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Flix last won the day on October 8

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  1. He's using the same animation as he would with pole arms or a 2h magic staff (the animations for these two weapons are one and the same). I don't recall changing anything here from CM Patch to EE, unless it was to scale back some of the extra hits because we overcompensated and had way too many at one point. Ah, here we go: Looks like this was an intentional overload. It is using the 2h Staff animation. I don't have my drives with the vanilla scripts on hand but I believe originally it was an overload to ATTACKX, the standard double hit animation.
  2. It's a relief on two fronts. One, that all other mods were not suffering for lack of that change, and two, that D2F v16 is not suffering for its inclusion of that change.
  3. Mmm I see what you mean now. There are two sets of portraits for each player character. One is used when the character talks. You'll see this sometimes in course of the main quest and class quests. The structure used there is the same for all other NPC's and enemies, and is what you'll see changed in the portrait overhaul. If you're wanting to alter the avatar in the health bar section of the UI, in the upper left corner, those icons are in a different place. You'd want to place them in pak\data\Party\ . EE also changes these, but as part of the Core mod.
  4. I can already tell you this is not the case and it makes no sense to suppose that it might be. No one is doing anything with the binaries except Dimitriy and he went on and on about discovering this in late 2019 and beyond, well after any CM Patch work. He's not above making mistakes but no changes he ever made were random.
  5. Thanks. Few points: It could potentially be hex-edited out but the dll should not be removed from the file set as that can cause all kinds of chaos. There's no further work being done on the mod until if/when D returns. If that doesn't happen I'm content with leaving it at v15. I made v16 available in its unfinished buggy state because you asked to see it.
  6. The Portait Overhaul as linked by Gogo above works as a standalone mod. I later made it part of Enhanced Edition but there's no need to concern yourself with that mod if all you're interested in are the portraits. You can use it "as is" or learn from its design on how to add your own custom portraits.
  7. Unless there's some hidden undocumented code change affecting drops, there's not a radical difference here from D2F v15, aside from the level jumps, which are meant to bring some consistency to drops. The level jumps were wildly inconsistent before, with all kind of odd numbers and large intervals.
  8. I'll have to quote Dimitriy on this: He did not list the entire set of functions but did mention that the '+' was replaced with a '=' in s2logic.dll, 1013D799 0345 0C ADD EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C] - original 1013D799 3B45 0C CMP EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C] - fixed With the result that, for example, a hit chance formula comparison would look like: The blueprint changes (so the line you quoted plus the adjacent changes in the log) are of my own devising, not code-related or even lifted from Addendum, so should be easily revised or even reverted if needed. Also this block of changes was done by me manually reviewing every bonusgroup and to my knowledge isn't replicated in any other mod, including EE and PFP:
  9. 2023 was actually a very busy year for D2F development, although I wasn't posting anything since the release of v15c in the spring. All through the summer and autumn, I worked on integrating code changes from Addendum courtesy Dimitriy. This was not a simple copy-paste but a reworking of several key code changes to suit the vision of D2F. Several other content additions are also featured. Then I hit a standstill about one year ago when we lost touch and development on D2F stopped. However, a LOT of work was completed, so I'm sharing the latest TEST release of Diablo 2 Fallen v16: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qUvt-v3P8W9DHz5Q8cJcuTYgiEahjqy/view?usp=sharing The change log is massive: Fair Warning: This test release does not have the same level of polish as previous official releases of the mod. There are several known technical issues and there may be even more that afflict you. I would suggest only loading new characters or a least making manual backups of your saves if you want to load D2F 15 heroes. Known Bugs:
  10. The latest edition of my mod for Van Helsing Final Cut, "Prometheus" is now available. This mod fully integrates the popular mods "Van Helsing Enhanced" and "Quest Fixes" for the ultimate experience. I've also leveled up my modding and figured out to add quests, restore dialogues and banters, plus lots of items from the original trilogy. This combined with the usual slew of fixes. Download it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/theincredibleadventuresofvanhelsingfinalcut/mods/2?tab=description
  11. I'll take note of this and adjust the value if/when v16 is released.
  12. You would need to append _small to the name of the large icon to construct the filename, and make sure the format is uncompressed TGA.
  13. Try "et_range_distance" , IIRC that one behaved differently and was not just a duplicate. What I always did was the reverse, I created a test creature and assigned it a test buff, then forced it to spawn in the arena and beat up on it. It's easier to control the tests when you're the attacker. Give the creature massive health or attack bare handed if you don't want it to die quickly. It's a lot more setup at the outset, but once complete you can keep the script entries on hand and easily swap out parameters for testing.
  14. It wouldn't be out of character for the Inquisitor to have an energy shield. He does have access to T Energy tech after all. Or, try adding the flat mitigation token to a different buff spellclass. Some spellclasses will be more friendly to unfamiliar tokens than others.
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