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  1. Our heroine Tarellethiel really must focus in this fray with the vile, despicable, and mortiferous Dark Prince. He is arguably the most difficult of all bosses for a High Elf to defeat due to his use of Expulse Magic which negates the effect of her magic attacks. That effective defense may be combined with his clever ability to disable the buffs that she employs for her protection and to lower the regeneration time of her Combat Arts. Furthermore, this despicable, deadly dark mage also has poison missiles and can awaken wave upon wave of ghastly undead to unite with him in the horrific battle. Let us now discover what transpires in this enthralling and spine-tingling episode of Niobium Tier High Elf Boss Battles. I certainly hope that she has an ample supply of healing potions on hand.
  2. Yet again heedlessly hurling herself headlong, High elf Tarellethiel, challenges one of the most menacing managers of mayhem, The Abishai Of Dissension. This boss monster has some truly nasty tricks at his disposal.
  3. Wandering around Diaanja's retreat as a loyal dog would while protecting it's master's home, her Hell Hound quickly discovers our heroine, Tarellethiel on her way to discover a way inside.
  4. Will our heroine Terellethiel be the high elf who saves Christmas, or will the icy cold heart of a Frost Dragon, The Grinch ruin the season and disappoint the children, stealing their wonder and joy?
  5. Another boss that must be defeated as a part of the quest, Can Christmas Still Be Saved, is Walther. As a part of the CM 160 Patch the boss was changed to a Human Boss form the formerly humanoid Troll Boss.
  6. A grave task when completing the quest Can Christmas Still Be Saved, one must encounter and slay the Ice Hydra. This boss monster has a very nasty poisonous breath attack and does a significant amount of physical damage to boot. Now, Tarellethiel, our heedless heroine, hurls headlong, hunting the hazardous hydra, having holstered her hard, high-powered Glacial Thorns.
  7. With the culmination of the quest, In the Name of God, Tarellethiel must defeat the Human Boss, Haenir. Ever defiant, even to the point of heedlessness, our brave heroine flashes through the icy cavern and into the frosty, freezing, fray.
  8. The Garganthropod, known to the humans in the desert and to others who oft listen to tales of faraway lands as a particularly toxic, malevolent, and resilient giant scorpion, our heroine waltzes in once again with no fear and hesitation to greet it in her customary manner.
  9. The quest Punishment for the Traitor may be found in a dungeon in Artamark's Gate. It is here that our heroine Tarellethiel encounters the dastardly traitor, Rogs. Has she finally encountered her match?
  10. Driven by her insatiable wanderlust, our intrepid heroine Tarellethiel discovers yet another reclusive Boss well secluded in his mountain lair in the southeast region of the swamp near Lizurath. The Hissil'Ta Swamp Dragon is indeed a sly and a ruinously baneful creature who is not prone to mercy, yet neither is our heedless heroine. Let us then discover now what shall transpire.
  11. The dreaded, disagreeable, and dangerous Desert Dragon did dwell deep within his hideaway hidden in the confines of a remote mountainous region due west and then south of Sulinar. One fateful afternoon he was relaxing and contemplating an attack for fun and feast upon any of the nearby human settlements when our heroine Tarellethiel discovered his lair, catching him quite unprepared.
  12. A vile and formidable creature, the Minotaur boss Holos The Paralyzer is not one with whom to be encountered in a haphazard manner. Leave it to our heroine Tarellethiel the High Elf to stroll into the fight as if she were going to attend a Sunday picnic. Let see what this irritable, powerful, and pugnacious recluse Holos has in store for her.
  13. In hopes of finally defeating the Swirling Mist of Miasma, our High Elf heroine hurriedly hurls headlong into yet another chilling episode of Niobium Tier Boss Battles.
  14. Our diligent and dutiful heroine, the High Elf Tarellethiel, encounters the chilling boss monster, the Swirling Mist of Miasma. In this video you may be able to get a better view of his angry and sinister face while the brave High Elf works to relieve the village of Neithu'Thaz from the bosses' attack.
  15. This time our hero, Tarellethiel the High Elf, takes the business to The Flame Lord in a daring quest. How will it turn out against this Boss Monster with so much fire damage at his command?
  16. Having accepted the quest, Almost Godlike, our indefatigable heroine Terellethiel encounters the dragon boss Magmadur. Quite conceited (as are all dragons) he immediately dismisses her as a serious threat. Well, let us witness whether or not if he is adept at prognosticating his own future and assessing the threat of his new opponent.
  17. In this posting of Niobium Boss Battles with the High Elf Tarellethiel, we find that she has unexpectedly encountered Gartor while exploring a cave in the western portion of the Crystal Plane. Gartor exacts fire damage with his spells, blazing tempest and Incendiary Shower. Also he may spawn crystals which inflict magic damage if he is not dispatched with due haste.
  18. Rescuing a Seraphim held against her will in an icy cave, our Niobium tier heroine Tarellethiel brazenly rushes into a battle to the death with The Guardian, a fearsome humanoid Boss Monster. Let us now discover how this intensely chilling battle ends.
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