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Eye of the Storm: a Hybrid Inquisitor Build

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hi all...I'm new in this forum...I'm italian...


I need to know one thing on this character... I try to use zeaulous doppelganger but my copy doesn't create another inquisitor...why:) I think that I've done any mistakes...can you help me?



The CA is supposed to create a "clone" of your character, but it will look like a ghost to you. He's sort of transparent but has the ability to use any of the same abilities you can use while he lasts. Note that when playing multiplayer, other players can see him fully, not as a ghost.


If its not functioning that way in your game, I expect you're experiencing a glitch.

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The CA is supposed to create a "clone" of your character, but it will look like a ghost to you. He's sort of transparent but has the ability to use any of the same abilities you can use while he lasts. Note that when playing multiplayer, other players can see him fully, not as a ghost.


If its not functioning that way in your game, I expect you're experiencing a glitch.


yes I know that it will look like a ghost...but my problem is that this "ghost" doesn't create more and more clones...I saw videos where there was 7 or 8 clones in the same moment!

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The CA is supposed to create a "clone" of your character, but it will look like a ghost to you. He's sort of transparent but has the ability to use any of the same abilities you can use while he lasts. Note that when playing multiplayer, other players can see him fully, not as a ghost.


If its not functioning that way in your game, I expect you're experiencing a glitch.


yes I know that it will look like a ghost...but my problem is that this "ghost" doesn't create more and more clones...I saw videos where there was 7 or 8 clones in the same moment!


Oh, well, that's a glitch and an exploit IMO, so I don't have much experience creating or using that "effect".


From my understanding, and based on how I know the doppelganger to function though, equipping items with a bonus to the ZD CA will cause him to use that CA more (works for any CA, but in this case, you want him to cast ZD, so look for that bonus on gear). Note that it only works for intrinsic bonuses on gear. In other words, only +ZD that comes already on a piece of gear will work to make him use that CA more; socketing items or runes with +ZD will have no effect. Giving him the AS aspect silver mod should also nudge him into using more AS CAs (including ZD).


I wouldn't expect this to be all that effective though if I were you. Just some things to keep in mind: the more time the Dopp (and his copies) spend standing around making copies of themselves, the less time they're doing something valuable, like fighting. Also note that it doesn't appear you get experience from kills made by the "extra doppelgangers", so even when they do help fight, its not so great. Also if you use soul reaver, they'll all steal souls from you which really lessens the effectiveness of that buff. Not to mention the burden (and annoyance) it places on the server and its population if you play multiplayer. I think this particular bug is one that's best used in single player, and even then only for the novelty of it, but the tips above should help you to get him to clone himself if ya wanna try it out. Enjoy...

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Question for MTCity and Zonc1:


GI Focus

Tactics Lore

Combat Discipline


Pick 2, and can you walk me through "the why" of the 2 you'd pick?


Assume your other skills are


AS Lore

NN Focus


Armor Lore

Dual Wield




Bargaining (hee hee, or NN lore which is what I picked)



Everytime I try to pick I talk myself out of my choice, and I just don't know enough about the game to know if I am crazy (to run 3 buffs with only 1 Lore + Concentration).


If I pick GI Focus, and Combat Discipline, then I lose the biggest modifier of of base weapon damage (which right now is pretty large compared to the CA damage, but I'm not sure if this changes)

If I pick GI, and Tactics Lore, then I lose cheap regen redcution, 3 CAs in a combo, and + to damage for ALL CAs

If I Pick Tactics Lore and Combat Discipline, then I get the damage, but all my CAs will be low (to [preserve regen times).




input appreciated

Edited by SolomonGrundy
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Sure. I chose Zealot (which increases duration of the SR bonuses) for bronze, Source (which decreases regen times of all CAs while you've got a soul consumed) for silver, and Soul Imbiber (Heal) for Gold. If you prefer, I'm sure you could get away without using the heal gold mod if you prefer to boost the duration again with the second zealot mod; I simply prefered the heal and for my playstyle, extra duration was not necessary.


Got it, many thanks.

Besides, I found that the damage of CAs doesn't powerful as I expected. Do you think so I need to eat some runes to power up CAs? (My inquisitor is level 65 now)

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SolomonGrundy take Tactics and GI Focus. Combat discipline would be nice if you didn't take AS Lore.


If you want to optimize melee damage or rely on it a good deal, this is certainly the way to go.


If you want to keep your damage up with spells, I'd go for GIF and CD, hands down. You don't need tactics for your melee to remain serviceable, but you'll need CD and high level PC to keep spell damage at its peak.


The gold mod for PC will help dictate choices like this to some degree as well, since with hallow, you can feel comfortable with your damage output even without the appropriate lore, so it'd be easy to ignore tactics. With Inure instead, you'll need to pay a bit more mind to keeping damage appropriately high so TL would become more attractive.


For the record, my previous Inquisitor had Inure, Tactics, and CD, but no GIF. His melee damage was still more than good enough. Once he got over early level growing pains, bosses never lasted more than 5-10 seconds. My newer one is performing better from the get go with the combination of Hallow, GIF, and CD, but no tactics. I'll update as he gets higher level.


I don't think you need CD in all cases, but I'd always prefer to have it. For a hybrid Inquisitor, I wouldn't want to play without it though so for me, it borders on required. 3 CA combos form a pretty central staple to the way I play the class. I suspect that without them, your AS combo will not keep up as well as it needs to to finish everything off (only 2 CAs instead of 3, although hallow will help there). Without hallow last time, I don't think 2 CA combos would have gotten the job done into niob, save one: CM+RM. I'd rather use a CM-RT-LA combo and keep my RM-CE combo completely separate.

Edited by MTCityHunter
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I'll be using hallow. (and Toughness, the Skill)


I'm not 100% set on picking Tactincs Lore and Combat Dscipline, but I'm strongly leaning that way now.


The reasoning is this: I won't need high ranks of PC if tactics lore improves the damage (as it says it does), that should keep my regen times down. And once CD is mastered, I'll get an additional 20% regen reduction for combos.


I modded soul reaver for % of CA with the source silver mod, and Displiged Spirit with "Stimulate" (energy stealer).


What makes me confident is this build, and the reply


AS Lore

AS focus



Armor Lore


Dual wield

NN lore

GI lore

Combat Discipline.


(only 1 focus)


NN Lore

NN focus

:) Something in the offence section


Armor Lore



AS lore

GI lore

Combat Discipline.


(only 1 focus)



Of course, I'm not sure what "GI lore" is, but I can assume it's tactics lore? Whatever it is, it is NOT a focus, so it is posisble to have regen times low, and have only 1 focus

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I'll be using hallow. (and Toughness, the Skill)


I'm not 100% set on picking Tactincs Lore and Combat Dscipline, but I'm strongly leaning that way now.


The reasoning is this: I won't need high ranks of PC if tactics lore improves the damage (as it says it does), that should keep my regen times down. And once CD is mastered, I'll get an additional 20% regen reduction for combos.


GIF is just as (or more) important for a high PC level as for high CA levels on the attack CAs. Having Tactics instead will be perfectly viable, but focus will provide a more well rounded damage boost than tactics, which will only apply to melee damage. Remember that extra melee damage that tactics provides can be made up to a large degree with higher CA levels with focus, with the added bonus of better secondary effects on those melee attacks as well as more spell damage due to higher PC level.

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GIF is just as (or more) important for a high PC level as for high CA levels on the attack CAs. Having Tactics instead will be perfectly viable, but focus will provide a more well rounded damage boost than tactics, which will only apply to melee damage. Remember that extra melee damage that tactics provides can be made up to a large degree with higher CA levels with focus, with the added bonus of better secondary effects on those melee attacks as well as more spell damage due to higher PC level.


And GI Focus would help drive down other regen times as well, which in turn means more runes of GI Aspect CAs can be used.


It's a no win situation. I'm NOT giving up toughness (Not with how hard bosses hit in this game), so something esle has got to give.


So let me ask a question: Does Tactics Lore defintely increase the +% from "Purge" and "Hallow?"

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It's a no win situation. I'm NOT giving up toughness (Not with how hard bosses hit in this game), so something esle has got to give.


So let me ask a question: Does Tactics Lore defintely increase the +% from "Purge" and "Hallow?"


I also wouldn't give up toughness unless you pick up Inure to compensate (which changes other things in turn).


I do not believe that tactics directly boosts the % bonuses provided by those mods (or any mods). To my knowledge, it provides its own %damage mod (and %crit) which applies to any attack (CA or normal attack) made with a weapon. I think its bonus works additively with the bonuses provided by things like purge, hallow, gear, etc, all of which together work back off the base weapon damage. I'm not 100% clear on the way the game combines modifiers though.


With GIF plus hallow/eradicate, you've effectively got all the effects of tactics lore already in place (except it applies to ALL attacks, not just those made with weapons) so if you're planning on using those, then to me the easy choice is to leave out tactics. Even without hallow, you'll still only need either tactics OR GIF to keep melee damage "good enough". Obviously, if you want to maximize melee damage, choosing GIF AND tactics (and hallow) would be the way to go, but its not like you'll do pathetic melee damage if you don't.


It still always comes back to what you want to emphasize in your build:

1) maximized melee - GIF/Tactics

2) hybrid or caster - GIF/CD (with hallow)

3) hybrid variant - Tactics/CD (with Inure)


In either case, I'm certain you could replace any of the skills with any of the other 2 and still make it work nicely, it'll simply skew your focus in another direction. For my build, which uses all 3 trees, and focuses on AS while maintaining powerful melee, the choice would be GIF and CD. For a build like Zonc1's where the focus is more on AS for support, leaving out CD is the more optimal choice (although like he said, the more optimal choice would have been to include CD but leave out AS Lore). The only situation I can see where leaving out GIF and choosing CD with tactics would be optimal would be if you wanted to use Inure instead of hallow, but still wanted to run a hybrid build (I.e. - my original build).

Edited by MTCityHunter
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Well, I can't leave out AS Lore, that would leave me without a way to Mod the CAs.


I think at L35, I will chose GI Focus. Both you and Zonc recommended it, and Hopefully this will mean I can stop pumping concentration at 75 in favor of putting points into other Skills.


I noticed two builds from the Sacred 2 site have only a single Focus. That says to me it can be done, but with my first cahracter, better to play it safe, then have and have a useable character in niob.

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Well, I can't leave out AS Lore, that would leave me without a way to Mod the CAs.


I think at L35, I will chose GI Focus. Both you and Zonc recommended it, and Hopefully this will mean I can stop pumping concentration at 75 in favor of putting points into other Skills.


I noticed two builds from the Sacred 2 site have only a single Focus. That says to me it can be done, but with my first cahracter, better to play it safe, then have and have a useable character in niob.


Don't worry about it so much. If its your first character, you're going to make mistakes, and some decisions you'll end up regretting. You could probably make a build with any combination of skills work (if a horse build that uses no CAs and all the general skills can work...and it can...anything can work). It won't necessarily be optimal, but every skill has certain advantages (except blacksmithing on consoles). All 3 of the ones we're talking about here are solid skills, and won't make or break the build, IMO the three options I laid out above simply provide the more optimal route for that playstyle.


Just have fun, figure out the way you most enjoy playing a character, then try to optimize for that playstyle.

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Well, I can't leave out AS Lore, that would leave me without a way to Mod the CAs.


I think at L35, I will chose GI Focus. Both you and Zonc recommended it, and Hopefully this will mean I can stop pumping concentration at 75 in favor of putting points into other Skills.


I noticed two builds from the Sacred 2 site have only a single Focus. That says to me it can be done, but with my first cahracter, better to play it safe, then have and have a useable character in niob.


Don't worry about it so much. If its your first character, you're going to make mistakes, and some decisions you'll end up regretting. You could probably make a build with any combination of skills work (if a horse build that uses no CAs and all the general skills can work...and it can...anything can work). It won't necessarily be optimal, but every skill has certain advantages (except blacksmithing on consoles). All 3 of the ones we're talking about here are solid skills, and won't make or break the build, IMO the three options I laid out above simply provide the more optimal route for that playstyle.


Just have fun, figure out the way you most enjoy playing a character, then try to optimize for that playstyle.


So I turned level 35, cranked 9 skill points into PC, and modded all the way up to gold. Then ate the 8 PC runes I had been saving up. (totaly skill level 8)


Hallow does not seem to double up magic damage. With 8 ranks and the "mystic" bronze mod, there should be a a +34% increase in magic damage. Accordingly IS damage went from 72 to 99 (which is a 37.5%, close enough that I call it rounding error), I assumed it woulf go to 78% This is the 360 version.


Am I doing the math wrong? This is pretty frustating is the doubling of magic damage is why I took hallow



My other problem seems to be defense. I assumed that being in Bronze and Invensting in Armor lore basically meant a cake walk. But even with 14 hard points in armor lore (17 total), and dilligent attention to using the right relics, 2 of the last 3 bosses - Caranach, and Gargantuan, have killed me (good thing this isn't console hardcore). Am I just playing this game wrong? 940ish total armor, with 384 in physical. How much armor am I supposed to ahve to be "well defended"


I know you said to have fun, but it can be hard when the bosses are killing you (in bronze!), and the mods don't work as expected.


PS: leveling does not seem to help as the bosses level with you.

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Hallow works like any ordinary +dmg% mofifier, so the math is correct.


As for surivial, it's pretty tough at early lvls. Farm bosses that don't kill you (kobold chief drops set items and he's easy), socket +armor blacksmith arts, take Inure for PC. Find the Sarakis belt and Insignia of Deference (with phys mitigation) and Cowl of Catharsis armor. Boost constitution up to your char level. Use soul reaver and reverse polarity, PC for bosses.

No toughness will make things much harder unfortunately, this why I opted for "no NN lore".I made it to level 132, and I haven't been saying all things about survival with no basis. Inquisitor is hard to play, no cookie cutter builds.

This is how it should look like: http://www.sacred2.net/#/char.html?char=292281 (don't mind the dead count it's not becouse he's fragile :))

Edited by Zonc1
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Hallow works like any ordinary +dmg% mofifier, so the math is correct.


ok, so - where is my +78% damage?


As for surivial, it's pretty tough at early lvls. Farm bosses that don't kill you (kobold chief drops set items and he's easy), socket +armor blacksmith arts, take Inure for PC.


I already took Hallow!


Find the Sarakis belt and Insignia of Deference (with phys mitigation) and Cowl of Catharsis armor. Boost constitution up to your char level. Use soul reaver and reverse polarity, PC for bosses.

No toughness will make things much harder unfortunately, this why I opted for "no NN lore".


I'll be taking toughness at level 50, I omitted bargaining.

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Do you have any other damage modifiers on your gear? what about skills? this is where the answer is.


base damage 100, new dmg modifier +50% = total dmg 150

base dmg 100, dmg modifier +50% + another new dmg modifier +50% = NOT 150 + 50% but only 200 (100 + 100%)

Edited by Zonc1
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Do you have any other damage modifiers on your gear? what about skills? this is where the answer is.


base damage 100, new dmg modifier +50% = total dmg 150

base dmg 100, dmg modifier +50% + another new dmg modifier +50% = NOT 150 + 50% but only 200 (100 + 100%)


Ahh, so this will just add to other % damage modifiers, so if I have ranks of NN Lore, which increases damage %, then I will not see a direct improvement.




(now I'm thinking I should have taken hallow)

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Do you have any other damage modifiers on your gear? what about skills? this is where the answer is.


base damage 100, new dmg modifier +50% = total dmg 150

base dmg 100, dmg modifier +50% + another new dmg modifier +50% = NOT 150 + 50% but only 200 (100 + 100%)


Ahh, so this will just add to other % damage modifiers, so if I have ranks of NN Lore, which increases damage %, then I will not see a direct improvement.




(now I'm thinking I should have taken hallow)



Yeah, all damage modifiers are additive as far as I'm aware, meaning the game sums them all up then applies them once. Hallow is still very powerful as with high (even moderate) PC levels, it'll almost certainly be your single highest modifier. Say you get +150% damage from Lore, +150% damage from Hallow, and another +70% damage from gear, with a base damage on the relevant CA of 2000. Your expected damage (ignoring resistances/crits) would be 2000*(1+1.5+1.5+0.7)=9401. Note that the actual damage you see won't match and will usually be lower due to enemy mitigation/armor/etc. Also, things like combat discipline apply as well, but apply differently depending on the CA type.


Survivability is definitely the Achilles' heel of the Inquisitor class. They start out very squishy. Without good gear to help (those pieces Zonc1 mentioned are golden) lower levels can be especially hard in comparison to other classes. This is why I've recommended Inure to newer players or those without shared stash gear support; it starts very powerful and gets you through those "growing pains" levels. That's not to say that you shouldn't have picked hallow, but I'd move up your defensive skills to compensate since you did.


IMO, to have a decent shot at surviving throughout the game, an Inquisitor needs armor lore and constitution mastered asap, and on top of that is going to need either toughness -or- Inure. That's a bare minimum IMO, any less and I think deaths are inevitable. With the route you're on, I'd simply suggest trying to get AL, Con, and Toughness caught up to your level in as quick a fashion as possible (using +all skills helps as well), and until then, try farming easier bosses/zones for gear/experience like Zonc1 suggested.


*edit* Also, people tend to discount armor value on gear. If you've got a piece that looks slightly inferior to another one with respect to bonuses/sockets, but has 2-3 times as much armor, its actually going to be better IMO. I don't know what specific armor values are appropriate for different levels, but try to get as much as you can without gimping your offense. The more base armor/defense you've got, the more you gain from the armor/defense BS art. More armor and mitigation should do the trick to reduce how hard any individual hit hits you.


The other thing you can do is try to get at least a little bit of all the % damage avoidance stats: reflect, evade, and block (along with plain old +defense, which will come naturally). The game checks each one separately to see if an attack makes it through, so its better to have some of each (and force multiple "checks") than a lot of just one. RP should take care of reflect (although more from gear isn't bad), so if you don't have any already, try to get some block and evade. That should help you reduce how often you're being hit.


*edit2* Oh, and if you start getting desperate, you can always try to get the regen on IS down to where you can spam it, and bosses become no threat at all. Combo it with DS and CE and just use it over and over again. IMO, this takes all the fun out of boss fights, but it can definitely be effective (probably TOO effective) if you need it to be.


Sorry for the delayed response. My home computer is still broken so I'm stuck in my bubble on weekends :4rofl:

Edited by MTCityHunter
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Do you have any other damage modifiers on your gear? what about skills? this is where the answer is.


base damage 100, new dmg modifier +50% = total dmg 150

base dmg 100, dmg modifier +50% + another new dmg modifier +50% = NOT 150 + 50% but only 200 (100 + 100%)


Ahh, so this will just add to other % damage modifiers, so if I have ranks of NN Lore, which increases damage %, then I will not see a direct improvement.




(now I'm thinking I should have taken hallow)



Yeah, all damage modifiers are additive as far as I'm aware, meaning the game sums them all up then applies them once. Hallow is still very powerful as with high (even moderate) PC levels, it'll almost certainly be your single highest modifier. Say you get +150% damage from Lore, +150% damage from Hallow, and another +70% damage from gear, with a base damage on the relevant CA of 2000. Your expected damage (ignoring resistances/crits) would be 2000*(1+1.5+1.5+0.7)=9401. Note that the actual damage you see won't match and will usually be lower due to enemy mitigation/armor/etc. Also, things like combat discipline apply as well, but apply differently depending on the CA type.


Survivability is definitely the Achilles' heel of the Inquisitor class. They start out very squishy. Without good gear to help (those pieces Zonc1 mentioned are golden) lower levels can be especially hard in comparison to other classes. This is why I've recommended Inure to newer players or those without shared stash gear support; it starts very powerful and gets you through those "growing pains" levels. That's not to say that you shouldn't have picked hallow, but I'd move up your defensive skills to compensate since you did.


IMO, to have a decent shot at surviving throughout the game, an Inquisitor needs armor lore and constitution mastered asap, and on top of that is going to need either toughness -or- Inure. That's a bare minimum IMO, any less and I think deaths are inevitable. With the route you're on, I'd simply suggest trying to get AL, Con, and Toughness caught up to your level in as quick a fashion as possible (using +all skills helps as well), and until then, try farming easier bosses/zones for gear/experience like Zonc1 suggested.


*edit* Also, people tend to discount armor value on gear. If you've got a piece that looks slightly inferior to another one with respect to bonuses/sockets, but has 2-3 times as much armor, its actually going to be better IMO. I don't know what specific armor values are appropriate for different levels, but try to get as much as you can without gimping your offense. The more base armor/defense you've got, the more you gain from the armor/defense BS art. More armor and mitigation should do the trick to reduce how hard any individual hit hits you.


The other thing you can do is try to get at least a little bit of all the % damage avoidance stats: reflect, evade, and block (along with plain old +defense, which will come naturally). The game checks each one separately to see if an attack makes it through, so its better to have some of each (and force multiple "checks") than a lot of just one. RP should take care of reflect (although more from gear isn't bad), so if you don't have any already, try to get some block and evade. That should help you reduce how often you're being hit.


*edit2* Oh, and if you start getting desperate, you can always try to get the regen on IS down to where you can spam it, and bosses become no threat at all. Combo it with DS and CE and just use it over and over again. IMO, this takes all the fun out of boss fights, but it can definitely be effective (probably TOO effective) if you need it to be.


Sorry for the delayed response. My home computer is still broken so I'm stuck in my bubble on weekends :)


No worries, I totally appreciate the reply.

So yeah, I started a high elf, and her armor is...impressive. She is far less squishy at level...30? Than the Inquisitor is at level 36. I'm a little upset that she died while I was afk. I was in a town...eh...


So back to the Inquisitor. Armor Lore is 14, Con is 18, toughness at level 50 *sigh* but I looked at his armor and he is *200* physical off from the elf, who has armor lore 8. YOu can never spam IS, since it locks you down, too. The whole "eat 1 rune thing is keeping the damage low too. Anyway, I am considering redoing him, since I believe he cannot be effective as he is over leveled and under powered (due to early stage hybridiszating)

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At early levels, constitution is far more useful than mitigation. DM works wonders when it exceeds 50%, but in small numbers it's less useful than pure HP and armor. What is your reflection rate from RP ?

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No worries, I totally appreciate the reply.

So yeah, I started a high elf, and her armor is...impressive. She is far less squishy at level...30? Than the Inquisitor is at level 36. I'm a little upset that she died while I was afk. I was in a town...eh...


So back to the Inquisitor. Armor Lore is 14, Con is 18, toughness at level 50 *sigh* but I looked at his armor and he is *200* physical off from the elf, who has armor lore 8. YOu can never spam IS, since it locks you down, too. The whole "eat 1 rune thing is keeping the damage low too. Anyway, I am considering redoing him, since I believe he cannot be effective as he is over leveled and under powered (due to early stage hybridiszating)


HE is fun too, but I had to give up on mine because my PS3 hates her (constant hard freezes, which I don't experience nearly as much on any other class). C'est la vie.


Sounds to me like the armor discrepancies are at least in part due to gear choices you've made. For example, you're going to have very low armor with robes, hoods, and anything from Deylan's Set. OTOH, if you get stuff like Ilgard's set pieces or Cowl of Catharsis, etc, there's loads of armor on those. High armor on gear is important, try not to neglect it.


As for IS, I've never used it for damage, but if you're trying to rely on it in that way early on, you'll probably be disappointed because of its inherently high regen time. As you've noticed, to get its regen down, you can't eat runes early on, so its damage isn't as good (not that its channeled damage is exceptional anyway, but try using it on stuff like the demons towards the end of the main quest...they hit really hard). You can actually effectively spam it (or a combo its in) later on. As you level up, the regen gets much more reasonable; my last Inquisitor had it around 1-2 seconds eventually which is much lower than the duration of the "lockdown". He could reapply while the beam was still up if he cared to.


A combo of IS-DS-CE (or MP) is a really nice way to use it because it all but ensures the target dies from the melee hits at the end, meaning you get a ghost and can move on to the next target (regen on hit helps here also since the 2 hits will regen the combo making it ready to use once more right away). On a boss, the regen on hit lets you start the combo over before the beam ends even with higher regen values.


All that said, if you feel like you want to re-start you should do it now. Anything you're unhappy with about the character is just going to eat at you as you get higher in level...

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At early levels, constitution is far more useful than mitigation. DM works wonders when it exceeds 50%, but in small numbers it's less useful than pure HP and armor. What is your reflection rate from RP ?


oh, really? I thought toughness increased your armor score too, so armor+HP+reduction = better defense...

My reflect is pretty low, since I don't have focus, and I am reluctant to eat runes and mess up my regen times.




HE is fun too, but I had to give up on mine because my PS3 hates her (constant hard freezes, which I don't experience nearly as much on any other class). C'est la vie.


ug. that sucks.


Sounds to me like the armor discrepancies are at least in part due to gear choices you've made. For example, you're going to have very low armor with robes, hoods, and anything from Deylan's Set. OTOH, if you get stuff like Ilgard's set pieces or Cowl of Catharsis, etc, there's loads of armor on those. High armor on gear is important, try not to neglect it.


Ha ha ha - yeah...I have no set/uniques.. . Trust me, with 14 Armor lore and 30+ concentration, I would be more than happy to try on heavy armor.


As for IS, I've never used it for damage, but if you're trying to rely on it in that way early on, you'll probably be disappointed because of its inherently high regen time. As you've noticed, to get its regen down, you can't eat runes early on, so its damage isn't as good (not that its channeled damage is exceptional anyway, but try using it on stuff like the demons towards the end of the main quest...they hit really hard). You can actually effectively spam it (or a combo its in) later on. As you level up, the regen gets much more reasonable; my last Inquisitor had it around 1-2 seconds eventually which is much lower than the duration of the "lockdown". He could reapply while the beam was still up if he cared to.



wait, you can fire the beam if the regen is lower than the duration? what? what? what?


A combo of IS-DS-CE (or MP) is a really nice way to use it because it all but ensures the target dies from the melee hits at the end, meaning you get a ghost and can move on to the next target (regen on hit helps here also since the 2 hits will regen the combo making it ready to use once more right away). On a boss, the regen on hit lets you start the combo over before the beam ends even with higher regen values.


Meh, I can't hit bosses, attack rating is too low. This game is pretty hard when you get right down too it.


All that said, if you feel like you want to re-start you should do it now. Anything you're unhappy with about the character is just going to eat at you as you get higher in level...


Oh, if he could make it to 75 I think he would be great. but he is ***strugling*** in Bronze. and that's pathetic. The ice elf housed bronze so hard, I was not quite sure what to do. ice elf is now level 34 without even trying. Probably take ancient magic @ cause "why not"


Tried a temple guardian, FWIW, that went poorly too. On the other hand, I have a new "switch buff" strategy for the inquisitor.

Reverse Polarity, Soul Reaver for mobs - you know I thought Soul Reaver give am Attrack/Def bonus even when you had no souls?

Reverse polarity, Purifying Chastisement for the boss.

Edited by SolomonGrundy
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wait, you can fire the beam if the regen is lower than the duration? what? what? what?


Well, I'm not 100% sure whether it was as simple as getting the regen low enough or whether regen on hit was somehow enabling me to circumvent being locked down for the duration, but yes, I was definitely able to restart the combo before it was over.



Meh, I can't hit bosses, attack rating is too low. This game is pretty hard when you get right down too it.


I stack a lot of gear with -enemy chance to evade and +chance that enemy cannot evade. Even with a lowish attack value, they do wonders. Later on (once modded), you can use PD+FF to boost your attack rating sky high.


Oh, if he could make it to 75 I think he would be great. but he is ***strugling*** in Bronze. and that's pathetic. The ice elf housed bronze so hard, I was not quite sure what to do. ice elf is now level 34 without even trying. Probably take ancient magic @ cause "why not"


Tried a temple guardian, FWIW, that went poorly too. On the other hand, I have a new "switch buff" strategy for the inquisitor.

Reverse Polarity, Soul Reaver for mobs - you know I thought Soul Reaver give am Attrack/Def bonus even when you had no souls?

Reverse polarity, Purifying Chastisement for the boss.


That's good strategy w/r/t the buffs. SR doesn't help on bosses, so may as well use PC instead. I use PC and RP all the way to 75, but there's nothing wrong with using SR instead of PC so long as your AS damage is getting the Area of Effect job done (and at early levels it certainly should be). Just don't get too used to all those bonuses SR provides to the point where they become a crutch.


Inquisitor is a tough class to stay alive with early on, no doubt about it. It definitely gets better, but don't feel too bad about it, although yeah, bronze probably shouldn't be putting up a ton of resistance. TG is still the one class I've not played much of past nooby levels, but from what I understand, they're on the difficult side as well.


How many mobs do you ordinarily pull? Try not to get in over your head until you get more comfortable with the class. Grabbing 50 mobs and blowing them up simultaneously is tons of fun, but you can't just stand there and let them group up on you either. The trick is staying in motion avoiding as many attacks as possible while forcing the enemies to group up for the Area of Effect bomb. Running in roughly circular patterns just out of the enemies' reach works well for me until I'm ready to attack. If you aren't comfortable with all of that, taking enemies as they come in the small groups of 2-4 may work better for you, in which case, melee will also be a more efficient way to deal with them.

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