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  1. Almost every week I get the question on the forums or in private messages: how do I make a specific unique or legendary drop for me? This is a guide to how you can mod the scripts to get any item you want to drop as a quest reward. The key is making the item(s) the reward for a quest that is very easy to solve: in this case, it is the multiplayer "start quest" which only requires you to enter a LAN game and either go through the portal or climb on your mount. Detailed instructions are as follows: You should use a good text editor like Notepad++ for investigating and editing the game's text files. 1) First identify the blueprint ID for the item or items that you want to get. Do this by looking in blueprint.txt. It's located in the scripts/server folder of the game install folder. There is no master list of all the ID's and proper item names, but you can figure it out by some trial and error. For the CM Patch items at least, the items mostly have the proper names commented in the entry. Here's an example: newBlueprint = { id = 4143, name = "sword01set02_desertrose", palettebits = "1111111111111111", dmgvariation = 100, minconstraints = {40,13,0}, lvljump = 10, usability = 0, allotment_pmfpi = {700,0,0,0,300}, uniquename = "", specialuseonly = 0, bonusgroup0 = {895,1200,10,9,0}, -- Serious Open Wounds bonusgroup1 = {878,1250,10,9,0}, -- Freeze bonusgroup2 = {893,1300,10,9,0}, -- Opponents Defense bonusgroup3 = {894,800,10,9,0}, -- Opponents chance to reflect melee bonusgroup4 = {751,1000,10,9,0}, -- Gold Slot itemtypes = {13511,}, wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_DEFAULT',}, } mgr.createBlueprint(4143, newBlueprint); This is the blueprint for the sword Desert Rose. You can see that the ID is 4143. 2) Next step is to enter that blueprint ID as a quest reward for the multiplayer quest in quest.txt (also located in scripts/server folder). Search "multiplayer" in quest.txt and it will take you to the proper quest entry (there is only one instance of the word). Add a new line defining a quest reward just above the line that says "report_required = 0," Add this text: rewards = { {4143,0}, }, The number 4143 can be replaced with any other blueprint ID. If you want multiple items, just add them underneath the previous ones like so: rewards = { {4143,0}, {4144,0}, {4145,0}, }, Save quest.txt (back it up first!). Now on to step 3. 3) Now you can go get the item in-game. To start with, select "Multiplayer" and then "LAN" at the start screen (don't worry, you can take your normal singleplayer characters into a LAN game, then return to singleplayer games with nothing changed). Create a new game, remembering that higher difficulties will yield better versions of the item. When you start the game, you'll be on Multiplayer Island. Then all you need to do is either enter a portal or just climb on your mount, the "quest" will complete and the item(s) will drop to the ground!
  2. 354 downloads

    These chests contain all Inquisitor Unique Armor present in Sacred 2 with Ice and Blood Expansion. Set items and new items from the Community Patch are not included. These chests contain: Buddy's Slice Guard Chillon's Might Gloves of the Executor Helmet of Insanity Runic Robe Scribe Bracers of Atherton Ta Nnk's Plate The Wayfarer Uurshu's Command Uurshu's Inquisition Item levels: Bronze: Levels 20, 40 Silver: Levels 20, 40, 60 Gold: Levels 60, 80, 100, 120 Platinum: Levels 100, 120, 140, 160 Niobium: Levels 140, 160, 180, 200 NOTE: Due to the items having different level jumps in game, some items can be of slightly different levels than listed above. For example level 65 instead of 60. Instructions: The chest files should be extracted from this archive and copied from the respective folders to the savegame folder. Only one of the chests can be installed at the time. The location of the savegame folder is given below. For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing any of these files will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
  3. I have community patch version 1.40 , also I play with someone, we both have seraphims at lvls ~70 and pieces of every other sets beside mutation ones. My question is do I have to download any file to increase drop rate for it and if so does my playing buddy also has to download it to be able to play with me? ps: Our survival bonus is at ~70%
  4. File Name: All Inquisitor Unique Armor File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 27 Mar 2014 File Category: Ice & Blood Uniques These chests contain all Inquisitor Unique Armor present in Sacred 2 with Ice and Blood Expansion. Set items and new items from the Community Patch are not included. These chests contain: Buddy's Slice Guard Chillon's Might Gloves of the Executor Helmet of Insanity Runic Robe Scribe Bracers of Atherton Ta Nnk's Plate The Wayfarer Uurshu's Command Uurshu's Inquisition Item levels: Bronze: Levels 20, 40 Silver: Levels 20, 40, 60 Gold: Levels 60, 80, 100, 120 Platinum: Levels 100, 120, 140, 160 Niobium: Levels 140, 160, 180, 200 NOTE: Due to the items having different level jumps in game, some items can be of slightly different levels than listed above. For example level 65 instead of 60. Instructions: The chest files should be extracted from this archive and copied from the respective folders to the savegame folder. Only one of the chests can be installed at the time. The location of the savegame folder is given below. For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing any of these files will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. Click here to download this file
  5. Well to celebrate the release of the new CM Items Mod, I'm going to finally post a thread for the last thing I was able to squeeze in before release, a new full set for the Inquisitor. This has been in planning for a LONG time (since last September), so I was determined to get this completed and released. Religions and myths tell stories of gods, angels, and divine beings beyond count. However some of the most memorable ones are those that make mistakes, fall from grace, are cast down, defeated, and generally just fail. Priests of the Inquisition know this, and they also know that Ker is the supreme goddess, sublime in her chaos, perfect in her evil. Therefore they have no shame in invoking the memory of these failures to further dishonor them and to advance the glory of Ker. This set of priestly robes and ritual mask are the embodiment of this idea. I wanted this set to invoke doom and the occult. It is somewhat focused for a caster build and the Netherworld and Supremacy aspects. Set Pieces Kingu's Bleeding Wound (Head) Kingu was a god in Babylonian mythology, and — after the murder of his father Abzu — the consort of the goddess Tiamat, his mother, who wanted to establish him as ruler and leader of all gods before she was slain by Marduk. Tiamat gave Kingu the 3 Tablets of Destiny, which he wore as a breastplate and which gave him great power. She placed him as the general of her army. However, like Tiamat, Kingu was eventually slain by Marduk. According to one traditional story, Marduk mixed Kingu's blood with earth and used the clay to mold the first human beings. Kingu then went to live in the underworld kingdom of Ereshkigal, along with the other deities who had sided with Tiamat. Anzû's Shattered Wings (Shoulders) Anzû is a divine storm-bird in Akkadian mythology, the son of the bird goddess Siris. Anzû was a servant of the chief sky god Enlil, from whom Anzû stole the Tablet of Destinies, hoping to determine the fate of all things. With the Tablet of Destinies, anything he put into words becomes reality. He hid the Tablets on a mountaintop and at this point he became known as a demon or monster. Depending on the tale, either Lugalbanda, Ninurta, or Marduk himself are sent to retrieve the Tablets. No matter which hero is sent, Anzû's wings are broken by use of a net and he is slain by a barrage of arrows. Defense Value is unlocked by Armor Lore. Iblis' Stiffened Spine (Torso) In Islam Iblis is a jinni who refused to bow to Adam. When God created Adam, he commanded all the angels and Iblis (whose rank allowed him to be considered equal to that of an angel) to prostrate to Adam as he was termed "the Best of Creation". All the angels did so but Iblis refused to bow, and was brought into a state of rebellion against God. Iblis was proud and arrogant and considered himself superior to Adam, since Adam was made from clay and Iblis from smokeless fire. For this act of disobedience, God cast him out of Jannah (paradise) and cursed him to Jahannam (Hell) for eternity, and thereafter he was called "Shaytan." Belial's Broken Idol (Belt) Belial is a demon in Jewish and Christian texts whose names means "worthless." In one of the Dead Sea scrolls, Belial is described as the leader of the Sons of Darkness: "But for corruption thou hast made Belial, an angel of hostility. All his dominions are in darkness, and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and guilt. All the spirits that are associated with him are but angels of destruction." It was Belial who inspired the Egyptian sorcerers, Jochaneh and his brother, to oppose Moses and Aaron. The Fragments also say that anyone who is ruled by the spirits of Belial and speaks of rebellion should be condemned as a necromancer and wizard. In Hebrew texts idolaters are known as "the sons of Belial." Casting Speed is unlocked by Armor Lore. Attar's Uncertain Rule (Arms) Attar is the god of the morning star in western Semitic mythology. He is the male counterpart to Ishtar or Astarte. In Canaanite legend, he attempts to usurp the throne of the dead god Baal-Hadad but proves inadequate as the throne symbolically refuses to seat him. When he is unsuccessful at taking the throne of Baal, he descends to become the lord of the underworld instead. Attack Value is unlocked by Armor Lore. Phaëton's Precarious Grip (Gloves) Phaëton was the son of the sun-god Apollo and the sea nymph Clymene. Challenged by his playmates to prove his divine heritage, Phaëton asked his father for some proof of his relationship to the sun. When Apollo promised to grant him whatever he wanted, Phaëton insisted on being allowed to drive the sun chariot for a day. When the day came, the fierce horses that drew the chariot felt that it was empty because of the lack of the sun-god's weight, and went out of control. Terrified, Phaëton dropped the reins. The horses veered from their course, scorching the earth, burning the vegetation, changing much of Africa into desert, drying up rivers and lakes and shrinking the sea. Earth cried out to Zeus, who, to prevent further disaster, was forced to intervene by striking Phaëton with a lightning bolt. Like a falling star, Phaëton plunged blazing into the river Eridanos. Lucifer's Plummet (Legs) In the expanded lore of Satan's origins, he is depicted as the most beautiful and glorious angel, who fell from Heaven after being cast down for the sin of pride aginst God. In this telling he is equated with Lucifer, whose name means "light-bringer" and "the morning star." In Isaiah 14:12-15 Lucifer is taunted: "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to Sheol the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit." Hephaestus' Limp (Boots) As the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Hera, the queen of the gods, Hephaestus should have been quite handsome, but baby Hephaestus was small and ugly with a red, bawling face (in some tellings he already had a lame, shriveled leg as well). Hera was so horrified that she hurled the tiny baby off the top of Mount Olympus. Hephaestus fell down for a day and a night, landing in the sea. Unfortunately, one of his legs broke as he hit the water, and never developed properly. In another version, he was cast down by Zeus, and he fell for an entire day before landing on the island of Lemnos, where he was cared for and taught to be a master craftsman by the Sintians. Full Set Gallery One thing I'm trying out with this set, is that several modifiers are unlocked by Armor Lore, so many pieces will not be that great for an Inquisitor without the skill or low investment in it, but high levels of Armor Lore should pay off well. It's pretty interesting, when you read these various myths, they all bear some striking similarities, and if you follow comparative mythology, you start to wonder if all of these stories really branched out from one original story from a time beyond memory. I want to give a big thanks to Pesmontis for helping me make the skull helmet a wearable piece of armor. It was originally a skull displayed above orc tent entrances. I also want to thank Dimitrius154 for allowing me to work on texturing his belt model and using it in the set.
  6. There is a need for certain information about the creation of new items. As far as I know there are several steps when adding a new item to Sacred 2. Starting with meshes and textures, if one feels the need to be utterly awesome and create new stuff on the highest level. There are several files which should contain all the necessary data for the item, that need to be adjusted properly. How that is done in detail? I don't know. There have been several questions about already existing sets with an improbable droprate and their adjustment for a more realistic dropchance has not been achieved yet. The purpose of this thread should be to gather all the necessary information for the creation of new items (which I wasn't able to find here). The first possible sources for that information would be czevak and marcuswob, who are part of the CM-patch team. And I will contact them via PM asap, but their recent activity suggests, that it may take some time to get a reply. In the meantime I'd like to see if anyone else knows how its done. Feel free to enlighten us. Having the knowledge might accelerate the process of including new content by having more interested people working on it. (should have probably been done several years ago, but whatever) by the way... This is not about modifications of the Balance.txt. Threads on that topic are in existence already. Some of the following points may not make much sense yet. I'm collecting the Information from e-mails and need to keep everything sort of together^^ 1. All activities are restricted to the "..\scripts" folder, the "global.res" in "..\locale\*your_language_code*\" and the various textures and meshes contained in "..\pak". 2. To any modder: If you add new items, try to keep your own ID-range in the blueprint.txt, so that there is no overlapping with other mods...

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