP, but that's the only major drawback. I do find moving through the menus a bit cumbersome at times. (Can you use alchemy trophies and access menu stuff much more easily from the PC?) Thanks for the help. Again, I'm sorry for the versus thread. I did use the forum search, I promise.
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