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Flix last won the day on December 15 2024

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    Sacred Mods and SacredWiki
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  1. It's possible there was a typo in your itemtype.txt file. I have seen this error whenever I made a mistake in editing item-related scripts in the "shared" folder.
  2. I think all you'd need to do is go into itemtype.txt, find the entry for the gun(s) and change these two lines: subfamily = "SUBFAM_PRI_ENERGY_PISTOL", classification = "CLF_ENERGY_PISTOL", to: subfamily = "SUBFAM_PRI_MAGESTAFF", classification = "CLF_MAGESTAFF", I would not hold a lot of hope that the animations will look very convincing but you never know.
  3. Yeah, if you did that, it would fire magic staff projectiles from the right-hand weapon, using the swinging animation that 1h staffs use, but at least it would be at a distance. The animations would probably also make the guns float in the air or clip through the hands or both.
  4. Just wanted to say thanks for your continued work in this area. The efforts are not going unnoticed.
  5. No sir. The closest possible thing would be to re-class guns as melee weapons, in which case your character would go club enemies over the head with the guns.
  6. One thing that isn't obvious is that the game uses two sets of cursors, depending on whether you have "Hardware Cursor" turned on in the Options menu. Try toggling this feature and see if it makes a difference.
  7. The reason this didn't work is because EE already edits those files, so your changes were being overridden by EE's cursors. You should never, ever overwrite the vanilla files in the pak folder. Instead, you should introduce your own changes as separate files in the pak folder that maintain the same folder structure as those in the zip files. This will allow you to override the originals without losing them forever. In this case you need to make the data/cursor folder inside your pak folder and put your changes in there.
  8. Hello. If you ever find out the answer to this, please let us know. I had to stop updating Reborn after version 3.2 which was the first version with HD widescreen but the last version before they started to alter the game beyond all recognition. Every time I play, I always think that the farthest zoom is too far away while the middle one is much too close. I would love a smooth incremental zoom.
  9. Lightsabers have always been Willpower-based. The SW gets a Willpower boost from Grim Resilience. If you want a similar Willpower boost for a Lightsaber Dryad, use Goldenglade Touch with the Persevere mod.
  10. Yeah, so what's happening there is the Seraphim model got re-processed and so did all of her armor, in order to remove the skin from the armor models - this allows custom base skins to work without needing to recolor hundreds of armor textures as well. An issue I had though is that after processing, Dimitriy had removed the animations from the cloth parts of those particular belts (an intentional change on his part to remove all vertex animation to improve performance). I was left with the choice of either using his processed belt models and have stiff, straight cloth that just hung down like boards, or else use the original belt models which clipped into her hips a bit but had the nice fluttery cloth. I went with the latter. Since you want to remove the belt cloth anyway, a solution might be to grab the belt models for the Angeldust sets (which includes Virtues set, Niokaste's set, and the random variants) from Dmitriy's Addendum mod and use those instead. Then you'd have the metal not clipping, and the cloth parts wouldn't matter since you'd presumably just erase the textures and make them transparent. Sorry it's not less complicated than that.
  11. I thought I shared the master LokaID list with you before, but here it is again if it may help: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10oCMnqKRq7rG6MUHRZ1asqd9KyRHepUQ/view?usp=sharing I think it lacks the Ice & Blood entries, but it has enough data to reverse engineer much of that. You can see the structure you're looking for is EA_XX_XXXXXX where the second segment is the two-character class abbreviation and the third segment is the aspect name.
  12. I would probably just erase the textures making them completely transparent. I think you're looking for the entry "sera-virtues-pelvisskirt_c" in surface.txt which would list the textures to hunt down and erase. You'd need to save them in dds or tga format to preserve the alpha channel.
  13. I agree with your approach there. I might gently suggest the Purist Fixpack in that case instead of CM Patch, as it contains many more fixes without the subjective changes like fan-made items and quests, and the interface overhaul. CM Patch became something larger than its original scope in the later releases, with a horde of new items and more fan quests, etc.. I'm not pointing fingers, as a lot of that was my own doing once I joined the project. I took Enhanced Edition even further in that direction, tweaking things to be more "fun and cool" (subjectively) while also fixing loads more stuff. I had the thought to make Purist Fixpack available, to be more strictly in line with only fixing bugged and broken things, and nothing else. As for some of the cool stuff in EE, Dmitriy did some work to add some new Energy Weapon models for Sacred 2, which you can see some previews of here: Khral's Sceptre also got a retexture as it was kind of low-res originally. Even better, in latest EE release, the weapon has the actual Noisy Cricket original design.
  14. This is what I would suggest as well. There are many ways to change it but changing the itemtype definition is probably the wisest. There's all kinds of additional Energy Weapon models you can find in Enhanced Edition that Dmitriy ported over.
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