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A complete and detailed guide about my greedy ranger Dryad Greetings everyone! I am finally back on this wonderful Sacred world and, since there are a lot of common builds for Dryad such as archer, voodoo focused or pure caster, I wanted to develop a little different build. Recently I finally managed to try out a personal project which I was thinking since I have returned to the Sacred games (about a year ago). The build is focused on a Dryad that can basically do everything – kill fast, deal tons of damage, have a lot of defense and resistance, find lots of valuables and good items and also be fun to play. It has been tested on all difficulties, starting from Silver and climbing up to Niobium without problems (even on Niobium difficulty). The game mode used was the Standard mode since I didn’t wanted to lose the character if I die, but 0 deaths at level 150+ proves that this build is viable for Hardcore too. Expert touch option was enabled since I mainly used Capricious Hunter aspect and the deity chosen was Testa (here you can choose basically any deity you’d like). So, to sum up this long description for you: Difficulties played on: Silver - Niobium (100% finished them all) Game mod used: Standard (Hardcore works very well as well if you want a little more challenge) Expert Touch option: ON Level: 150 (at the moment) Number of deaths at the end of Niobium: 0 Survival bonus: 94,3% (at the moment) Map explored: 67-70% (at the moment) Legendary items found without farming the Guardians: 2 (so far) Table of contents: 1. Game version and patches 2. Overview – pros and cons 3. Combat arts and modifications 4. Skill build, and skill points distribution 4.1. Skill build 4.2. Skill points distribution 5. Attributes 6. Play style 7. Weapons, equipment, jewelry and relics 7.1. Weapons 7.1.1. Bows 7.1.2. Blowpipes 7.1.3. Shurikens, throwing daggers, throwing stones and throwing potions 7.1.4. Shields 7.2. Equipment 7.3. Jewelry 7.4. Relics 8. Socketing 1. Game version and patches The build was successfully tested on Sacred 2 Gold v2.65.2 with the Community Patch 1.60 installed. No other mods or patches has been applied to the game, but I believe my build will work just fine with Flix’s Enhanced Edition mod (note that it hasn’t been tested on Enhanced Edition mod) or Elite Mounts mod. 2. Overview - pros and cons PROS: very good against both groups and single opponents tons of damage dealt in small periods of time amazing defense and resistance both offensive and defensive build lots of valuables and special items found fast level-up insane modifications for all combat arts used high weapon flexibility (can use bows, blowpipes, shuriken, throwing stones, throwing potions or throwing daggers with only one dedicated weapon skill) can use a shield for even more resistance when paired with shuriken or other one-handed ranged weapons can equip two sets at the same time CONS: susceptible to Fire damage due to the Ancient Bark buff you have to sacrifice some resistance in order to maximize the damage dealt (by using a bow or a blowpipe since one-handed ranged weapons usually deal less damage) can be a bit weak early on requires some combat art modifications in order to fully come on-line Dryads can't use energy ranged weapons, which some of them can be amazingly good needs a lot of attention if playing on Hardcore since we're vulnerable against Fire damage possible waste of two skills since it requires both Enhanced Perception and Bargaining (some players may prefer other skills such as Spell Resistance or Combat Discipline instead of these two) 3. Combat arts and modifications For the following build we will be mixing two aspects together – Capricious Hunter and Nature Weaver. Capricious Hunter aspect will represent our offensive side while Nature Weaver aspect will be the defensive side of our build. Capricious Hunter aspect (I personally modify the spells in the same order as listed below) Sinister Predator (buff) - main offensive buff that increases our attack value and attack speed. Read how many runes you want, up to the penalty level. (200 runes eventually). Eagle Eye – increases the chance for critical hits (9.9% + 0.1% per Sinister Predator level) Marked Shot – adds a chance that opponents cannot evade or parry incoming shots (20% + 0.1% per Sinister Predator level) Hunting Focus – decreases the regeneration time of the Capricious Hunter aspect (30% + 1.5% per Sinister Predator level) Why Eagle Eye? – for more damage (we don’t need the attack speed from the other modification since we already have a lot and we’ll eventually increase it to maximum via leveling up Sinister Predator and items) Why Marked Shot? – for a better hit chance (better hit chance = faster killing = faster level up) Why Hunting Focus? – to reduce the regeneration of all Capricious Hunter combat arts (note that it’s a scaling regeneration reduction, decreasing it more and more with each level of this buff – another note is that after level 35-40 of this buff you’ll have negative regeneration penalty, which means your Capricious Hunter combat arts will have lower regeneration time while the buff is active rather than while the buff is inactive) Darting Assault - main combat art we’ll use the most, very good against groups of opponents. Keep its regeneration around 2 seconds if you’re using some regen/hit modifiers (1.5 or 2 regen/hit will be enough) or around 1 second if you aren’t using regen/hit. Don’t read too many runes because the damage doesn’t scale that well; we’ll boost the damage via Tactics Lore and good weapons found. (I personally had up to 5 runes read at max at level 150). Reload – increases the number of projectiles (+1 projectile) Throwback – chance to knock back opponents slightly (30% + 0.3% per Darting Assault level) Rotate – the attack is directed at all opponents around Dryad (from 120 degrees + 1 degree to 300 degrees + 2 degrees per Darting Assault level) Why Reload? – to hit more opponents (more opponents hit = faster killing = faster level up) Why Throwback? – for a bit of control and safety in case we’re surrounded somehow (also opponents are stunned while knocked back) Why Rotate? – because it spreads the area of effect so much, making this modification a must-have one (much better than the other one – Pierce) Ravaged Impact - main boss killer combat art. Keep its regen around 1 second if you aren’t using regen/hit modifiers or around 2 seconds if you’re using. Don’t read too many runes because it will up your regeneration time a lot. Also we’ll boost the damage via Tactics Lore and by weapon used. (unlike Darting Assault, here you can read a little more runes, I personally had up to 10 or 15 runes read at level 150). Perforate – chance to cause an open wounds (24.7% + 0.3% per Ravaged Impact level) Breach – chance that enemy armor will be ignored and full damage will be inflicted (20% + 0.5% per Ravaged Impact level) Double Shot – two shots in quick succession (+1 projectile) Why Perforate? – far better than Envenom since Envenom modification is more situational Why Breach? – to be able to inflict a lot of damage against bosses (we don’t really need Trail since they are usually big and won’t evade most of our attacks) Why Double Shot? – to basically double the damage dealt by adding another hit Dust Devil - good spell to use before or during boss fights since it provides more evade chance. (200 runes here and don't mind the penalty level and the regen time since we won't really spam this). Concealment – increases evade chance inside the cloud (10% + 0.2% per Dust Devil level) Spell Shield – light protection against hostile spells (20% + 1% block chance per Dust Devil level) Spread – increases the circumference of the cloud (42.9% increase) Why Concealment? – for a better protection inside the cloud (we don’t need cooldown reduction since we’ll use this mainly against bosses) Why Spell Shield? – again for even more protection (we don’t need duration increase since the default duration is enough and bosses don’t even last that much in a fight) Why Spread? – for a wider cloud (we don’t need damage over time because we already deal a lot of damage with our attacks and other combat arts) Nature Weaver aspect (again, I personally modify the spells in the same order as listed below) Ancient Bark (buff) - secondary buff we’ll use, a defensive one, that increases our armor value but reduces the fire resistance. Also grants a light healing effect. Read how many runes you want, up to the penalty level. (200 runes here in the end). Rugged – increases all armor values (20% + 5% per Ancient Bark level) Repel – additional chance to evade weapon attacks (20% + 0.2% per Ancient Bark level) Effortless – Ancient Bark costs less energy (20% + 0.2% per Ancient Bark level) Why Rugged? – for more resistance (we already have enough evade chance and defense from other sources and we don’t need Slippery) Why Repel? – because it evades all weapon attacks and not just close combat damage, like the other modification (Divert – chance to deflect close combat damage back to the attacker) Why Effortless? – for less regeneration penalty caused by this buff (far better than the other modification, Invigorate, which adds some hitpoint regeneration) Goldenglade Touch - insane castable buff that heals us over time. (200 runes here and read how many you want; don't mind the penalty level nor the regen time). Flow – increases hitpoint regeneration rate (7 hp/s + 15hp/s per Goldenglade Touch level) Persevere – increases the Willpower attribute (20 + 30 per Goldenglade Touch level) Diligence – increases the duration of Goldenglade Touch (50% increase) Why Flow? – because it heals more over the duration of this spell than the other modification (Bandage, which rapid heals when casting Goldenglade Touch) Why Persevere? – for tons of spell resistance increase, which Dryad really need (more Willpower = more spell resistance = survivability) Why Diligence? – to be able to sustain the spell longer in battles (increasing the duration from 8 to 12 seconds) Acute Mind - another very good castable buff before boss fights, briefly decreasing the regeneration time of all combat arts and adding a bonus to Intelligence. (200 runes here and read how many you want; don't mind the penalty level nor the regen time, similar to Goldenglade Touch). Proficiency – decreases the cooldown of Acute Mind (49.5% + 0.5% per Acute Mind level) Defiant – decreases the impairments and wounds (20% + 0.5% per Acute Mind level) Celerity – increases attack and casting speed (20% increase) Why Proficiency? – just because we don’t need that much Intelligence, so this modification is far better in this build than Insight (Intelligence increase) Why Defiant? – for the same reason as stated above, we don’t need the Insight modification in this build (decreased detrimental magic effects actually helps us a lot) Why Celerity? – because we don’t really need more regeneration reduction (from the Easiness modification) since we’ll have a lot of regen/hit modifiers ***POTENTIAL COMBAT ARTS WE CAN USE AS WELL: Forest Flight - quick teleportation to the targeted area with a chance to root the opponents at the position where she teleports from. Very good mobility spell. (200 runes here, don't mind the penalties or the regen time). Recovery – heals the Dryad slightly during the teleportation (14.9% + 0.1% per Forest Flight level) Escape – increases the chance to break immobilizing spells (30% + 0.2% per Forest Flight level) Escape – increases the chance to break immobilizing spells (30% + 0.2% per Forest Flight level) Why Recovery? – we’ll modify this spell mainly for an escape one and healing will help a lot (root chance from the other modification, Roots, is good as well, but I prefer Recovery a lot more) Why Escape? (for both silver and gold modifications) – if we’re rooted, we can easily be targeted by spells, which we don’t want it (we’ll take Escape modification for both silver and gold points for a total of 80% chance to break root effects) Tangled Vine - good boss fighting combat art, creating roots from the ground that holds opponents in place while damaging them. Note that we’ll leave Nature Weaver Focus at 75 points, so we won’t have more modification points to mod this spell, we’re going to use it as default. (200 runes here and since we'll only use this against bosses, don’t mind the regeneration time or the penalty level). 4. Skills 4.1 Skill build Level 2: Tactics Lore [200 points] – for more weapon damage and critical hit chance Level 3: Capricious Hunter Focus [75 points only] – for better regeneration time and higher penalty level for the Capricious Hunter combat arts Level 5: Combat Reflexes [75 points only] – to be able to evade weapon attacks (prerequisite skill for Armor Lore; you can also swap this skill with Spell Resistance if you feel like you need it more) Level 8: Ranged Weapons [75 points only] – for more attack, attack speed and higher penalty level for all ranged weapons Level 12: Armor Lore [75 points only] – for better armor values, regeneration penalties and higher penalty level for armor Level 18: Nature Weaver Focus [75 points only] – for better regeneration time and higher penalty level for the Nature Weaver combat arts Level 25: Concentration [1 point only] – only for the two active buffs Level 35: Enhanced Perception [75 points only] – especially for the chance to find valuables (prerequisite skill for Bargaining) Level 50: Bargaining [200 points] – to get better items, prices and offers from merchants in order to constantly upgrade our gear Level 65: Constitution [75-100 points only] – for more hitpoints and health regeneration rate (which actually synergies with the regeneration granted by Ancient Bark) 4.2 Skill points distribution Level 2 – Learn Tactics Lore and keep it at character level until level 200 (yeah, you read it right) Level 3-4 – Learn Capricious Hunter Focus and keep it at around 2/3 character level until you learn Bargaining (level 50) Level 5-7 – Learn Combat Reflexes and skill 5 points in it until level 12; you can keep it around 1/4 character level afterwards and until mastery Level 8-11 – Learn Ranged Weapons and occasionally put points in it; you can keep it around 1/4 character level until mastery Level 12-17 – Learn Armor Lore and occasionally put points in it to reduce the penalties; you can keep it around 1/3 character level until mastery Level 18-24 – Learn Nature Weaver Focus and try to keep it around 1/2 character level until you learn Bargaining (level 50) Level 25-34 – Learn Concentration and don’t put any points in it, leave it at 1 (note that Concentration will be the only skill which won’t be mastered since we don’t need the third buff. We’ll leave it at 1 for the entire game) Level 35-49 – Learn Enhanced Perception and skill around 10-15 points in it until level 50; you can keep it around 1/2 character level or above until mastery Level 50-64 – Learn Bargaining and skill 3 points each level up in order to master it at level 75 and keep at character level afterwards (ignore any other skill until level 75, except Tactics Lore, Capricious Hunter Focus and Nature Weaver Focus, where you can add the remaining skill point; I personally skill one point in Capricious Hunter Focus and one point in Nature Weaver Focus the next level and so on until level 75) Level 65-74 – Learn Constitution and occasionally drop points in it if you feel like you need it; you can keep it around 1/3 character level until mastery (since I always use the unique mount which grants some health and defense bonuses I rarely drop points into Constitution before Platinum difficulty) Level 75 – We’ll master our first skills, Tactics Lore and Bargaining Level 76-100 – Keep Tactics Lore and Bargaining at character level even after mastery and drop the remaining 3 skill points in Capricious Hunter Focus and Nature Weaver Focus and try to master them both at level 100 (I suggest you to drop 2 points in Capricious Hunter Focus and 1 point in Nature Weaver Focus one level, then the next level drop 1 point in Capricious Hunter Focus and 2 points in Nature Weaver Focus and so on until you master them both) Level 100 – We’ll master another two skills, Capricious Hunter Focus and Nature Weaver Focus Level 101-125 – We’ll now focus entirely on Enhanced Perception, where you should put 3 points each level up, in order to master it before level 125 (if you feel like you need other skills such as Constitution, Armor Lore or even Ranged Weapons, you can ignore Enhanced Perception at some level ups and spend points in either skill, depending on your need) Level 125 – By now we’ll have another skill mastered, Enhanced Perception, this meaning we’ll ignore it and focus on mastering all the remaining skills (except Concentration) Level 126-150 – Focus on Constitution now and add 3 points per level in it until mastery Level 150 – By now you should have Constitution mastered as well Level 151-200 – These final levels we’ll focus on mastering the remaining of the skills (I prefer the following order to master the last skills: Armor Lore, then Ranged Weapons and finally, Combat Reflexes, or Spell Resistance if you took it instead of Reflexes; after you master all 9 skills except Concentration, drop the remaining skill points until level 200 in either skill, depending on your preference and/or your need) 5. Attributes Level 2-30: I prefer to go for both Dexterity and Stamina in a 50-50 ratio (if you prefer other attribute points distribution you can go for anything you’d like, based on your preference and need, but Dexterity and Stamina should not be ignored before level 30) *we’ll take Dexterity for the attack, defense and ranged damage boost *we’ll take Stamina early for some regeneration decrease Level 31-49: for now I prefer to pump up Dexterity and Vitality in a 70-30 ratio (like the previous situation, you can go any ratio you’d like or need and you can put some points even into Willpower, but once again, Dexterity is essential) *we’ll take Vitality for a bit of health boost *we’ll take Willpower for a bit of spell resistance bonus (if you prefer to increase it at some level ups) Level 50-149: now we have 2 attribute points to spend, you can maximize the damage and put both of them into Dexterity or focus on your defense a little bit and drop some points into either Vitality and Willpower at some level ups, along one point in Dexterity (after level 50 one point should always go into Dexterity) Level 150+: now we have 3 attribute points to spend and I prefer to put all three of them into Dexterity to maximize the damage dealt (however, if you’d like some Willpower or Vitality, then you are free to drop a point in either one of them at some level ups, but two points each level up should always go into Dexterity) 6. Play style Wipe entire groups of enemies using Darting Assault and slay champions and bosses using Ravaged Impact Always carry on different types of ranged weapons since we’ll need them based on the situation we’re facing (I always have like 2 bows slots for max damage, 2 shuriken slots with strong shields for boss fights and a blowpipe slot because of its instant projectile) Don’t forget to cast your defensive spells (Goldenglade Touch and Acute Mind) before engaging a boss fight (I prefer to put them both in a combo only for boss fights) Also don’t hesitate to cast your Dust Devil spell because it saves you a lot (I find this spell really underrated by most of the players) Since we’ll have tons of potions, always use Mentor potions before fighting groups of opponents or shortly before you kill bosses and/or champions For the same reason, always cast a Concentration potion before the boss fights Your relic slots should be like this (after starting on Niobium you can drop the Enhanced Perception relics and start to fill your slots with relic sets from the Community Patch) o one main slot with very high mixed resistances (I prefer one or two fire relics and one magic or ice relic) o one slot filled with Bargaining relics that you switch before you click on shops o one slot filled with Enhanced Perception relics that you use when farming or shortly before bosses die o one slot filled with Fire resistance relics that you switch when fighting fire-damage opponents like Carnach, young dragons from the Seraphim Island or even Temple Guardians from the Wastelands since their fireballs they shoot can be very very deadly (on Niobium it can even one shot you to death) Like another user (ThirstForBlood) mentioned in his Dryad guide to avoid Fen Fires since they can be very dangerous in groups, I advise you to do the same. Be very careful on the Dryad isles and always cast your combo (Acute Mind + Goldenglade Touch) or just Goldenglade Touch before engaging them I also advise you to use your unique mount all the time since it increases your health pool considerably. After you find the unique mounts vendor in the Jungle (east of Archeologist Camp, near a Temple of the Gods), buy the Chthonic Lizard and always ride it since it has a nice boost to health pool and Willpower Since we have mastered Bargaining at level 75, try to do all the optional quests in the game because Bargaining mastery increases the rewards you gain after completing them (I even got set items from one star quests) Always search in chests and barrels after Enhanced Perception mastery (or even before) since we may never know when the luck hits us (I personally got some uniques and sets from the chests I opened even before Perception mastery) Gameplay related, Expert touch option should be ON since we aren’t using too much aspects and we’ll also have some regen/hit items Some suggestions I have about the difficulties o I don’t recommend playing on Bronze, we can pretty easy play start from Silver at level 1 o I usually try to finish Silver at around level 60 to shape our build a bit for upcoming difficulty levels o I usually try to finish Gold at around level 100, but only after I master the following skills: Tactics Lore, Bargaining, Capricious Hunter Focus and Nature Weaver Focus o I usually focus on finishing Platinum at around level 140, but only after I have Enhanced Perception and Constitution mastered (since we’ll badly need survivability on Niob) along with either Detheya’s Agility or Remnants of Glaurung sets completed (since we’ll need the % Lifeleech on Niob as well) o after starting the Niob difficulty, we want to master all the remaining skills (Ranged Weapons, Armor Lore and Combat Reflexes), except Concentration, so I always do every side quest and kill all the bosses in the entire game for some good XP and possible valuable drops after completing these quests 7. Weapons, equipment, jewelry and relics 7.1 Weapons 7.1.1 Bows the best ranged weapons to use in terms of base damage and damage dealt overall I personally prefer to use the bow most of the time, being very good against most of the opponents we're facing in Ancaria that being said, if you want to maximize the damage (like I do), stick with a bow the best bows in the game you can use, which fits our build as well, are the unique ones that we can pretty easily find thanks to our insane chance to find valuables stats (especially from the Enhanced Perception skill) 7.1.2 Blowpipes lower base damage than bows but having instant projectile speed works very well against fast moving enemies that usually avoid slow projectiles (such as arrows or shurikens) blowpipes comes with a lot of secondary damage effects such as Burn, Freeze, Poison and/or Weaken (usually comes with bonuses to all 4 of them) so, if you want to maximize the secondary effects, then blowpipes are for you since the blowpipes are exclusively available only to the Dryad, there are some cool and strong unique blowpipes which you can find, but also some legendary ones (if you're really lucky) as well as a set one 7.1.3 Shurikens, throwing daggers, throwing stones and throwing potions very cool type of ranged weapons we can find all over the map, usually having less damage than bows but a little higher than blowpipes (except for throwing potions) powerful weapons to use against enemies that usually closes the gap on you and you have to fight them from close range (such as Octagolamus for example) they don't have a very high attack range and their projectile speed is very slow, thus leading you to easily miss the attacks if used against fast opponents, so be careful when you decide to use these throwing ranged weapons from this list of throwing weapons I find shurikens to be the strongest ones, both in terms of damage and modifiers they came with (some rare ones may even carry %Lifeleech bonuses) for the throwing potions, they are the weakest in terms of damage, but they usually come with at least 1 or 2 elemental damage types as well as a nice modifier to use, which is the chance to hit additional opponents, making this a very powerful area of effect ranged weapon to have throwing stones are available only with the Community Patch on and they usually have average damage and usually carries the chance to stun modifier, which can be pretty good in certain situations as for the last, the throwing daggers are usually pretty random (at least from my perspective), both in terms of base damage as well as modifiers that comes with, but you can be lucky and find some rare and unique ones that can carry the %Lifeleech effect on them 7.1.4 Shields shields can be paired with one of the throwing weapon type mentioned above, increasing your defensive capabilities when using such weapons there some great unique (or legendary, if you're lucky) shields to use, the best ones being those who grant high resistance values, damage mitigation bonuses, damage over time decrease, spell resistance, block change: spells/combat arts or at least some fire damage mitigation effects 7.2 Equipment for the armor pieces we're going to wear, the things are pretty simple: a full completed Detheya's Agility set you might be wondering why Detheya's and not the Mormorin's Garments of Mutation set (which most of the people use), so, I'll offer the details behind this choice firstly, Detheya's set is purely focused on the Capricious Hunter aspect, the main aspect we are using secondly, and the most important thing is that this set grants us a nice %Lifeleech bonus, +5% (on Niob) when wearing the full set, this being insanely powerful in addition to this, the pieces of this set each have pretty good bonuses which synergies very well with our build before the Detheya's Agility set is completed, you can basically use items by your preference, if you find them good enough 7.3 Jewelry similar to the armor pieces, the jewelry in this build is fixed as well since Dryad can wear 2 personal sets at the same time, the second completed set we're going to wear will be the Remnants of Glaurung set, a pure jewelry-based set the main reason we're doing this is because this set give us another +1.9% Lifeleech (on Niob), for a total of 6.9% (even more if you have some weapons with %Lifeleech as well), which is amazingly strong at all points in the game some other very good bonuses provided by this set are a +skills and +all combat arts as well as a -20% regeneration time also, the pieces of this set each have some powerful bonuses to take, those being a regen/hit effect, +Willpower, +Intelligence, +Stamina, as well as a very nice resistance and spell resistance bonuses coming from the shrunken head this set has 7.4 Relics for the relics, I personally use a mixed resistance set as a main one, filled with set sigils from the Community Patch (at least one should be a Fire resistance relic and one a Magic resistance one) one relic set should always contain a +Bargaining relics which you will switch before clicking on shops for better offers one relic set should always contain a +Enhanced Perception or a +Chance to find valuables relics which you will use while farming, if you are careful enough, or just switch to it before killing bosses (or when farming bosses such as the Nameless Guardians) since we're vulnerable to Fire due to the Ancient Bark buff, the other remaining relic set should be filled with Fire resistance relics, which you'll switch to it before fighting Fire damage opponents (such as Carnach for example) since we have enough Poison resistance from the Ancient Bark buff, we won't need any Poison relics 8. Socketing this is the most flexible part of the build, you can basically add a personal touch here by socketing any desired bonuses and effects into your armor for me, the best bonuses to socket into your items are the following: o for weapons: +Damage rings in all the sockets (my favorite approach) or some +Regen/hit, +Attack speed, +Chance for critical hits, +Chance for double hits o for armor pieces: +Resistance jewelry in most of the sockets, as well as some Fire damage mitigation effects, Damage mitigation (all channels), -Regen time, +Spell resistance or, for some greedy players (just like me), +Experience per kill or +Chance to find valuables can work too o for shield: the situation here is similar to the armor pieces, but I personally focus on pumping up some +Resistance jewelry or some Fire damage mitigation/Damage mitigation (all channels), as well as some +Damage rings, if the shield has more than 2 sockets for Guardians farming, I personally prefer to have another shield (a 4 sockets one if you can find one) that I use only for the farming, fully socketed with +Chance to find valuables bonuses on it before you find all these jewels to put into your equipment, you can use a lot of Whet runes from the Blacksmith as well as a few Enhance ones to reduce the regen time early on (Anneal runes won't be used since we have enough resistance and defense from the Ancient Bark buff) Thus being said, this was my personal approach to the Dryad, one of the most popular characters from the Sacred 2 world. I hope you liked it and it helped you in any way possible in developing a really powerful as well as fun to play type of the fierce huntress Dryad is. Any feedback you leave here in the comments is more than welcome and appreciated! Thank you in advance and I hope you all have a fun time while playing this beautiful game! -RavenLight
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Hello all. I'm a rookie from Ancarnia and I just wanna show my respect for every player out there and talk about the game. This is my build for a shopper Dryad. I'm on my 3rd or 4th Dryad now and since I'm still sorta new to the game, I've decided to make a shopper. Too bad the SW can't be a shopper... =P Originally I was going to make a shopper High Elf but it seemed like too much point distributing as the progress would go; many people complain about her being fragile; plus I'm more familiar with Dryads. Here's the build: Skills Enhanced Perception Bargaining - 1st(?) Mastery Combat Reflexes Armor Lore - 2nd Mastery Tactics Lore - 4th Mastery Dual Wield Nature Weaver Lore Nature Weaver Focus Constitution - 3rd Mastery Concentration Combat ArtsDust Devil - Recondition, Spell Shield, Spread Forest Flight - Roots, Expert, Escape Sinister Predator - Eagle Eye, Marked Shot, Hunting Focus Goldenglade Touch - Flow, Persevere, Diligence Acute Mind - Proficiency, Insight, Celerity Ancient Bark - Rugged, Divert, Invigorate Tangled Vine - Tendrils, Impair, Encroach It's fairly simple. She'll be duel wielding staffs and just using Acute Mind to buff her damage. Can't use the Hunter damage CAs because they're bugged in relation with Acute Mind. The mastery order is still fluid to change, and not completed because I'm just not sure how it might go. I have the build for the High Elf available in case anyone's interested, because I'm open minded to making it less of a hassle. I should mention that I lurk a lot on Sacred 2 topics. Hehe... Also, do people still play? lol I was playing and had someone join and say hi, but I couldn't do anything cause I don't know how to reply or friend request. They left immediately. >_<