I recently picked up Sacred 2 Gold up from Steam and played a few characters as far as the Orc lands (on Silver). I have then decided to continue forward with a dual wield Seraphim that mostly follows the Azrael build. For the most part, things have gone well. The typical issues (underestimating opponents, getting caught by an unexpected attack, etc), but nothing out of the ordinary. Until the Desert. I have just finished the Desert and had a pretty ugly time there. I had a solid survival bonus going in, but found myself repeatedly killed by Scorpions. Only Scorpions were a threat, and two non-Champion Scorpions could be enough to kill me faster than I could believe. I died repeatedly to the Scorpion Boss. Not to the attacks of the boss itself --- they were easy --- but every time he summoned the two adds, they would kill me almost instantly!
Just a summary of my build. I finished the Desert at level 38. Every attribute point so far as gone into Stamina.
Skills (Base/with gear): 38/53 Tactics Lore 38/42 Armour Lore 2/14 Dual Wield 38/43 Celestial Magic Lore 1/1 Combat Discipline 1/2 Celestial Magic Focus 1/2 Exhalted Warrior Focus 1/5 Constitution I will pick up Toughness at 50 and Enhanced Perception at 65. My accuracy is beginning to feel a little iffy, so I will be putting my spare Skill points per level into Dual Wield from now on (to Master fourth).
My Combat Arts are all at level one. I will list their level after gear modifiers along with the most I have chosen: 4 Pelting Strikes: Succession, Enfeeble (will take Precission) 1 Dashing Alacrity: Bloodlust (will take Delay and Impatience) 1 Battle Stance: Premonition, Flexibility, Retaliation 3 Radiant Pillar: Hypnosis, Brightness, Ordeal 3 Hallowed Restoration: Recuperation (will take Prevention and Antidote) 5 Cleansing Brilliance: Distract, Purify (currently considering Eagerness)
My gear is hodge-podge, as you would likely guess, but as good as I can manage. I have socketed Anneal into Bronze sockets, +skills into Silver and +attributes (mostly Vitality) into Gold slots. My current weapons are Physical+Fire and Physical+Magic+Ice. I have prioritised modifiers over raw armour (eg +1 Armour Lore > +10 armour), but damage over modifiers for weapons (eg +20 damage > +10% attack), realistic exceptions taken of cause (eg +1 Combat Discipline <<<<<<< +100000 armour).
The Scorpions seemed to cut me like paper, while I could hapily stand in a group of any other Desert mobs and carve them up. A lone Champion Scorpion required the kind of approach I would normally save for Bosses. I was switching to three Poison relics before facing Scopions, so I faced them with the strongest defence I felt I could have. I was using Battle Stance and a combo of Hallowed Restoration + Pelting Strikes + Soul Hammer to attack them.
As a separate question, could I have a little advice on eating Runes? Regen times are currently close to equal to animation times. Should I consider eating Runes soon, or wait until much later (eg Gold or Platinum)? With this build, would it be best to focus on Battle Stance/Cleansing Brilliance, spread runes across the other CAs, or try and balance both the Buffs and the other CAs? Alternatively, would eating Runes probably not be a brilliant idea and I could instead focus on +CA gear (eg from Sets)?