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Everything posted by Highlander

  1. Great News Thanks a million guys for testing this out. I do believe this will give D.a.r.k. a big edge on intelligence gathering for the future. gotta go find gogo, where is he:) /wacko
  2. Zims - your reply sounds very confident. Not to be a harda** or anything, but how do you know this for sure. Granted I haven't tested this stuff and yes, your position seems most logical. However, I am seeing the darn little * on planets and colonies where I'm darn sure there's no fleet activity, but they're building something. We need to test this stuff out and find out for sure. This kind of intelligence will be invaluable if we know exactly what the * triggers are.... Who's game to help test?
  3. Intersting observation Cthulhu I thought that was true. I think I've seen it. Do a probe launch and then toggle back to that galaxy view and I've seen the little * next to the planet. I was never sure if it was my probe launch or the players reaction possibly to the incoming probe. I wonder....gonna have to experiment with this...best on a known inactive or two or three. I'll report back later
  4. Jeepers I'll be 108 in 2060, that's real bad. I'll probably miss the celebration, so I'll have an extra drink today...lol
  5. Gee an ominous 666 message on 6/6/06 from TimOfDoom, is this a bad thing?
  6. Curiosity got the best of me and I spent some time search the OGame forum for more information and here's what I found: Originally posted by Kelder The following things get you a nice * next to the planet (doesn't apply for a moon) that's selected in the box next to your resources: - View overview window - View Buildings window - View Resources window - View Research window - View Shipyard window - View Fleet window - View Technology window - View any Galaxy - View Defense window - View any building/ship/tech/defense description - Ordering any new building/ship/tech/defense - View Alliance window - View statistics - View Search window or search - View and delete messages - View buddy list and all actions under it - View Options window - View or submit any alliance administration windows OR - arriving transport, attack, deploy, espionage mission (you knew this one didn't you) - returning transport, attack, harvest, deploy, espionage, moon destruction mission And I'm most likely missing stuff too. Note that I said planet because it doesn't happen for moons or DF. And from the same poster: Originally posted by Kelder Logging in does not specially generate those stars, but since the first page you see when logged in is overview on your main, it's considered activity there. The * will thus only appear on your main. When you select another planet to check or do something (anything) there, then a * appears at that planet. I may have answered my own question. Very interesting!
  7. gogo and and I had a very serious discussion about the * on the Galaxy View page /beers . And we ended up a little confused about how this really works - what triggers it, etc. So here we go: 1. Does the action of logging in trigger the * on your main planet? 2. (related to #1) Or, do you have to do something, like check messages, start to build a mine or a ship or view the Galaxy? 3. (also related to #1 + #2) If you log in and go straight to a colony will the * trigger: a.) on the main planet, b.) the colony, c.) both or d.) neither? (extra credit for this one) 4. If you have commander and you've queued buildings, will the start of a new building trigger the * even if you're not online? 5. Does the landing of your own fleet on a colony trigger the *: a.) on that colony b.) the sending planet/colony c.) both or d.) neither? (extra credit again) 6. Are there actions one could perform on a planet/colony that don't trigger the * ?
  8. I noticed on the alliance page that it gives the online status of the member. But there's 3 different kinds of online: online online online Can someone enlighten me as what the color differences are:)
  9. gogo yer right, those 40 ABMs will make it tough for the IPM attack strategy. I see your attack colony sittin' right next to him - I think it looks cool - the green D.a.r.k. is quite pleasing to the eye. I'm getting more and more convinced that he's on Euro time. Activity stopped around the midnight (server-time) update [6:00PM EDT] and started up again around 10:00 (server-time) [4:00AM EDT]. I have a feeling he may deploy his fleet to his main at 1:98:6, not sure however, but he has a moon there and that's what I'd do, if I had a moon and a couple of nearby colonies. Let's keep this going and hope he doesn't re-deploy and stays consistent with he habit of not fleet-saving. I suspect we've got him unnerved right now. And he hasn't probed me with the regularity he was, in fact, he hasn't probed in about 5-6 days now. I'll continue to bait him with resources and LCs on my colony. Let me know when you can deploy your fleet to your attack colony and we'll continue to watch him. And we have the advantage - teamwork.
  10. Quite correct, gogo In the event a player goes into vacation-mode while an attack is enroute, the attack will still happen (because it was launched before the player went into vacation-mode). Aurora's right - the same damage, resources, etc. Once that player goes into vacation-mode you can't safety probe or launch any other attacks against him.
  11. At only level 4 you'll have 20 missles (I think). Given his defence, you'll have to hit him a couple of times with a full load of missles. Timing from where you are to his planet -- 10 minutes max. I've been watching him...all damn day... and he's off-line after midnight server time...thinking, he's probably in Europe somewhere....and he doesn't fleet save! Sooooo, what I'd do, if I was you gogo, is hit himwith the missles just before midnight update tomorrow (6PM Eastern time), rebuild the missles and hit him again while enroute. Just let me know when you're gonna hit him so I can slide my fleet in to finish the job. Can you have your silo up to level 4 by then? And even more fun, if we can get our mates from Spawn who are near his main at 1:98:6 (he has a moon there) to send a bunch of probes around the update time, we could get him sweatin' some and possibly take some of the heat off our attacks on his colony. Oh....Oh...Oh... Crunchie is close to his main, too. Any help around the next midnight update would be cool... Where the hell is ACS when you need it?
  12. Oh boy another birthday...where's the cake? /drool Happy Birthday! Good thing we don't have sound or I'd sing, a really good thing /crazy
  13. I'm sitting here in North Carolina right now watching a huge line of thunderstorms creeping in from the west. I can hear the thunder now and see flashes in the distance. It'll be upon us in less than an hour and sure as heck my Cable ISP will go out. Some stupid tree limb will fall thru a cable line somewhere and knock out both the Cable and the Internet connection. I've seen this before and nearly everytime we get these severe T-storms the internet goes out for hours. I've already fleet saved for the duration and may miss out on some opportunities for raids, but playing it safe. What's everybody else have for an ISP and how reliable is it? Do you get frequent outages? And are there alternatives?
  14. I use FireFox. Don't leave home without it. I feel much safer with it, it's faster than IE and it's got the OGame extension, which adds a couple of real nice features to Ogame play, like the free Battleship generator, which adds a free BS after each 20 you build. Oh, you didn't know about that one, huh? jk
  15. Yep, that's him [7:256:5] and that's the right planet. I haven't quite figured out his online times yet. He seems to be on line a lot during the day (for us in Eastern time), so I figure he's on line maybe at work during the day. He seems only to probe late in the afternoon from 4:00-6:00PM). And I don't know about weekends at all, so it's a jump ball. My colony is located at 7:231:4 and 5 and I'm not close enough for missles to reach him. Your Dessies could really do a number on that defense. Let me know when you get in position to attack and we'll coordinate a little more...
  16. The link is not working, I think... So what did you get, huh? Is it one of those split keyboards with the left and right halves tilted about 30 degrees from center? Does it look like a light fighter? Or is there some other cool design I missed... Tell us more...
  17. Yeah the pushing thing was not a big deal. I contacted the UNI 9 GO psychicduck, so everything is cool. Now the other guy El Makedonero, that's another story. I can take him out but I'd lose a bunch. It's that darn defense of his, just too much damage. I've been building fleet constantly for the past few days and apparently so has he. He still scans my colonies about every other day, so it's due to happen today or tomorrow again. My main fleet is 100 ss away, so it's a little expensive to deploy to the other colony, but if I had a chance to take him out and break even, I'd do it in a minute, well acutally 1:45:43 h, lol. You don't happen to have level 4 missle silo on that colony of yours in Gal 7 do you? We could split the debris, if we can work on him together.
  18. It looks OK now -- after the update. At least mine does!
  19. Yeah Sure, Come on Down and have a party...... /devil
  20. Just an update: Skoroman just sent this message: 05-31 13:12:06 skoroman [3:167:8] Re:Returning your deutanswer no no it is ok I will return it Followed by this one: 05-31 13:56:52 skoroman [3:167:8] Re:Returning your deutanswer ok I must admit I was scared becouse you have scaned my planet and I would like to develoap in peace in this region so I thought if I send you resources you will live me alone and ok I started with a test transport and I was wrong sorry you dont have to return the goods have a nice day Holy Hannah!?
  21. That's right a higher ranking player can send down, but a lower ranked player can't send up. It's pushing when a lower ranked player send up to a higher ranked player...viewed kinda like extortion... I appreciate the offer of help anyway...
  22. Well it seems, I have received an unwanted delivery. I logged in today only to find that player Skoroman at [7:254:5] is delivering 2 large cargos on a transport mission. I messaged him asking to recall this unwanted delivery. I checked a little further and saw he is in alliance [D.H.A] and they have an alliance with Free Cat. And it so happens that my little friend El Makedonero [7:256:5], who attacked one of my gal 7 colonies last week and tried again yesterday (I fleet and res saved; he safety probed and recalled) is in Free Cat. I reported the activity to psychicduck and returned the resources (49,943 deut). This is a simple attempt at pushing to get me banned. As far as El Makedonero goes, he's got a pretty well defended planet and while I can take him out, I lose quite a bit. Any help from nearby mates would be appreciated, maybe we can team up and get him. gogo you may be close enough from your gal 7 colony - do you have IPMs there? - I'd gladly share the glory...and the res... Resources on Neptune [7:256:5] at 05-30 23:37:43 Metal: 285313 Crystal: 123542 Deuterium: 119282 Energy: 6204 Fleets Small Cargo 242 Light Fighter 190 BattleShip 232 Recycler 52 Espionage Probe 57 Solar Satellite 50 Destroyer 3 Defense Rocket Launcher 2200 Light Laser 600 Heavy Laser 200 Gauss Cannon 50 Ion Cannon 260 Small Shield Dome 1 Large Shield Dome 1 Anti-ballistic Missiles 20 Buildings Metal Mine 22 Crystal Mine 19 Deuterium Synthesizer 20 Solar Plant 21 Fusion Reactor 10 Robotics Factory 10 Nanite Factory 2 Shipyard 12 Metal Storage 8 Crystal Storage 7 Deuterium Tank 5 Research Lab 12 Missile Silo 4 Research Espionage Technology 10 Computer Technology 10 Weapons Technology 10 Shielding Technology 11 Armour Technology 10 Energy Technology 10 Hyperspace Technology 8 Combustion Drive 8 Impulse Drive 6 Hyperspace Drive 7 Laser Technology 10 Ion Technology 5 Plasma Technology 7 Intergalactic Research Network 1
  23. In game name: C31ebrimbor A slight twist on my forum handle...
  24. for me, I'm live in Raleigh, NC. Named for Sir Walter Raleigh who lost his head over this place, lol A great city, lot's of people from all over the US migrated here for the job opportunities, like me. The area is home to Duke, UNC and NC State, so if you like college BB, this is it, mecca for college hoops.
  25. I decided to keep my Server 1 account active and use it as a testing ground for things. I've moved into the top 2000 and here's what I'm seeing: 1. Indiscriminate attacking - I'm getting attacked 3-4 times a day. My storages are high enough to protect all my resources, so the attackers rarely get anything. They do not spy before an attack. I'll sign in and see I've been hit twice overnight with no losses and see there's 80 to 100 troops underway on attacks from all different players. I'll message the attacker and have only gotten a single response. I asked "what possible benefit will you get from this attack" and the response was "None, it's just an attack". He didn't, he got nothing. What's the point? 2. No strategy - The majority of the attacks are done without any kind of spying. Therefore they're all blind raids. And to what end? The attacker will send 50 or 60 rowdies, knifers or whatever and a couple of movers on a 3 hour attack with no plan, no idea what he'll capture in resources and no idea whether he's got a chance to win or get ninja'd. What's the point? 3. Clearing the Fog of War - Jesus, what a pain. Even with a bunch of spies, it takes forever to clear a section of the city, so you can see what's there. And it's a huge map to clear. Or am I missing something? 4. Building defense - Spring Guns and Hidden Mines. These little babies apparantly don't don't do any thing unless you have troops in the building. So what's the point? Based on my less than stellar experience in Server 1, I'm simply building rooms (w/lots of storage) and training. No investment at all in troops at this point. Not bothering with trying to clear the fog of war, so I have no idea who's attaking me and I guess I really don't care, cause it seems to be the same moronic, lack of a plan, no spy, no brain attack and hope for the best. I'm sure this game is fun for some, but I'm having a lot of difficulty trying to find any fun in it at all. Watching the timer tick down so I can build another whatever, just isn't any fun. Where's the strategy? What am I missing?
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