Rechecking my build and reading this forum, I noticed that Concentration and Combat Discipline may be wasted skills if you don’t use more than 2 combat arts in a combo or more than 1 buff, and their other benefits may be replaced for more useful skills (correct me if I am wrong).
Concentration (at level 75)
● Regeneration Time -47%
Combat Discipline (at level 75)
● Regeneration Time -20%
● Damage +1356
Aspect Focus (at level 75)
● Regeneration Time -64,3%
● Spell levels are raised even higher without penalty.
Aspect Lore (at level 75)
● Damage +180,8% (refer to table below)
● Critical Hit chance +9%
● Execution Speed +36%
Now what I want to know...
1) I am asking focusing only on the Seraphim because other classes may has different necessities.
2) I am using ALL of them 8 skills right now, so If I remove Concentration and/or Combat Discipline, I will NOT will have 75 or 150 points to spend on focus and lore, instead I will add another 2 (like Constitution and/or Shield) with 75 each one. So there will be a reduction on damage & regeneration.
3) The last (and probably the decisive for me)... is there a way to add those combo & buff slots by editing the game? (of course, this last point is only valid for offline single player game).