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  1. How to add extra equipment slots to a character's inventory page. Note, that: a) This doesn't create new slots but adds existing slots from other classes to a class which doesn't have them. Namely 2 more ring slots, an extra amulet slot, the shrunken head from the Dryad, and the battery from the temple guardian. b) There's no model for the battery. I had thought that it appeared on the Temple guardian, but after checking an actual temple guardian, it doesn't get displayed. c) You don't get the ability to shoot with it. Probably a specific skill that only the temple guardian gets that requires a battery to be equipped. d) I didn't implement the shrunken head as well, but unless that does something different, I don't see how that wouldn't work. e) Combat art bonuses that spawn on the battery will probably be only for the temple guardian. I didn't look at the specific bonuses that the bonus lists choose from. f) When you select an equipped weapon, it's damages appears to change based on the damage of the battery, but I don't think it actually applies(My limited testing didn't show any difference in damage actually dealt). If you select an empty weapon slot your damage doesn't appear to change. But you do get the additional bonuses. Well they appear on the stats tool tip anyway. g) This isn't an actual mod, but more an example of research showing that equipment slots can be added. That's how it started out anyway. Now onto the method. First open scripts/shared/creatureinfo.txt. The first entry is the Seraphim. Change line 20, validEquipSlots = "", to include the 2 additional rings, 1 additional amulet, the battery, and shrunken head, as shown in the picture. Save and close the file. Second, open scripts/server/blueprint.txt. Search for: hero_battery_normal It'll probably be around line 3249. Change the wearergroups so that it is WEARGROUP_DEFAULT, just like in the picture. Save and close the file. Notice the 2 itemtypes: 8635, 8636. Third open scripts/server/itemtype.txt Search for 8635. About line 212196. You should see: mgr.typeCreate(8635, newItemType); On line 212187, change user = so that is WEARGROUP_DEFAULT. Do the same for the next itemtype which will be 8636. Refer to the picture. Save and close the file. These changes allow the seraphim to equip the batteries. Now, we'll cover adding the equipment slots to the user interface(UI). In your Sacred 2/pak folder, create 2 new folders, one named Windows and another named orig_skin-xml, and extract the contents of skin-xml.zip into it. From orig_skin-xml/Windows copy Inventory.xml, and Inventory_Seraphim.xml, then paste them into your Sacred 2/pak/Windows folder. I do plan on providing an overview for the xml files at a later time. Open Inventory.xml. Search for: handicap. if you're using CM 1.60 it should be around line 156. On the next line, change the value for x to 328. Save and close the file. Open Inventory_Seraphim.xml. Make the necessary changes as can be seen in the picture. Pretty vague, yes, but there are a large number of changes. Save and close the file. Run the game and start a new seraphim. You could use an existing seraphim, in which case I recommend backing it up just in case. Any batteries, well as long as they're of the first 2 types, will go into the equipment slot, the same with the extra rings and amulet.
  2. would it be possible to create a 3D inventory viewing mod like this ? >> like you mouse over your item in your inventory and the 3d object of your item rotates on screen so you can see exactly clearly what you are looking at in your inventory ingame If it is possible to create this sort of 3D view in Sacred 2 how would I do it ? What files would I have to edit / create and how ? I'm guessing it would be real hard or impossible to access the Sacred 2 inventory index and especially try to view it in a different camera ingame. but is it possible ? probably not because it is using system files that are hard coded and not accessible ? idk that is why I ask What game engine did they use to make Sacred 2 ? is it even possible to access the source ? Thanks in advance !
  3. I have changed some objects with models that I like but I noticed that they don’t adjust their shapes when differ on sizes. Replacing the Stalworth Safeguard (2x3 blocks), with the model and icon of Nikotaste's Aegis (2x2 blocks), the icon adjust very well and also seems to be rotated, it is not a real problem but it would be nice to know how to solve. I have found this Mod for minimum size of items at 2x3 but I don’t want to change all the items, just adjust the ones I swapped with different sizes.
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