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Posts posted by ka243

  1. Considering an xbox live gold account again. I had some questions since I heard about people with corrupted accounts..


    How can you avoid getting corrupted accounts on xbox live?

    For example, if someone gives me a duped item will my account be corrupted?

    If yes, how do I know whether the item was duped or not and how can I avoid this?


    Any other things in particular that do corrupt your account and how to avoid this?


    Is it possible to accidentally duplicate an item or do anything else that would corrupt the account?


    Don't want to lose a level 200 character over soething stupid.

  2. Consider ice focus for situational use. Extra physical resist from ice skin is very nice + you can mod cascading shroud for all the time use. Otherwise cd is a good pick. Spell resistance is a waste imo because expell magic is already so powerful.

  3. K, so I'll probably take your advice and drop nature lore.


    I'm finding this character woefully underpowered compared to my Bfg seraphim. The hugemongus advantage of BFG is you can get a weapon so far above your character level by just rune reading. Level 30 so far using a blowpipe about my level upgrading every few levels... This blowpipe just feels like such a twig compared to bfg.

  4. I'd drop EP and get ice focus. frosty skin is just too nice in some places ESPECIALLY the orc cave. All that physical resistance is very yummy. The orcs only do physical damage, no more need to run away, just go in and whale on them.


    EP isn't that great. you'll get tons of items anyway from normal hunting, minibosss hunting (for sets) and shopping.


    Plus, you can modify cascading shroud with ice focus too. Ep was my only skill choice regret on my level 88 niob pyromancer shopper. Wish I had picked ice focus instead.


    If you're alergic to the idea of ice focus, get combat discipline or delphic lore instead.

  5. One thing that I've gotten from this, and this is something that some people have simply been doing without really knowing the math behind it, is that when you first start a character it would be wiser to invest 21 hard points(assuming a character with limited to no access to +skills) than to leave all skills at 1 point until you are ready to master them.


    This would provide more "bang for the buck" in those first 100 levels or so.


    It's actually something that I did for my main Shadow Warrior since 6/10 skills are defensive skills. I brought each one up to 20 hard points then started mastering them individually from that point on. My intent was simply to provide more balance to his defense. Now I have a reference showing that 20 points(21 actually) is a very good number for that purpose.


    Or just get one point and make sure to have at least +20 all skills. Because of the big benefits of mastery, I never put more than one point in a skill unless I'm trying to master that skill next or I need mod points or I need points in that skill to unlock another skill.

  6. okay 2nd example ill use officers saber.( 3 gold slots) same character High elf.


    same scneario 2 rings + 48% damge on both. together total 96% increase. after adding in a whet not only did I get a boost in fire damage but a boost in all other magic types of 46%


    so fire+170%






    To be clear on the bonus effect of forging whet and + damage type rings in the same piece of equipment the test that would need to be done is as follows.


    Socket 2 +of the same % damage fire rings in 2 different pieces of equipment in the same class socket as above and 1 whet in a 3rd piece of equipment in a same class socket as above.


    Will the total increases be the same or less? If less how much less...

  7. I'm dense, I don't get it ;). Does it have to be something like Phsyical armor + 30% socketed in the same piece of equipment as the blacksmith anneal?


    Will a damage ring (ex: Damage 30-30) have more effect if you socket it with whet in the same piece of equipment than if you socket a whet in another piece of equipment?


    Whats better damage 30-30 ring or a damage: physical +x% ring with whet?

  8. Hey loco, what's your character level total hp and how much is from constitution?

    Why do you choose to master ranged weapons 3rd? It seems to me that armor lore mastery would give better benefits since blowpipes hit so fast anyways unless you were having trouble hitting things?


    What's your attack speed bonus from sinsiter predator? Does ranged weapons help in this regard or is it only for the extra attack value?


    What about hunter focus, do you need the regen bonuses/Combat Art level without penalty bonuses? We can get mod points from tactics. Viper's build seemed fine without it but that build had combat discipline to knock off some regen.


    Dropping one of these skills would let us have both nature lore for the extra armor bonus and healing + constitution...


    I wonder how much nature lore adds to ancient bark as I don't really have a good idea of this.

    If you have the extra armor from armor lore + nature mastery is constitution useless even in niob?


    The idea was to get the character as high as possible to buy stuff for others and self.

  9. Here's the ranged shopper build I'm planning to use (inspired by chrona):



    -Tactics lore



    -Nature Weaver Focus

    -Combat Reflexes

    -Armor Lore


    Skills I need help with (have to drop at least one):

    -Ranged Weapons


    -Nature weaver lore

    -Capricious hunter focus


    Nature lore will boost armor and healing from ancient bark and GGT.

    Ranged weapons will increase attack and item level without penalty (attack speed is taken care of by sinister predator already I think?) - Will I need the extra attack?

    Hunter focus will decrease hunter regen times - but I think viper's dw dryad build gets on fine without this skill?

    Constitution adds hitpoints...


    Which skill to leave out:)


    Skills I would master first would be:

    - Tactic lore

    - Bargain

    - Nature focus

    - Armor lore... or nature lore if I pick it?


    Any input on this?

  10. Building a dryad shopper.


    Great way to level up new characters:

    Do the kobold cheiftan quest and the quest where you have to find the stolen equipment for the guy in soleford. Very easy to do simultaneously because the stolen equipment is on the way to the kobold cheiftan. Accept the quests then teleport to west tyr-lyasa. On bronze difficulty until its easy then repeat in silver. Got my shopper dryad to level 25 very easily this way.


    Current skills are:




    Nature weaver focus


    Combat reflexes


    Next planned skill is armor lore.

    I havent actually used ancient bark yet to keep my regen times low, only using sinister predator fully modded.


    No deaths yet and buying the equipment. You can get +experience modified by EP on rare belts and shoulders. The kobold cheiftan quest gives me almost 10K experience each time!

    I also bought a 0.3 regen per hit ring that is quite useful!

  11. Chrona's build looks quite nice because I want to make a shopper dryad but the question I'm stumped on is nature weaver lore and constitution.

    If I take both of these and drop ranged weapons is that a bad idea?


    I have the feeling that sinister predator will grant me max attack speed regardless of having this skill or not. Alchemy is not an option for me as I am a console player. Which of these 3 skills should I drop:)


    Is the healthr regen mod on ancient bark worthless without nature weaver lore?

  12. In my experience, I had to take damage for the warding energy shield to go down, whether divine protection was up or not.


    I could tell because when I canst warding energy then divine protection (or divine protection then warding energy) the animations for both remained and the buff icon for warding energy was up initially. After taking enough damage, sometimes but not always, the warding energy buff went down (while my divine protection was still up).


    So they seem to be stacking for me but I can't tell which one takes damage first or if it depends on cast order or if its random. Playing on x360 but am not aware of any difference in how this works between the 2 versions as I have looked into differences in the versions in great depth and never run across this.

  13. I was able to confront them 1 at a time and win. level 104 = niob finished in single player.


    I only ever got to put about 5 points in toughness and 1 in warding energy lore but they still helped because of my about +50 all skills bonus (total). I used my level 88 high elf to buy jewelry for me. I don't have a shopper thats higher level than that.


    After playing a seraphim with divine protection, it seems to me that playing any other type of character would seem difficult because of the amazing amount of devense divine protection gives. +25K shieldpoints and magic reflection = very nice. I don't think any other class can compete with divine protection defensively.


    By the way, I only ever put one point in revered lore, though the damage boost from this at level 51ish thanks to +skills was quite nice. The BFG and fully modded soul hammer + pelting strikes combo with some 55% fire conversion gloves was enough to allow me to defeat the last guardian with relative ease once I got him one on one.


    If I were to redo, I would master skills in this order:

    - Tactics (level 75)

    - Revered Focus (level 75)

    - Constitution (level 75)

    .... Get enough points in warrior focus to modify the 4th warrior Combat Art (pelting strikes or soul hammer depending what you picked first)

    - Armor lore (before level 100)

    - Toughness or warding energy lore (level 100ish)


    That's enough to beat the last boss in single player.


    I would modify the revered Combat Arts in this order:


    Divine protection

    Maybe flaring nova modded for stun and expand.... Would be useful in swamp for stunning. I found the 2-hit modification to make the range quite small and I was very often hitting things from a distance and rarely getting close enough for flaring nova to be of any use modded for double wave. I read somewhere that a high level flaring nova can cover (and stun) the whole screen which would have been quite nice.


    I found I very rarely used warding energy because of its long casting time and its tendancy to go down even while I was running divine protection. Again thanks a lot for this guide and your comments. It helped quite a bit.

  14. I noticed today on my first game in niob where I got to the last boss that the second 2 guardians double teamed me 2 fights out of 2. Why does this happen? Does it only happen in niob? Any way to prevent it?


    Edit: Note that this has never happened to me before niob. Character used was my bfg seraphim level 103 in campaign mode single player. Previously encountered them in difficulties up to platinum with my Pyromancer high elf and never saw this happen once. Thanks.

  15. I thought that when divine protection was active it would always take the damage and warding energy shield would not be touched (seemed logical). But I have noticed that warding energy sometimes goes DOWN while my divine protection is UP. Whats up with that? Thanks for anyone who can clarify.


    This is super annoying because divine protection is very quick to recast whereas warding energy seems to take much longer. It almost makes warding energy seem useless....

  16. Currently level 103 and got to the niob guardians. Have not been able to beat them because the middle 2 guardians always gang up on me. Why is that? Can I prevent it from happening? I think I could win if I could fight them one at a time. 2 guardians pounding on me is more than my divine protection + armor mastery + constitution can handle. Mastered skills at this point include constitution, concentration, tactics, revered focus and armor lore.


    Have been putting points into warrior focus to finish modding pelting strikes in addition to dashing, battle stance, and soul hammer. Warding energy next or toughnes next? Hmm....


    In retrospect I wish I had left concentration at one and mastered either warding lore or toughness before concentration. Warding energy goes down way too often for it to be useful (even after taking both increase shield energy mods) - has about 8K health in it. Takes too long to recast in a boss battle. Much quicker to just recast divine protection.


    Other regret is not taking the evasion mod on battle stance. Even going way over penalty level in rune eating it only adds a ridiculous 22% regen penalty making the drill mod seem unnecessary (compared with 60ish from bfg).


    Warding energy seems to go down while divine protection is active which I find quite odd. I've been relying on divine protection mainly for defense and armor + constitution to give me time to recast divine protection in case it goes down in a fight.


    Orc cave is great for leveling. I can just cast dp, stand there and shoot them down while they swing at me. As orcs in the orc cave have no ice resistance they go down quite quickly and don't have much time to swing... :(

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